=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1216/paper5 |storemode=property |title=Social Sustainability Indicators for Software: Initial Review |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1216/paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-1216 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/re/HinaiC14 }} ==Social Sustainability Indicators for Software: Initial Review== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1216/paper5.pdf
   Social Sustainability Indicators for Software: Initial
                         Maryam Al Hinai                                                 Ruzanna Chitchyan
                  Department of Computer Science                                   Department of Computer Science
                      University of Leicester                                          University of Leicester
                          Leicester, UK                                                    Leicester, UK
                     masah1@leicester.ac.uk                                               rc256@le.ac.uk

  Abstract—Software’s social sustainability is an important           usage of the software is minimal and/or has a positive effect on
concern that needs an in-depth investigation. The objective of this   sustainable development” [9]. However, to the best of our
paper is to understand what social sustainability is, how it is       knowledge, presently there are no heuristics or metrics to
measured today, and how is social sustainability of a software        inform and guide software engineers in assessing the effects of
system evaluated today. We present the initial results of a
                                                                      a software system on “social capital” or on “positive …
systematic literature review on these questions. Our findings so
far highlight a large gap in work on software sustainability          condition within communities…”. In order to produce socially
assessment.                                                           sustainable software, the software engineers need a way of
  Index Terms—Social sustainability, software, indicators,            assessing, throughout the development process, the effects that
systematic literature review, assessment.                             the constructed software will have on social sustainability of its
                                                                      intended users. This paper presents the initial results of our on-
                         I. INTRODUCTION                              going effort towards development of such metrics – a
                                                                      comprehensive review of research related to social
    In all developed (and most developing) countries the public
                                                                      sustainability and software.
is now heavily dependent on software in nearly all walks of life
                                                                          In order to construct meaningful metrics to measure how
– from email to e-banking and e-voting. Most agree that
                                                                      software would affect social sustainability, one must first learn
software applications have changed and largely improved our
                                                                      what social sustainability really implies over and above some
lives. However, there is a dark side of the story. With all our
                                                                      generic definitions. It is also necessary to study any related
information available electronically and most activities moving
                                                                      metrics (which may already exist), and to identify what social
on-line, individuals and nations alike are at social risks that
                                                                      sustainability indicators are considered relevant today. We
may include (no name a few):
                                                                      present the preliminary results of our study of these questions
    • Cyber-crimes such as child bullying and grooming                obtained via an (on-going) systematic literature review (SLR).
         attacks [1];                                                     The rest of the paper is structured as follows: section 2
    • Eroding privacy, and step-by-step move to “total                outlines the sources used and specific questions set in the above
         surveillance” societies;                                     mentioned SLR, section 3 describes the findings on research
    • Social ties degradation.                                        questions and section 4 summarizes the work.
    Thus, software engineers must closely engage with the
movement on sustainable development (widely inspired in                        II. SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW SET UP
1987 [2]) in order to make software products socially                     The objective of this study is to understand what social
sustainable. A significant effort has been expanded into              sustainability is, how it is measured today, and what has been
research on numerous topics related to software sustainability        published with regards to evaluation of software’s social
(e.g., data center energy efficiency [3], energy efficient            sustainability effects. To investigate these issues, we
algorithms [4] and requirements engineering [5], etc.). Yet, the      formulated the following set of research questions:
issue of software effects on social sustainability has barely         RQ1: What metrics are used for measuring social sustain-
been studied.                                                         ability? How are they constructed?
    According to [6], “Social sustainability means maintaining            This question aims at exploring how social sustainability
social capital and preserving the societal communities in their       has been evaluated and what are the specific metrics used for
solidarity”. Willis, McKenzie and Harris [7, 8] defined social        measuring social sustainability. With this question, we aim at
sustainability as “a positive and long-term condition within          exploring the broader literature on the social sustainability
communities and a process within communities that can                 issues, regardless of the area of application – whether related or
achieve and maintain that condition”. Sustainable software was        unrelated to software development. This question also aims to
described as “software whose direct and indirect negative             review how social sustainability metrics are built and what
impacts on economy, society, human beings, and the                    their bases are.
environment resulting from development, deployment, and               RQ2: What are social sustainability indicators?
