=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1245/paper8 |storemode=property |title=Linked Open Data-enabled Strategies for Top-N Recommendations |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1245/cbrecsys2014-paper08.pdf |volume=Vol-1245 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/recsys/MustoBLGS14 }} ==Linked Open Data-enabled Strategies for Top-N Recommendations== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1245/cbrecsys2014-paper08.pdf
                     Linked Open Data-enabled Strategies for
                            Top-N Recommendations

                  Cataldo Musto                           Pierpaolo Basile                      Pasquale Lops
            Dept. of Computer Science               Dept. of Computer Science             Dept. of Computer Science
            Univ. of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy          Univ. of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy        Univ. of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
            cataldo.musto@uniba.it pierpaolo.basile@uniba.it pasquale.lops@uniba.it
                          Marco de Gemmis           Giovanni Semeraro
                                Dept. of Computer Science              Dept. of Computer Science
                                Univ. of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy         Univ. of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
                             marco.degemmis@uniba.it giovanni.semeraro@uniba.it

ABSTRACT                                                               radio programs, genes, proteins, drugs, online communities,
The huge amount of interlinked information referring to dif-           statistical data, and reviews in a single global data space,
ferent domains, provided by the Linked Open Data (LOD)                 the Web of Data [2].
initiative, could be e↵ectively exploited by recommender sys-             This information, interlinked with each other, forms a
tems to deal with the cold-start and sparsity problems.                global graph called Linked Open Data cloud, whose nucleus
   In this paper we investigate the contribution of several            is represented by DBpedia2 .
features extracted from the Linked Open Data cloud to the                 A fragment of the Linked Open Data cloud is depicted in
accuracy of di↵erent recommendation algorithms. We focus               Figure 1.
on the top-N recommendation task in presence of binary
user feedback and cold-start situations, that is, predicting
ratings for users who have a few past ratings, and predicting
ratings of items that have been rated by a few users.
   Results show the potential of Linked Open Data-enabled
approaches to outperform existing state-of-the-art algorithms.

Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.3.3 [Information Systems]: Information Search and Re-

Content-based Recommender Systems; Top-N recommenda-
tions; Implicit Feedback; Linked Open Data; DBpedia

1. INTRODUCTION                                                        Figure 1: Fragment of the Linked Open Data cloud
   Recently, novel and more accessible forms of information            (as of September 2011).
coming from di↵erent open knowledge sources represent a
rapidly growing piece of the big data puzzle.                             Using open or pooled data from many sources, often com-
   Over the last years, more and more semantic data are pub-           bined and linked with proprietary big data, can help develop
lished following the Linked Data principles1 , by connecting           insights difficult to uncover with internal data alone [4], and
information referring to geographical locations, people, com-          can be e↵ectively exploited by recommender systems to deal
panies, book, scientific publications, films, music, TV and            with classical problems of cold-start and sparsity.
                                                                          On the other hand, the use of a huge amount of inter-
    http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html                     linked data poses new challenges to recommender systems
                                                                       researchers, who have to find e↵ective ways to integrate such
                                                                       knowledge into recommendation paradigms.
                                                                          This paper presents a preliminary investigation in which
                                                                       we propose and evaluate di↵erent ways of including several
                                                                       kinds of Linked Open Data features in di↵erent classes of
                                                                       recommendation algorithms. The evaluation is focused on
Copyright 2014 for the individual papers by the paper’s authors.       the top-N recommendations task in presence of binary user
Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. This volume is    feedback and cold-start situations.
published and
CBRecSys      copyrighted
          2014, October 6, by its editors.
                           2014,  Silicon Valley, CA, USA.             2
CBRecSys 2014
                  the author(s).
                         6, 2014, Silicon Valley, CA, USA.                 http://dbpedia.org

