=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1241/paper04 |storemode=property |title=The Role of Hill-Shading in Tourist Maps |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1241/paper04.pdf |volume=Vol-1241 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/giscience/Popelka14 }} ==The Role of Hill-Shading in Tourist Maps== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1241/paper04.pdf
                                                                                             ET4S 2014

            The role of hill-shading in tourist maps
                                          Stanislav Popelka

            Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic

        Abstract. The paper is focused on eye-tracking evaluation of two variants of
        Czech online tourist maps.
        Terrain in the first type of maps was depicted with contour lines and elevation
        points only. In the second type of maps, visualization was enhanced by hill-
        shading. The purpose of the case study was to evaluate if the hill-shading helps
        users with better imagination of the terrain. The experiment was complemented
        with a short questionnaire focused on users’ subjective opinion about suitability
        and aesthetics of both map types.
        The task was to find out one particular place (village or hill) in the map as fast
        as possible and mark it with the mouse. Two aspects were investigated - if hill-
        shading helps users to find the hill, and at the same time, if the hill-shading
        make it more difficult to find the village.
        The data were analysed statistically and with the use of visual analytics meth-
        ods. Preliminary results denotes that respondents prefer shaded maps from the
        aesthetics point of view, but there is no statistically significant difference for
        any of used eye-tracking metrics. The results of the study will answer the ques-
        tion, if hill-shading used in tourist maps helps users to perceive the terrain bet-

        Keywords: Shading, Tourist maps, Eye-tracking, Cartography, Evaluation

1       Introduction

   Lot of visualization techniques for representation of the terrain exist. In tourist
maps, the terrain is usually represented by contour lines. Many inexperienced map
users have troubles to read 2D topographic maps. To help these users, cartographers
have increasingly turned to 3D perspective maps, which allow users to more easily
visualize three-dimensional landscapes [1].
   Limits of perspective maps lie in perspective distortion, hidden objects, countless
scales within one view and incomparable geometries of objects [2]. Because of these
limits, perspective views are not appropriate for depicting of large areas (i.e. tourist
map of the country). Tourist maps with contour lines can be enhanced by adding the
psychological depth by "shading”, which helps the observer to perceive depth [3].
   There is still little known, if the shading helps to the map users to imagine the re-
lief better than contour lines.

ET4S 2014, September 23, 2014, Vienna, Austria
Copyright © 2014 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and
academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.

                                                                                       ET4S 2014

2        Case study

   The aim of the case study presented in the paper was to evaluate the role of hill-
shading in tourist online maps. As stimuli, screenshots from Czech map portal
Mapy.cz were used. The task was to find as fast as possible particular location in the
map; hill or village. Two versions of stimuli were created; with and without hill shad-
ing. Purpose of the study was to analyse, if the hill-shading helps respondents to find
the hills, and in the same time, if it does not distract them while finding the villages.
   Study was performed in within-subject design. Stimuli were presented in random
order. To unite the starting point of the eye-movement trajectories, the fixation cross
was displayed for 500 ms prior to the stimulus. Respondents had maximum time of 45
second to find the target. This time amount was sufficient for majority of the maps,
just for the most complex one, which contained huge amount of labelled places, this
time was not sufficient for some respondents.
   For the case study, an eye-tracking device SMI RED 250 was used. This device is
capable of recording eye-movements with the frequency of 120 Hz. Eye positions are
recorded every 8 ms. For the unification of lighting conditions; the device is situated
in laboratory with blinded windows. Eye-tracker was supplemented with a web cam-
era, which records participant during the experiment. This video helped to reveal the
cause of missing data, respondents’ reactions to the stimuli and their comments to the
particular maps.
   Total of 40 participants (24 females and 16 males) attended the eye-tracking exper-
iment. Before the experiment, respondents filled out the short questionnaire with per-
sonal information. Respondents were originated from different fields. Some of them
were cartographers, some of them were not. Majority of participants were 20-25 years
   The experiment contained 12 static stimuli with tourist maps in two versions – with
and without shading. To avoid learning effect, the target was different for each map in
the pair, but the target was located in similar distance from the centre of the image.
Example of the stimuli is in the fig. 1.

