=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1256/poster2 |storemode=property |title=Observer Design and Feedback Controller Synthesis with Observer in Idempotent Semiring |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1256/poster2.pdf |volume=Vol-1256 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/vecos/AbdesselamKL14 }} ==Observer Design and Feedback Controller Synthesis with Observer in Idempotent Semiring== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1256/poster2.pdf

       Observer design and feedback controller
        synthesis with observer in idempotent

       Aldjia Nait Abdesselam               Redouane Kara                        Jean-Jacques Loiseau
          L2CSP laboratory                 L2CSP laboratory                             IRCCyN
     Mouloud Mammeri UNiversity       Mouloud Mammeri University                   UMR CNRS 6597
         Route de Hasnaoua               Route de Hasnaoua                   BP 92101 1 rue de la No 44321
      BP 17, 15000, Tizi-Ouzou         BP 17, 15000, Tizi-Ouzou                     Nantes Cedex 3
               Algeria                          Algeria                                  France
      abdeslamaldja@yahoo.fr               redouk@yahoo.fr              Jean-Jacques.Loiseau@irccyn.ec-nantes.fr

   In this paper, we present an observer design and a feedback controller with observer for a discrete
   event system involving synchronization phenomena. These systems can be described by linear models
   in the idempotent semiring. The approach follows the same principle as the Luenberger observer used
   in continuous systems. Theoretical results are applied to an industrial process and simulation results are
   reported to show the effectiveness of these methods in the estimation for min max plus linear systems using

               idempotent semiring, observer, dioids, (max, +) linear systems, feedback controller

1. INTRODUCTION                                                 systems and provide a framework for analytical
                                                                techniques to meet the goals of design, control
A discrete event system (DES) is a dynamic system               and performance evaluation. For about 30 years,
whose behavior can be described by means of a set               a particular algebraic structure, called Dioids has
of time-consuming activities, performed according               motivated the elaboration of a new linear system
to a prescribed ordering. Events correspond to                  theory (Baccelli (1992); Cuninghame-Green (1979);
starting or ending some activity (Cassandras (1999);            Cohen (1984)). This theory offers a striking analogy
Cohen (1984)). These systems can represent                      with conventional linear system theory such as state
a great number of processes characterized as                    representation, transfer matrices, corrector synthesis
being concurrent, asynchronous, distributed or                  and identification theory (Cohen (1999); Lhommeau
parallel, such as flexible manufacturing systems,               (2003); Cottenceau (1999)).
multiprocessor systems or transportation networks.              In control theory, a state observer is a system
If the concerned systems are characterized by delay             that provides an estimate of the internal state of
and synchronization phenomena, the Timed Event                  a given real system from measurements of the
Graphs (TEG) constitute interesting models. Timed               input and output of the real system. the observer
Event Graphs are a subclass of timed Petri Net in               was first proposed and developed in (Luenberger
which all places have a single transition upstream              (1964, 1966)). Since these early papers, which
(A single upstream transition means that there is               concentrated on observers for purely deterministic
no competition in either consumption or supply of               continuous linear systems, observer theory has been
token in TEG) and a single one downstream (means                extended by several researchers to include discrete
that all potential conflicts in using tokens in places          event dynamic systems, in particular Timed Event
have been already arbitrated). This class of system             Graph.
plays an important role because of its deterministic            The observer design problem of Timed Event Graph
temporal behavior.                                              has received much attention over the last few years.
In opposition to continuous systems, Timed Event                A first problem considered is to estimate state in
Graphs are not modeled through differential or                  presence of disturbances for max-min plus linear
difference equations. An appropriate model is                   system initially developed by (Laurent (2010)). Here,
developed to describe the behavior of these

