CAPJA- A Connector Architecture for P ROLOG and JAVA Ludwig Ostermayer, Frank Flederer, Dietmar Seipel University of Würzburg, Department of Computer Science Am Hubland, D – 97074 Würzburg, Germany {ludwig.ostermayer,dietmar.seipel} Abstract. Modern software often relies on the combination of several software modules that are developed independently. There are use cases where different software libraries from different programming languages are used, e.g., embed- ding DLL files in JAVA applications. Even more complex is the case when differ- ent programming paradigms are combined like within applications with database connections, for instance P HP and S QL. Such a diversification of programming languages and modules in just one soft- ware application is becoming more and more important, as this leads to a combi- nation of the strengths of different programming paradigms. But not always, the developers are experts in the different programming languages or even in differ- ent programming paradigms. So, it is desirable to provide easy to use interfaces that enable the integration of programs from different programming languages and offer access to different programming paradigms. In this paper we introduce a connector architecture for two programming lan- guages of different paradigms: JAVA as a representative of object oriented pro- gramming languages and P ROLOG for logic programming. Our approach pro- vides a fast, portable and easy to use communication layer between JAVA and P ROLOG. The exchange of information is done via a textual term representation which can be used independently from a deployed P ROLOG engine. The proposed connector architecture allows for Object Unification on the JAVA side. We provide an exemplary connector for JAVA and S WI-P ROLOG, a well-known P ROLOG implementation. Keywords. Multi-Paradigm Programming, Logic Programming, Prolog, Java. 1 Introduction Business applications often are implemented with object oriented techniques. JAVA cur- rently is one of the most used object oriented programming languages with rich libraries and a very active community. There are tools based on JAVA for writing complex rules, but these tools still come with flaws [10]. Logic programming languages like P ROLOG are particular suitable to write rules more intuitively and declaratively, which helps in building, updating and testing complex structured sets of rules as we have successfully shown in the field of e-commerce in [9]. Because JAVA is the main programming lan- guage in most large-scale applications, it is desirable to connect JAVA with P ROLOG for certain problem domains. Many approaches have been proposed to make P ROLOG available in JAVA, but in many cases there is no clear distinction between JAVA and P ROLOG as they use P RO - LOG concepts like terms and atoms directly in JAVA . Our efforts are to keep P ROLOG structures off from JAVA, but to enable in JAVA the use of existing P ROLOG rules and facts. Therefore we propose a fast, portable and intuitive connector architecture between JAVA and P ROLOG. In our approach, objects can directly be used as P ROLOG goals, without creating complex structures in JAVA that represent the terms in P ROLOG. Member variables that are equal null in JAVA are translated into P ROLOG variables. Those variables are unified by P ROLOG when querying a JAVA object as a goal in P ROLOG. The values, the variables are unified with, are set to the corresponding member variables of the JAVA objects. We call this mechanism Object Unification. Apart from using existing JAVA classes for Object Unification, we also provide in P ROLOG a generator for JAVA classes. The instances of generated classes unify with terms initially passed to the generator. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we look at re- lated work and compare those concepts with our own approach. Section 3 introduces the components of the proposed connector. We show the mechanics of the object term mapping in Section 3.1 and in Section 3.2 the parsing of P ROLOG terms in JAVA. An exemplary interface for JAVA and S WI P ROLOG completes the connector architecture in Section 3.3. After that, the workflow with our connector architecture is shown in Section 4 from two viewpoints: from JAVA and from P ROLOG. In Section 5 we evaluate our approach and finally discuss future work in Section 6. 