    This question aims to study the finer-grained constituents                       No of     No. of
                                                                                                           No. of
                                                                                                                         No. of
on which the social sustainability metrics are built, and the          Digital                           duplicate
                                                                                    results    accept                   papers
                                                                       Library                          removed (so
ways that these constituents are quantified upon. Furthermore,                     returned      ed
here we will identify what are the common aspects of social           ASSIA       1           1         0             1
sustainability in each area. We will identify common
                                                                      Web of
dimensions/constituents used in various domains and how they          Science
                                                                                  79          68        29            9
are customized to adapt to a specific context or domain.              ACM         3           2         0             2
RQ3: What is the role of software in social sustainability?           Springer
    The intention here is to know what is the relationship and                    832         310       7             15
use of software applications within social sustainability             Total       1116        540       45            88
domain. This question will be used to look at a set of issues,
    What social sustainability areas of life and activities does
                                                                        The following data was extracted from each studied article:
software support and how?
    What (if any) challenges related to social sustainability           • General admin, i.e.,: title, author(s), source, year
could be expected to be addressed via software?                         • Social sustainability indicator
RQ4: What are the indicators of software’s social                       • Social sustainability metric
sustainability?                                                         • How social sustainability is supported
    The objective here is to study how software’s social                • Type of study (e.g., case study, rigorous analysis,
sustainability is assessed. We are interested in knowing the                prototype)
indicators related specifically to software applications. We are        • Context of study/domain
also looking at how similar or different are these indicators to
indicators in other domains (e.g., agriculture, etc.).                           III. FINDINGS ON RESEARCH QUESTIONS
    As sources for SLR we used a number of digital libraries,            As we have noted above, this is an on-going work.
namely ACM, IEEE, Scopus, Springer Link, Web of Science,             However, we are now able to review the answers we have so
Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA). These             far obtained to the previously set questions. Though these
libraries where chosen based on their subject coverage of both       findings will likely evolve to some degree by the time the full
computer science and social sciences. ACM and IEEE cover             SLR is completed, we have observed that the general set of
computer science and engineering areas. Social sciences and          indicators, metrics, and domains has now well stabilized. In
engineering are covered by Scopus and Springer link libraries.       other words, review of additional articles does not tend to
Web of science and ASSIA cover social sciences areas to              significantly change/add to the current set of results.
obtain content on (computer-science domain independent)                  The current findings that address the set research questions
social sustainability.                                               are presented below:
    To select the articles from the digital libraries, we used a
combined search string extracted from the above discussed            A. Construction of metrics used for measuring social
research questions to assure that we get relevant results [10].         sustainability (RQ1)
Although the combined search string (which we arrived at after          1) Assessment frameworks for Social Sustainability
an initial piloting of several search strings) was customized to         The most commonly used framework for assessment of
each digital library, it always covered the topics of "Social        social sustainability is the life cycle assessment (LCA). This is
Sustainability" AND (metrics OR indicators OR software).             a “cradle-to-grave” method of evaluating the inputs, outputs
    The results of the search and initial screening for this study   and environmental impacts of a product during all phases of its
are shown in Table 1. The excluded sets of papers were either        life cycle [11]. An example of this is: land consumption and
those with no access to abstracts, or not in English, or found to    environmental emissions in a case of municipal waste
be not relevant to the research questions (i.e., did not address     management [12]. The LCA has been adapted to include such
the topic of social sustainability or had no relation to             social concerns as labour force, communities’ living standards,
indicators/metrics for social sustainability). Eighty-eight of       cultural heritage, freedom, health and safety, equity and
accepted papers have then been studied (this is an on-going          poverty prevention [12-21].
work).                                                                   In [22], a Social Impact Indicator (SII) is applied. SII is
                                                                     based on LCA and is used to calculate social effects such as
                    TABLE I. SCREENING RESULTS                       human resources and stakeholders participation [22].
                                       No. of
                                                                         In [21], the LCA is merged with the Economic Input and
                No of      No. of                    No. of          Output analyses method (EIO) to form economic input–output-
  Digital                            duplicate
               results     accept                   papers
              returned       ed
                                    removed (so
                                                                     based life cycle assessment (EIO-LCA). The EIO-LCA used to
                                        far)                         quantify direct and indirect sustainability impacts of U.S
              64           44       0             13                 construction industries (e.g. indirect work injuries) [21].
