=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1246/paper-03 |storemode=property |title=Caring of Intentionality in Business Process Models Using Business Process Patterns |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1246/paper-03.pdf |volume=Vol-1246 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/bir/Repa14 }} ==Caring of Intentionality in Business Process Models Using Business Process Patterns== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1246/paper-03.pdf
      Caring of Intentionality in Business Process Models
              Using Business Process Patterns.

                                          Václav Řepa1
             Department of Information Technologies, University of Economics, Prague,
                     W.Churchill sqr. 4, 130 67 Prague, Czech Republic

       Abstract. The paper introduces the problem of process intentionality as a basic
       condition for fulfilling the contents of the idea of process­orientation in process
       models. Consequently it discusses the role of the business process modeling
       methodology in achieving the substantial effects of the idea of process­oriented
       management. In this context it introduces the concept of business process
       patterns as a part of the Methodology for Business Process Analysis and
       Management (MMABP) and explains their important role in the methodology.
       Different conceptions and meanings of the popular concept of BP Patterns are
       discussed before the specific meaning of this concept in the MMABP is
       explained. The basic BP Pattern is described and explained in detail together
       with connected principles and features of the MMABP with the help of the
       Business Process Metamodel. Specific respect is paid to the role of BP Patterns
       as an expression and explanation of the most important principles and rules for
       modeling business process details.
       In the final section some wider consequences as well as future development of
       the concept of the Business Process Patterns in the context of the MMABP are

       Keywords: business process management, business process modeling,
       intentionality, Enterprise Architecture, design and analysis patterns, process
       based management, MMABP methodology.

1 Introduction

Business process management undoubtedly represents the most significant movement
in the management theory in last several decades. Nevertheless, it represents the
crucial movement also in the field of information systems development. It is mainly
because of the natural complexity of these ideas which typically cover many different
dimensions of enterprise management including the technology on the first place.
Technology plays the central role there; it is a trigger as well as an enabler of possible
important changes in the company behavior in terms of exploiting the new
possibilities created by the technology development [7]. To achieve such effects it is
necessary to well understand the technology and its possibilities on one hand together
with understanding the business area and connected content aspects (like managerial,
social, psychological, political, and other) on the other hand. The complexity of the
approach is absolutely crucial there. Neglecting just one of these important aspects
reliably leads to the final failure.
Consequently, the primary critical success factor of the implementation of these ideas
is an ability to mentally cover all necessary dimensions of a problem. This factor
typically causes many misunderstandings like overestimating the technical aspects of
the business process together with omitting the non­technical ones which is typical for
IT­oriented people, or, in turn, ignoring the technical aspects which is typical for
managerial approaches.