2 Related Work Providing a smooth interaction mechanism for JAVA and P ROLOG is a challenging prob- lem that has been studied in several research papers of the last decade. A well known and mature interface between JAVA and P ROLOG is J PL [13]. To en- able a fast communication J PL provides JAVA classes that represent directly the struc- tures in P ROLOG. This leads to much code for complex P ROLOG term structures. Also, it requires that either the JAVA developer knows how to program P ROLOG or the P RO - LOG developer knows how to code JAVA in order to build the necessary structures in JAVA via classes like Compound. Furthermore, it is limited to the use with S WI- P ROLOG, as it is shipped and created for just this single P ROLOG implementation. An interesting approach is I NTER P ROLOG [2] that uses the JAVA serialization mech- anism in order to send serialized JAVA objects to P ROLOG. These strings are analysed in P ROLOG with definite clause grammars and a complex term structure is created which describes the serialized object. However, this generated object term structure is com- plex and contains a lot of class meta information that is not as natural for a P ROLOG programmer as the textual term representations of objects in our approach. The concepts of linguistic symbiosis have been used in [3, 6, 7] to define a suitable mapping. Methods in JAVA are mapped to queries in P ROLOG. This differs from our approach, as we use JAVA objects for terms as well as for queries in P ROLOG. A customisable transformations of JAVA objects to P ROLOG terms was introduced with J PC [4]. Instead of using annotations, as it is done in our approach to customise the mapping, in J PC custom converter classes can be defined. These converters implement methods which define the translation between objects and terms. This causes in a lot of extra code and files as the user has to define the converter classes instead of just writing annotations to existing classes. In [5] tuProlog, a P ROLOG engine entirely written in JAVA, was integrated into JAVA programs by using JAVA annotations and generics. But other than in our approach, P ROLOG rules and facts are written directly into the JAVA code within annotations. Querying rules and facts is done again by JAVA methods. The mapping of input and return to arguments of a goal in P ROLOG is defined with annotations. In contrast to our attempt, this approach is strongly dependent on tuProlog and therefore not compatible to other P ROLOG engines. In [11], we have presented the framework P BR 4J (P ROLOG Business Rules for JAVA) that allows to request a given set of P ROLOG rules from a JAVA application. To overcome the interoperability problems, a JAVA archive has been generated that contains methods to query the set of P ROLOG rules. P BR 4J uses X ML Schema to describe the data exchange format. From the X ML Schema description, we have generated JAVA classes for the JAVA archive. In our new approach the mapping information for JAVA objects and P ROLOG terms is not saved to an intermediate, external layer. It is part of the JAVA class we want to map and though we can get rid of the X ML Schema as used in P BR 4J. Either the mapping is given indirectly by the structure of the class or directly by annotations. While P BR 4J just provides with every JAR only a single P ROLOG query, we are now able to use different goals depending on which variables are bound. P BR 4J transmitted along with a request facts in form of a knowledge base. The result of the request was encapsulated in a result set. With our connector architecture we do not need any more wrapper classes for the knowledge base and the result set as it was with P BR 4J. That means with our new connector we have to write less code in JAVA. We either assert facts from a file or persist objects with a JAVA method to the database of P ROLOG. 3 A Connector for P ROLOG and JAVA The connector for P ROLOG and JAVA is based on our work with mappings between objects in JAVA and terms in P ROLOG. Before we discuss the individual parts of our connector, we recap briefly the highly customisable Object Term Mapping (OTM) which we have introduced in [12]. In addition to a simple, yet powerful default mapping for almost every class in JAVA, different mappings between objects and terms also easily can be defined. We call the mapping of an object to a P ROLOG term Prolog-View on the given object. Multiple Prolog-Views for a single object can be defined. For this purpose, we only need three annotations in JAVA in a nested way as shown in Figure 1. Because JAVA does not support multiple annotations of the same type within a class until ver- sion 7, we use the annotation @PlViews to allow multiple @PlView annotations in a single given class. A @PlView is identified by viewId and consists of the following elements to customize the mapping of an object to a term. functor is used to change the target term’s functor. The list orderArgs changes the arguments order and the list ignoreArgs prevents member variables to be mapped as arguments of the target Fig. 1: The Interfaces for @PlViews, @PlView and @Arg term. The list modifyArgs consists of @Arg annotations which are used to modify the mapping of a single member variable of the object. The member variable is refer- enced by valueOf and the type in P ROLOG can be modified with type. If the member variable is a class type that has @PlView annotations, a particular Prolog-View can be selected via the appropriate viewId. All in all, arbitrary