=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1290/paper2 |storemode=property |title=The Influence of the Generator's License on Generated Artifacts |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1290/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-1290 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/models/KolassaR14 }} ==The Influence of the Generator's License on Generated Artifacts== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1290/paper2.pdf
    The Influence of the Generator’s License on
               Generated Artifacts

                     Carsten Kolassa and Bernhard Rumpe

                            Software Engineering
                       RWTH Aachen University, Germany

      Abstract. Open sourcing modelling tools and generators becomes more
      and more important as open source software as a whole becomes more im-
      portant. We evaluate the impact open source licenses of code generators
      have on the intellectual property (IP) of generated artifacts comparing
      the most common open source licenses by categories found in literature.
      Restrictively licensed generators do have effects on the IP and therefore
      on the usability of the artifacts they produce. We then show how this
      effects can be shaped to the needs of the licensor and the licensee.

1   Introduction
Open source has become more and more important in the last years and has
been adopted widely in the consumer as well as the industrial market. In 2008,
85% of all enterprises were using open source software [15], more recent studies
give numbers up to 98% [31].
    Open Source is not only used in business but also in development. According
to [16] 76% of all developers have used open source technology for some of their
    The reasons to develop open source software vary greatly. Some companies
provide open source software to rapidly grow their user base [18] and thus creat-
ing an industry standard. Other reasons are getting a community invested into
the project to create an ecosystem of supporting software (e.g. Plugins) arround
the original project or to allow external validation of the software (e.g. every
user could potentially security audit open source software). Individuals develop
open source software to show off their skill, to show their work to the world, for
altruistic reasons, or for potential rewards in the future [17]. Academic institu-
tions provide their software under an open source license to gain a user base,
and to foster the use of new approaches in industry. Some companies have a dual
license approach where they provide an open source version of the software to
gain a user base but offer more flexible licenses and customization to business
users [29].
    The open source licenses reflect this different reasons to open source software
and to use it and differ from each other considerably [26].
    It is therefore important to chose the right license that is consistent with
the reasons you license the software as open source. This is especially true for
generators as there are more potential pitfalls than with other software as the
generator’s license can have an influence on the intellectual property rights of
the generated artifacts.
    For example a car manufacturer will not use a generator or compiler when
the license of the produced code threatens the intellectual property (IP) of his
other code or enforces a logo to be placed on the car.
    To give an overview about the potential license choices for generators we
list the most common licenses and classify them according to categories found
in literature. We then show which impact the licenses have on the artifacts if
applied to a generator.
    Our research questions are:
RQ1: Which impact can the open source license choice for the generator have
     on the license of the artifacts?
RQ2: What possible solutions can be used to counteract unwanted effects on
     the IP of the artifacts?
    The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 reviews the related work. In
section 3, we describe the licenses and describe their characteristics as found
in literature. Section 4 shows which influence those characteristics have on the
license/ownership of the generated artifacts if the license is applied to a software
generator and how this influence can be shaped to meet the needs of the licensor.
Section 5 concludes the paper.

2   Related Work
Various publications analyse the rationale behind license choices and give guide-
lines which license is suitable for which project.
    [22] examines the scope of licensing in open source and lists the various
considerations that determine the license of open source projects. While [24]
gives a guide to choosing an open source license in a commercial context.
    [21] examines the licenses and their implications in great detail which negative
and positive implication they have on projects in general, the reasons to choose
a particular license but aso how to draft an own open source license.
    [23] gives an overview about trademark, patent, and copyright law in relation
to open source and shows how to choose a commercial or open source license. It
examines the implications of linking code covered by the gpl and the implications
of creating derivative work but only from a developer perspective as well as from
a business perspective, but does not cover model driven development.
    [30] shows what motivates businesses to provide open source, examines com-
mon open source licenses and how they relate to community and corporate in-
terests. It also classifies open source licenses and gives an overview of the impli-
cations of licenses for the IP of the code they cover using examples.
    [28] presents how the license choice impacts interest into a project and the
development activity.
    [12] analyses the open source development paradigm and shows differences
and similarities of open source development and licensing to non open source
    However, none of the above papers and books examines the intellectual prop-
erty situation of artifacts that are generated or created by open source projects
as separate case.