2 The problem

Importance and popularity of the Business process management phenomenon
historically led to the creation of specialized process modeling languages and
standards. During the last two decades many different standards for business process
modeling have been created from different purposes and for different reasons. Most
of them are not in use already. Two of them can be regarded as dominant: Business
Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) [11] and Architecture of Integrated Systems
Notation (ARIS) [17]. Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) as a language
for modeling business processes [1] is a most important standard fulfilling the above
stated requirements for the standardization. Among other popular standards ([18], [9],
[17]) only the BPMN became widely accepted by users as well as by CASE tools
producers, and is developed concerning other related significant technology standards
[19], [20], [16] which is the basic condition for fulfilling the full meaning of
standardization. This fact qualifies the BPMN for being a leading professional
standard in the field of business process modeling and it is also the reason for
choosing it as a basic notation for business process models in the MMABP
methodology (see the following chapter).
As process modeling languages has been created by the IT community they naturally
suffer from the overestimating of technical aspects of business process and omitting
the non­technical ones. Moreover, in terms of the approach of the leading modeling
standards UML [16] and BPMN [11] these languages are not aimed on expressing the
methodical principles. They rather support the modeler with the general frame for
modeling following basic, general restrictions which is methodologically independent
in principle. The main task for a methodology is than completing the language with
other, still uncovered, aspects which are often connected to special aspects of the
subject and purpose of modeling. Thus these standards for modeling business
processes, as they are, are naturally insufficient in terms of the principles of business
process management. They have to be always completed by the methodology the
main task of which is to bring additional rules, constraints and tools for eliminating
the mentioned insufficiencies.
One of the most important problems often occurring in business process models
which do not sufficiently respect the non­technical aspects of business processes is a
lack of intentionality (purposefulness). As we regard this problem as crucial in
terms of process management ideas expressed in [7] the following text focuses on it.
In the legendary article [21] Norbert Wiener expressed the idea which fatally
influenced the later development of cybernetics: “all purposeful behavior may be
considered to require negative feed­back”. The concept of negative feed­back is
explained there as follows: “...the behavior of an object is controlled by the margin of
error at which the object stands at a given time with reference to a relatively specific
goal. The feed­back is then negative, that is, the signals from the goal are used to
restrict outputs which would otherwise go beyond the goal.”.
According to the basic work in the field of process­driven management ([7]) business
process always follows some goal. The goal is a fundamental attribute of a business
process as it is regularly used in matured methodologies like in [9] for instance. That
means that business process is always an intentional process. By the term
intentional process we mean the process of purposeful behavior of interested
object following some goal.
Concluding from previous two paragraphs we can find that the business process, as it
is an intentional kind of a process, have to have some negative feed­back which
ensures restriction of its outputs in order to keep them in the margins of its goal. This
characteristics strongly distinguishes the business process from the process in general
(ie. in just technical /physical sense) as well as from processes which do not need any
feed­back like machine­managed or automated processes running without a contact
with their environment.
In case of business process feed­back means some input to the process from its
environment which is causally connected with some process output. The value of
the input should influence the following behavior of the process in terms of keeping it
in the margins of its goal. This means that “intermediate” inputs to the process (i.e.
none­starting inputs to the process coming between its starting and end points) are
critically important parts of the business process distinguishing it from other, non­
intentional (i.e. non­business), processes. Working with processes we have to take
into the account even the time dimension; every input to the process from its
environment has to be synchronized with the process run. Thus in each part of the
process where some input which will influence the following process run is expected
the process state has to be placed. Process state means such point in the process
structure where nothing can be done before the input to the process occurs, i.e. point
of waiting for the input. The concept of process state is present just in some process
modeling standards (like IDEF, see [18] or Petri Nets based languages1), partially
present in some others (like ARIS 2, see [17]), many standards do not support it.
Widely accepted process modeling standard BPMN ([11]) does not recognize this
concept at all.

1 Although Petri Nets, where the phenomena of states and synchronization are essential, are
  not originally intended for modeling business processes there are some interesting attempts
  to use them for this purpose in the community, like in [3].
2 ARIS methodology mixes the concept of process state with the concept of event which is
  confusing and may contradict with the idea of negative feed­back.
Regarding the importance of the above outlined problem together with the insufficient
support in most of process modeling standards it can be said that the primary task for
every process modeling methodology is to allow the modeling of process states
ensuring the critically important presence of the negative feed­back no matter
which notation and/or modeling standard is used.

3 The concept of Process State in the MMABP Methodology

The ideas described in this paper are the part of the MMABP methodology
(Methodology for Business Processes Analysis and Design). MMABP distinguishes
between two main types of models: business process versus business object models.
In both types of model the methodology recognizes the global model (system view)
and the detailed model. The modeling tools used by the methodology are based on
common standards BPMN [10], UML [15], and Eriksson/Penker Notation [8]. The
essence of the methodology is defined in the formal meta­model [12] as a part of the
development project OpenSoul [11]. The metamodel consists of three main packages
which correspond to the main dimensions of the business system model mentioned
above: Business Substance Metamodel, Business Process Metamodel, and Business
Models Consistency Model. The patterns which are the main subject of this paper are
based on the principles defined in the Business Process Metamodel and express them
(see Fig. 1).

                                                                                        Business Process Model Element

                                                  Concept                                                                                           +connectedAspect           External Aspect
                                                                   1..n                                                                                                0..n

                                  Main Concept      1..n                                                                                                          Actor
                                                                                                                                                                       Organization Unit

     1     Stimulus    n                    n Non-Terminal                      State                                  Activity
                                 +inputState       State
          1..n                   Event    +inputState 0                  1           1..n
                                                                   +output            +output                                                 0..1
                                             Terminal Event                                      Elementary Activity              Complex Activity

                                                                                   +producer                                              Process
                                                       0..1                   1..n                                                     goal
                                                                   Control Activity                                                    owner
                                +producer                                                                                              limits
         0..1     Processing Activity
                                                        Decision    0..1 +receiver             Logical Connector
                      0..1 name 0..1
                 +producer       +receiver
                                                                               {composition}                           +input
                                        {composition}                                                       +input       1..n             Input/Output Set
                                                                                                                   +product     1..n