   This paper extends our previous work carried out to par-       leveraged various features sets created from DBpedia. Ad-
ticipate to the Linked Open Data-enabled Recommender              ditional Linked Open Data sources were explored, such as
Systems challenge3 [1], by presenting results for new tested      British Library Bibliography4 and DBTropes5 , even though
algorithms, along with the various combinations of features.      they did not provide meaningful features with respect to
Results show the potential of Linked Open Data-enabled ap-        those derived from DBpedia. The results of the individual
proaches to outperform existing state-of-the-art algorithms.      recommenders were combined using stacking regression and
                                                                  rank aggregation using Borda.
   Previous attempts to build recommender systems that ex-        3.     METHODOLOGY
ploit Linked Open Data are presented in [17], where a music          Section 3.1 describes the set of di↵erent features extracted
recommender system uses DBpedia to compute the Linked             from the Linked Open Data cloud, while Section 3.2 presents
Data Semantic Distance, which allows to provide recommen-         di↵erent kinds of recommendation algorithms, i.e. those
dations by computing the semantic distance for all artists        based on vector space and probabilistic models, those based
referenced in DBpedia.                                            on the use of classifiers, and graph-based algorithms, which
   In that work, the semantics of the DBpedia relations is not    are fed in di↵erent ways by the features extracted from the
taken into account, di↵erently from the approach described        Linked Open Data cloud.
in [5], where properties extracted from DBpedia and Linked-
MDB [12] are exploited to perform a semantic expansion of the     3.1      Features extracted from the Linked Open
item descriptions, suitable for learning user profiles.                    Data cloud
   In [15], DBpedia is used to enrich the playlists extracted       The use of Linked Open Data allows to bridge the gap
from a Facebook profile with new related artists. Each            between the need of background data and the challenge to
artist in the original playlist is mapped to a DBpedia node,      devise novel advanced recommendation strategies.
and other similar artists are selected by taking into account       There are two main approaches to extract Linked Open
shared properties, such as the genre and the musical cate-        Data features to represent items:
gory of the artist.
   DBpedia is also used in [16] to capture the complex rela-           1. use of the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
tionships between users, items and entities by extracting the
paths that connect users to items, in order to compute rec-            2. use of entity linking algorithms.
ommendations through a learning to rank algorithm called
SPRank. SPRank is a hybrid recommendation algorithm                  The first approach directly extracts DBpedia properties for
able to compute top-N item recommendations from implicit          each item by using its Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
feedback, that e↵ectively incorporates ontological knowledge      URIs are the standard way to identify real-world entities,
coming from DBpedia (content-based part) with collabora-          and allow to define an entry point to DBpedia.
tive user preferences (collaborative part) in a graph-based          However, DBpedia provides a huge set of properties for
setting. Starting from the common graph-based represen-           each item, hence a proper strategy to select the most valu-
tation of the content and collaborative data models, all the      able ones is necessary. We could manually identify and select
paths connecting the user to an item are considered in or-        a subset of domain-dependent properties, or we could take
der to have a relevance score for that item. The more paths       into account a subset of the most frequent ones.
between a user and an item, the more that item is relevant           Referring to the book domain, in which we performed the
to that user.                                                     evaluation, we selected the 10 properties in Table 1, which
   The increasing interest in using Linked Open Data to cre-      are both very frequent and representative of the specific do-
ate a new breed of content-based recommender systems is           main.
witnessed by the success of the recent Linked Open Data-             Starting from these properties, further resources could be
enabled Recommender Systems challenge held at the Euro-           recursively added. For example, starting from a book, we
pean Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014). The contest             could retrieve its author through the property
consisted of 3 tasks, namely rating prediction in cold-start      http://dbpedia.org/ontology/author
situations, top-N recommendation from binary user feed-           and then retrieve and link other resources by the same au-
back, and diversity. Interestingly, top-N recommendation          thor, or other genres of works by the same author.
from binary user feedback was the task with the highest              As an example, the resulting representation obtained for
number of participants. The best performing approach was          the book The Great and Secret Show is provided in Figure
based on an ensemble of algorithms based on popularity,           2. The book is linked to its author (Clive Barker ), to the
Vector Space Model, Random Forests, Logistic Regression,          genre (Fantasy literature), and to the Wikipedia categories
and PageRank, running on a diverse set of semantic features       (British fantasy novels and 1980s fantasy novels). Further-
[1]. The performance of the single methods were aggregated        more, other books by Clive Barker are reported, such as
using the Borda count aggregation strategy. Most of the           Books of Blood and Mister B. Gone.
techniques used in the contest are presented in this paper.          The second approach to extract LOD features uses entity
   Similarly to the best performing approach, the second best     linking algorithms to identify a set of Wikipedia concepts
performing one was based on the same ingredients [18]. In-        occurring in the item description. Next, those Wikipedia
deed, it combined di↵erent base recommenders, such as col-        concepts can be easily mapped to the corresponding DBpedia
laborative and content-based ones, with a non-personalized        nodes.
recommender based on popularity. Content-based strategies         4
3                                                                 5
    challenges.2014.eswc-conferences.org/index.php/RecSys             http://skipforward.opendfki.de/wiki/DBTropes