the main approach is based on the dioid of series             equal to 0. We adopt the usual notation, so that
Maxin [γ, δ]. A second objective is to use an observer        the symbol ⊕ stands for the max operation,
to feedback controller in order to obtain a desired           and ⊗ stands for the addition. Notice that
behavior.                                                      ⊗ (+∞) = (−∞) + (+∞) =  = (−∞) in
In this paper, the approaches are applied to an               Rmax .
industrial process. Simulation results using Scilab
are reported.                                                 2.1.2. Example 2.
The article is organized as follows. In section 2 we          ((min, +)algebra).Rmin   =      (R ∪ {−∞} ∪
recall basic notions and results about idempotent             {+∞}, min, +) is also a commutative dioid, for
semiring and residuation theory (Cohen (1998a)).              which  equals to +∞, and e equals to 0. We shall
A brief description of the industrial plant is given,         denote ⊕ the min operation in the sequel, and the
and we then introduce the modeling of Timed Event             symbol ⊗ will stand for the addition. Notice that
Graph in the dioid of formal series Max      in [γ, δ] in      ⊗ (−∞) = (+∞) + (−∞) =  = (+∞) in Rmin .
section 3. In section 4, the observer is designed by
analogy with the classical Luenberger observer for
linear systems and controller synthesis with observer         2.1.3. Remark.
is obtained by considering residuation theory which           Most of the time the symbol ⊗ will be omitted as in
allows the inversion of mapping in section 5. Finally,        conventional algebra, moreover ai = a ⊗ ai−1 and
an example of production process is given in section          a0 = e.
                                                              Definition 4 (Order relation). A set D is said to be
2. PRELIMINARIES                                              ordered if there exisists a binary relation  such that
                                                              the following conditions are satisfied for all a, b and c
In this section we give the notations and some                in D:
algebraic tools concerning the dioid and residuation
theories.                                                        • Reflexive: every element is in relation with itself
                                                                   (a  a);
2.1. Definitions
                                                                 • Antysymmetric: if a  b and b  a ⇒ a = b.
Definition 1 (Monoid). A Monoid is a set D,
endowed with an internal law noted ⊕, which is                   • Transitive: if a  b and b  c ⇒ a  c.
associative and has a neutral element, denoted ,
∀a ∈ D, a ⊕  =  ⊕ a = a.                                    In a dioid, the relation  associated with max
                                                              application is an oreder relation which correspond to
Definition 2 (Dioid or idempotent semiring). A dioid          the usual order ≤, a  b ⇔ b = a ⊕ b ⇔ a ≤ b.
(D, ⊕, ⊗) is an algebraic structure, endowed with             The relation  associated with min application is an
two internal operations, denoted by ⊕ and ⊗.                  oreder relation which correspond to the reverse of
The operation ⊕ is associative, commutative and               the usual order ≥, a  b ⇔ b = a ⊕ b ⇔ a ≥ b.
idempotent, that is a ⊕ a = a. The operation ⊗ is
associative (but not necessarily commutative), and            Definition 5 (Majorant and minorant). Let (D, D )
distributive at left with respect to ⊕: ∀ a, b, c ∈ D, (a ⊕   be an ordered set, C ⊂ D a non-empty subset of D,
b) ⊗ c = (a ⊗ c) ⊕ (b ⊗ c), and at right: ∀ a, b, c ∈         and a, b ∈ C.
D, a ⊗ (b ⊕ c) = (a ⊗ b) ⊕ (a ⊗ c). The neutral elements
                                                                 • An element x ∈ D satisfying ∀b ∈ C, b  x is
of ⊕ and ⊗ are represented by  and e respectively,
                                                                   called majorant of set C.
and  is absorbing for ⊗: ∀ a ∈ D, a ⊗  =  ⊗ a = 
                                                                 • An element y ∈ D satisfying ∀b ∈ C, y  b is
One says that the dioid is commutative provided that               called minorant of set C.
the law ⊗ is commutative.
                                                              In particular, if the upper bound (i.e. the least
                                                              majorant) or/and lower bound (i.e. the greatest
Definition 3 (Complete dioid). A dioid D is said to           minorant) of set a, b exist, we denote them by a ∨ b
be complete if it is closed for infinte for infinite sums     and a ∧ b, respectively.
and if the product disitributes over infinte sums. A
dioid is said complet                                         2.2. Matrix dioid