                                                                         Vulnerability assessment techniques (VATs) were used in
 Scopus       137          115      9             48
                                                                     [23] to assess the social impacts resulted from urban
redevelopment projects. This was done by identifying the most                 involved in selecting or designing indicators for social themes
vulnerable people then assessing the social negative impacts                  as the available scientific information was limited or non-
affecting them [23]. This approach gives insights to policy                   existent.
makers on areas to consider reducing the negative social effect               Once the indicators are selected, metrics are constructed with
of the project [23]. Doloi 2012 presented a framework for                     them. For example, in [12] the social sustainability of
social performance assessment of infrastructure projects based                Municipal Solid Waste Management system was evaluated by
on Social Network Analysis (SNA) [24]. The SNA was utilised                   two indicators: damage to human health and income based
to identify groups of stakeholders affected by the project                    community well-being [12]. The damage to human health was
(actors), their degree of influence (relationships between                    calculated by summing the “factors for mortality (measured as
actors) and their specific social needs [24]. Then, the groups’               years of life lost—YOLL), severe morbidity and morbidity
satisfaction of needs was measured and the project’s social                   (measured as years lived disabled—YLD)” [12]. The income
performance was derived [24].                                                 based well-being indicator was calculated using the	
    In [25], Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs was suggested to be                  employment	
combined with LCA to develop social sustainability measure                    the	
for organizational decisions. Organizations can use a specified               generation	
need to derive a social indicator from it. For example, taking                of	
into account health as a basic need, an organization considers                	
improved quality of food and health insurance policies as social
indicators [25]. Companies aiming at more social sustainability
shall focus on meeting their employees higher order needs (e.g.
equity) while others will focus on satisfying the lower order
needs such as food [25].                                                                                  Fig. 1. Calculation (source [12])
  2) Metrics Construction Process
                                                                                   Another clearly emerging threat from the literature review
    Based on the reviewed literature so far, we observe that the
                                                                              is the current lack of trust towards the sustainability assessment
common way of constructing metrics or methodology to assess
                                                                              metrics and methodologies. This, we believe, is caused by the
social sustainability starts with identification of general or
                                                                              relative immaturity of the filed. Some publications propose to
domain specific sustainability assessment guidelines that have
                                                                              tackle this issue by “developing case study banks to translate
been already published. For example, in [26], the researchers
                                                                              experiences of using an indicator” [43]. This work also notes
investigated available higher education and campus
                                                                              that such banks will help in “… increasing criteria confidence
sustainability assessments frameworks as a starting point for
                                                                              and value usefulness to potential users … through case studies
evaluating Malaysian campuses. Guidelines can be local or
                                                                              validation checks which can also assist with improving the
international. For instance, in [27], the researchers based their
                                                                              indicators to meet a satisfactory degree of ‘accuracy’, and
assessment on the International Hydropower Association (IHA)
                                                                              ‘credibility’.” This approach has, in fact, been used by a
Sustainability Guidelines to evaluate the sustainability of
                                                                              number of other researchers [22, 36, 40].
hydropower project in China.
    Moreover, established indexes/indicators of assessments                   B. Social sustainability indicators (RQ2)
(such as Human development index and Wellbeing Index [28],                        Social sustainability indicators should be relevant to the
Vanclay’s definitional list of ‘‘social impacts’’ [20], Oregon                case under investigation. In [40], it was expressed that
Benchmarks [29] and European Commission indicators [30])                      sustainability indicators need to satisfy criteria such as
could be used as basis to build upon them the assessment                      causality and sensitivity. Those criteria are to ensure that the
variables or to compare the assessment results against them1.                 indicators are related to the monitored case and they respond to
    Once the general guidelines are chosen and complemented                   changes in the studied case [40].
with domain-specific policies, the assessment methodology is                      Social sustainability indicators vary depending on the
then customized to fit a specific domain and case study. In                   domain. Based on our literature review, so far we have
order to do that, academics’ and stakeholders’ contributions are              identified over 600 indicators. Looking at the list of indicators
often involved. This is done through interviews, questionnaires               and using the keywords and classifications that paper authors
or focus groups [14, 16, 23, 26, 28, 29, 31-42]. Stakeholders’                had provided, commonly used indicators were identified
participation is also a part of evaluating a project’s                        (regardless of the domain). At the most abstract level, the
sustainability [27]. In study presented in [39], for instance, the            indicators are divided into two main categories: Community
experts who took a part in a customisation phase were selected                and Culture and Governance. Indicators under the Community
based on their contribution to the research on future                         category are directly related to individuals and groups within a
development of dairy farming. In [40, 41], stakeholders were                  given society, their health, education, equality, etc. Culture and
                                                                              Governance indicators are concerned with cultural and political
1                                                                             issues of a given society. The aggregated categories are
  Although we cannot use the same methods directly, as these are
constructed on bases of extensive country-wide surveys of such                demonstrated in Fig. 1 below.
indicators as life expectancy at birth, mean years of schooling or               1) Employment indicator comprises several sub-indicators
gross national income per capita.                                             related to employment statistics and job conditions [39]. The
  Child labor (i.e., employment of those under 16 years of age) is commonly
considered a bad practice in the West. However, we do note that in some
following indicators are examples of what can be used under            9) Social acceptance of technology indicator evaluates the
this category.                                                       community’s readiness to implement or use new technology.
