Ordering objects via attribute preferences Inma P. Cabrera1 , Manuel Ojeda-Aciego1 , and Jozef Pócs2 1 Universidad de Málaga. Andalucı́a Tech. Spain? 2 Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, and Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, Slovakia?? Abstract. We apply recent results on the construction of suitable or- derings for the existence of right adjoint to the analysis of the following problem: given a preference ordering on the set of attributes of a given context, we seek an induced preference among the objects which is com- patible with the information provided by the context. 1 Introduction The mathematical study of preferences started almost one century ago with the works of Frisch, who was the first to write down in 1926 a mathematical model about preference relations. On the other hand, the study of adjoints was initiated in the mid of past century, with works by Ore in 1944 (in the framework of lattices and Galois connections) and Kan in 1958 (in the framework of category theory and adjunctions). The most recent of the three theories considered in this work is that of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), which was initiated in the early 1980s by Ganter and Wille, as a kind of applied lattice theory. Nowadays FCA has become an important research topic in which a, still growing, pure mathematical machinery has expanded to cover a big range of applications. A number of results are published yearly on very diverse topics such as data mining, semantic web, chemistry, biology or even linguistics. The first basic notion of FCA is that of a formal context, which can be seen as a triple consisting of an initial set of formal objects B, a set of formal attributes A, and an incidence relation I ⊆ B × A indicating which object has which attribute. Every context induces a lattice of formal concepts, which are pairs of subsets of objects and attributes, respectively called extent and intent, where the extent of a concept contains all the objects shared by the attributes from its intent and vice versa. Given a preference ordering among the attributes of a context, our contribu- tion in this work focuses on obtaining an induced ordering on the set of objects which, in some sense, is compatible with the context. After browsing the literature, we have found just a few papers dealing simul- taneously with FCA and preferences, but their focus and scope are substantially ? Partially supported by Spanish Ministry of Science and FEDER funds through projects TIN2011-28084 and TIN12-39353-C04-01. ?? Partially supported by ESF Fund CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0041. different to ours. For instance, Obiedkov [11] considered some types of preference grounded on preference logics, proposed their interpretation in terms of formal concept analysis, and provided inference systems for them, studying as well their relation to implications. Later, in [12], he presented a context-based semantics for parameterized ceteris paribus preferences over subsets of attributes (pref- erences which are only required to hold when the alternatives being compared agree on a specified subset of attributes). Other approaches to preference handling are related to the development of recommender systems. For instance, [8] proposes a novel recommendation model based on the synergistic use of knowledge from a repository which includes the users behavior and items properties. The candidate recommendation set is con- structed by using FCA and extended inference rules. Finally, another set of references deal with extensions of FCA, either to the fuzzy or multi-adjoint case, or to the rough case. For instance, in [2] an approach can be found in which, based on transaction cost analysis, the authors explore the customers’ loyalty to either the financial companies or the company financial agents with whom they have established relationship. In a pre-processing stage, factor analysis is used to choose variables, and rough set theory to construct the decision rules; FCA is applied in the post-processing stage from these suitable rules to explore the attribute relationship and the most important factors af- fecting the preference of customers for deciding whether to choose companies or agents. Glodeanu has recently proposed in [6] a new method for modelling users’ preferences on attributes that contain more than one trait. The modelling of preferences is done within the framework of Formal Fuzzy Concept Analysis, specifically using hedges to decrease the size of the resulting concept lattice as presented in [1]. An alternative generalization which, among other features, allows for specify- ing preferences in an easy way, is that of multi-adjoint FCA [9,10]. The main idea underlying this approach is to allow to use several adjoint pairs in the definition of the fuzzy concept-forming operators. Should one be interested in certain sub- set(s) of attributes (or objects), the only required setting is to declare a specific adjoint pair to be used in the computation with values within each subset of preferred items. The combination of the two last approaches, namely, fuzzy FCA with hedges and the multi-adjoint approach have been recently studied in [7], providing new means to decrease the size of the resulting concept lattices. This work can be seen as a position paper towards the combination of recent results on the existence of right adjoint for a mapping f : hX, ≤X i → Y from a partially ordered set X to an unstructured set Y , with Formal Concept Analysis, and with the generation of preference orderings. The structure of this work is the following: in Section 2, the preliminary results related to attribute preferences and the characterization of existence of right adjoint to a mapping from a poset to an unstructured codomain are pre- sented; then, in Section 3 the two approaches above are merged together in order to produce a method to induce an ordering among the objects in terms of a given preference ordering on attributes and a formal context. 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Preference relations and lectic order on the powerset We recall the definition of a (total) preference ordering and describe an induced ordering on the corresponding powerset. In the general approach to preferences, a preference relation on a nonempty set A is said to be a binary relation  ⊆ A×A which is reflexive (∀a ∈ A, a  a) and total (∀a, b ∈ A, (a  b) ∨ (b  a)). In this paper, we will consider a simpler notion, in which a preference rela- tion is modeled by a total ordering. Formally, by a total preference relation we understand any total ordering of the set A, i.e., a binary relation  ⊆ A × A such that  is total, reflexive, antisymmetric (∀a, b ∈ A, a  b and b  a implies a = b), and transitive (∀a, b, c ∈ A, a  b and b  c implies a  c). Any total preference relation on a set A induces a total ordering on the powerset 2A in a natural way. Definition 1. Let hA, i be a nonempty set with a total preference relation. A subset X is said to be lectically smaller than a subset Y , denoted X