complex nested term struc- tures can be created by the mapping. The following example shows a Person class and two different Prolog-Views on Person: @PlViews({ @PlView(viewId="personView1", ignoreArgs={"id"}, modifyArgs= {@PlArg(valueOf="children", viewId="personView2")}) @PlView(viewId="personView2", functor="child", orderArgs={"givenName")} ) class Person { private int id; private String givenName; private String familyName; private Person[] children; // ... constructor/ getter / setter } In the listing below instances of Person are given followed by the textual term representation under the default mapping and under the Prolog-View personView1: Person p1 = new person(1, 'Homer', 'Simpson'); Person p2 = new person(2, 'Bart', 'Simpson'); p1.setChildren(new Person[]{p2}); // default mapping of p1 "person(1,'Homer','Simpson',[person(2,'Bart','Simpson',[])])" // mapping of p1 under the Prolog-View "personView1" "person('Homer', 'Simpson', [child('Bart')])" All the information needed for the creation of textual term representations are de- rived from the classes involved in the mapping. The default mapping uses the infor- mation of the classes structure itself. The customised mapping uses the information contained in the annotations @PlView. 3.1 Creating Textual Term Representations We only need two classes in JAVA to request P ROLOG as shown in Figure 2. The con- version as well as the parsing is implemented within the wrapper class OTT (Object- Term-Transformer). The class Query is used to start a call to P ROLOG. An example Fig. 2: Classes for CAPJA for the usage of these classes is shown in Figure 3. The object o1 is destined to be unified in P ROLOG. It has references to two other objects o2 and o3 which will lead to a nested term structure in P ROLOG. When the instance query gets o1 passed to its constructor, query creates an instance of OTT, here ott1. For all the other references in o1 instances of OTT are created in a nested way, namely ott2 for o2 and ott3 for o3. query o1 ott1 o2 ott2 o3 ott3 Fig. 3: A Dependency Tree of OTT Objects In order to create the textual term representation of o1, the instance query causes ott1 to call its toTerm() method that triggers a recursive call of toTerm() in all involved instances of OTT. In doing so, the first operation is to determine which fields have to be mapped. Dependent on the viewId of the requested Prolog-View or on the default mapping, an array of Field references is created that contains all the needed member variables for the particular view in the corresponding order. The information about the Fields is retrieved with help of the Reflection API in JAVA. The same way, additional information like P ROLOG types and viewIds for particular member vari- ables are saved within such arrays. As the information about a view of a class is solid and does not change with the instances, this field information is just created once and cached for further use. For the creation of the textual term representation the functor is determined either from a customised functor element of an @PlView annotation or from the class name in the default case. After that, the Field array is iterated and the string representation for its elements are created. The pattern of those strings depend on the P ROLOG type that is defined for a member. If a member is a reference to another object, the toTerm() method for the reference is called recursively. 3.2 Parsing Textual Term Representations After query has received a textual representation of the unified term from P ROLOG, it is parsed to set the unified values to the member variables of the appropriate objects in JAVA. The parsing uses again the structure of the nested OTT objects as shown in Figure 3. The class OTT has the method fromTerm(String term). This method splits the passed string into functor and arguments. The string that contains all the arguments is split into single arguments. This is done under consideration of nested term structures. According to the previously generated Field array the arguments are parsed. This pars- ing happens in dependence on the defined P ROLOG type of an argument. For instance, an atom either has single quotes around its value or, if the first character is lowercase, there are no quotes at all. If there is a quote detected, it is removed from the string before assigning it as a value for the appropriate member variable. Assignments for referenced objects in o1 are derived recursively by calling the fromTerm(String term) method of the appropriate instances of OTT, in our example ott2 and ott3. 