=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1211/paper10 |storemode=property |title=R2E: Rule-based Event Extractor |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1211/paper10.pdf |volume=Vol-1211 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ruleml/DutkiewiczNJ14 }} ==R2E: Rule-based Event Extractor== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1211/paper10.pdf
                   R2E: Rule-based Event Extractor

                 Jakub Dutkiewicz, Maciej Nowak, Czeslaw Jedrzejek

                      Institute of Control and Information Engineering,
                              Poznan University of Technology,
                    M. Sklodowskiej-Curie Sqr. 5, 60-965 Poznan, Poland

       Abstract. In this paper we present a rule-based method of event extraction from
       the natural language. We use the Stanford dependency parser in order to build a
       relation graph of elements from input text. This structure along with serialized
       extraction frames is converted into a set of facts. We describe a process of crea-
       tion of application of rules, which aims to match elements from the text with
       corresponding slots in the extraction frames. A possible match is derived by the
       comparison of verbal phrases from the text with lexicalizations of anchors (con-
       stituting the most important part of each frame) stored in an ontology. The rest
       of the extraction frame is filled with other elements of the dependency graph,
       with regard to their semantic type (determined by lexicalizations of allowed types
       defined in frames and ontology) and their grammatical properties. We describe
       conversions required to create a consistent knowledge base of text phrases, clas-
       sification of semantic types and instantiated slots from the extraction frames. We
       use the Drools engine in order to extract events from such a knowledge base.

       Keywords: event extraction, natural language processing, frames

1      Introduction

        Event extraction is the induction of n-ary relations from natural language texts.
Some event extraction systems focus on the text coverage – the more events extracted
the better. There exist ACE and ERE [1] annotation standards specified by Entities,
Relations and Events. Many different strategies for finding event word triggers and slot
filling have been applied. Slot filling has been a topic of the Knowledge Base Popula-
tion (KBP) 2013 task [4] within the Text Analysis Conference workshops that provide
the infrastructure for large-scale evaluation of Natural Language Processing technol-
ogy. All of the mentioned approaches accept events which are semantically nonsensi-
cal. The famous Chomsky’s problem of “the colorless green ideas which sleep furi-
ously” remains untouched.
        Here, we present a specific event extraction methodology for the English lan-
guage which partially solves this problem. We use sets of acceptable semantic classes
for event arguments, which are stored within frames. A frame is defined as a pair (R,
S), where R is a semantic type of frame, and S is a set of its slots. Every slot in S is
defined as a pair (Ri, T), where Ri is the relation, and T is a list of allowed semantic
types for this slot. Frame languages are fundamental for annotation [1], event extraction
[2] and querying [3].
       In this paper the semantic types of frames and slots are expressed as facts derived
from ontology. The method is an extension of the one dedicated to the Polish language
and presented in [5, 6]. Here, the algorithm [6] is transformed into a set of rules dedi-
cated to a stage of processing.

1.1    Note on the Definitions
    To simplify notation, we use the number sign (#) to denote entities within a semantic
data model; the italic font style to denote predicates; the quotation marks to denote
literals; a language of literals is attached after “@” sign in an abbreviated form; e.g.
#Policeman is a semantic class but “Policeman”@en is the English literal. We use
round brackets to express statements, e.g. #hasLex(#Policeman, “Policeman”@en).
Throughout the paper we use the shorten version of Drools syntax by omitting names
of attributes in rules and facts statements. It is due to the space limitations.

2      The System Architecture and its Components

   The extraction system consists of four major elements: a taxonomically structured
dictionary, a dependency parser, an extraction frames container and a reasoning module
equipped with extraction rules. The detailed architecture of the dictionary data is de-
scribed in section 2.1. We use the Stanford dependency parser [8], a transformation of
the parser output into facts is straightforward. An example of this transformation is
presented in section 2.2. A specific description of the extraction frames stored in the
extraction frame container is presented in section 2.3. A detailed explanation of extrac-
tion rules is described in section 2.4. The architecture of the system as implemented in
the R2E (Rule-based extraction tool) is illustrated in Fig. 1.
                            Fig. 1.The R2E tool architecture

2.1    Dictionary Data

   Dictionary data are a set of statements used for an event extraction. An initial dic-
tionary is created with use of the T-box of the ontology. Class #Thing is the root of
dictionary. #Event, #IsA and #HasLex classes are required as those classes are technical
core of the dictionary. The dictionary uses two binary relations – the taxonomical sub-
sumption relation expressed by the #isA relation and the lexicalization relation ex-
pressed by the #hasLex relation. Both a subject and an object of the #isA relation are
classes. A subject of the #hasLex relation is a class, and an object is a literal with a
specified language. Together they compose the lexicalization of the class. There are
two special technical languages, which have the special meaning –the language @NER
and the language @RegExp. The language @NER is used in order to express named
entities. Literals in the @RegExp language indicate lexicalizations of classes. The lit-
erals in @NER and @RegExp languages are handled by dedicated subprograms.

