=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1208/paper7 |storemode=property |title=Local reasoning in dynamic games |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1208/paper7.pdf |volume=Vol-1208 }} ==Local reasoning in dynamic games== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1208/paper7.pdf
                 Local Reasoning in Dynamic Games
                                   Andrés Perea and Elias Tsakasy
                                      Maastricht University

                                Extended abstract
    Workshop on “Reasoning about other minds: Logical and cognitive perspectives”

          In the theory of dynamic games, it is often assumed that players reason about all stages
      in the game. In this paper we relax this assumption, by allowing players to only reason about
      some stages in the game –not all. We take the forward induction concept of common strong
      belief in rationality (Battigalli and Siniscalchi (2002)) and adapt it to this framework. We
      also present an algorithm that yields precisely those conditional beliefs and strategies that
      are allowed by the concept we propose.

1    Introduction
Beliefs play a crucial role in the analysis of dynamic games. Indeed, if a player must make a
choice at a certain stage in the game, then it is important for him to …rst form a belief about
the opponents’strategy choices. Moreover, if his previous belief has been contradicted by some
of the opponents’choices in the past, then it is important to know how this player would revise
his belief under such circumstances.
    In game theory it is often assumed –either implicitly or explicitly –that players in a dynamic
game can reason about all possible stages in the game when forming their beliefs. Consider,
for instance, the forward induction concept of extensive-form rationalizability (Pearce (1984)),
which has later been given an epistemic characterization in Battigalli and Siniscalchi (2002))
through the notion of common strong belief in rationality. The central idea in this concept is
that a player, whenever possible, must believe that his opponents are choosing strategies that
are optimal for them at every stage of the game where they have to move. We say that the
player strongly believes in his opponents’rationality. By imposing this condition, it is implicitly
assumed that a player always reasons about all possible stages in the game, as a player must
    Presenter (if accepted) and corresponding author. Address: EpiCenter and Dept. of Quantitative Economics
E-mail: a.perea@maastrichtuniversity.nl
    EpiCenter and Dept. of Economics. E-mail: e.tsakas@maastrichtuniversity.nl

always verify whether for every opponent there exists a strategy which (a) is compatible with
the history that has been observed so far, and (b) is optimal for that opponent at every stage
of the game.
    The aim of this paper is to relax this assumption, by allowing the players in a dynamic
game to only reason about some stages in the game –not all. Relaxing this assumption seems
important for several reasons. First, it may be cognitively too demanding for a player to reason
about all stages of the game, especially when the game is large. It may also be that some
stages in the game seem more relevant than other stages, and that a player deliberately chooses
to only reason about these stages in the game. Finally, there are some reasoning concepts in
game theory that require a player to only actively reason about some stages of the game –
not all. Take, for instance, the backward induction concepts of subgame perfect equilibrium
(Selten (1965)), sequential equilibrium (Kreps and Wilson (1982)) and common belief in future
rationality (Perea (2014), see also Baltag, Smets and Svesper (2009) and Penta (2009)). These
concepts either implicitly or explicitly assume that players are completely forward looking, in
the sense that they only critically reason about the stages that lie ahead, and not about choices
that have been made in the past.
    Our formal approach is that we assume, for every player i; and every history h where player i
has to move, some collection Fi (h) of stages, representing the stages that player i reasons about
when he …nds himself at h: We then take Battigalli and Siniscalchi’s (2002) notion of common
strong belief in rationality as a bechmark model, and adapt this concept to the assumption that
player i; at h; only reasons about the stages in Fi (h):
    More precisely, let F be the “reasoning mapping”, which assigns to every player i; and to
every history h where player i is active, the collection Fi (h) of histories that player i reasons
about when he is at h. We say that player i strongly believes in the opponents’rationality relative
to F if at every history h where player i is active, player i believes – whenever possible – that
his opponents choose rationally at all stages in Fi (h), but not necessarily at stages not in Fi (h):
That is, player i always believes – whenever possible – that his opponents choose optimally at
those stages he actually reasons about.
    If we choose F such that it always includes all histories –so if we assume that players always
reason about all stages –then this de…nition reduces to Battigalli and Siniscalchi’s (2002) notion
of strong belief in rationality. If, on the other hand, Fi (h) only includes histories that follow h –
that is, if players only reason about future stages at any point in time –then we obtain Perea’s
(2014) notion of belief in the opponents’ future rationality. But our de…nition allows for much
more variants, as we are completely ‡exible in choosing the stages that players reasons about.
    Suppose now we do not only require that players strongly believe in the opponents’rationality
relative to F; but in addition also impose that players – whenever possible – believe that the
opponents themselves also strongly believe in their opponents’ rationality relative to F: This
is called two-fold strong belief in rationality relative to F: In a similar vain we can recursively
de…ne k-fold strong belief in rationality relative to F , for every k: We say that a player expresses
common strong belief in rationality relative to F if he expresses k-fold strong belief in rationality