3.3 The Interface for JAVA and S WI-P ROLOG Although the complete mapping process is located in JAVA, we still need an interface to the P ROLOG implementation of choice in order to connect both programming lan- guages. The open-source P ROLOG implementation S WI-P ROLOG [14] comes with the highly specialized, and for S WI optimized, JAVA interface J PL. We have implemented our own JAVA interface for S WI which is optimized for our mapping. Similar to J PL we use S WI’s Foreign Language Interface (F LI) and the JAVA Native Interface (J NI). The F LI is bundled with S WI and provides a native interface which can be used to extend S WI by further (meta-)predicates. The F LI also provides an interface for C and is there- fore accessible for all other programming languages which have access to C libraries. We have JAVA on one side and the C interface F LI on the other, so we need the glue to enable the communication between these two worlds. This is done by the JAVA Native Interface (J NI), which enables the usage of in C defined functions in JAVA. With the help of the J NI, we implemented a bridge between JAVA and the S WI-P ROLOG sys- tem. As mentioned, we focus on the simple transmission of strings that represent terms in P ROLOG. This differs from the interface J PL, as our interface does not need com- plex class structures in JAVA to represent terms in P ROLOG. We simply send strings to P ROLOG and receives strings from it. The transmitted strings already satisfy P ROLOG’s syntax and thus can be converted directly into terms on the P ROLOG side. Via the F LI we provide backtracking if there are more solutions. This leads to a return that contains the next unified term in P ROLOG. After sending from JAVA a string containing a goal with the logical variable X, our interface for S WI-P ROLOG returns the unified term as a string back to our JAVA application. The user on the JAVA side now can call backtrack() to send a backtrack command to S WI-P ROLOG which returns the next solution. 4 Workflows We start from two viewpoints: JAVA and P ROLOG. Each viewpoint describes the devel- opment phase using our connector architecture. From JAVA The default mapping enables the JAVA developer to use already existing JAVA classes in P ROLOG as facts or as goals. If the default mapping of an object in JAVA does not provide a desired term structure in P ROLOG, the textual term representation of the object can be altered by using the appropriate @PlView annotations. To unify an existing JAVA class the developer just has to wrap it within an instance of Query and call its method unify in order to call the class’ textual term representation as goal in P ROLOG: Person p = new Person(); p.setId(1); Query q = new Query(p, "personView1"); q.unify(); The example request to P ROLOG above contains an instance p of the class Person from Section 3. Note, that the only value that is set for p is the id attribute. The other attributes are not initialized and therefore equal null. The class Query manages the call to P ROLOG. The optional second parameter of the constructor of Query defines which Prolog-View is used for the object p. It is specified by the viewId element of a @PlView annotation, here personView1. When the method unify() is called the textual term representation is created. This is done either according to the default mapping or under the consideration of existing @PlView annotations that are defined for the class Person or any other referenced classes in Person. This string is already a valid term in P ROLOG with arguments that represent the attributes of p and all ref- erenced objects in p. The textual term representation has only arguments for attributes that are mapped as defined by the default mapping or by a referenced @PlView anno- tation. The textual term representation then is used as goal within the P ROLOG query. In the example above, most attributes of p are equal to null in JAVA. As null is a value that can not be transformed into an appropriate type in P ROLOG it has to be handled in a particular way. We consider null to be in P ROLOG a (logical-)variable that is supposed to be unified. After sending a call to P ROLOG containing null values, the resulting variables are possibly unified in P ROLOG. The unified term is sent back as string and parsed in JAVA. Changes to the initial string sent from JAVA to P ROLOG will be detected and set to the initial object by JAVA reflections, in our example to the instance p of Person. This means, those attributes that formerly have been equal to null are set to the values of the variables unified in P ROLOG. The original object p now has been updated and represents the solution of the unification process in P ROLOG. An important feature of P ROLOG is unknown to JAVA: the backtracking mecha- nism. The method unify just returns the first solution P ROLOG provides. But via backtracking P ROLOG is able to provide other unifiable solutions. These solutions can be retrieved with another method of Query that is called backtrack(). It sends a backtrack request to P ROLOG in order to retrieve the next solution, if there is one. The same way a the solution is set to the original object via unify(), the solution via backtrack() is set to the variables of the original object in JAVA. As it is not sure that there even are other