                                                                                                           Information Set                   Material Set              Mixed Set

Fig. 1. Business Process Metamodel [12]
   As the metamodel shows the concept of state is one of the crucial concepts in the
methodology. Besides the fact that it is one of three basic process elements (together
with stimulus and activity) it plays the specific role of “connector” of two main kinds
of process activities: processing activity and control activity. This fact is closely
connected to the concept of negative feed­back according to the definition in [21]:
processed outputs are connected to inputs which influence the following process
behavior. Further explanation of the metamodel can be also found in [13].
The information contained in the metamodel is complete but hardly understandable as
many facts are expressed there as a consequence of other facts. Therefore, in order to
express the methodological principles in better understandable form, the metamodel is
completed in the MMABP with the business process patterns. Business Process
Patterns in the MMABP methodology express the general solutions for typical
situations occurring in the process of modeling the business processes. Business
Process Patterns complete the methodology with the further information about how to
create models which are fully consistent with its principles and rules. They can be
also used as the general examples of typical segments which the business process
should consist of. These segments can be instantiated for the particular situations and
used as basic building blocks of the business process model.
In terms of the main idea of this paper – ensuring the intentionality of the business
process ­ the key pattern from the MMABP called Basic Process Flow Pattern is
especially important. Therefore the following text focuses on this pattern in detail.

4 Business Process Patterns

The concept of pattern is very popular in the field of IS development methodologies
and connected areas for a couple of decades already. This term has been introduced in
this field inspired by the concept of “architectural patterns" introduced by the
architect Christopher Alexander in [1]. Alexander defined the basic general aspects of
so­called "pattern language" like syntax, grammar, and dictionary and put the basics
for its systemic use in all fields where the concept of design is naturally relevant.
   In the field of object­oriented analysis and design this concept has been introduced
already in 1992 by Peter Coad [4] in the form of several simple structures of analysis
objects generally usable (under given conditions and with respect to the given
meaning of objects) in any OO system. The most significant and complete elaboration
of this phenomenon can be found in the book from Martin Fowler [5]. Fowler
describes there a dozens of analysis and design patterns divided into several
categories according to different domains of their use. A comprehensive detailed view
on the use of the concept of patterns in the field of IS development can be found in
[23], and its specialization in the field of OO analysis and design together with a
precise literature overview in [3].
   In the field of business processes the concept of patterns is most frequently used in
the context of workflow management. The most visible initiative in this area is the
Workflow Patterns project [9], a joint effort of Eindhoven University of Technology
and Queensland University of Technology which is aimed on "providing a
conceptual basis for process technology". In the project the various perspectives of
needed support by a workflow or a business process modeling language are
examined. In accordance with the main focus of the workflow management mainly
the technical characteristics of the process are emphasized, i.e. those characteristics
which follow from the general theory of algorithms. Nevertheless the Workflow
Patterns are typically oriented on the dynamic (process) aspects of the business
process which is their main difference from the analysis patterns in the field of OOA.
   Hans­Erik Eriksson and Magnus Penker in [8] transferred the concept of pattern to
the field of the business system contents. They recognize several categories of so­
called. "Business Patterns" which correspond to the essential concepts of their
specific methodology aimed on the use of the UML [15] for modeling the business
systems. One of these essential concepts is also the concept of business process. The
authors introduce different patterns in three categories describing basic structural
aspects of business processes and their mutual relationships. The novelty of their
approach lies in the strong orientation on the business contents which gives their
patterns the methodology dimension. Nevertheless in accordance with the focus of
their object­oriented methodology only the structural characteristics of the process are
described. Erikson/Penker patterns thus cannot be fully regarded as process
(dynamics) oriented.
    There are several definitions of the concept of pattern in the field of analysis, for
instance: "an idea that has been useful in one practical context and will be probably
useful in others" [5], "abstraction from a concrete form which keeps recurring in
specific non­arbitrary contexts" [7], "formalized triple of problem, solution, and
context which solve domain­specific problem by encapsulating specialist knowledge"
[2] (translated by [3]), “self­contained model template with well­defined connectors
to application environments capturing knowledge about best practices for a clearly
defined task” [22] (task pattern). All these definitions nevertheless contain the same
popular common ideas of "reusability" and "knowledge sharing". At the same time
these ideas characterize in fact the essence of the concept of "methodology" as well.