3     Most Common Licenses

In this section we describe the most common open source licenses and and show
their characteristics. We chose the licenses by looking at the black duck license
usage statistics [10]. This statistics are calculated from the black duck Knowl-
edgeBase which includes one million open source projects from more than 7500
    We looked at the 10 most widely used licenses and decided to exclude the
Artistic License as it is mostly used in the context of the Perl Scripting language
and the Microsoft Public License because of its similarity to the Eclipse Public
License (EPL) which is more important in the context of model driven develop-
ment (as many widely used open source software for model driven development
use this license) and we decided to look only at the most recent version of each
license and exclude older versions which gives us 6 potential licenses for our
evaluation. We made the choice to include a 7th license the GNU Affero General
Public License as it addresses the privacy loophole which isn’t addressed by the
other licenses.

3.1   Comparison

Permissions for reuse: We use the classification in [30] and differentiate be-
   tween three different types of licenses called Permissive, Weak Copyleft and
   Strong Copyleft.
   Permissive: These licences permit the redistributor to restrict access to the
       modified source code (make the modified source code closed source) and
       to put the changed software under a different license (even a proprietary
   Weak Copyleft: The license of the software cannot be changed but it only
       applies to the software that is directly derived from the original software
       e.g. software that incorporates copies of source code from the original
   Strong Copyleft: Every software that links or otherwise incorporates code
       from a software licensed under a strong copyleft license needs to be
       published under a compatible license [27]. Strong copyleft licenses are
       often called viral as linking to one strong copyleft library forces the
       whole project to be put under a compatible license.
Patent license: Some Open Source licenses automatically include a patent
   granting clause that grants a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent
   license for all patents a contributor holds and that affect his contribution
   to the project. In other words if a contributor contributes code to a project
   that mandates a license grant and the code he contributes would be covered
   by a patent he holds he needs to give a license to the users of the project
   without charging them for it.
Enhanced Attribution: All open source licenses specify that that the anyone
   who distributes or modifies the software needs to give credit to the original
   authors. “Enhanced attribution” means that the license specifies the form of
   the credits in a way that goes beyond just giving credit like the attribution
   clause in the original BSD license that specifies that a special acknowledge-
   ment needs to be added to all advertising materials mentioning the use of
   the licensed software or a feature of the software [2]
Privacy Loophole/Provider Loophole[19]: If someone modifies an open source
   software and just uses it or sells its use e.g. a service provider who sells the use
   of a webclient, there is normally no obligation to make the changes available
   to the community. If this loophole is closed on the other hand the changes
   must be made available.



















Apache License [3]                            Permissive    grants        No     No
3-Clause BSD license [9]                      Permissive doesn’t grant    No     No
MIT License [1]                               Permissive doesn’t grant    No     No
Eclipse Public License [5]                 Weak Copyleft    grants        No     No
Lesser GPL (LGPLv3)[8]                     Weak Copyleft    grants        No     No
Gnu Public License (GPLv3) [7]             Strong Copyleft  grants        No     No
Affero General Public License (AGPLv3) [6] Strong Copyleft  grants     Enhanced1 Yes
                    Table 1: Comparison of the different licenses.