    • Number of employed women/ “Share of women in                   Knowledge, perception and fear are used as sub-indicators for
         leading positions” [33, 37, 44]                             social acceptance [20]. Knowledge estimates what is the public
    • Number of Full time/part time workers [45]                     level of knowledge about the technology while perception will
    • Utilization of different working time arrangement [45]         assess what they think about it (positive – negative). Fear
    • Compensation [46]                                              evaluates what issues/ worries the community has about the
    • Job opportunities creation [37]                                technology.
   2) Health indicators set covers the quality of health services      10) Social cohesion group of indicators is related to the ties
provided to the people [37], health problems reported to             between the community members and their feel of
authorities [15, 46], health risks [36] and health practices [46]    involvement. Some examples are:
in the community. Health indicators could be used to assess:             • Citizens walkability to places in the local area such as
                                                                              shops and community [41, 52].
    • Availability and access to drinking water [35]
                                                                         • Citizens empowerment by allowing initiations of
    • Child mortality rate [47]
                                                                              community activities and voluntary work [48, 52] or
    •     “Percentage of workers with health benefits” [18]
                                                                              decision making [15, 40]
    •     “Contribution to healthy and safe food” [36]
                                                                         • Network [40, 48, 54, 55] and knowledge sharing [14,
    •     “Voluntary health measures taken” [37]                              36, 37, 56, 57]
   3) Equity category includes indicators that should reveal             • Visible minorities, tolerance, identity [40, 48]
equality measures to all people regardless of their age, gender,
                                                                         • Accountability and transparent decision making
ethnicity and social status. Examples are:                                    process [48]
    • Income/wealth distribution [17, 27]                              11) Cultural indicator is concerned with preserving the
    • Social inclusion [40, 48]                                      community’s culture. This can include
    • Diversity of housing infrastructure [48]                           • Respect on cultural heritage and local wisdom [14]
    •     “Provisions for basic needs of disabled, elderly or            • Respect on customary right of indigenous people [14]
         children with proper access” [32]                               • Local heritage and listed buildings [54]
    •     “Fair competition” [14]                                        • Protection of cultural heritage [27]
   4) Education indicators are related to education facilities         12) Political indicator considers governmental laws and
provided to the community. This can include:                         peoples’ trust in them [28]. When a given case evaluates social
    • Number of persons with higher education than                   sustainability of an organization, these indicators focus on the
         secondary school/number of persons between 20–64
                                                                     organizational policies and employees’ attitude towards them.
         years [49]                                                      While in this section we have summarized the more than
    • Employees educational level/ Literacy levels [28, 36,          600 social indicators collected form our study into 12 cohesive
         48]                                                         categories, we must also note that the social sustainability
    • Offered areas of employee training [37]                        indicators do not, in fact, always adhere to such a simple, flat
    • Number of student per teacher [50]                             hierarchy. In truth, they are often interchangeable and
    • Supporting Educational Institutions [46]                       overlapping. We attribute this to the previously discussed
   5) Security indicators are primarily related to crimes as the     metrics and methodology adaptation process (see section III.
examples below suggest.                                              A.1), whereby the metrics and methodology are always
    • Personal crime [48]                                            customized to suite the domain and the level of granularity
    • Property crime [48]                                            relevant to a given case study. For example, employment can
    • Overall crime [29, 34]                                         be used as an indicator by itself (or a group of indicators, as
    • Vandalism [34, 51]                                             suggested above) but it can also be used as a sub-indicator to
                                                                     the community’s equity.
    • Juvenile arrests [29]
                                                                         The social indicators can also vary based on external and
   6) Services and facilities indicators focus on availability
                                                                     internal view of an organization [15, 22, 40, 42, 46]. For
and access to services and facilities.