Process Patterns in the MMABP

  There are two main kinds of Business Process Patterns in the MMABP
    • Basic Business Process Flow Pattern which defines the basic procedure
       and decision points of the process of model creation. This pattern is
       absolutely essential in the MMABP, it expresses the main principles, rules,
       and other aspects of the MMABP approach to the business process modeling
       and therefore it is explained in detail in this paper.
    • BP patterns for particular situations which cover typical situations
       frequently occurring in business process models where it is possible to find
         some generally valid structures, principles and constructions which should
         be fulfilled by the process description undoubtedly.
There are three most general patterns: Complementary Events Pattern, Repeating
State Pattern, and <> Pattern. As the complementary patterns for
particular situations are not so closely connected with the problem of process
intentionality as the basic pattern we do not pay more attendance to them in this

Basic Process Flow Pattern

   The Basic Process Flow Pattern expresses the basic structure of the process model
which respects the essential rules of the MMABP methodology. These rules express
the "technical" necessities which mainly follow from the general theory of algorithms
as well as the specific aspects of the business process which distinguish the business
process from a process in general (i.e. just technical) sense. The lately mentioned
rules follow from the theory of BP management and reengineering which is anchored
already in the basic work in this field: [6].

                           Activity block      State block       Activity block

    Starting Event block                                                          End state

Fig. 2. Basic Business Process Flow Pattern (BPF Pattern) [12]

   Basic Process Flow Pattern (see Fig. 2) expresses the essence of the process flow
using three methodically essential types of the process elements: events, activities,
and states.
   According to the Basic Process Flow Pattern the business process should be
described as a sequence of Activity blocks interrupted by State blocks starting with
just one Starting Event block and resulting in one or more End states. Fig. 3 illustrates
an exact definition of these basic blocks. The definition is written in the semi­formal
metalanguage based on the simplification of the standard Extended Backus­Naur
Form (for details and explanation of the EBNF see [14]). Used meta­symbols have
following meanings:
     • A = [ element1 | element2 | element3 ] means that the item A can be either
         element1 or element2 or element3 exclusively.
     • A = { elementX } means that the item A consists of one or more elementsX.
Fig. 3. Definition of basic blocks and concepts of the BPF Pattern

Particular definition sentences can be read as follows::

Def (i):   Process flow begins with starting Event block followed by the Process
Def (ii): Event block is either a single event, or structure of mutually exclusive
           Event blocks, or structure of mutually synchronized Event blocks.
Def (iii): Event can be either an ad­hoc event or a timer.
Def (iv): Process body consists of one or more pairs where each pair consists of an
           Activity block followed by either State block or End State. If the pair ends
           with State block the description should continue with another pair (see the
           arrow after the State block). End state always means the end of the process.
Def (v): Activity block is either a single Activity, or structure of mutually exclusive
           Activity blocks, or structure of parallel Activity blocks.
Def (vi): State block is a synchronization of internal process flow with expected
           event(s) expressed as an Event block (in other words: waiting for the

Event block represents the external influence which the process always has to
respect. It works either as a trigger or a limiter of the process. In both cases it has to
be unambiguous which means, among others, that is has to represent a single point of
time. Therefore it can be either a single event or a time­elementary structure of
events. If it is a structure it can express either the synchronization of parallel events
(event blocks) or the set of possible mutually exclusive alternative events (event
blocks) in order to be time­elementary.

Activity block represents an action element of the process. It can be either a single
activity or a structure of activities (activity blocks). Similarly as in the case of event
also an activity should be unambiguous. Therefore, if it is a structure, it can express
either the synchronization of parallel activities (blocks) or the set of possible mutually
exclusive activities (blocks). It cannot express a sequence of activities as it would be a
violation of the elementariness rule. The methodical reasons and meaning of the need
for the elementariness of activities in the process description is discussed in more
detail below.

State block represents the essential need to synchronize the process run with
expected events. This need follows from the fact that the event is always an objective
external influence and thus it must be respected. From the physical point of view such
respect means synchronization – waiting for the event (event block). As the BPMN
notation do not recognize the concept of process state there is no other way than to
express the process state with the general symbol for synchronization – the "AND
gate". In order to distinguish between the general synchronization and its specific
meaning as a process state we complete the BPMN with the stereotype <>.

   One of the most important ideas expressed in this pattern is that there can not be a
sequence of process activities uninterrupted by the process state. This rule reflects the
essence of the definition of an elementary process activity:

   (a) the process activity is regarded as an elementary one if there is no objective
       reason for its interruption,
   (b) the reason for the interruption of the activity is objective if it comes from
       outside of the process.