2.1.1. Example 1.                                             Let (D, ⊕, ⊗) be a given dioid, and denote Dn×n the
((max, +)algebra).Rmax =     (R ∪ {−∞} ∪                      set of square n × n matrices with entries over D.
{+∞}, max, +) is a commutative dioid with zero                The sum and the product over D extend as usually
element  equal to −∞, and the unit element e                 over Dn×n as follows:

                                                           denoted respectively by L]a (x) = a ◦ x and Ra] (x) =
                (A ⊕ B)ij = Aij ⊕ Bij                      x ø a, were ◦ and ø are the left and right residuation
                          M                                respectively.
            (A ⊗ B)ij =     (Aik ⊗ Bkj ).
                          k=1                              Theorem 2 The mappings x 7→ a ◦ x and x 7→ xøa
                                                           satisfy the following properties:
One can see that (Dn×n , ⊕, ⊗) is a dioid. The neutral
matrix for the law ⊕ is the matrix with entries equal to          a ◦ a = (a ◦ a)∗ ,        aøa = (aøa)∗ ,        (4)
, the identity matrix for the law ⊗ is the matrix with
entries equal to e on the diagonal and  elsewhere.
Notice that the products of matrices in Rmax and in
Rmin are not equal, and do not equal the usual sum               a(a ◦ (ax)) = ax,        ((xa)øa)a = xa,         (5)
of matrices.                                                     b ◦ a ◦ x = (ab) ◦ x,     xøaøb = xø(ba),        (6)
                                                                   ∗     ∗       ∗          ∗       ∗   ∗
                                                                 a ◦ (a x) = a x,         (a x)øa = a x,          (7)
Theorem 1 (Kleene star operator). Over a complete
dioid D, the implicit equation x = ax  L ⊕ b admits              (a ◦ x) ∧ (a ◦ y) = a ◦ (x ∧ y),                 (8)
x = a∗ b as least solution. where a∗ = i∈N ai
                                                                  (xøa) ∧ (yøa) = (x ∧ y)øa.                      (9)
In the following this operator will sometimes be
represented by the mapping K : D → D,x 7→ x∗ .
Furthermore, letting a, b ∈ D, Kleene star operator        The sum, the product and the residuation of
satisfies the following well known properties : :          matrices are defined after the sum, product and the
                                                           residuation of scalars in D.
       (a∗ )∗ = a∗ , a∗ a = aa∗ , a(ba)∗ = (ab)∗ a   (1)

   (a ⊕ b)∗ = (a∗ ⊕ b)∗ = (a ⊕ b∗ )∗ = (a∗ ⊕ b∗ )∗ (2)     3. TIMED EVENT GRAPH
Thereafter, the operator a+ =               i
                                     i∈N + a = aa =        A Timed Event Graph (TEG) is a subclass of timed
a a is also considered, it satisfies the following         Petri Net where each place has a single input
properties:                                                transition and a single output transition. For more
                                                           details about Petri net see David and Alla (1997).
      a+  a∗ , (a+ )∗ = a∗ , (ab∗ )+ = a(a ⊕ b)∗    (3)

Inversion of mappings is an important issue in
many control applications. Unfortunately, in general
manner, mappings defined over idempotent semiring
do not admit inverse. However the residuation
theory allows to characterize the solution set of an
inequality such as f (x)  b. The reader may consult
Cohen (1998a) to obtain a complete presentation of
this theory.

Definition 6 (Isotone mapping). f is an isotone
mapping if it preserves order, that is, a  b ⇒ f (a)                  Figure 1: Production process
f (b).

Definition 7 (Residuated mapping). An isotone              3.1. Plant description
mapping f : D → C, where D and C are ordered
sets, is a residuated mapping if for all b ∈ C             The process we study here (see Martinez (2003);
there exists a greatest element x that satisfies the       Amari (2004)) is composed of three conveyor belts
inequality f (x)  b. This greatest element is denoted     connected by loops. the parts are made on an
by f ] (b) and mapping f ] is called the residual of f .   extruding machine in loop 3. Loop 1 and loop 2 are
Dually, if there exists a least element x for the          both similar one to each other. they are dedicated to
inequality f (x)  b, it is denoted by f [ (b). Mapping    a thermal processing of the parts. Loop 3 processes
f [ is called the dual residual of f .                     parts that are conveyed on pallets to one of the other
                                                           loops. we study loop 2 Figure 2 (identical process
Corollary 1 The mappings La : x 7→ a ⊗ x                   for loop1). Parts arrive from loop 3 at point A and
and Ra : x 7→ x ⊗ a defined over a complete                an operator fixes them to point I. Here they enter
idempotent semiring D are both residuated Cohen            inside the furnace. This element is a channel divided
(1998a). Their residuals are isotone mappings              into two sections. Inside the former section parts are