  Table 1 The set of predicates within the basic dictionary.
 Subject             Predicate          Object
 #Event              #isA               #Thing
 #Thing              #hasLex            “([0-9]|[aA-zZ])*”@RegExp
 #Event              #hasLex            “event”@en
 #IsA                #isA               #Event
 #IsA                #hasLex            “be”@en
 #HasLex             #hasLex            “lexicalize”@en
   The initial dictionary contains a meta-language vocabulary. This vocabulary is suf-
ficient for extending the dictionary. To extract events, the dictionary needs to contain
event specific data, which consist of the definition of the event itself as well as a vo-
cabulary for the constraints of the event. Extension of the dictionary for the “Distribu-
tion” event is presented in Tab. 2.

  Table 2 Extension of the #Distributing event for the basic dictionary.
 Subject           Predicate           Object
 #Distributing     #isA                #Event
 #Distributing     #hasLex             “distribute”@en
 #Distributing     #hasLex             “sell”@en
 #Inanimate        #isA                #Thing
 #Product          #isA                #Inanimate
 #Product          #hasLex             “product”@en
 #Organization     #isA                #Thing
 # Organization    #hasLex             “ORGANIZATION”@NER

The vocabulary in Tab. 1 and Tab. 2 is sufficient for extracting events of distributing
some goods as long as a subject of this event is recognized by the named entity recog-
nition subsystem correctly.

2.2    Transformation of the Stanford Dependency Output into Facts.

   The Stanford dependency parser output is specified in [8]. Each dependency is de-
scribed as a binary relation, where the relation name is equal to type of dependency and
attributes of the relation are equal to textual values of tokens within the sentence. Lit-
erals which express attributes consist of two parts – the actual literal, which appeared
in the text; and an identifier which is equal to the position of this literal in the text.
There is an empty line in between sentences.

   We transform a dependency output format into contextual facts. Each dependency is
transformed into a dependency predicate. The actual dependency type and its arguments
are stored as arguments of this predicate. A position of the arguments in the sentences
stored as a separate argument. On top of that, we store contextual information in the
arguments of this predicate. We use two types of contexts. The first one is the technical
processing context. The separate context of this type should be used for each message.
The second context is the sentence context. Dependencies obtained from one sentence
have the same context of this type. The template of the transformed dependency is
shown below:
   dependency(type, argument1, position1, argument2, position2, processingContext,

   This pattern lets us conveniently design extraction rules and control the activation of
certain rules. A transformation process is implemented in Java. Transformed depend-
encies of a sample message are presented in Tab. 3.
   Table 3. A sample transformation of dependencies

Input message     Man kidnapped woman. Terrorist kidnapped prime minister.
Initial context   processing-context(“ext”)
Output            nsubj(kidnapped-2, Man-1)
Dependencies      root(ROOT-0, kidnapped-2)
                  dobj(kidnapped-2, woman-3)

                  nsubj(kidnapped-2, Terrorist-1)
                  root(ROOT-0, kidnapped-2)
                  amod(minister-4, prime-3)
                  dobj(kidnapped-2, minister-4)
Transformed       dependency(“nsubj”,”kidnapped”,”2”,”Man”,”1”,”ext”,”1”)
dependencies      dependency(“root”,”ROOT”,”0”,”kidnapped”,”2”,”ext”,”1”)

2.3     Extraction Frames

    Let us define extraction data model as a set of facts which is used as a link between
a predicative structure of the reasoning data and vocabulary used by the dependency
parser output language. The extraction data model consists of subsets called extraction
frames. These frames give a detailed specification of the event by defining thematic
roles. The specified roles represent topology of an event. These roles are described in a
form of slots, consisting of their names, names of the frame, dependency types, lists of
allowed semantic types and optional lists of prepositions. The names are only used to
distinguish slots from each other. The dependency type indicates one of the predicates
used in dependency parser to describe relations between parts of the sentence. The list
of allowed semantic types is defined in the corresponding event definition from the
dictionary described in section 2.1. A list of prepositions is used to differentiate possible
indirect objects. In the example given in Listing 1, we can choose a “weapon” slot by
adding “with” preposition.
    An extraction frame may be composed of a varying number of slots. However, it
must contain the exactly one “anchor” slot. It is a dedicated type of the slot, because it
is the first and the necessary condition in the process of extracting events. Only after
the anchor slot is found, the rest of the slots are matched with the elements from the
dependency graph. In the vast majority of cases, a verbal phrase fulfills the role of an