  Property                                                           Description                                               Frequency
  http://dbpedia.org/ontology/wikiPageWikiLink                       Link from a Wikipedia page to another Wikipedia             523,321
                                                                     page. This property allows to take into account
                                                                     other Wikipedia pages which are somehow related.
  http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject                                   The topic of a book.                                         38,627
  http://dbpedia.org/property/genre                                  The genre of a book.                                         12,488
  http://dbpedia.org/property/publisher                              The publisher of a book.                                     9,798
  http://dbpedia.org/ontology/author                                 The author of a book.                                        8,669
  http://dbpedia.org/property/followedBy                             The book followed by a specific book.                        6,351
  http://dbpedia.org/property/precededBy                             The book preceded by a specific book.                        5,978
  http://dbpedia.org/property/series                                 The series of a book.                                        3,196
  http://dbpedia.org/property/dewey                                  The Dewey Decimal library Classification.                    1,930
  http://dbpedia.org/ontology/nonFictionSubject                      The subject of a non-fiction book                             966
                                                                     (e.g.: history, biography, cookbook, ...).

                                    Table 1: DBpedia properties selected for the book domain.


                                      Clive_                   Mister_
                                      Barker         author    B._Gone
                           author                                             Figure 3: Tagme representation of the book The
                                                                              Great and Secret Show by Clive Barker.
                 Great_             genre      Fantasy_
                  and_                         literature                       All these features are used in di↵erent ways by the di↵er-
                 Secret_                                                      ent recommendation algorithms presented in the following
                  show                                                        section. Details are reported in Section 4.2.