solutions, backtrack() returns a boolean in JAVA whether a solution was found by P ROLOG or not. Similar to J PL, we have implemented a third request: get all solutions of a goal in one call. This is called findall(), named after the built-in predicate in S WI P RO - LOG . This method returns an array of the requested objects, e. g. Person. As the method returns multiple objects with different values in their variables, we have to create for each solution a new object. So, when using this method the original object is not touched at all. Creating new objects for every solution is the reason why we need the unifiable objects to have a default constructor in JAVA. Beside these basic methods for Object Unification there is a method for asserting JAVA objects to the P ROLOG database. This method is called persist() and just takes the generated string representation of the P ROLOG term and asserts it by using the assertz/1 predicate. After that method call the term representation of the appropri- ate object is available as fact in P ROLOG. From P ROLOG Another viewpoint is the writing of P ROLOG terms that are destined for the use in JAVA. In contrast to the previous viewpoint, there are no suitable JAVA classes yet within the current project. So, we show now how is easy it is to write P RO - LOG libraries that are accessible from JAVA by generated classes. In [12] we have described a default and a customised mapping between JAVA ob- jects and P ROLOG terms. As long as no customisation is defined for a JAVA class via special annotations, a default mapping is applied which links a class to a certain term in P ROLOG. With annotations in JAVA the user is able to customise the mapping. These annotations determine which of the member variables will be part of the term represen- tation and which P ROLOG type they will be (e. g. ATOM, COMPOUND, LIST). It is possible to define several different views on a class. We also have introduced in [12] the P V N (Prolog-View-Notation) that can be used to define in P ROLOG the mapping between JAVA objects and P ROLOG terms. Expres- sions in P V N consist of two predicates: pl_view and pl_arg. The term pl_view describes a textual term representation of a JAVA class. The term pl_arg term in a P V N expression is used to define the mapping of the member variables. A Rule in P ROLOG can be made accessible from JAVA using the P V N to describe a rule’s head. From this P V N expression we generate JAVA classes with the appropriate @PlView annotations. For this purpose we have developed two predicates in P ROLOG: create_class_from_pvn(?Pvn, ?Class) create_annotation_from_pvn(?Pvn, ?Annotation) Typically for P ROLOG, both predicates can have the first or the second argument as input. The first predicate generates from a P V N expression source code for JAVA con- taining all necessary classes. These classes map directly to the terms in P ROLOG from which we started from. The second predicate is used to generate the @PlView annota- tions. 5 Evaluation To evaluate our approach we reimplemented the London Underground example as in [3]. We made two implementations, one with J PL and one with our connector. The structure of the London Underground is defined by connected/3 facts in P ROLOG. Speaking of the undirected graph, representing the London Underground with stations as nodes and lines as edges, a connected fact describes in this context adjacent sta- tions. The first and the second argument of a connected fact is a station. The third argument is the connecting line. We give some examples for connected facts: connected(station(green_park), station(charing_cross), line(jubilee)). connected(station(bond_street), station(green_park), line(jubilee)). ... In our first implementation we use J PL in order to retrieve a station connected to a given station: 1 public class Line { 2 public String name; 3 public Term asTerm() { 4 return new Compound("line", new Term[]{new Atom(name)}); } } 5 public class Station { 6 public String name; 7 public Station(String name) { = name; } 8 public Term asTerm() { 9 return new Compound( "station", new Term[]{ new Atom(name)}); } 10 public static Station create(Term stationTerm) { 11 String name = ((Compound)stationTerm).arg(1).name(); 12 return new Station(name); } 13 public Station connected(Line line) { 14 String stationVarName = "Station"; 15 Term[] arguments = new Term[]{asTerm(), new Variable(stationVarName), line.asTerm() }; 16 Term goal = new Compound("connected", arguments); 17 Query query = new Query(goal); 18 Hashtable solution = query.oneSolution(); 19 Station connectedStation = null; 20 if(solution != null) { 21 Term connectedStationTerm = solution.get(stationVarName); 22 connectedStation = create(connectedStationTerm);} 23 return connectedStation;}} As one can see, the implementation with J PL leads to a lot of lines of code. In the method connected the complex term structure is created in order to query the pred- icate