                                                                     instance, looking at a farm’s social sustainability internally
    Those indicators can be related to schools [32, 52], health
                                                                     means relating the social concerns to its employees and
care services [32, 34, 52], sports facilities [32, 52], child care
                                                                     workers [40, 42]. External social sustainability would mean
and housing [48]
                                                                     assessing the community affected by the farm or consumes the
   7) Resilience indicator is related to the communities’            farm’s products. In [40], the external indicators were related to
adaptability to changes [23, 32, 48, 53].                            animal welfare and health and landscape management.
   8) Human rights indicators are concerned with, for
instance, child labour, forced labour, and discrimination [14,       C. Role of software in social sustainability (RQ3)
54].                                                                     The articles related to the role of software in social
                                                                     sustainability suggest that software is often used to:
   1) Promote social sustainability.                                 body of research conducted in the area of human-computer
    For instance, in [58] a prototype of communication               interaction that focuses on various topics of social
software is presented which is to be used as a communication         sustainability (such as stress, usability, loneliness, etc. [59]).
enabler between virtual teams and virtual organization. The          This issue indicates that thought a large effort has been
software is to support social sustainability by enhancing the        underway for some time in HCI community to address
social networks.                                                     particular human-computer interaction issues, that work has not
   2) Design for social sustainability.                              yet been consolidated under the umbrella of “social
    For instance, in [37] software is utilized to provide            sustainability”. As the next step in this research, it is our
guidance and reminders to researchers and managers while             intention to further study this issue to better address this
modelling a biotechnological product. The provided knowledge         research question.
is about social sustainability issues to be taken into account       D. Indicators of software’s social sustainability (RQ4)
while designing the product. This will help support the process
of decision-making.                                                      As for any other product, the social sustainability of
                                                                     software can be considered in its production, use, maintenance,
                                                                     and disposal stages. Below are the findings from our literature
                                                                     review on this topic so far:
                                                                       1) Social sustainability at production process is considered
                                                                     in [60], where it is suggested to use “country of origin of a
                                                                     material and the manner in which it was produced (for
                                                                     example through child labor2)” as social sustainability
                                                                       2) For software use response time and scalability were used
                                                                     to evaluate software prototype that supports social networks
                                                                     and knowledge sharing between virtual teams [58]. This work
                                                                     also mentions that evaluating the prototype’s performance
                                                                     includes evaluating “the degree of network congestion, the
                                                                     load on servers, the number of 3D objects to manage, and the
                                                                     complexity of the submitted query.” They added that the
                                                                     database will support data availability in different context and
                                                                     data stability. Response time is a relevant indicator for social
                                                                     sustainability in domains where fast access to information is
                                                                     necessary for equality (e.g., financial markets). In more
                                                                     general context, response time and scalability are more related
                                                                     to the sustainability of software itself as inadequate speed and
                                                                     scalability devalue software and complicate evolution.
                                                                         Another work [57] provides “… a theoretical basis for a
                                                                     multi-actor system as a simulation tool for social
                                                                     sustainability”. Here software agents and human simulate a
                                                                     social sustainability model [57]. For this the software agents
                                                                     must be “…equipped with functions of perception, mobility,
                                                                     learning, communication, and coordination…”[57]. Such
                                                                     functions can be considered indicators for software agents’
                                                                     social sustainability. The agents were proposed to simulate
                                                                     human individuals and groups’ behaviour related to knowledge
                                                                     generation, knowledge communication and knowledge use
                Fig. 2. Social sustainability indicators
                                                                     [57]. Knowledge, perception, learning, communication and
  3) Educate on social sustainability.                               coordination       functions    are       social    sustainability
    For instance, an educational game is used in a study to          dimensions/indicators Fig 2.).
educate students on sustainability and social responsibility [55].       At present we have not yet identified any work on social
  4) Assess social sustainability.                                   sustainability of software maintenance and disposal.
    For instance, Assefa and Frostel outline a tool for assessing
ecological and economic sustainability of energy technologies
[20]. They discuss social indicators to be included in the tool.     2
                                                                       Child labor (i.e., employment of those under 16 years of age) is commonly
    We observe that our search on software and “social
                                                                     considered a bad practice in the West. However, we do note that in some
sustainability” resulted in much fewer articles than expected.       countries working in programming or tasks like interview transcription for
This is particularly surprising as we are well aware of a large      software requirements, etc. could provide a very good future prospect to the
                                                                     children involved.