     subject     subject                                                      3.2     Recommendation Algorithms
                                        precededBy                               We tested three di↵erent classes of algorithms for generat-
                                                                              ing top-N recommendations, by using several combinations
      British_          1980s_
     fantasy_          fantasy_                                               of features extracted from the Linked Open Data cloud.
      novels            novels                 Everville
                                                                              3.2.1    Algorithms based on the Vector Space and Prob-
                                                                                       abilistic Models
                                                                                Most content-based recommender systems rely on simple
                                                                              retrieval models to produce recommendations, such as key-
Figure 2: Properties of the book The Great and Se-                            word matching or Vector Space Model (VSM).
cret Show by Clive Barker.                                                      VSM emerged as one of the most e↵ective approaches in
                                                                              the area of Information Retrieval, thanks to its good com-
                                                                              promise between e↵ectiveness and simplicity. Documents
                                                                              and queries are represented by vectors in an n-dimensional
   Several techniques can be adopted, such as Explicit Se-                    vector space, where n is the number of index terms (words,
mantic Analysis [8] or Tagme [7].                                             stems, concepts, etc.).
   In this work we adopt Tagme, that implements an anchor                       Formally, each document is represented by a vector of
disambiguation algorithm to produce a Wikipedia-based rep-                    weights, where weights indicate the degree of association
resentation of text fragments, where the most relevant con-                   between the document and index terms.
cepts occurring in the text are mapped to the Wikipedia                         Given this representation, documents are ranked by com-
articles they refer to. Tagme performs a sort of feature se-                  puting the distance between their vector representations and
lection by filtering out the noise in text fragments, and its                 the query vector. Let D = {d1 , d2 , ..., dN } denote a set of
main advantage is the ability to annotate very short texts.                   documents or corpus, and T = {t1 , t2 , ..., tn } be the dictio-
   As an example, the resulting representation obtained for                   nary, that is to say the set of words in the corpus. T is
the book The Great and Secret Show is provided in Figure                      obtained by applying some standard natural language pro-
3. Interestingly, the technique is able to associate several                  cessing operations, such as tokenization, stopwords removal,
concepts which are somehow related to the book, and which                     and stemming. Each document dj is represented as a vector
could be useful to provide accurate and diverse recommen-                     in a n-dimensional vector space, so dj = {w1j , w2j , ..., dnj },
dations, as well.                                                             where wkj is the weight for term tk in document dj . The

