|title=Choicla: Intelligent Decision Support for Groups of Users in the Context of Personnel Decisions
==Choicla: Intelligent Decision Support for Groups of Users in the Context of Personnel Decisions==
Choicla: Intelligent Decision Support for Groups of Users in the Context of Personnel Decisions Martin Stettinger Alexander Felfernig Institute for Software Institute for Software Technology Technology Inffeldgasse 16b Inffeldgasse 16b A-8010, Graz, Austria A-8010, Graz, Austria mstettinger@ist.tugraz.at afelfern@ist.tugraz.at ABSTRACT the decision can also be negatively influenced. Decision pro- Group recommendation technologies have been successfully cesses are often not open in the sense that it is impossible to applied in domains such as interactive television, music, and easily integrate new decision alternatives or change the in- tourist destinations. Existing technologies are focusing on dividual preferences within the scope of a decision process - specific domains and do not offer the possibility of support- both aspects can lead to low-quality decision outcomes (see ing different kinds of decision scenarios. The Choicla group [13]). In many cases, the criteria for the decision remain decision support environment advances the state of the art unclear since there is no explanation of the outcome of ”the by supporting decision scenarios in a domain-independent final decision”. All these mentioned threats can negatively fashion. In this paper we present an overview of the Choicla influence the quality of group decisions. environment and exemplify it’s application in the context of One major goal of the Choicla environment is to facilitate personnel decisions. group decision making and improve the overall quality of de- cision outcomes. The idea of this environment is to support definitions of different types of decision tasks in a domain- Categories and Subject Descriptors independent fashion while taking into account the above D.2 [Software and its engineering]: Software creation mentioned risk factors. In order to achieve this goal, Choicla and management; H.5 [Information Interfaces and Pre- builds upon different group recommendation algorithms [11] sentation]: Modelling Environments which are used for determining alternative solutions for the participants of a group decision process. General Terms One example of the application of Choicla is to support Algorithms; Human Factors; Experimentation groups of users in context of personnel decisions with the aim of achieving a more structured, fair, and transparent way of job interviews as well as to find the most suitable Keywords candidate for the job advertisement. Other typical scenarios Recommender Systems, Group Recommendation, Group De- for the application of Choicla technologies are the decision cision Making, Personnel Decisions about which restaurant to select for a dinner or - in a sci- entific community - a decision regarding the selection of the 1. INTRODUCTION destination of next year’s conference. Decisions in everyday life often come up in groups, for ex- The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In ample, a decision about the destination for the next holi- Section 2 we provide insights to (1) the Choicla modelling days or a decision about which restaurant to choose for a process where participants can design decision tasks from dinner. Knowledge about the preferences of other users in scratch and (2) the intelligent management of already cre- early phases of a decision process can lead to sub-optimal ated decision apps. In the Section 3 we give an overview of decision outcomes [12]. Missing explanations can lead to a the personnel decision scenario. We then discuss related & lower level of trust in recommendations [2]. So-called an- future work (Section 4) and thereafter conclude the paper choring effects [6] are responsible for decisions which are (Section 5). biased by the voting of the first preference-articulating per- son. If single persons have to take a decision in place of 2. CHOICLA DECISION SUPPORT persons who are not available for a meeting, the outcome of Because decision scenarios differ from each other in their process design, a variety of parameters is needed to spec- ify all relevant properties of a decision task. We will now discuss basic features (parameters) which can be configured (modelled) by the creator of a decision task. In this context we refer to the example features depicted in Figure 1. 