                                                          respectively. whereas r is a monomial γ ν δ τ which
                                                          reproduces the pattern q along the slope τν .
                                                          Considering the Timed Event Graph in Figure2. The
                                                          dynamic behavior of this system can be expressed
                                                          as follow: x1 (k) = max(x7 (k−5)+4, x2 (k−1), u1 (k)),
                                                          x2 (k) = max(x1 (k) + 1, x3 (k − 2)), x3 (k) =
                                                          max(x2 (k)+3, x4 (k−2), w1 (k)), x4 (k) = max(x3 (k)+
                                                          10, x5 (k − 2)), x5 (k) = max(x4 (k) + 10, x6 (k − 3)),
                                                          x6 (k) = max(x5 (k) + 3, x7 (k − 1)), x7 (k) =
                                                          max(x6 (k) + 2, x1 (k − 2), u2 (k), w2 (k)), y(k) = x7 (k).
                                                          In terms of Max Plus notation, we obtain the
                                                          following linear equations: x1 (k) = 4 ⊗ x7 (k − 5) ⊕
                                                          x2 (k − 1) ⊕ u1 (k), x2 (k) = 1 ⊗ x1 (k) ⊕ x3 (k − 2),
                                                          x3 (k) = 3 ⊗ x2 (k) ⊕ x4 (k − 2) ⊕ w1 (k),
                                                          x4 (k) = 10 ⊗ x3 (k) ⊕ x5 (k − 2), x5 (k) =
                                                          10 ⊗ x4 (k) ⊕ x6 (k − 3)), x6 (k) = 3 ⊗ x5 (k) ⊕ x7 (k − 1),
            Figure 2: Petri Net of the loop2
                                                          x7 (k) = 2 ⊗ x6 (k) ⊕ x1 (k − 2) ⊕ u2 (k) ⊕ w2 (k)),
                                                          y(k) = x7 (k).
heated and they are next cooled down inside the           consequently, The transitions are related as follows
latter. Once, pallets come outside the furnace (point     over Max  in [γ, δ]:
O), they are transferred to a second operator who         x1 = γ 5 δ 4 x7 ⊕ γx2 ⊕ u1 ,         x2 = δx1 ⊕ γ 2 x3 ,
                                                                     3         2
removes parts from the pallets. Thus, parts are taken     x3 = δ x2 ⊕ γ x4 ⊕ w 1 ,           x4 = δ 10 x3 ⊕ γ 2 x5 ,
                                                                        10       3
away at point E according to the external resources.      x5 = δ x4 ⊕ γ x6 ,                x6 = δ 3 x5 ⊕ γx7 ,
                                                                  2         2
Finally, the free pallets are released and transfer to    x7 = δ x6 ⊕ γ x1 ⊕ u2 ⊕ w2 , y = x7 .
point A.                                                  We obtain the following state space representation
The main problem is to achieve the thermal                over Max  in [γ, δ]:
treatment on loop 1 or loop 2 without major failures.
In figure 1, d and l are assumed to be the durations of         x = Ax ⊕ Bu ⊕ Rw = A∗ Bu ⊕ A∗ Rw                   (10)
operations and the conveyor capacities respectively.                                   ∗
                                                                       y = Cx = CA Bu ⊕ CA Rw      ∗
This physical process (loop2) is modelled thanks
                                                                                                     γ 5 δ4
                                                                                                             
to a TEG. Transition u1 models parts arrivals from                         γ                
                                                                       δ           2
loop3, u2 models the necessity of a resource to carry                         γ                        
the terminated part and Transition y represents the                     δ3           γ 2
                                                                                                             
departure of an achieved part. Figure 2 shows a           With: A =         δ 10      γ2              ,
                                                                                       10          3
model of the plant.                                                                 δ          γ         
                                                                                              3
                                                                                           δ         γ 
                                                                        γ 2              δ 2         
                                                                     e                                  x1
3.2. Timed Event Graph description in dioids                                                    x2 
                                                                                                          