most common weighting scheme is the TF-IDF (Term Frequency-                 Several works generally rely on the Rocchio algorithm [21]
Inverse Document Frequency).                                             to incrementally refine the user profiles by exploiting positive
   In content-based recommender systems relying on VSM,                  and negative feedback provided by users, even though the
the query is the user profile, obtained as a combination of              method needs an extensive tuning of parameters for being
the index terms occurring in the items liked by that user,               e↵ective.
and recommendations are computed by applying a vector                       Negative relevance feedback is also discussed in [6], in
similarity measure, such as the cosine coefficient, between              which the idea of representing negation by subtracting an
the user profile and the items to be recommended in the                  unwanted vector from a query emerged, even if nothing
same vector space.                                                       about how much to subtract is stated. Hence, vector nega-
   However, VSM is not able to manage either the latent se-              tion is built on the idea of subtracting exactly the right
mantics of each document or the position of the terms occur-             amount to make the unwanted vector irrelevant to the re-
ring in it. Hence, we proposed an approach able to produce               sults we obtain.
a lightweight and implicit semantic representation of docu-                 This removal operation is called vector negation, which is
ments (items and user profiles). The technique is based on               related to the concept of orthogonality, and it is proposed in
the distributional hypothesis, according to which “words that            [23].
occur in the same contexts tend to have similar meanings”
[11]. This means that the meaning of a word is inferred by               3.2.2    Algorithms based on Classifiers
analyzing its usage in large corpora of textual documents,                  The recommendation process can be seen as a binary clas-
hence words are semantically similar to the extent that they             sification task, in which each item has to be classified as
share contexts.                                                          interesting or not with respect to the user preferences.
   The gist of the technique is presented in [14], in which a               We learned classifiers using two algorithms, namely Ran-
novel content-based recommendation framework, called en-                 dom Forests (RF) [3] and Logistic Regression (LR).
hanced Vector Space Model (eVSM), is described. eVSM                        RF is an ensemble learning method, combining di↵erent
adopts a latent semantic representation of items in terms                tree predictors built using di↵erent samples of the training
of contexts, i.e. a term-context matrix is adopted, instead              data and random subsets of the data features. The class of
of the classical term-document matrix adopted in the VSM.                an item is determined by the majority voting of the classes
The advantage is that the context can be adapted to the spe-             returned by the individual trees. The use of di↵erent sam-
cific granularity level of the representation required by the            ples of the data from the same distribution and of di↵erent
application: for example, given a word, its context could                sets of features for learning the individual trees prevent the
be either a single word it co-occurs with, a sentence, or the            overfitting.
whole document.                                                             LR is a supervised learning method for classification which
   The use of fine-grained representations of contexts calls             builds a linear model based on a transformed target variable.
for specific techniques for reducing the dimensionality of vec-
tors. Besides the classical Latent Semantic Indexing, which              3.2.3    Graph-based Algorithms
su↵ers of scalability issues, more scalable techniques were                 We adopted PageRank with Priors, widely used to obtain
investigated, such as Random Indexing [22], adopted in the               an authority score for a node based on the network con-
eVSM model.                                                              nectivity. Di↵erently from PageRank, it is biased towards
   Random Indexing in an incremental method which allows                 the preferences of a specific user, by adopting a non-uniform
to reduce a vector space by projecting the points into a ran-            personalization vector to assign di↵erent weights to di↵erent
domly selected subspace of enough high dimensionality. The               nodes [13].
goal of using eVSM is to compare a vector space represen-                   In order to run the PageRank, we need to represent data
tation which adopts very few dimensions for representing                 using a graph model. To this purpose, users and items in
items, with respect to a classical VSM.                                  the dataset are represented as nodes of a graph, while links
   As an alternative to VSM, we used the BM25 probabilistic              are represented by the positive users’ feedback. The graph
model [19], one of the most dominant retrieval paradigm                  may be enriched in di↵erent ways, for example exploiting
today. The ranking function for matching a query q (user                 entities and relations coming from DBpedia: in this case the
profile) and an item I is:                                               whole graph would contain nodes representing users, items,
                                                                         and entities, and edges representing items relevant to users,
              X           nt · (↵ + 1)                                   and relations between entities. This unified representation
         R=                                 |I|
                                                      · idf (t)   (1)    allows to take into account both collaborative and content-
              t2q nt + ↵ · (1          +   avgdl
                                                                         based features to produce recommendations.
nt is frequency of t in the item I, ↵ and are free parame-                  In the classic PageRank, the prior probability assigned to
ters, avgdl is the average item length, and idf (t) is the IDF           each node is evenly distributed ( N1 , where N is the number of
of feature t:                                                            nodes), while PageRank with Priors is biased towards some
                                                                         nodes, i.e. the preferences of a specific user (see Section 4.2).
                                N      df (t) + 0.5
                idf (t) = log                                     (2)
                                    df (t) + 0.5                         4.   EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION
df (t) is the number of items in which the feature t occurs,                The goal of the experiments is to evaluate the contribu-
N is the cardinality of the collection.                                  tion of diverse combinations of features, including those ex-
   For all the previous models we explicitly managed neg-                tracted from the Linked Open Data cloud, to the accuracy
ative preferences of users by adopting the vector negation               of di↵erent classes of recommendation algorithms.
operator proposed in [23], based on the concept of orthogo-                 The experiments that have been carried out try to answer
nality between vectors.                                                  to the following questions:

