=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1238/paper2 |storemode=property |title=Towards data exchange formats for learning experiences in manufacturing workplaces |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1238/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-1238 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ectel/WildSLKHNI14 }} ==Towards data exchange formats for learning experiences in manufacturing workplaces== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1238/paper2.pdf
          Towards data exchange formats for learning
           experiences in manufacturing workplaces

           Fridolin Wild1, Peter Scott1, Paul Lefrere1, Jaakko Karjalainen2,
                    Kaj Helin2, Ambjoern Naeve3, Erik Isaksson3

               The Open University, Knowledge Media Institute, Milton Keynes, UK
                      {fridolin.wild, peter.scott}@open.ac.uk
                           VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland,
                     Human factors in complex systems, Tampere, Finland
                          {jaakko.karjalainen, kaj.helin}@vtt.fi
                       Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden

       Abstract. Manufacturing industries are currently transforming, most notably
       through the introduction of advanced machinery and increasing degrees of au-
       tomation. This has caused a shift in skills required, calling for a skills gap to be
       filled. Learning technology needs to embrace this change and with this contri-
       bution, we propose a process model for learning by experience to understand
       and explain learning under these changed conditions. To put this process into
       practice, we propose two interchange formats for capturing, sharing, and re-
       enacting pervasive learning activities and for describing workplaces with in-
       volved things, persons, places, devices, apps, and their set-up.

       Keywords: Experience sharing, activity model, workplace model, awareness,
       augmented reality.

1      Introduction

   The European (and global) manufacturing industry is currently undergoing signifi-
cant transformation and will continue to change over the coming years. Intrinsically,
the increasing presence and ability of robots and advanced machinery in production
lines with their enhanced senses and increased dexterity (Frey & Osborne, 2013, p.38)
are what triggers this shift, bringing along rising degrees of computerisation of jobs
(ditto) and allowing for delocalisation of production.
   Extrinsically, this transformation has started to cause a significant skills gap in the
EU (and globally) with – on the one side – the highest overall unemployment rates
observed in more than a decade (Eurostats, 2014; EC, 2013c, p. 2), especially
amongst young people (EC, 2013b; EC, 2013d), and an ever increasing risk of redun-
dancy for low and medium skilled workers in production.
   On the other hand, several hundred thousand jobs in the EU remain unfilled, as
there is a shortage in highly skilled personnel in manufacturing (EC, 2013a, p.10).
Forecasts predict that this skills gap is likely to widen in coming years up to 2020
Towards data exchange formats for learning experiences - ARTEL14

(McKinsey, 2012, p. 45). In fact, manufacturing is currently one of the three sectors
hit most hard by this skills shortage in the EU (EC, 2013c, p. 5). Formal secondary
and tertiary education haven’t managed to create and won’t succeed in producing the
supply required, neither in numbers, nor with respect to matching skills profiles.
Moreover, high attrition rates in education have further eroded the foundation.
   Technology enhanced learning has the potential to play an important role in over-
coming this existing skills gap in manufacturing – when applied effectively and when
motivating the development of competences in key areas required through the captur-
ing and re-enactment of learning activities.
   Within this contribution, we first define a learning process model that is capable of
integrating classical (learning content oriented) and novel pervasive (Augmented
Reality and Internet of Things oriented) elements in learning at manufacturing work-
places. From there, we introduce a proposal for an activity modelling language (activ-
ityML) for representing activity descriptions required in augmented reality enabled
learning experiences. Moreover and in section 4, we introduce the needed workplace
modelling language (workplaceML), which can be used to describe the tangibles
(things, places, persons), configurables (apps, devices), and triggers (detectables,
overlays) of a particular workplace. We relate our work to precursors in Section 5 to
then wrap up the paper with an outlook and open research challenges.

2      Process model of learning by experience

   New skills for new jobs not only demand an enhancement of the deep professional
skills to achieve a ‘master level of performance’, but also necessitate development
and upgrading of competence to innovate, for lifelong learning, and for learning
through social interaction (Wild et al., 2013, p. 12f).
   Achieving a master level of performance and developing competence to innovate
in the sense of building up “the ability to generate ideas and artefacts that are new,
influential, and valuable” (FET, 2011) are – at least in manufacturing and at least for
small and medium enterprises – very closely intertwined.

                                       Tacit                Explicit

                       Tacit       Socialisation         Externalisation

                    Explicit       Internalisation       Combination

                       Table 1. Knowledge conversion modalities.