connected. The result handling is tedious again. With our approach we do not have to create any term structures in JAVA. Instead, we need to implement an extra class Connected representing the goal in P ROLOG with the predicate connected/3: 1 public class Connected { 2 public Station stat1; 3 public Station stat2; 4 public Line line; 5 public Connected() { }; 6 public Connected( Station stat1, Station stat2, Line line) { 7 this.stat1 = stat1; 8 this.stat2 = stat2; 9 this.line = line;} } 10 public class Line { 11 public String name; } 12 public class Station { 13 private String name; 14 public Station connected(Line line) { 15 Connected connected = new Connected(this, null, line); 16 Query query = new Query(connected); 17 query.unify(); 18 return connected.stat2;} } As the following table shows, our approach needs less lines of code to implement the London Underground example than the implementation with J PL. Line Station (w/o connected()) Connected connected() sum J PL loc 4 8 0 11 23 CAPJA loc 2 2 9 5 18 However, lines of code do not say anything about the code’s complexity and infor- mation density. Our class Connected is very simple. It contains only member vari- ables and two simple constructors whereas in J PL already the method connected() of the class Station is fairly complex. With the data of the complete London Underground with 297 stations, 13 lines and 412 connections, we made 50,000 executions1 with both implementations. The result of the performance test is presented in the following table: 1 Core i5 2 x 2.4 GHz, 6 GB RAM, Ubuntu 14.04 ø execution time of 50.000 calls J PL ∼ 1.2s CAPJA ∼ 2.6s Castro et al. did a similar comparison between J PL and their L OGIC O BJECTS [3]. Their implementation with L OGIC O BJECTS is slower than the corresponding J PL im- plementation by a factor of about 7 whereas our connector implementation is just about 2.13 times slower. Aside from a performance improvement in form of field structure caching, as men- tioned in Section 4, we identified that getting and setting the values of the member variables via Reflections is slow. In the future we want to use static calls as often as pos- sible instead of using the Reflection API. In order to make use of direct calls, we need to generate Specialized OTT classes (SOTT) for all classes that we want to map. These generated classes contain highly specialized toTerm() and fromTerm(String) methods that call their member variables directly if public or with their getter and setter methods. This attempt picks up concepts from our prior work in [11]. But this time, we want to make use of so called Annotation Processors that extend the JAVA compiler in order to generate additional code at compile time. Those generated SOTT classes are only optional. The OTT class as presented in this work, still will be used in the case that no SOTT class exists. We have implemented an early prototype in order to test these ideas for feasibility. In an early test using SOTT classes, we have measured an average time for 50.000 executions of about 1.5 seconds for the London Underground exam- ple. This is a huge performance gain and is just about 25% slower than J PL, the highly optimized interface for S WI-P ROLOG. 6 Future Work The presented interface in Section 3.3 has proven to be well applicable for S WI-P ROLOG. However, our approach is not limited to this P ROLOG implementation. We currently develop a standard interface based on pipes that is suitable for most P ROLOG imple- mentations and completes our generic approach. This way, we want to accomplish a portable solution that is independent from any P ROLOG implementation. In addition, we further want to reduce the necessary lines of code. In our current approach we use a wrapper class called Query for calling a P ROLOG goal. Instead, we could have used an abstract superclass that is extended by the class of an object that is going to be mapped. This superclass manages the OTT objects that contain the logic behind the creation of the textual term representations and the parsing. Even the request control for unify(), backtrack() and findall() then is part of this superclass. Using the abstract superclass the request for P ROLOG from JAVA in the Underground example in the lines 16, 17 can be reduced to a single line containing just the method call connected.unify() which additionally saves the initialisation of a Query object. However, the approach with a superclass has a big drawback: we want to be able to use almost every class in JAVA for the Object Unification. This will not work for classes that already extend a class because JAVA does not support multiple inheritance yet. In JAVA 8 there is a new feature called Default Methods that allows to implement a method directly within a JAVA interface. Using this new feature we can implement all the needed functions as Default Methods in an interface. 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