   Listing 1. Slots within the #Killing frame
slot("anchor", #Killing, root, #Killing)
slot("victim", #Killing, dobj, #Human)
slot("perpetrator", #Killing, nsubj, [#Human, #Organization])
slot("weapon", #Killing, pobj, [#Weapon, #PhisicalObject], “with”)

After the reasoning process, we receive filled instances of the slots. Instances of slots
are stored with slotInstance predicate, which possess the matched textual value and
additional attributes related to a phrase for which the slot instantiation was performed
on: id of a word and a context indicator (distinct for each analyzed sentence). The ex-
amples of filled slot instances are presented in section 4.
   The last part of a system related to extraction frames is a set of lexicalizations. We
can divide this set into two kinds of statements: lexicalizations of anchors and lexical-
izations of dictionary entries. The first group consists of examples of anchors, specific
for a given extraction frame, and is connected to the aforementioned frame. The second
group is crucial in the slot matching process in case the NER module does not find
appropriate group for the analyzed phrase. Additionally, the system offers the use of
regular expressions when defining lexicalizations. Using @RegExp keyword in our
dictionary, we can express, that each uppercase phrase followed by the “.Inc” string
should be interpreted as an instance of #Organization class. These types of expressions
enhance the process of matching phrases from the dependency graph with allowed se-
mantic types of slots. The exemplary lexicalization statements are presented in Listing

    Listing 2. Lexicalizations for anchor of the #Killing frame and the #Weapon class

#hasLex(#Killing, "killed")
#hasLex(#Killing, "murdered")
#hasLex(#Weapon, "rifle")
#hasLex(#Weapon, "gun")

3       Extraction Rules

   Let us define extraction rules as a set of rules, which convert the parsed sentences
into event specific data. The extraction rules use data provided by dependency parser,
extraction frames data and dictionary data. The extraction rules are specific for given
structures of parsing data. As a result the extraction rules determine how instances of
slots are asserted into the knowledge base. The template for a slot instance is shown

    slotInstance(EventClass, TypeOfSlot, textualValue, entryID, extrac-
tionContext, sentenceContext, rootID)
   There are two main types of rules: the event recognition rules are designed to recog-
nize the appearance of the event in text; the slot matching rules are designed to supple-
ment recognized events with specific slots. The basic event recognition rule is presented
in Listing 3. The first condition in the illustrated rule accepts only roots of the sentence,
which are supposed to be verbs*. The second condition accepts every slot, which is an
anchor. The third part of the conditions is accepted only if the semantic type of the
event is lexicalized by the verb chosen in the first condition. The lLast condition –
extraction mode, is specified in section 3.1. This rule is activated only for slots with the
“anchor” literal as a type of slot.

   Listing 3. Basic event recognition rule
          dependency("root","ROOT", "0", ?Lit, ?n, ?ExCtx, ?SCtx)
          slot(?Name, ?SemanticType, "anchor", "ROOT", "")
          hasLex(?SemanticType, ?Lit))
                 slotInstance(?Name, "anchor", ?Lit, ?n, ?ExCtx, ?SCtx, ?n,

Listing 4 illustrates the basic slot matching rule. This rule is very similar to the Listing
3 rule with one exception – Rule 2 is activated only if the slotInstance of the root has
already been asserted. ID if the root is stored within the arguments of the output asser-

   Listing 4. Basic slot matching rule.
          slotInstance(?eventName,        "anchor",     ?lit1,    ?id,   ?exCtx,     ?sCtx,
       dependency(?dep, ?lit1, ?id, ?lit2, ?id2, ?exCtx, ?sCtx)
       slot(?slotName, ?eventName, ?dep, ?semClass, "")
       hasLex(?semClass, ?lit2)
                    slotInstance(?eventName, ?slotName, ?lit2, ?id2, ?exCtx,
          ?sCtx, ?rootID, ?mode)))

Besides the rules in Listing 3 and Listing 4, there are extraction rules which handle
sophisticated sentences, passive voice or complex definitions of slots, such as:
          Sentences with more than one verb phrase.
               o Verb phrases are connected with a conjunction
               o Complex sentences
          Passive nominal subjects
          Passive auxiliary verbs
          Prepositional phrases as slots

Complexity of those rules is similar to the ones presented in Listing 3 and Listing 4. At
least one rule for each of mentioned grammatical properties is required to perform a
proper extraction within one extraction mode (a total of 7 rules). For specific sentence
structures, such as phrasal verbs or events with constraints on the slots, additional rules
must be provided. Currently we are using 22 rules to perform extraction within one
extraction mode. The modal auxiliary verb modifiers and negation are handled on a
different level of the process, which is described in section 3.1.