   Similarly, the other two, namely lifelong learning and social learning competence,
both pay tribute to the observation that “people carry and create knowledge” and that
“any company knowledge management strategy must rely primarily on people, and
support [of] the knowledge creation chain” (Krassi and Kiviranta, 2013, p.29). Both
of them aim to facilitate “bi-directional tacit-explicit knowledge conversion” (Nona-
ka, 1994, p.19) along the four modalities listed in Table 1: externalisation (tacit-to-
Towards data exchange formats for learning experiences - ARTEL14

explicit), internalisation (explicit-to-tacit), socialisation (tacit-to-tacit), and combina-
tion (explicit-to-explicit).
   While ‘competences’ are typically defined to subsume knowledge, skills and other
abilities, in the context of manufacturing – as the word already suggests – motoric and
artistic skills require special attention. Kinaesthetic learning elements relate in manu-
facturing environments to controlling own body movement and handling objects skil-
fully and timely (cf. Gardner, 1984: bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence).
   With the rise of Wearable Computing, the Internet of Things, and Augmented Re-
ality, capturing and observing kinaesthetic performance becomes possible in a funda-
mentally different way, as, for example, pioneered in the fitness and health sector.
   Reflective learning processes that cater for kinaesthetic and non-kinaesthetic ele-
ments can be broken down into five distinct process steps: enquire, mix, experience,
match, optimise (Wild et al., 2013, p.29ff). The steps do not necessarily prescribe a
single route and order, in which they should be taken, but are interconnected as indi-
cated in Fig. 1: it is a cyclical model with built-in support for experience tracking,
analytics, and guidance, supporting flexible mixes and dynamic optimization for on-
and off-the-job workplace learning.
   Fig. 1 depicts the individual steps of this process model: at its core, blue-collar
workers experience learning in an episodic way (on and off the job). Experiencing
thereby relates to both re-enacting explicit learning activities as well as engaging in
open innovation activities.
   Experiencing learning tightly interacts with enquiry: whenever novel needs arise or
(wicked) problems are encountered on the job, the enquiry step supports the user in
identifying relevant learning opportunities (such as gaps in knowledge, new learning
opportunities arising, etc.). In parts, this relates to navigational positioning support in
the workplace reference space’s skills taxonomy to clearly determine the competence
sought after. This, however, also relates to supporting discovery beyond existing or –
particularly relevant for SMEs – so-far tacit knowledge.
   Through tracking of experiences made, potential competence gaps (ignorance) can
be uncovered, uncovering thereby either supported by the system in the matching step
(see below; aiming to help unveil shortcomings the user is unaware of) or – proactive-
ly, where awareness is given – through user enquiry.
   Once needs or problems are identified, the mixing step comes into play: here, the
learner is supported in selecting relevant existing mixes or creating new and adapting
existing mixes. While standard problems have standard solutions, smart factories
enable their workers to rapidly compile mixes that satisfy needs, but at the same time
ensure documentation of knowledge, where it is created. Such mix is essentially a
serialized, activity-focused representation of the specific workplace and the jobs to be
enacted within it, instantiating an abstract workspace to a level of concreteness where
actions are named, locations resolved, and objects as well as tools uniquely identified.
   Moreover, the activity mix models validation constraints, by which the matching
step can determine whether there is evidence that the user actually performed the
action steps as required. Constraints model learning flows including exception han-
dling. The constraint-matching step picks up on strategic performance indicators and
their defined tolerance boundaries set at design time, and connects them to the ob-
Towards data exchange formats for learning experiences - ARTEL14

served operational performance as tracked by the experience step. Reports for per-
formance analytics can be generated live, condensing performance records (from an
xAPI endpoint; ADL, 2013) into comprehensive reports, potentially contrasting per-
formance of individuals with (de-identified) benchmarks.
   Optimisations then take such analytics data and performance benchmarks to rec-
ommend repetition, alternative resources, or even a change of path.


              ?%     Enquire(         %%Problem%

                                         Mix(             XML%incl.%

                                                           Match(        %Analy9cs%

                                                                            Op9mise(   Recommenda9on%

                     Fig. 1. Process model for learning by experience.

   The bi-directional conversion between tacit and explicit knowledge is modelled in
the process loops between the big process step ‘experiencing’ and the smaller ones
‘enquiry’, ‘mix’, ‘match’, and ‘optimise’: explication converts tacit knowledge to
explicit as indicated by the outputs ‘traces’, ‘needs’, ‘activity mixes’, ‘analytics re-
ports’, and ‘recommendations’. When such outputs are used to scaffold a learning
experience, they are internalised. Remixing combines existing knowledge, and track-
ing and evidence recording helps with converting tacit to explicit knowledge. Moreo-
ver, activity mixes can involve socialisation and social sharing.