    Fig. 1. Pair of stimuli. Map without shading on the left, shaded map on the right. The target
                      (hills “Pelousek” and “Horka”) are marked with red arrows

                                                                                    ET4S 2014

3      Analyses

   Data were analysed in two ways. At the beginning, the answers on the short ques-
tionnaire focused on maps suitability and aesthetics were summarized. In the second
part, eye-movement data were analysed statistically and with use of visual analytics.
   After the experiments, respondents were asked to answer two questions. In the first
one, they had to decide, which map was better for the answering the question. An-
swers were almost balanced (see fig. 2; left). 14 respondents found maps without
shading better for answering the tasks, 13 found shaded maps more suitable. Remain-
ing 13 respondents think that it depends on the task (if they are finding hill or village).
   In the second question, respondents had to decide which version they like more.
Majority of them (27) prefered shaded map (see fig. 2; right).

    Fig. 2. Summarized answers for the short questionnaire presented after the experiment.

   Trial Duration and Time to Click were analysed (fig. 3). The highest difference be-
tween variant with shading and without shading was observed in case of the last map
(task 6), which was the most complex one.

Fig. 3. Median values of Trial Duration and Time to Click. Error bars corresponds to the Inter-
                                        quartile range

    Eye-movement metrics Fixation Duration, Fixation Count and Scanpath Length
were investigated. From the preliminary results it seems, that there is no significant
difference in these metrics between maps with and without shading. (see fig. 4) In the
next part of the research, data will be tested with use of Wilcoxon sum rank test.

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  Fig. 4. Median values of Fixation Count and Scanpath Length. Error bars corresponds to the
                                      Interquartile range

   Next part of the analyses used the method introduced by Kristien Ooms [4]. The
stimulus is divided into the grid of cells and number of fixations in each cell is
counted. The output grid is coloured based on the number of fixations. To compare
both variants of the stimuli, the grid without shading was subtracted from the shaded
                                  11a - "Na Skalce" - No Shading                                         11b - "Vlčí kámen" - Shading                                          Difference Shading vs. No-Shading
                    1    0       1       92    10    45    68    answer   9    1    1       0        1        77     10     31      11    17    6     6        0       0        0       -15     0      -14     -57    answer   -3    5
 task 1 - Hill

                    59   8       4       21    77    15    10     44      18   3    36     11        1        19     80     17      1     7     10    1        -23     3        -3       -2     3       2       -9     -37     -8    -2

                    21   30     14        8    46    81    22     31      46   39   17     27       11        8      44     59      8     22    25    32       -4      -3       -3       0      -2     -22     -14      -9     -21   -7

                    0    44      5        9    47     4    67     31      28   27   6      36        9        10     25      4      46    30    20    31       6       -8       4        1      -22     0      -21      -1     -8    4

                    4    10     74        3    29     1     7     48      50   8    0      11      answer     2      32      1      6     17    31    2        -4      1      answer     -1     3       0       -1     -31     -19   -6

                                     13a - "Pelousek" - No Shading                                          13b - "Horka" - Shading                                            Difference Shading vs. No-Shading
                    21   55     21       43    17    26    21    answer   17   16   11     39       22        34     4       8      4     30    13    15       -10    -16       1        -9     -13    -18     -17    answer   -4    -1
 task 3 - Hill

                    0    33     19       70    34    38    34     65      14   6    0     answer    68        61     30     39      17    34    19    6        0     answer    49        -9     -4      1      -17     -31     5     0

                    1    2      62       60    17    60    24     14      41   3    1       5       75        46     31     50      25    23    32    13       0       3       13       -14     14     -10      1       9      -9    10

                    32   57     40       11    79    40    34     14      7    17   27     38       31        6      48     31      15    12    9     10       -5     -19       -9       -5     -31     -9     -19      -2     2     -7

                    37   1       8       63     3    23    29        3    0    1    25      4       12        58     6      18      21    6     2     1        -12     3        4        -5     3       -5      -8      3      2     0