3.1       Extraction Modes
   The extraction modes are specified with a special predicate called extraction-mode.
Every rule that is meant to be activated in a certain mode has this predicate included
within its conditions. List of available modes is specified below.

          The basic mode – This is the default mode. It provides the extractions as it is
           specified in the previous section. In this mode instances of the slots are always
           single words. Word modifiers are stored within the dependencies. This mode
           is expressed as extraction-mode(“basic”).

          The Join mode – In this mode instances of the slots are filled with entire
           phrases. The identifier of the phrases is created with the use of the identifiers
           of words within the phrase. This mode is expressed as extraction-

          The Aggressive mode – In this mode, the semantic class of slots, except for
           the root slot, is not specified as one of the rule conditions. In this mode, the
           extractor generates greater number of less accurate extractions. This mode is
           expressed as extraction-mode(“aggro”).

          The Dictionary mode – In this mode, the extractions of #IsA and #HasLex
           events feed the dictionary data. As the extractions from complex sentences are
           not always correct and the philosophical meaning of the copula verbs is am-
           biguous, it is advised to use this mode with special caution. This mode is ex-
           pressed as extraction-mode(“dict”).
          The Modality and negation mode – In this mode, the verbs modified by auxil-
           iary modal verbs or modified by negation are not extracted. It allows us omit-
           ting the supposed events or the explicitly negated events. This mode is ex-
           pressed as extraction-mode(“modneg”).

   Multiple modes are not allowed, a combination of modes is expressed within a single
statement. E.g. extraction-mode(“aggro-join”) is the correct mode – in this mode, the
slot instances are filled with entire phrases, and the dictionary is not checked for a non-
root slots. Rules for this mode are separate from the rules for “aggro” and “join” modes.

4         Examples

   For the purpose of evaluation of our method, we decided to present the whole ex-
traction process using two exemplary sentences, containing event descriptions. In this
section we describe and present the conversion from Stanford output format (depend-
ency graph of elements in the sentences) into facts written according to Drools syntax
[7]. We enrich the knowledge base with statements derived from our dictionary and the
extraction frames serialized into Slots. As the final result of the reasoning process, we
present filled instances of Extraction Frames.

4.1       Sample Extraction in “basic” Mode

  In this example, extractor was set to the extraction-mode(“basic”). Stanford depend-
ency parser is shown in the Listing 5; newly created facts are visible in the Listing 6.
The example input sentence is shown below.

             Foreign terrorists killed minister of Bolivia with the sniper rifle.

Listing 5. The Stanford parser output

amod(terrorists-2, Foreign-1)
nsubj(killed-3, terrorists-2)
root(ROOT-0, killed-3)
dobj(killed-3, minister-4)
prep(minister-4, of-5)
pobj(of-5, Bolivia-6)
prep(killed-3, with-7)
det(rifle-10, the-8)
nn(rifle-10, sniper-9)
pobj(with-7, rifle-10)

    Listing 6. The extracted facts.
slotInstance(#Killing, "anchor", "killed", "3", "ext", "1", "3", "basic")
slotInstance(#Killing, "perpetrator", " terrorists ", "2", "ext", "1",
"3", “basic”)
dependency("amod", "terrorists", "2", "Foreign", "1", "ext", "1")
slotInstance(#Killing, "victim", "minister", "4", "ext", "1",                    "3",
dependency("prep", "minister", "4", "of", "5", "ext", "1")
dependency("pobj", "of", "5", "Bolivia", "6", "ext", "1")
slotInstance(#Killing, "weapon", "the sniper rifle", “8-10”, "ext", "1",
"3", "basic")
dependency("det", "rifle", "10", "the", "8", "ext", "1")
dependency("nn", "rifle", "10", "sniper", "9", "ext", "1")

4.2     Sample Extraction in “join” Mode
  The extractor mode is set to extraction-mode(“join”) in this example. The Stanford
dependency parser output is shown in the Listing 7; these are newly created facts. The
newly created facts are visible in the Listing 6. The input sentence is shown below.