2.1 Design of Decision Apps IntRS 2014, October 6, 2014, Silicon Valley, CA, USA. Because decision scenarios differ from each other, some de- Copyright 2014 by the author(s). cision scenarios rely on a preselected decision heuristic that Figure 1: Choicla: definition of a decision task. Basic settings & further configurable features. defines the criteria for taking the decision, for example, a If the scope is ”public”, the decision task is accessible for group decides to use majority voting for deciding about the all users – this is typically the case in the context of so- next restaurant or cinema visit. The design of decision tasks called Micro-Polls. The decision quality can be influenced (the underlying process) can be interpreted as a configura- if the individual preferences of the other participants are tion problem (see [17]). The achieved flexibility of making visible during the decision process (see [3] and [7]). There the process design of a decision task configurable is needed exist decision scenarios where all participants profit from due to the heterogeneity of decision problems. This way the the knowledge of who entered which rating. If, for example, Choicla components are organized as a kind of a software the decision task is to find a date for a business meeting product line that is open in terms of the implementation it is essential to find a date where all managers can attend (generation) of problem-specific decision applications. the meeting and therefore it is important to know the indi- vidual preferences of the participants. On the other hand Explanations. Explanations can have an important role there are decision scenarios where full preference visibility in decision tasks since they are able to increase the trust of can lead to disadvantages for some participants but some users in the outcome of a decision process [2]. When design- kind of transparency of the individual preferences is helpful ing a decision task in Choicla, explanations can be selected to achieve a reasonable decision. In such cases a summary as a feature of the decision process. If this feature is selected, of all given preferences is a feasible way to support decision the administrator of a decision task has to enter some ex- makers (participants). A summary prevents the participants planatory text, if not, the entering of such a text remains from statistical inferences to the individual preferences but just an option. still can help participants who are unsure about how to rate. Administration of Decision Alternatives. The admin- Recommendation Support. In the context of group de- istration of decision alternatives within the scope of a de- cision tasks, an essential aspect is the aggregation function cision task can be supported in different ways. First, only (recommendation heuristic). In a group decision process ag- the initiator of a decision task is allowed to add alternatives gregation functions can help to foster consensus. User stud- – this could be desired if a person is interested in knowing ies show that these functions also help to increase the degree the opinions of his/her friends about a concrete set of al- of the perceived decision quality (see, for example [3]). Indi- ternatives (e.g., alternative candidates for the next family vidual user preferences can be aggregated in many different car). Another related scenario are so-called ”Micro-Polls” ways and there exists no default heuristic which fits for every where the initiator is only interested in knowing the pref- decision scenario. To provide a support for groups of users erence distribution of a larger group of users. Second, in in different decision scenarios, the selection of recommenda- some scenarios it is important that all decision makers can tion heuristics is a key feature which has to be configured add alternatives during the decision task by themselves – by the initiator of a decision task. Due to space limitations a common example of such a scenario is the group-based we only describe selected aggregation heuristics below. Mas- decision regarding a holiday destination or a hotel [7]. In thoff [11] gives an overview of basic aggregation heuristics such a context, each participant should be allowed to add such as Majority Vote (MAJ), Average Vote (AVV), Least relevant alternatives. The support of group-based personnel Misery (LMIS), and Most Pleasure (MPLS) which are also decisions can be seen as an example scenario of the third available in the Choicla environment. case (only external users can add alternatives) – in this con- Group Distance (GD) (see Formula 1) returns the value d text it should be possible that candidates apply for a certain as group recommendation which causes the lowest overall job position (the application itself is interpreted as the addi- change of the individual user preferences where eval(u, s) tion of a new alternative to the decision task). The selection denotes the rating for a solution s defined by user u. of the next conference location where proposers can submit X their material is another example. GD(s) = minarg(d∈{1..5}) ( |eval(u, s) − d|) (1) u∈U sers Preference Visibility. The scope ”private” allows only invited users to participate, i.e., the decision task is only ac- Ensemble Voting can be seen as an example of a meta- cessible for invited users and not accessible for other users. aggregation function included in Choicla. Ensemble Voting (see Formula 2) determines the majority of the results of the individual voting strategies H = {MAJ, AVV, LMIS, gets