  1. Which is the contribution of the Linked Open Data             training examples, while these did not provide valuable re-
     features to the accuracy of top-N recommendations             sults for RF.
     algorithms, in presence of binary user feedback and             The RF classifier used 1,500 trees to provide a good trade-
     cold-start situations?                                        o↵ between accuracy and efficiency.
                                                                     For Logistic Regression we adopted the implementation
  2. Do the Linked Open Data-enabled approaches out-               provided by Liblinear6 , while for Random Forests we adopted
     perform existing state-of-the-art recommendation al-          the implementation provided by the Weka library7 .
     gorithms?                                                       Top-N recommendations are produced by ranking items
                                                                   according to the probability of the class.
4.1 Dataset
   The dataset used in the experiment is DBbook, coming            Graph-based Algorithms.
from the recent Linked-Open Data-enabled Recommender                 PageRank with Priors is performed (for each single user)
Systems challenge. It contains user preferences retrieved          using graphs with di↵erent sets of nodes. Initially, only
from the Web in the book domain. Each book is mapped               users, items and links represented by the positive feedback
to the corresponding DBpedia URI, which can be used to             are included; next, we enriched the graph with the 10 prop-
extract features from di↵erent datasets in the Linked Open         erties extracted from DBpedia (see Section 3.1). Then, we
Data cloud.                                                        ran a second level expansion stage of the graph to retrieve
   The training set released for the top-N recommendation          the following additional resources:
task contains 72,372 binary ratings provided by 6,181 users
on 6,733 items. The dataset sparsity is 99.83%, and the                1. internal wiki links of the new added nodes
distribution of ratings is reported in Table 2.
   The test set contains user-item pairs to rank in order to           2. more generic categories according to the hierarchy in
produce a top-5 item recommendation list for each user, to                DBpedia
be evaluated using F1@5 accuracy measure.                              3. resources of the same category
4.2 Experimental setup                                                 4. resources of the same genre
   Each recommendation algorithm is fed by a diverse set of
                                                                       5. genres pertaining to the author of the book
   Besides TAGME and LOD features, algorithms may also use             6. resources written by the author
BASIC features, i.e. number of positive, number of nega-
tive, and total number of feedbacks provided by users and              7. genres of the series the book belongs to.
provided on items, ratio between positive, negative and to-
tal number of feedbacks provided by users and provided on             This process adds thousands of nodes to the original graph.
items and CONTENT features, obtained by processing book de-        For this reason, we pruned the graph by removing nodes
scriptions gathered from Wikipedia. A simple NLP pipeline          which are neither users nor books and having a total num-
removes stopwords, and applies stemming. For books not             ber of inlinks and outlinks less than 5. This graph eventually
existing in Wikipedia, DBpedia abstracts were processed.           consisted of 340,000 nodes and 6 millions links.
   For all the methods, the 5 most popular items are assigned         The prior probabilities assigned to nodes depend on the
as liked to users with no positive ratings in the training set.    users’ preferences, and are assigned according to the follow-
Indeed, 5.37 is the average number of positive ratings for         ing heuristics: 80% of the total weight is evenly distributed
each user in the dataset (see Table 2).                            among items liked by users (0 assigned to disliked items),
                                                                   20% is evenly distributed among the remaining nodes. We
Algorithms based on the Vector Space and Probabilis-               ran the algorithm with a damping factor set to 0.85.
tic Models.                                                           We adopted the implementation of PageRank provided by
   Recommender systems relying on VSM and probabilistic            the Jung library8 .
framework index items using CONTENT, TAGME and LOD fea-               The PageRank computed for each node is used to rank
tures, and use as query the user profile obtained by combin-       items in the test set.
ing all the index terms occurring in the items liked by that
                                                                   4.3     Results
   Items in the test set are ranked by computing the simi-            Figure 4 shows the results of VSM and probabilistic mod-
larity with the user profile. For VSM and eVSM the cosine          els. The paired t-test is used for testing the significance.
measure is adopted, while Equation 1 is used for the proba-           The first interesting outcome is that the worst configu-
bilistic model. According to the literature [20], parameters       rations are always obtained using LOD data alone, and the
↵ and are set to 1.6 and 0.75, respectively.                       best ones always contain TAGME features. In detail, the best
                                                                   VSM configuration is obtained combining TAGME and LOD
                                                                   features, which is significantly better than using LOD fea-
Algorithms based on Classifiers.
                                                                   tures alone (p < 0.0001) and CONTENT alone (p < 0.05). The
   Classifiers based on Random Forests and Logistic Regres-
                                                                   combination of CONTENT and LOD features outperforms the
sion are trained with examples represented using CONTENT,
                                                                   models using just CONTENT (p < 0.01) or just LOD features
TAGME and LOD features, and labeled with the binary ratings
                                                                   (p < 0.001).
provided by users. The value of each feature is the num-
ber of times it occurs in each item, normalized in the [0,1]         www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/˜cjlin/liblinear/
interval.                                                            www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/
   The LR classifier always includes BASIC features in the           jung.sourceforge.net