      GoodsForYou Inc. sells and delivers chemical products for exclusive members.

  Listing 7. The Stanford parser output

nn(inc.-2, GoodsForYou-1)
root(ROOT-0, sells-3)
cc(sells-3, and-4)
conj(sells-3, delivers-5)
nn(products-7, chemical-6)
dobj(sells-3, products-7)
prep(products-7, for-8)
amod(members-10, exclusive-9)
pobj(for-8, members-10)

  Listing 8. The extracted facts.

slotInstance(#Distributing, "anchor", "delivers", "5", "ext-join", “1”,
slotInstance(#Distributing, "supplier", "GoodsForYou Inc.", "1-2", "ext-
join", “1”, “join”)
slotInstance(#Distributing,        "recipient",      "exclusive    members",     "9-10",
"ext-join", "1", "join")
slotInstance(#Distributing, "object", "chemical products", "6-7", "ext-
join", "1", "join")
slotInstance(#Selling, "anchor", "sells", "3", "ext-join", "1", "join")
slotInstance(#Selling, "seller", "GoodsForYou Inc.", "1-2", "ext-join",
"1", "join")
slotInstance(#Selling, "buyer", "exclusive members", "9-10", "ext-join",
"1", "join")
slotInstance(#Selling, "object", "chemical products", "6-7", "ext-join",
"1", "join")

4.3     Quantitative evaluation

   To test the method, we equipped the system with data sufficient for extraction of 16
separate events - #Injuring; #Stealing; #Punishing; #Accessing; #Killing; #Kidnap-
ping; #Purchasing; #Recommending; #Hiding; #Delivering; #Poisoning; #Searching;
#Attacking; #Breaking In; #Meeting; #Travelling, #Rescheduling. We have used tax-
onomies and vocabulary, which were applied in our previous work [5, 6]. We manually
annotated 100 MUC [13] messages (each consisting from 3 to 30 sentences) with the
mentioned events. To diminish the influence of low quality vocabulary stored within
the dictionary, we have used the aggressive mode extraction. Within the 100 messages
we marked 162 events. The system was capable of extracting 113 events correctly and
33 events incorrectly. However, within the 113 events only 55 had all the semantic slots
instances matched correctly. 16 events had one semantic slot instance error, 19 events
had two slot errors, and 23 events had more than 2 slot errors. Measures for the evalu-
ation are presented in Tab. 4.

  Table 4 Evaluation measures for the quantitative evaluation for 16 events
                                       Precision        Recall         F-measure
 Event recognition                       77%             70%             73%
 Event extraction (no errors)            38%             34%             35%
 Event extraction (up to 1 error)        49%             44%             46%
 Event extraction (up to 2 errors)       62%             56%             58%

   The most significant factor that has influenced the extraction is the quality of vocab-
ulary stored within taxonomies. We are currently working on extending the dictionary
with external resources.
5       Conclusions

    In this paper we presented a modified version of our event extraction system. There
are numerous advantages coming from the introduction of rule-base extraction over the
algorithmic extraction used in our previous work [5, 6]. First of all, this type of meth-
odology is much easier to configure. A modification of the existing rules and an addi-
tion of new extraction rules is far less complicated than remodeling of the algorithm.
Another advantage is the use of a knowledge base as the data storage. Because of that,
in the future releases of our system we plan to incorporate query answering as a form
of exploration of the knowledge base. On top of that we plan to develop a natural lan-
guage interface for the system configuration and provide more comprehensive vocab-
ulary and taxonomical data. The last positive aspect of rule-based approach is the ho-
mogeneity of data. In our solution parsed input text, dictionaries derived from the on-
tology, extraction frames and rules are all expressed in the same way (the Drools syntax
[7]), in order to enable the reasoning. Our work is similar to several other methods, in
particular these applied in Boxer [9], FRED [10] and Lemon [11]. We use the RDF
triple format for the specification of the dictionary; as it is done in FRED. However our
system does not accept events with nonsensical classes of attributes. Equipping our
knowledge base with Wordnet data would provide sufficient dictionary for the extrac-
tion. Incorporating lexical data from external sources is elaborately specified in Lemon.
Our tool has the most important features listed for extractor functionalities on page 4 in
[12], namely no 10. semantic role labeling, no 11. event detection and no 12. frame
    The web-link to the project site is https://github.com/PUTR2E/R2E.

Acknowledgement. This work was supported by the Polish National Centre for Re-
search and Development (NCBR) No O ROB 0025 01 and 04/45/DSPB/0105

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