                                     15a - "Habřinka" - No Shading                                        13b - "Hubenice" - Shading                                           Difference Shading vs. No-Shading
                    17   7       2        9    29    58    25     12      9    28   25      6        2        7      30    answer   126   20    26    48       8       -1       0        -2     1     answer   101      8      17    20
 task 4 - Village

                    1    47     51       78    77    47    30     42      8    32   1      55       52        116    112    87      76    59    17    54       0       8        1       38      35     40      46      17      9     22

                    1    8      52       87    31    23    21     49      1    14   3      14       85        126    43     24      31    81    5     24       2       6       33       39      12      1      10      32      4     10

                    22   83      1        6     3    40    52        1    3    1    28     91        3        15     3      67      74    5     1     2        6       8        2        9      0      27      22       4      -2    1

                    35   29    answer    150    2    11     3        2    8    5    47     35       94        82     14     18      2     3     2     2        12      6      answer    -68     12      7       -1      1      -6    -3

                                     17a - "Škodějov" - No Shading                                          17b - "Řestoky" - Shading                                          Difference Shading vs. No-Shading
                    18   79     36       25    103   60    65        4    3    22   20     103      42        55     145    73      102   12    4     20       2      24        6       30      42     13      37       8      1     -2
 task 6 - Village

                    17   112    83       77    60    25    203   answer   7    40   35     148      102       123    101    42      93    151   27    76       18     36       19       46      41     17      -110   answer   20    36

                    50   68     50       109   68    102   35     28      25   31   98     116      178       177    116    149     28    15    39    77       48     48       128      68      48     47       -7     -13     14    46

                    54   65     20       72    19    53     7     40      90   19   136    109      89      answer   36     95      14    124   155   42       82     44       69      answer   17     42       7      84      65    23

                    41   41     51       83    15    59    39     55      10   16   96     65       77        183    60     120     79    104   11    21       55     24       26       100     45     61      40      49      1     5

                                Fig. 5. Grid representation of number of fixations for two pairs of stimuli.

   Figure 5 shows result of this analysis for four pairs of images. The image on the
left represents the map without shading. Shaded maps are in the center. On the right,
there is a difference in the number of fixations between each pair. Red cells with “an-
swer” label represent the location of the target, where the number of fixations was the

                                                                                  ET4S 2014

highest. These values were excluded from the visualization. From the image, it is
obvious that in the tasks 1 and 3 (upper rows of images), more fixations were record-
ed for the maps without shading (difference images contain majority of negative val-
ues). For the tasks 4 and 6 (bottom rows of images), the situation is opposite. A higher
number of fixations in the task 6 indicates problems with target finding.

4      Conclusion

   The paper describes ongoing eye-tracking study focused on the role of hill-shading
in tourist maps. Preliminary results suggest that respondents subjectively like shaded
maps more than maps with contour lines only. From the evaluation of eye-tracking
data, it seems that there is no statistically significant difference for three eye-tracking
metrics (Fixation Duration, Fixation Count and Scanpath Length). First outputs from
visual analytics methods show interesting facts about user reactions on the particular
map pairs. Among the above mentioned analysis, also Flow Map and Time Bar
methods, described in [5] will be used for evaluation of the eye-tracking data in
further research.

5      References
1. Schobesberger, D., Patterson, T.: Exploring of Effectiveness of 2D vs. 3D Trail-head Maps,
   Proceedings of 6th ICA Mountain Cartography Workshop. Lenk im Simmental, Switzerland
2. Jobst, M., Germanchis, T.: The employment of 3D in cartography - An overview. Multime-
   dia Cartography. Springer, pp. 217-228 ( 2007)
3. Dykes, J., MacEachren, A., Kraak, M.: Applying “True 3D” Techniques to Geovisualiza-
   tion: An Empirical Study. Exploring Geovisualization, 363p (2005)
4. Ooms, K., De Mayer P., Fack, V.: Study of the attentive behavior of novice and expert map
   users using eye tracking. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 41(1), pp. 37-54
5. Andrienko, G., Andrienko, N., Burch, M., Weiskopf, D.: Visual Analytics Methodology for
   Eye Movement Studies. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on,
   18(12), pp. 2889-2898 (2012)