                 Property                                                                                    Value
                                                        Statistics about users
                 Avg. ratings provided by users                                        11.71 (5.37 positive, 6.34 negative)
                 # of users who provided only negative ratings                                     520 (8.41%)
                 # of users having a number of positive ratings below the avg.                   3,804 (61.54%)
                 # of users having more negative than positive ratings                           3,343 (54.09%)
                                                     Statistics about items
                 Avg. ratings received by items                                        10.75 (4.93 positive, 5.82 negative)
                 # of items with no positive ratings                                             1,839 (27.31%)
                 # of items having a number of positive ratings below the avg.                   6,447 (95.75%)
                 # of items having more negative than positive ratings                           4,046 (60.09%)

                                  Table 2: Distribution of ratings for the DBbook dataset.

                VectorSpaceandProbabilisticModels                                                      Classifiers
       0,5600                                                                 0,5600

       0,5500                                                                 0,5500

       0,5400                                                                 0,5400


       0,5300                                                                 0,5300
       0,5200                                                                 0,5200                                                                             LR
       0,5100                                                                 0,5100                                                                             RF
       0,5000                                                                 0,5000

Figure 4: Results of the VSM and probabilistic mod-                    Figure 5: Results of the classifiers using di↵erent
els using di↵erent combinations of features.                           combinations of features.

                                                                       worse than vector space and probabilistic models. The best
   The best configuration for eVSM adopts TAGME features
                                                                       result is obtained using ALL features. Since Random Forests
alone, and is significantly better than all the configurations
                                                                       classifiers are able to automatically perform feature selec-
but the one combining CONTENT and TAGME features (p =
                                                                       tion, this was an unexpected result which deserves further
0.13). This could mean that the entity linking algorithm
is able to select the most important features in the book
                                                                          Finally, Figure 6 presents the results obtained by the PageR-
descriptions, while CONTENT features introduce noise.
                                                                       ank with Priors algorithm.
   For BM25, the best configuration with ALL the features
significantly outperforms all the others but the one combin-
ing CONTENT and LOD features (p = 0.53).                                                            PageRankwithPriors
   Surprisingly, there is no statistical di↵erence between the                0,5600                                                                      140
best performing configuration for VSM and the best one for                    0,5500                                                                      120
BM25.                                                                         0,5400

   A final remark is that eVSM performance is not compara-                                                                                                80

ble to the other methods, even though it is worth noting that                 0,5200
it represents items using very low-dimensional vectors (di-                   0,5100                                                                      20
mension=500), compared to VSM, which uses vectors whose                       0,5000                                                                      0
dimensionality is equal to the number of items (6,733).                                NoContent     10properties    10properties+  10properties+
                                                                                                                      expansionstage+ expansionstage
   Figure 5 presents the results obtained by the classifiers.                                                              pruning
   We note that Logistic Regression always outperforms Ran-
                                                                                                     PageRank          Executiontime
dom Forests, and provides better results than the vector
space and probabilistic models, regardless the set of adopted
   The best result using Logistic Regression is obtained with          Figure 6: Results of the PageRank with Priors using
TAGME features alone. This configuration significantly out-            di↵erent combinations of features.
performs the one including CONTENT and LOD features (p <
0.05), while it is not di↵erent with respect to the other con-           When using PageRank with Priors, we observe the impact
figurations. This is probably due to the high sparsity of              of the graph size on both the accuracy and execution time.
the feature vector used to represent each training example             Starting with a graph not including content information, we
(220,000 features).                                                    observe the worst performance and the lowest execution time
   Random Forests classifiers outperform eVSM, but they are            (2 hours on an Intel i7 3Ghz 32Gb RAM - the algorithm