   Rule (b) of this definition means that each objective reason for the process
interruption is represented by an event (external influence) in fact. Thus any activity
of the process, no matter how technically complex it is, must be regarded as
elementary if there does not exist an external influence (event) which the process has
to respect (i.e. wait for). This consequence well illustrates the fact that the
elementariness of a business process activity is not only its physical but much more a
functional attribute as the business process itself is always more than a physical
process (algorithm) only. This way the methodology prevents the analyzer from the
pointless unlimited dividing of the process activities which is a frequent mistake in
the field of BP modeling. The necessity of such safety fuse in the methodology
against the unlimited division of activities is given by the fact that in the field of
process­oriented modeling the aggregation is a dominating type of abstraction (unlike
in the field of object­oriented modeling where the generalization is a dominating type
of abstraction). This fact manifests itself in the principally unlimited possibilities of
division of activities known as a rule: any single process activity can be decomposed
into the structure of sub­activities – a process (as it is also defined by the process
metamodel at Fig. 1). As the division of activities is physically unlimited the
methodology has to define some logical – functional definition of the very low level:
the level of the process elementariness.

                                                                    E3        E4


                                             A2                                            End2

              A1                             A3                  <>
                <>                       A4

                                                        A5                           A6


           activity           state          activity                 state          activity

Fig. 4. Correct Business Process Flow Example (source: author)

   Fig. 4 shows the symbolic example of the process which can be regarded as correct
according to the Basic Business Process Flow Pattern. The process can be seen as a
sequence of several parts each representing one block of a particular basic type (see
the division of the whole process by vertical dashed lines). It is beginning by the
starting event block which consists of just single event E1 in this case – the starting
event of the process. The staring event is followed by the activity block consisting of
just single processing activity A1. According to the pattern the activity block is
followed by the state block in the form of synchronization of the process run with just
a single event E2. Following activity block represents more complex structure of
activities: it consists of two main alternatives: either the process end End1 or the
structure of three parallel activities where the first two are single processing activities
A2 and A3, and the last one is a structure of two alternative processing activities A4
or A5. Following state block represents the waiting for two alternative events E3 or
E4. The last activity block is a structure of two alternatives: the processing activity
A6 followed by the process end End3 or the immediate process end End2.
   The example at Fig. 4 illustrates that and how any algorithmic structure of the
process can be checked whether or not it fulfills the basic definition of the business
process expressed by the Basic BP Flow Pattern: the business process is a sequence
of Activity blocks interrupted by State blocks starting with just one Starting Event
block and resulting in one or more End states.
5 Conclusions

This paper presents the role of the business process modeling methodology in
achieving the substantial effects of the idea of process­oriented management. It
explains the importance of process intentionality as a basic condition for fulfilling the
contents of the idea of process­orientation in process implementation. In this context
the paper introduces the concept of business process patterns as an important part of
the business process modeling and management methodology. The popular concept of
pattern is widely used in many different meanings. The common value of this style of
presenting in all areas which makes it so popular is the possibility to express
important rules a very understandable way. The MMABP business process patterns
are specific by their focus on the rules for modeling business processes which include
the technical aspects of the process modeling together with the content aspects which
follow from the theory of process based management. The essence of these
methodology rules is expressed in the Basic Process Flow Pattern which explains how
the way of modeling the process should generally respect the main ideas of the
process oriented management. The system of patterns has been added to the MMABP
based on the experience with its use in dozens of business process modeling projects.
Further experience confirmed the importance and suitability of this form of
methodical support especially for its integration effect: it naturally integrates different
methodical principles in different, mutually connected, views on the business process
system. Respect to states between activities in the form of waiting for the external
event leads the modeler to the respect to associations with other processes which are
giving the process the meaning of the part of the process system. Prohibition of the
sequence of activities without a state between them underlines the methodical idea
that the prime purpose of the process description is to map the human influences in
the process (decision mechanism) instead of the unimportant sequence of activities
which is ensured by the technology. The process management means primarily the
way of management instead of the technology.
Other mentioned patterns support the methodology ideas in typical specific situations.
These partial purpose patterns complete the basic process flow pattern and should be
understood strictly under given methodology assumptions. Moreover, their
development is principally unlimited; as the evolution of the methodology goes on
together with the penetration of specific areas of its application the number of these
specific purpose patterns will increase as well.

Acknowledgments. The work presented in this paper has been supported by the
Faculty of Informatics and Statistics of the University of Economics, Prague in the
project IP 400040.

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