                                                                                  e              x3 
Timed Event Graph can be expressed by linear                                                              
                                                            B=      , R =    , x =  x4 ,
                                                                                                           
relations over some dioids Cohen (1999). By                                                     x5 
associating with each transition x a dater function,              
                                                                     
                                                                                    
                                                                                        
                                                                                                      
                                                                                                        x6 
in which x(k) is equal to the date when which the
                                                                      e                e                 x7
firing numbered k occurs, it is possible to obtain a                                                             
linear state representation in Rmax . there is another       C =       e, , ut = u1 u2 ,
representation of TEG in Rmin , a function of time        wt = w1 w2 .
t, corresponding to the cumulated number of firings       where u, y and x are respectively the input, output
of the transition at time t. such a function is called    and state vector. w represents uncontrollable inputs,
a counter. A two-dimensional representation of            each entry of w corresponds to a transition which
input-output maps called Max                              disable the firing of internal transition of the graph,
                               in [γ, δ] is considered
here Cohen (1998b), where γ is an indeterminate           and then decreases the performance of the system.
which may also be considered as the backward              A, B, C and R are given matrices over Max       in [γ, δ].
shift operator in the event domain, and δ is the          CA∗ B is the input/output transfer matrix and CA∗ R
backward shift operator in the time domain. this          is the disturbance/output transfer matrix.
property means that each entry can be written as
an expression of the form s = p ⊕ qr∗ in which
p and q are polynomials in (γ, δ) which represent
the transient behavior and the repeated pattern

                                                            1966), we present an observer design (inspired from
                                                            the work of (Laurent (2010)) for Timed Event Graph
                                                            modeled in Max in [γ, δ]. Figure3 depicts the observer
                                                            structure whose equations are:

                                                             x̂ = Ax̂⊕Bu⊕L(ŷ⊕y) = Ax̂⊕Bu⊕LC x̂⊕LCx (12)

                                                                                    ŷ = C x̂                   (13)
                                                            Where L is an observer gain matrix.
                                                            Using equation (10), we obtain the following
                                                            x̂ = Ax̂ ⊕ Bu ⊕ LC x̂ ⊕ LC(A∗ Bu ⊕ A∗ Rw)
                                                            x̂ = (A ⊕ LC)x̂ ⊕ Bu ⊕ LCA∗ Bu ⊕ LCA∗ Rw
                                                            x̂ = (A ⊕ LC)∗ Bu ⊕ (A ⊕ LC)∗ LCA∗ Bu ⊕
                                                                (A ⊕ LC)∗ LCA∗ Rw
              Figure 3: observer structure                  By applying Kleene star properties we are:

                                                                         (A ⊕ LC)∗ = A∗ (LCA∗ )∗                (14)
3.3. Periodicity, causality and asymptotic slope
                                                            Replacing (14) in previous equation, we obtain:
Definition 8 (Periodicity) A series s ∈ Max  in [γ, δ] is   x̂ = A∗ (LCA∗ )∗ Bu ⊕ A∗ (LCA∗ )∗ LCA∗ Bu ⊕
said to be periodic if it can be written as s = p ⊕              A∗ (LCA∗ )∗ LCA∗ Rw
q(γ ν δ τ ) with p and q two polynomials and ν, τ ∈ N .     and by recalling that (LCA∗ )∗ LCA∗ = (LCA∗ )+ ,
A matrix is said to be periodic if all its entries are      this equation may be written as follows:
periodic.                                                   x̂     =      A∗ (LCA∗ )∗ Bu ⊕ A∗ (LCA∗ )+ Bu ⊕
                                                               ∗      ∗ +
                                                            A (LCA ) Rw
Definition 9 (Causality) A series s ∈ Max   in [γ, δ] is    Equation (3) yields: (LCA∗ )+ ≤ (LCA∗ )∗
causal if s = . The set of causal elements of              Then the observer equation may be written as
  in [γ, δ] has a complete dioid structure denoted by       follows:
  in [γ, δ]
                                                                   x̂ = A∗ (LCA∗ )∗ Bu ⊕ A∗ (LCA∗ )+ Rw
Definition 10 (asymptotic slope) The asymptotic
slope of a periodic series s = p ⊕ q(γ ν δ τ )∗ denoted        x̂ = (A ⊕ LC)∗ Bu ⊕ (A ⊕ LC)∗ LCA∗ Rw            (15)
σ∞ (s) is defined as the ratio σ∞ (s) = ν/τ                 The objective, is to calculate the greatest observa-
                                                            tion matrix L such that the estimated vector x̂ be
Let s1 and s2 be two periodic series such that ν1 , ν2      as close as possible to state x, under the constraint
6= 0 et τ1 , τ2 6= 0), then                                 x̂ ≤ x , formally it can be written :
        σ∞ (s1 ⊕ s2 ) = min(σ∞ (s1 ), σ∞ (s2 )),            (A ⊕ LC)∗ Bu ⊕ (A ⊕ LC)∗ LCA∗ Rw ≤ A∗ Bu ⊕ A∗ Rw
        σ∞ (s1 ⊗ s2 ) = min(σ∞ (s1 ), σ∞ (s2 )),            Or equivalently:
If σ∞ (s1 ) ≤ σ∞ (s2 ) then
                                                                               (A ⊕ LC)∗ B ≤ A∗ B               (16)
                 σ∞ (s2 ◦ s1 ) = σ∞ (s1 )                                           ∗      ∗        ∗
                                                                         (A ⊕ LC) LCA R ≤ A R                   (17)
otherwise s2 ◦ s1 = .
                                                            Lemma 1 The greatest matrix L such that (A ⊕
                                                            LC)∗ B ≤ A∗ B is given by :

                                                                            L1 = (A∗ B)ø(CA∗ B)                 (18)
                                                            Lemma 2 The greatest matrix L such that (A ⊕
The system evolves according to its state vector            LC)∗ LCA∗ R ≤ A∗ R is given by :
equations. Or, In many systems of practical
importance, the entire state vector is not available                        L2 = (A∗ R)ø(CA∗ R)                 (19)
for measurement. When faced with this difficulty , a
solution is to provide an estimate of the internal state
                                                            The greatest observer matrix such that x̂ ≤ x is:
of the given plant from measurements of the input
and output of the real system. By analogy with the                                L = L1 ∧ L2
classical Luenberger observer Luenberger (1964,

                                                         Using the residuation properties, the following
                                                         equivalences are given :

                                                                     CA∗ B(K(A ⊕ Lopt C)∗ B)∗  Gref

                                                                  ⇔ (K(A ⊕ Lopt C)∗ B)∗  CA∗ B ◦ Gref
                                                                    ⇔ K(A ⊕ Lopt C)∗ B  CA∗ B ◦ Gref
                                                           ⇔ K  CA∗ B ◦ Gref ø(K(A ⊕ Lopt C)∗ B) = Kopt

                                                         6. ILLUSTRATION

                                                         In order to illustrate results presented previously, we
                                                         consider a Timed Event Graph depicted in figure,
                                                         2. Transitions w1 and w2 represent uncontrollable
          Figure 4: Controller using observer
                                                         inputs. each one corresponds to a transition which
                                                         delays or disables the firing of internal transition
5. FEEDBACK CONTROLLER SYNTHESIS WITH                    of the graph. In our example, w1 corresponds to a
OBSERVER                                                 failure at entry inside the furnace, the beginning of
                                                         the thermal process, is modeled by x3 , the firing of
Now, we consider a problem of controller synthesis       this transition is reported to time 25 instead of time
with an observer, for TEG, in an objective of            15. w2 means that the operator removes parts from
reference model matching. This problem can be            the pallets at time 45 instead of time 39. Then, the
described in the following way: Taking a TEG of          state are delayed by disturbances whose trajectories
which one knows the transfer matrix, we estimate a       are as follows :
state and we compute a controller which leads to a                                 3 25 
                                                                             w1           γ δ
closed loop system whose behavior is as close as                                    =
                                                                             w2           γ 2 δ 45
possible to the given reference model Gref .
The input output transfet function is expressed by:      Using minmaxgb Toolbox for Scilab (see
                                                         http://www.maxplus.org/), the observer matrix is
          y = Hu, such that H = CA∗ B                    given by:
The observer equation is given by:

                 x̂ = (A ⊕ LC)∗ Bu                       L11 = γ 5 δ 4 ⊕γ 6 δ 6 ⊕γ 7 δ 8 ⊕γ 8 δ 10 ⊕γ 9 δ 12 ⊕(γ 10 δ 37 ⊕γ 11 δ 39
Acontroller denoted K is added between x̂ and u,                ⊕γ 12 δ 47 ⊕ γ 13 δ 49 ⊕ γ 14 δ 57 )[γ 5 δ 33 ]∗
the input is described by:
                                                         L21 = γ 5 δ 5 ⊕γ 6 δ 7 ⊕γ 7 δ 9 ⊕γ 8 δ 11 ⊕γ 9 δ 18 ⊕(γ 10 δ 38 ⊕γ 11 δ 40
                                       ∗   ∗
         u = K x̂ ⊕ v = (K(A ⊕ LC) B) v          (20)
                                                                ⊕γ 12 δ 48 ⊕ γ 13 δ 50 ⊕ γ 14 δ 58 )[γ 5 δ 33 ]∗
Then, the system equation is given by:                   L31 = ⊕(γ 5 δ 8 ⊕γ 6 δ 10 ⊕γ 7 δ 18 ⊕γ 8 δ 20 ⊕γ 9 δ 28 )[γ 5 δ 33 ]∗
        x = A∗ Bu = A∗ B(K(A ⊕ LC)∗ B)∗ v                L41 = ⊕(γ 5 δ 18 ⊕γ 6 δ 20 ⊕γ 7 δ 28 ⊕γ 8 δ 30 ⊕γ 9 δ 38 )[γ 5 δ 33 ]∗
                                                         L51 = γ 4 ⊕(γ 5 δ 28 ⊕γ 6 δ 30 ⊕γ 7 δ 38 ⊕γ 8 δ 40 ⊕γ 9 δ 48 )[γ 5 δ 33 ]∗
        y = Cx = CA∗ B(K(A ⊕ LC)∗ B)∗ v          (21)
                                                         L61 = γ⊕γ 2 δ 2 ⊕γ 3 δ 4 ⊕γ 4 δ 6 ⊕(γ 5 δ 31 ⊕γ 6 δ 33 ⊕γ 7 δ 41 ⊕γ 8 δ 43
Firstly, we calculate the observer matrix Lopt =
(A∗ B)ø(CA∗ B). Then, within the framework of                    ⊕γ 9 δ 51 )[γ 5 δ 33 ]∗
feedback controller synthesis, we have to find for
                                                         L71 = e⊕γδ 2 ⊕γ 2 δ 4 ⊕γ 3 δ 6 ⊕γ 4 δ 8 ⊕(γ 5 δ 33 ⊕γ 6 δ 35 ⊕γ 7 δ 43
a given Gref , a greatest Kopt with respect to the
residuation theory.                                                    ⊕γ 8 δ 45 ⊕ γ 9 δ 53 )[γ 5 δ 33 ]∗
                                                         and ŷ is equal to y:
         Kopt = H ◦ Gref ø((A ⊕ Lopt C)∗ B)      (22)
                                                         ŷ = δ 29 ⊕ γδ 31 ⊕ γ 2 δ 45 ⊕ γ 3 δ 50 ⊕ γ 4 δ 52 ⊕ γ 5 δ 62 ⊕ γ 6 δ 64
Proof 1 We calculate the greatest solution Kopt in
order that the controlled system (with estimate state)    ⊕(γ 7 δ 78 ⊕ γ 8 δ 83 ⊕ γ 9 δ 88 ⊕ γ 10 δ 95 ⊕ γ 11 δ 98 )[γ 5 δ 33 ]
will behave as close as possible to a given reference
model.                                                   The simulation results are Shown in figure (Fig. 5,
                                                         Fig. 6). The estimated states of Timed Event Graph
         CA∗ B(K(A ⊕ Lopt C)∗ B)∗  Gref                 x̂1 , x̂2 , x̂3 , x̂4 , x̂5 , x̂6 , x̂7 are compared to the actual