3         Modelling activities

   A common representation format is key requirement for an efficient exchange of
activity mixes. What makes it particularly challenging to define activity mixes in a
process for learning by experience is that it requires not only orchestrating user inter-
action across multiple devices within a single activity, but also integrating the track-
ing of and reacting to user interaction across these devices and – even more so – their
different sensors. Validating that the user actually did something (like moving to a
particular location or like picking up a particular object in the real world), requires
specifying validation constraints that can be checked and that express which soft- and

Towards data exchange formats for learning experiences - ARTEL14

hardware sensors have to pick up on what user (or app) behaviour. For this we pro-
pose activityML (activity modelling language), an XML dialect.
   Fig. 2 provides an overview on the conceptual model of activityML. Fig. 3 adds an
example activityML file. The root node is ‘activity’. Each activity needs to specify the
URL of the workplace description file, a name, and the language (in addition to the
unique activity id). The activity is then broken down into ‘action’ steps, each of them
being a self-contained unit, describing ‘summons’ for action chaining, ‘constraints’
for action validation, and ‘messages’ for communication, as well as ‘instruction’ to be
shown or the ‘app’ (widget or app) to be launched.

                        Fig. 2. Conceptual model of the activityML.

   Moreover, styling information is linked using cascading style sheets over the action
‘type’ and the ‘device’ and its ‘viewports’ defined. Currently, there are three view-
ports defined: ‘objects’, ‘actions’, and ‘reactions’. They refer to particular areas of the
screen reserved for inserting actions and the related display data.
   Each ‘action’ has a ‘predicate’, which is the verb required for inserting trace state-
ments to the xAPI (ADL, 2013) tracking endpoint. Each action can optionally specify
a ‘location’, i.e. a defined ‘place’ of the workplace model, in which it shall happen.
   Chaining of actions is modeled through specifying for each action, which other ac-
tions it ‘summons’ – either when launching the action (‘onEnter’) or when events are
triggered (‘onTrigger’). The Boolean ‘removeSelf’ decides on whether the action is
removed from the viewport or sustained when the summons are executed. A timer can
be set to automatically trigger summons after a given interval (in milliseconds).
Summoning an action twice will first show, then remove it from the viewport (hence
‘toggle’). Each summoned toggle specifies the ‘viewport’ in which it is toggling an
action. The summons are also used to activate in a context-dependent way the ids of
actions relevant for the next step. By using the id of a tangible (e.g. thing or person)
as the id of an action step, for example, an object detection engine can trigger the
launching (or termination) of the according action.
Towards data exchange formats for learning experiences - ARTEL14

   The ‘constraints’ define, how the system can validate that certain user interaction
and other observable conditions are given the way they were modeled. For example,
as depicted in Fig. 3, a constraint of type ‘onEnter’ can be defined that checks wheth-
er the learner has certain basic ICT skills. Constraints are specified in a given query
language (in the example: SQL) and they define their own action branching for ‘on-
Satisfied’ and ‘onViolated’ conditions.
   To enable communication between devices and to allow for communicating with
overlays (as specified in the workplace model), ‘messages’ can be used: each ‘mes-
sage’ specifies, which ‘target’ (device, thing, person, …) and ‘id’ they want to com-
municate with. In case that the message is to a thing, the ‘overlay’ needs to be speci-
fied. Messages can also declare explicitly, which communication ‘channel’ they want
to use (e.g. a real-time presence channel ‘rpc’ or an ‘xapi’ endpoint).

                            Fig. 3. Example activityML code.

   Fig. 3 provides an example mock activity model. In this code example, the activity
is broken down into five action steps, four of which are to be executed on a tablet PC,
while one will be launched on a pair of augmented-reality (see-through) glasses. The
user interaction starts with a welcome instruction to check the manufacturing order

Towards data exchange formats for learning experiences - ARTEL14

(auto-removed after 500ms) in which a constraint validation is performed checking
whether the user has the required skills (from a user profile).
   If this constraint is validated, the user proceeds to finding the order sheet; other-
wise an error message is displayed. To support finding the order sheet object, an ac-
tion is launched on the glasses, which is toggled with sending the according id (‘ac-
tion15’). Once the object has been found in the viewfinder of the glasses, the next
action – playing multimedia instructions in the smart player app – follows, this now
again on the tablet PC.

4      Modelling workplaces

   To create interoperability of applications interpreting activityML, a description of
the workplace is required in a defined interchange format. We propose for this work-
placeML, an XML dialect to describe the tangibles, configurables, and basic triggers
of a workplace. The ‘tangibles’ thereby refer to ‘things’, ‘places’, and ‘persons’, see
Fig. 4. The ‘configurables’ fall into two classes, namely ‘devices’ and ‘apps’.

                        Fig. 4. Conceptual model of workplaceML.