is performed for each user with di↵erent weights initially            However, in order to generalize our preliminary results, it
assigned to the nodes).                                            is necessary to further investigate:
   Enriching the graph with the 10 selected DBpedia proper-
ties leads to an improvement of accuracy (p < 0.001), and to            • the e↵ect of di↵erent levels of sparsity on the recom-
a 5 hours execution time. Running the expansion stage and                 mendation accuracy: to this purpose, it is needed to
pruning of nodes as described in Section 4.2, the time needed             assess the extent to which LOD features are able to im-
to run the algorithm increases to 14 hours and produces a                 prove the performance of recommendation algorithms
slight accuracy improvement (p < 0.001). Results using the                for di↵erent levels of sparsity
graph with no pruning procedure are not di↵erent from the               • the accuracy on other datasets to generalize our con-
previous method (p = 0.09), but its time complexity is not                clusions: further experiments on di↵erent target do-
acceptable. This call for a more efficient implementation of              mains are needed. Indeed, di↵erent item types, such
the algorithm.                                                            as books, movies, news, songs have di↵erent character-
   To complete the empirical evaluation, we compare the best              istics which could lead to di↵erent results. Moreover,
performing configuration of each algorithm in each class,                 experiments on a much larger scale are needed
with some state-of-the-art algorithms.
   More specifically, we report the performance of user-to-             • the e↵ect of the selection of domain-specific DBpedia
user and item-to-item collaborative filtering, besides two non-           properties to feed the recommendation algorithms: it
personalized baselines based on popularity and random rec-                is needed to assess the e↵ect of the selection of spe-
ommendations.                                                             cific sets of properties on the performance of the rec-
   Furthermore, we report the results for two algorithms for              ommendation algorithms. Indeed, DBpedia contains a
top-N recommendations from implicit feedback: an exten-                   huge number of properties, and their selection could
sion of matrix factorization optimized for Bayesian Personal-             have a strong influence on the accuracy of the rec-
ized Ranking (BPRMF ) [9] and SPRank [16], able to exploit                ommendation methods. Our preliminary experiments
LInked Open Data knowledge bases to compute accurate                      leverage 10 DBpedia properties which are both frequent
recommendations.                                                          and representative of the specific domain, but a subset
   Except for SPRank, we used the implementations avail-                  of these properties, or a di↵erent set of features could
able in MyMediaLite 3.10 [10], using the default parameters.              lead to di↵erent results.
   The analysis of results in Figure 7 unveils the difficulty
of collaborative filtering algorithms to deal with the high           As future work, we will study the e↵ect of enriching the
sparsity of the dataset (99.83%), and with the high number         graph-based representation with DBpedia nodes extracted
of users who provided only negative preferences, or more           from the Tagme entity linking algorithm.
negative than positive ratings. It is unexpected the bet-             Indeed, using entity linking to access DBpedia knowledge
ter performance of BPRMF compared to SPRank, di↵er-                is innovative and avoids the need of explicitly finding URIs
ently from previous results obtained on the MovieLens and          for items, a complex process which may hinder the use of
Last.fm datasets [16]. It is also surprising the better perfor-    the Linked Open Data. Hence, the use of entity linking algo-
mance of simple algorithms based on the vector space and           rithms represents a novel way to access the DBpedia knowl-
probabilistic models with respect to matrix factorization.         edge through the analysis of the item descriptions, without
                                                                   exploiting any explicit mapping of items to URIs.
                                                                      Furthermore, starting from the preliminary evaluation car-
                     OverallComparison                            ried out in [1], we will thoroughly investigate the potential
                                                                   of using the wealth of relations of LOD features to produce
                                                                   not only accurate, but also diversified recommendation lists.

       0,5400                                                      Acknowledgments
                                                                   This work fulfils the research objectives of the project “VIN-


       0,5200                                                      CENTE - A Virtual collective INtelligenCe ENvironment
                                                                   to develop sustainable Technology Entrepreneurship ecosys-
                                                                   tems” (PON 02 00563 3470993) funded by the Italian Min-
                                                                   istry of University and Research (MIUR).

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