state. x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 , x6 , x7 . We remark a little
difference between some state and corresponding
estimated state : x̂3 and x3 , x̂4 and x4 , x̂5 and x5 ,
x̂6 and x6 . it implies that the disturbances applied
for transition x3 reduce the system performances,
but these disturbances are not acknowledge by
the observer. it is assumed that the model and
the initial state correspond to the fastest behavior,
ie. ŷ and y are equivalent, and there are equality
between asymptotic slope of the state and the one
of estimated state, σ∞ (ŷ) = σ∞ (y) = 5/33.
Consider a problem of controller synthesis with
observer, we propose to compute a greatest K so
that the system has a transfer relation close to a
given reference transfer Gref .
The objective of the reference model is to impose a
desired behavior Gref to a given system H, then in                                      Figure 5: Estimated state of x1 , x2 , x3 and x4
our example, we consider Gref = H.Using Scilab,
we calculate H:

H11 = δ 29 ⊕γ 1 δ 31 ⊕γ 2 δ 39 ⊕γ 3 δ 41 ⊕γ 4 δ 49 ⊕(γ 5 δ 37 ⊕γ 11 δ 39 [γ 5 δ 33 ]∗

H12 = γ 0 δ 0 ⊕γ 1 δ 2 ⊕γ 2 δ 4 ⊕γ 3 δ 6 ⊕γ 4 δ 8 ⊕(γ 5 δ 33 ⊕γ 6 δ 35 ⊕γ 7 δ 43
        ⊕γ 8 δ 45 ⊕ γ 9 δ 53 [γ 5 δ 33 ]∗
For Lopt obtained, we compute the greatest
realizable feedback Kopt using the expression:

              Kopt = H ◦ Hø((A ⊕ Lopt C)∗ B)

therefore, we can compute the controller and the
output of the system:

                    u = (K(A ⊕ LC)∗ B)∗ v
                                                                                         Figure 6: Estimated state of x5 , x6 , x7 and y
                           ∗                      ∗       ∗
                y = CA B(K(A ⊕ LC) B) v
Assume that: Gkopt = CA∗ B(K(A ⊕ LC)∗ B)∗                                          7. CONCLUSION

                                                                                   In this paper, we have applied to an industrial
Gkopt11 = δ 29 ⊕ γ 1 δ 31 ⊕ γ 2 δ 39 ⊕ γ 3 δ 41                                    process an observer design and the synthesis of
                                                                                   controller with observer. this system is modeled by
             ⊕γ 4 δ 49 ⊕ (γ 5 δ 37 ⊕ γ 11 δ 39 [γ 5 δ 33 ]∗ .                      Timed Event Graph which can be described by
                                                                                   linear equations in idempotent semiring. Firstly, The
                                                                                   estimation state in presence of perturbation based
Gkopt12 = γ 0 δ 0 ⊕ γ 1 δ 2 ⊕ γ 2 δ 4 ⊕                                            on Luenberger observer, is considered, and the
                                                                                   effectiveness of this method is shown by simulation
          γ 3 δ 6 ⊕ γ 4 δ 8 ⊕ (γ 5 δ 33 ⊕ γ 6 δ 35 ⊕ γ 7 δ 43                      results given by the use of Scilab. Afterwards, A
                    ⊕γ 8 δ 45 ⊕ γ 9 δ 53 [γ 5 δ 33 ]∗ .                            synthesis of controller with observer for TEG in a
                                                                                   model reference is presented, we have shown that
                                                                                   it is possible to preserve its own transfer with a
For any TEG, it is possible to preserve its own
                                                                                   greatest realizable feedback control.
transfer with either a greatest realizable feedback
control. We have: Gkopt  Gref = H

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