relative to F; for every k:
    This concept, which is at the heart of our paper, contains forward induction reasoning and
backward induction reasoning as special cases. Indeed, if we choose F such that it always
contains all histories, then common strong belief in rationality relative to F is equivalent to
plain common strong belief in rationality, as de…ned by Battigalli and Siniscalchi (2002), which
is a forward induction concept. If we choose F such that Fi (h) only contains stages that follow
h; then the concept reduces to common belief in future rationality, as developed in Perea (2014),
which is a typical backward induction concept. Here, by “forward induction” we mean a type
of reasoning in which a player –whenever possible –tries to …nd a rational explanation for the
choices that his opponents have made in the past. “Backward induction”, in contrast, represents
a type of reasoning in which a player does not actively reason about the opponents’past choices,
but instead focuses completely on the game that lies ahead. But our concept allows for many
other interesting cases as well, by choosing di¤erent options for the F:
    We then proceed by o¤ering an algorithm, which we call the iterated conditional dominance
procedure relative to F , which delivers as an output precisely those conditional beliefs and those
strategy choices that are possible under common strong belief in rationality relative to F: The
algorithm starts by designing for every history h in the game, and for every player i who is active
at h; the full decision problem for i at h: This full decision problem consists of (a) the possible
strategies that i can choose at h; and (b) the possible strategy combinations that his opponents
can choose at h: We refer to (a) as the possible decisions, and to (b) as the possible beliefs that i
can hold at h: In every further step of the algorithm, we keep at every history h only those beliefs
that –whenever possible –prescribe non-eliminated decisions for the opponents at all histories
in Fi (h): Subsequently, we keep at h only those decisions that are optimal for a non-eliminated
belief at h: We keep removing beliefs and decisions in this way until no further eliminations
are possible. The algorithm is shown to always terminate within …nitely many steps, and is
relatively easy to apply.
    If we choose F such that it always contain all histories, then the algorithm is equivalent
to Shimoji and Watson’s (1998) iterated conditional dominance procedure, which characterizes
Battigalli and Siniscalchi’s concept of common strong belief in rationality. On the other hand, if
Fi (h) only includes histories that follow h; then the algorithm reduces to Perea’s (2014) backward
dominance procedure, which characterizes the concept of common belief in future rationality.

[1] Baltag, A., Smets, S. and J.A. Zvesper (2009), Keep ‘hoping’ for rationality: a solution
    to the backward induction paradox, Synthese 169, 301–333 (Knowledge, Rationality and
    Action 705–737).

[2] Battigalli, P. and M. Siniscalchi (2002), Strong belief and forward induction reasoning, Jour-
    nal of Economic Theory 106, 356–391.

[3] Kreps, D.M. and R. Wilson (1982), Sequential equilibria, Econometrica 50, 863–94.

[4] Pearce, D.G. (1984), Rationalizable strategic behavior and the problem of perfection, Econo-
    metrica 52, 1029–1050.

[5] Penta, A. (2009), Robust dynamic mechanism design, Manuscript, University of Pennsylva-

[6] Perea, A. (2014), Belief in the opponents’future rationality, Games and Economic Behavior
    83, 231–254.

[7] Selten, R. (1965), Spieltheoretische Behandlung eines Oligopolmodells mit Nachfragezeit,
    Zeitschrift für die Gesammte Staatswissenschaft 121, 301–324, 667–689.

[8] Shimoji, M. and J. Watson (1998), Conditional dominance, rationalizability, and game forms,
    Journal of Economic Theory 83, 161–195.