3.2     Dual Licensing/Multi Licensing
Dual licensing is the practice to distribute software under two different licenses
[29] while multi licensing is the practice to distribute it under more than two
    Dual Licensing is a common business model in open source. Examples for
famous projects with dual licenses are:
 – Qt [29]
 – MySQL [29]
 – Asterisk [11]
    The license allows to add clauses to require the ”preservation of specified reasonable
    legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
    Notices displayed by works containing it” [6].
 – Sendmail [11]

The software is normally distributed freely under a restrictive open source license
that allows the open source community to participate on the development but
that makes it difficult to use the software in a commercial environment. But the
software is also available under a proprietary software license for a license fee,
which allows creating proprietary applications that are based on it (e.g. com-
mercial applications that use the QT library which would’t be possible using the
open source version) or that allows OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers),
ISVs (Independent Software Vendors), VARs (Value Added Resellers) to com-
bine and/or distribute the software together with or as commercially licensed
software (like in the case of MySQL [25]).
    It is also possible to multi license only parts of a software it sometimes makes
sense to license a single file under two different open source licenses for example
to allow its use in two different projects whose licenses are incompatible to each
other or to put some parts of the software under a less restrictive license to allow
its reuse while the rest of the software remains under a restrictive license.

4     The Ownership of the Generated Code

The question under which license the generated artifacts are is a very important
one. The relationship is tricky as the generated artifacts are derived from the
models (that are owned by the user of the software) but to some extent also
include parts from the generator itself and usually work together with a runtime
environment and libraries.

4.1   Are Generated Artifacts Derivative Work?

Derivative work according to US copyright law is: “work based upon one or more
preexisting works” [4], in software this includes work that contains substantial
chunks of source code from another work. Generated source code is therefore
derivative work when source code of the original program in our case the gener-
ator was used, modified, translated or otherwise changed in any way to create
the new program. If the open source license requires that derivative work needs
to be published under the same or a compatible license and the generated arti-
facts are derivative work they automatically need to be open source when they
are redistributed, this is the case for all copyleft licenses.
    It is important to notice that the mere output of a program itself is not
covered by the license of that program. Only if the output constitutes derivative
work of the generating program there is this legal dependency between generator
output and generator.
    Figure 1 shows an example where the generator copies chunks from its own
code into the generated artifact which means that the artifact is derivative work.
    An example for such a generator is bison the GNU parser generator which
copies parts of itself into the parser source code it generates. Therefore every
           <>            «handwritten»

                                      The restrictive license
                        generates     of the generator causes
                                      the output to be derivative
                                      work which needs to be
                           «gen»      distributed under the same
            Generator                 or a compatible license as
            Output                    the generator.
                                     Parts that are direct                    Provided under a
                                     copies from generator                    copyleft license
                                     sourcecode or from
                                                                              Can only be distributed
                                     templates that are part
                                                                              under a license compatible
                                     of the generator                         with the license of the
                                                                              Created and owned by
                                                                              the user of the generator

Fig. 1: Relationship of generator and artifacts that causes the artifacts to be
derivative work.

parser generated with bison would be derivative work of bison but the license
of bison makes an explicit exception to the GPL [14], that allows to include
the bison parser generator’s source code in other projects without having to put
them under the GPL.
    Another example for generators that include parts of themselves into gen-
erated code are generators based on the Monticore [20] language workbench.
Monticore uses templates to generate source code these templates for example
generate class definitions and their content is directly put into the generated
artifacts. If those templates are licensed under a copy left license the generated
code is derivative work and needs to be treated accordingly.
    Both weak and strong copyleft licenses impose the restriction that deriva-
tive work that includes substantial parts of the original work needs to be put
under the same or a compatible license only permissive licenses don’t have that

4.2   Dependencies on Libraries

For strong copyleft licenses it isn’t enough that the work is not derivative to cause
implications of the license to the work depending on it. Strong copyleft licenses
define a term “Corresponding Source” which is the code for shared libraries and
dynamically linked subprograms that use the work. This “Corresponding Source”
needs to be licensed under the same license if the original work is licensed under a
strong copyleft license. An example would be a library that is licensed under the
GPL and that is used as a shared library by generated artifacts (see Figure 2).
These artifacts then need to be licensed under the GPL as well.
    For weak copyleft licenses there is no such requirement as merely using a
library imposes no effect on the license of the artifacts.
              <>         <>
          Library provided as       Generator
         part of the generator

                                   Output                     Legend:
                                                                        Provided under
                   <>                                           a strong copyleft license
                                                                        Can only be distributed
                                                                        under a license compatible
                                                                        with the license of the
                                                                        Created and owned by
                                    Program                             the user of the generator

Fig. 2: Relationship of generator and artifacts that causes a dependency between
program and library which causes the program to be under the same license as
the library it links to.