   Finally, the ‘triggers’ group together both ‘detectables’ (such as markers) and the
primitives of ‘overlays’. The relationship between tangibles and triggers is crucial:
each tangible can specify the corresponding ‘detectable’ to determine how it can be
detected: it can name the id of a marker, the id of a feature cloud, or even the id send
Towards data exchange formats for learning experiences - ARTEL14

by an Internet of Things component such as an intelligent toolbox that monitors
through sensors which tools are taken out or put back in. Moreover, each tangible can
list the overlay primitives supported and configure them if required. For example, a
‘YesNo’ visual overlay does not require additional configuration: an app identifying
the tangible will automatically overlay a green circle when it is relevant to the current
action step (and a red cross, when not). This is different, for example, for an image
overlay primitive: in that case, the tangible needs to specify via ‘src’ the path to the
image to be displayed (and whether it shall be anchored to the detectable or to the

                          Fig. 5. Example of a workplaceML file.
Towards data exchange formats for learning experiences - ARTEL14

    Certain verbs of handling and movement can be predicates of an action step (e.g.
‘lift’ or ‘rotate’) and they overlay primitives can be enabled accordingly in the con-
figuration of the tangible.
    The ‘configurables’ specify for each device the ‘owner’, a human-readable ‘name’,
the ‘type’ (e.g. ‘iPad mini’ versus ‘google glass’) and its unique id. This ensures that
messages can be delivered and actions can be launched and styled correctly. The
‘apps’ define the URL of the manifest file of e.g. a ‘widget 1.0‘ compliant or ‘Open-
Social’ compliant widget.
    The code example presented in Fig. 5 now provides the required workplace infor-
mation on the tangibles (places, things, persons), configurables (apps, devices), and
triggers (detectables, overlays).
    From the bottom to the top, first the overlay primitives are described, i.e. a generic
definition of which types of overlays exist and which modality they are overlaid in.
For example, there is a person sound and there is an image overlay.
    Next, the detectables are defined: this enables a pre-trained marker (‘010’), a fea-
tureless object model (‘015’), and an event from an Internet of Things sensor (‘020’).
There are two types of configurables defined in this example: the devices (e.g. of type
‘ipad’ or ‘moveriobt200’) as well as the apps that can be launched, some of which
through calls to the device app to be launched, others as html5 widgets.
    Finally, definitions of persons, places, and things follow. Here, each tangible can
further configure the overlay primitives described at the very end of the script. For
example, the thing ‘thehammer1’ is bound to the marker ‘010’ and configured to sup-
port image overlays using a picture of the hammer and setting the xyz-offsets as re-

5      Related work

   In Naeve et al. (2014), we have presented generic, complementary deliberations
about workplace models as well as an earlier, less elaborate version of the interchange
format for activities proposed (p.48ff).
   ACTIVITY-DL (Lanquepin, 2013; Barot et al., 2013) builds on the former
HAWAI-DL proposal of the same group and provides a hierarchical way to describe
tasks for virtual reality environments. While the task description is very advanced, the
language lacks capabilities for device and multi-sensor integration. ACTIVITY-DL
refers to its precursors MAD (Methode Analytique de Description; Sebillotte &
Scapin, 1994) and GTA (Groupware Task Analysis; Veer et al., 1996), both focusing
on analysing work tasks in interaction with user interfaces. While both provide con-
ceptual insights (e.g. on timing and on condition modelling), they do not provide
bindings against an interchange format.

6      Conclusion and outlook

  In this contribution, we have rooted our motivation for creating the required ex-
change formats for capturing and sharing (kinaesthetic) learning experiences in manu-
Towards data exchange formats for learning experiences - ARTEL14

facturing workplaces. The transformation the industry is currently undertaking has left
a skills gap, which can be closed using learning technology apt to capture, share, and
guide in re-enacting innovative production activity. For this, we have described the
learning process and proposed two novel interchange formats for exchanging execut-
able descriptions of learning by doing activity and workplaces. The exchange formats
are implemented in the ARgh! prototype, a first glance of which is published in the
proceedings of the main conference (Wild et al., 2014).
   In a world, where the time required for updating must be significantly smaller than
the half-life of knowledge documented, this becomes a key enabler for experience
sharing and a corner stone for success.
   The specifications have already been tested against a range of storyboards of the
TELL-ME project and with participants of the joint European doctoral summer school
in TEL (JTEL’14). The upcoming user pilots in the TELL-ME are expected to lead to
further refinements. In particular, work is undergoing at the moment to further refine
the predicate vocabulary and fine-tune it to the three pilot workplaces tested (aviation,
furniture production, textile inspection and production). Moreover, the xAPI integra-
tion already feeds back to the constraint validation and further updates on query lan-
guage and reasoning are to be expected.


   The research leading to the results presented in this contribution has received fund-
ing from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-
2013) under grant agreement no. 318329 (the TELL-ME project, http://tellme-ip.eu).
The authors would like to express their gratitude to the partners who have been in-
volved in the related research work in TELL-ME.

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