subjective. In such a case the assessment criteria of MPLS, GD} where eval(h, s) denotes the result of an indi- the candidates change and no ”fair” and objective decision vidual voting strategy for a solution s. can be made. Another important factor is that in most [ cases personnel decisions come up in groups of users which EN S(s) = maxarg(d∈{1..5}) (#( eval(h, s) = d)) (2) means that often more than one person is affected by the h∈H hiring procedure. To prevent groups from unsystematic reviews, Choicla of- 2.2 Choicla Decision Apps fers a structured and fair way to evaluate candidates of a After the design process has been finished, the creator of the job position. Figure 3 shows the evaluation of the candi- decision task as well as all invited participants (after accept- dates in context of our working example (new receptionist) ing the invitation) see a corresponding decision app directly for a particular decision maker. on the personal home screen (see Figure 2). Figure 2: Choicla: Home screen of a registered user. The symbols within the tiles trigger actions which can be performed in the current state of the decision app. Possible actions are (from left to right): con- figuration, evaluation (only possible if the decision Figure 3: Choicla: example of individual ratings. app is publicly available over the store), and delete. Each user can take a look at the current recommen- The tab DecisionApp Store contains publicly available de- dation and adapt his/her preferences if needed. cision apps which can be searched and installed on the per- To keep the screen understandable, only the line with the sonal Home Screen. This method prevents a creation from aggregated information of a candidate is visible - by clicking scratch every time for frequent decision tasks such as, for ex- on this line, several dimensions including their actual rat- ample, scheduling decision tasks. In such a case the decision ings show up for the corresponding candidate (only visible process can be triggered right after the download of a deci- for first candidate in Figure 3). In order to avoid misun- sion app. This reuse technique has the potential to reduce derstandings in context of evaluation the sliders of the first the entry barrier for using Choicla and keep the interaction candidate are automatically displayed if the screen is loaded. simple – especially for people who want to start a decision Due to the fact that depending on the advertised job posi- process quickly. The tab Create DecisionApp allows a user tion different assessment criteria are needed, the dimensions to design a completely new decision app from scratch. on which a candidate can be evaluated can be chosen by Due to the fact that many decision tasks occur regularly – the creator of a decision task. If we look at the example in for example, a group of friends go for dinner once a month Figure 3 we can see that for the ”New Receptionist” the di- – a concept is needed to manage a potentially large num- mensions English skills, Communication, Friendliness, and ber of decision tasks. To keep the potentially large number Punctuality are chosen. of decision tasks manageable, every decision app consists of In situations where there are candidates for whom not all a variable number of instances. A concrete instance of a criteria (dimensions) have been evaluated or there exists a decision app can be accessed within the corresponding de- discrepancy between individual evaluations, special mark- cision app - all instances of a concrete decision app will be ers are used to point out open issues. This approach cre- loaded when the decision app is opened. The created in- ates need for closure (see, e.g., [15]), i.e., users are addition- stance of the example depicted in Figure 1 is accessible in ally motivated to make the candidate evaluations complete the ”Personnel-decision” app (see Figure 2). This mecha- and consistent. nism offers the possibility of an exact documentation of all If a candidate should be excluded from the application pro- past decisions and is also a basis for supporting recurring cedure in early phases (e.g., some criteria are not met), this decision tasks. can be achieved by using the ”Manage Candidates” button (a new menu shows up). The early exclusion of an unsuitable 3. CHOICLA PERSONNEL DECISIONS candidate supports more clarity since only the ”relevant” 3.1 Users View candidates are displayed. Personnel decisions are often influenced by various factors. The tab Group Preference presents the current group rec- Such factors are, for example, if a candidate has physi- ommendation, after a predefined number (the threshold) of cal handicaps, in most cases no concrete structure is fol- participants articulated their preferences. This threshold lowed during the job interview and the evaluation often prevents from statistical inferences to the individual pref- erences of other participants (only in combination with a mation by a single person - in most cases a secretary - to ”private” decision scope - see Section 2). The group rec- the applicants. ommendation in context of personnel decisions is based on the MAUT-principle (multi-attribute-utility-theory [1]). A group recommendation based on the MAUT-principle (see 4. RELATED & FUTURE WORK There exist a couple of online tools supporting decision sce- Formula 3) returns the average value of all individual MAUT narios. Rodriguez et al. [16] describes a system called Smar- values of all participants as group recommendation for one tocracy. Smartocracy is a decision support tool which sup- candidate (solution s). A group member’s individual MAUT ports the definition of tasks in terms of issues or questions value represents the weighted average of all personal ratings and corresponding solutions. The recommendation (solu- of the dimensions of an alternative. This means that the at- tion selection) is based on exploiting information from an tribute values are subjective and the weights are fixed which underlying social network which is used to rank alternative is different in a typical MAUT scenario. P solutions. Dotmocracy 1 includes a method for collecting and X d∈s eval(u, d) ∗ weight(d) visualizing the preferences of a large group of users. It is M AU T (s) = (3) related to the idea of participatory decision making – it’s u∈U sers |dimensions| major outcome is a graph type visualization of the group- If we look at the individual ratings in Figure 3 we notice the immanent preferences. Doodle2 is an internet calendar tool values 8, 5, 8, and 5 for the dimensions. For simplification with the focus on coordinating appointments. VERN [19] purposes we assume in our example that all dimensions have is (very similar to doodle) a tool that supports the identi- the same weight (wd1 = wd2 = wd3 = wd4 = 5). Due to fication of meeting times. VERN is based on the idea of Formula 3, the individual MAUT value for the actual user unconstrained democracy where individuals are enabled to of the first alternative is 32.5. To present the evaluation of freely propose alternative dates themselves. A major ad- a solution (candidate) within a five star scale, these values vantage of Choicla 3 compared to these tools is that users have to be normed. of Choicla are able to customize their decision processes de- pending on the application domain and can also focus on specific tasks. Furthermore, the mentioned tools provide no 3.2 Candidates View concepts which help to improve the overall quality of group All previous described options and screens can only be ac- decisions, for example, in terms of integrating explanations, cessed by the decision makers of the decision task itself and recommendations for groups, and consistency management can of course not be seen by the applicants of the job posi- for user preferences. tion. During the design phase of a decision task the input Recommendation approaches in the line of Choicla are also fields (e.g., name, age, and application text) which are then presented in Sangeetha et al. [8] and Malinowski et al. [10]. visible by the applicants during the application process can Sangeetha et al. [8] introduce recommendation approaches be defined. Figure 4 shows the view of an applicant in our that support people-to-people recommendation (detection running example ”New Receptionist”. of latent relationships between similar users) whereas Ma- linowski et al. [10] discuss approaches (based on fitness measures) that support the pre-selection of candidates for existing teams (groups). In contrast, Choicla focuses on supporting a group decision where parameters such as the fit of a candidate with an existing group are represented in terms of MAUT dimensions. Our future work will focus on the analysis of further applica- tion domains for the Choicla technologies. Our vision is to make the design (implementation) of group decision tasks as simple and straightforward as possible. The resulting deci- sion task should be easy to handle for users and make group decisions in general more efficient. Our focus will also be on the analysis of decision phenomena within the scope of group decision processes. Phenomena such as decoy effects [5], [18] and anchoring effects [6] have been well studied for single-user cases, however, in group-based decision scenarios no studies have been conducted. Biases can be induced if a system is open in the sense that new decision alternatives can be added during the decision process. However, such a feature is imperative in cases where all possible decision alternatives are not available from the Figure 4: Choicla: example of the entering of appli- beginning. The group preferences can also be influenced by cation data. Each applicant can insert his/her per- the order of the incoming individual preferences due to the sonal data needed for the advertised job position. fact that the participants of a group will perceive already selected alternatives more attractive than new options [14]. 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