4.3   Explicitly shaping the license implications of open source
      licenses on generated code.

The license implication both for incorporating source of the generator in gen-
erated artifacts as well as having dependencies to strong copyleft licensed code
can create practical problems for users of the generator.
   For example a company that uses such a generator to create a product would
need to license it as open source under a compatible license. This prevents some
business models, e.g. the software could not be distributed as closed source.
This is often not intended as the licensor sometimes wants to only protect the
generator but not the artifacts.
   We identify the following ways to explicitly prevent these dependencies from
having practical effects:

Adding an exception in the license. In this approach en exception is added to a
restrictive license to allow exactly the usage of dependent or derivative artifacts
that is intended by the licensor. This is the approach that the GNU parser
generator used it has the advantage that the intentions of the licensor are clear
as it is clearly stated what impact the license of the generator should have on
the dependent artifacts.
    The disadvantage of this approach is that a modified version of a license
(adding an exception is a modification) is a new license. This creates problems for
distributors of open source software as they normally use automated approaches
to package software which need standardized licenses with clear compatibilities
and incompatibilities to other open source licenses.
    Users as well as distributors need to check these non standardized exceptions
and handle them accordingly this creates additional effort.
Duallicensing or multilicensing the files the artifacts are derived from or depen-
dent on. If the generator is under a copyleft license as a whole the licensor can
still release parts of it under a less restrictive license. The licensee can then
choose the license that applies as both are valid. This solution is recommended
by [13] for website templates but can also be applied to generating software. In
the case of Monticore based generators for example this means releasing the tem-
plates under a permissive license as well while the code parts that don’t affect
the IP of the generated artifacts are only released under a restrictive license.

Preventing the dependency from having practical effects by using a permissive
license for the files the artifacts are derived from or dependent on. The third
way to prevent dependencies to have practical effects is using a permissive license
for the whole project if possible. This has the disadvantage that others can freely
use the code of the original work even commercially or in own generators which
is often not wanted.

4.4   Summary

RQ1: Which impact can the open source license choice of the generator have
  on the license of the artifacts?
Answer: The license can have an influence on the artifacts. When the artifacts
  are derivative work in the case of Weak-Copyleft or Strong-Copyleft licenses
  or when the artifacts have dependencies on libraries that are part of the
  generator framework e.g. dependencies on a library in the case of Strong-
  Copyleft licenses.
RQ2: What possible solutions can be used to counteract possibly detrimental
Answer: There are three ways to shape minimize the restrictions:
    – Adding an exception to the license of the generator.
    – Dual licensing the code that creates the dependency under a more per-
       missive license.
    – Using a more permissive license that prevents the problem in the first

5     Conclusion

The license of the generator can have an impact on generated artifacts. Generator
providers need to take that into account when choosing the license of their
generator. The effects can be positive and deliberate for example to make the
open source version of a generator less attractive when the dual licensing business
strategy is employed and thus forcing commercial users to license the commercial
version of the generator while still being able to benefit from the open source
community. But they can also have detrimental effects when a generator that
is only available under a restrictive license creates artifacts that are derivative
work or have dependencies that cause that the artifacts cannot be used in a
commercial environment although the licensor wants to allow that and only
intended to protect the generator’s code not the artifacts it creates. It is therefore
important to know the effects of the license choice on the artifact and to apply
the shown solutions if the effects are not as intended.


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