    Similar to the comment in the preceding sub-section, we             [4] Héliot, F., M.A. Imran, and R. Tafazolli. Near-optimal energy-
have observed that there are much fewer social sustainability                efficient joint resource allocation for multi-hop MIMO-AF
indicators discussed for software domain, compared to other                  systems. 2013.
domains (such as agriculture and supply chain management).              [5] Roher, K. and D. Richardson. Sustainability requirement
This can be attributed to two factors:                                       patterns. In Requirements Patterns (RePa), 2013 IEEE Third
                                                                             International Workshop on. 2013.
     i) On the one hand, the software effects on social
                                                                        [6] Penzenstadler, B. and H. Femmer, A generic model for
sustainability are likely to have been studied for individual
                                                                             sustainability with process- and product-specific instances, in
social sustainability characteristics (such as access to learning            Proceedings of the 2013 workshop on Green in/by software
or other electronic resources, connectedness, etc.), without                 engineering2013, ACM: Fukuoka, Japan. p. 3-8.
aggregating these characteristics under the overall umbrella of         [7] Willis, P., S. McKenzie, and R. Harris, Introduction: Challenges
social sustainability.                                                       in Adult and Vocational Education for Social Sustainability, in
    ii) On the other hand, the social effects of software                    Rethinking Work and Learning, P. Willis, S. McKenzie, and R.
products, once in use, are often indirect, take long term to                 Harris, Editors. 2009, Springer Netherlands. p. 1-9.
surface, and are difficult to discern. These effects are the so-        [8] McKenzie, S., Adult and Vocational Education for Social
called third-order impacts of ICT [61] which “… are long term                Sustainability: A New Concept for TVET for Sustainable
indirect effects on the environment that result from ICT usage,              Development, in Work, Learning and Sustainable Development,
like changing life styles that promote faster economic growth                J. Fien, R. Maclean, and M.-G. Park, Editors. 2009, Springer
and, at worst, outweigh the formerly achieved savings (rebound               Netherlands. p. 177-186.
effects).”                                                              [9] Dick, M., S. Naumann, and N. Kuhn, A Model and Selected
    As noted above, review of work that addresses specific                   Instances of Green and Sustainable Software, in What Kind of
                                                                             Information Society? Governance, Virtuality, Surveillance,
characteristics of social sustainability will be the next step in
                                                                             Sustainability, Resilience, J. Berleur, M. Hercheui, and L. Hilty,
this work.                                                                   Editors. 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. p. 248-259.
                         IV. CONCLUSION                                 [10] Software Engineering Group, S.o.C.S.a.m., Keele University, et
                                                                             al., Guidelines for performing Systematic Literature Reviews in
    This paper presents the initial results of our work on                   Software Engineering. 2007.
(ongoing) systematic literature review on social sustainability,        [11] Handbook of Life Cycle Assessment : Operation Guide to ISO
its metrics and indicators and its relation to software. So far we           Standards. 2002, Secaucus, NJ, USA: Kluwer Academic
have distilled a general social sustainability assessment                    Publishers.
framework and assembled over 600 social sustainability                  [12] Menikpura, S.N.M., et al., Evaluation of the Effect of Recycling
indicators which are then aggregated into 12 cohesive groups.                on Sustainability of Municipal Solid Waste Management in
    A surprise finding of the SLR so far is that, in the 88                  Thailand. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2012. 4(2): p. 237-
reviewed papers - taken from 5 digital libraries - software has              257.
virtually no consideration of the concept of social                     [13] Ekvall, T., Nations in social LCA. The International Journal of
sustainability. Yet, we are aware of significant work (most                  Life Cycle Assessment, 2011. 16(1): p. 1-2.
particularly in HCI community) that has addressed a number of           [14] Manik, Y., J. Leahy, and A. Halog, Social life cycle assessment
social sustainability features (such as usability, loneliness, etc.).        of palm oil biodiesel: a case study in Jambi Province of
This SLR has not been able to identify such relevant work                    Indonesia. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,
since that work has not related to the concept of social                     2013. 18(7): p. 1386-1392.
sustainability explicitly. Thus, our future work will investigate       [15] Labuschagne, C., A.C. Brent, and S.J. Claasen, Environmental
such specific social sustainability dimensions in relation to                and social impact considerations for sustainable project life
software development. Upon completion of the literature                      cycle management in the process industry. Corporate Social
                                                                             Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2005. 12(1): p.
review, we will work on construction of social sustainability
assessment metrics and guidelines for software development.
                                                                        [16] Stamford, L. and A. Azapagic, Sustainability indicators for the
                                                                             assessment of nuclear power. Energy, 2011. 36(10): p. 6037-
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