Relationship between the Relational Database Model and FCA Jaume Baixeries Computer Science Department Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya Barcelona. Catalonia The Relational Database Model (RDBM) [3, 4] is one of the most relevant database models that are being currently used to manage data. Although some alternative models are also being used and implemented (namely, object oriented databases and structured datatypes databases or NoSQL databases [1, 2]), the RDBM still maintains its popularity, as some rankings indicate 1 . The RDBM can be formulated from a set-theoretical point of view, such that a tuple is a partial function, and other basic operations in this model such as projections, joins, selections, etc, can be seen as set operations. Another important feature of this model is the existence of constraints, which are first-order predicates that must hold in a relational database. These con- straints mostly describe conditions that must hold in order to keep the consis- tency of the data in the database, but also help to describe some semantical aspects of the dataset. In this talk, we consider some aspects of the RDBM that have been char- acterized with FCA, focusing on different kinds of constraints that appear in the Relational Model. We review some results that formalize different kinds of contraints with FCA [5–8]. We also explain how some concepts of the RDBM such as key, closure, completion, cover can be easily be understood with FCA. References 1. Kai Orend. Analysis and Classification of NoSQL Databases and Evaluation of their Ability to Replace an Object-relational Persistence Layer. 2010. doi= 2. A B M Moniruzzaman, Syed Akhter Hossain NoSQL Database: New Era of Databases for Big data Analytics. Classification, Characteristics and Comparison. arXiv:1307.0191 [cs.DB] 3. Codd, E. F. A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks. Commun. ACM, 1970, volume 13, number 6. 4. Date, C. J. An Introduction to Database Systems (8 ed.). Pearson Education. ISBN 0-321-19784-4. 5. Baixeries, Jaume. A Formal Context for Symmetric Dependencies. ICFCA 2008. LNAI 4933. 6. Baixeries, Jaume and Balcázar, José L. Characterization and Armstrong Relations for Degenerate Multivalued Dependencies Using Formal Concept Analysis. For- mal Concept Analysis, Third International Conference, ICFCA 2005, Lens, France, February 14-18, 2005, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005 1 7. Baixeries, Jaume and Balcázar, José L. Unified Characterization of Symmetric De- pendencies with Lattices. Contributions to ICFCA 2006. 4th International Confer- ence on Formal Concept Analysis 2005. 8. Baixeries, Jaume. A Formal Concept Analysis framework to model functional de- pendencies. Mathematical Methods for Learning, 2004.