=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1365/paper2 |storemode=property |title=Discovering and Querying Hybrid Linked Data |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1365/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-1365 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/esws/SyedFRKY15 }} ==Discovering and Querying Hybrid Linked Data== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1365/paper2.pdf
        Discovering and Querying Hybrid Linked Data

    Zareen Syed1, Tim Finin1, Muhammad Rahman1, James Kukla2, Jeehye Yun2
                         1University of Maryland Baltimore County

                     1000 Hilltop Circle, MD, USA 21250
        zsyed@umbc.edu, mrahman1@umbc.edu, finin@cs.umbc.edu


                         5520 Research Park Drive, Suite 100
                               Baltimore, MD 21228
                  jkukla@redshred.net, jyun@redshred.net

       Abstract. In this paper, we present a unified framework for discovering and que-
       rying hybrid linked data. We describe our approach to developing a natural lan-
       guage query interface for a hybrid knowledge base Wikitology, and present that
       as a case study for accessing hybrid information sources with structured and un-
       structured data through natural language queries. We evaluate our system on a
       publicly available dataset and demonstrate improvements over a baseline system.
       We describe limitations of our approach and also discuss cases where our system
       can complement other structured data querying systems by retrieving additional
       answers not available in structured sources.

       Keywords: knowledge discovery, semantic web, text mining, information re-
       trieval, question answering

1      Introduction

There are numerous benefits of extracting structured data from raw text in the form of
attribute value pairs aka slots and fillers, it gives the ability to go beyond keyword que-
ries and perform structured queries, such as, get a list of “equipment”, “software” or
“devices” mentioned in the document or in the corpus as a whole. Furthermore, linking
extracted slots and fillers to the knowledge base can greatly increase the recall of such
queries by supporting transitivity and other types of inference. For example, a “Digital
Camera” is a type of “Camera” which is a type of “Device” in DBpedia Ontology [2].
In addition, a clear taxonomy and aligned attributes enable faceted browsing, which is
a powerful and popular way to select articles of interest and also explore corpus statis-
tics. The extracted slots and fillers can serve to provide interesting and informative
structured summaries over the raw content of text documents thus helping the reader to
quickly decide if the document is of interest. Structured data extracted from text can
provide useful semantic features for a variety of tasks such as indexing, clustering, re-
trieval, and summarization to name a few.
   One of the biggest challenges faced by the Semantic Web vision is the availability
of structured data that can be published as RDF. One approach is to develop techniques
to translate information in spreadsheets, databases, XML documents and other tradi-
tional data formats into RDF [20]. Another is to refine the technology needed to extract
structured information from unstructured free text [8, 9]. Once linked data becomes
available, a second challenge arises in being able to easily query large linked data col-
lections such as DBpedia. Using the SPARQL query language requires not only mas-
tering its syntax but also understanding the RDF data model, large ontology vocabular-
ies and URIs for denoting entities. Over the past few years natural language interfaces
are becoming popular as they permit users to express queries in natural language with-
out needing to know about the underlying schema or query syntax. Recently, numerous
approaches have been developed to address this challenge [7, 14, 25, 26], showing sig-
nificant advances towards answering natural language questions with respect to large
and heterogeneous structured data sources. However, a lot of information is still avail-
able only in textual form, both on the web and in the form of labels and abstracts in
linked data sources. Therefore approaches are needed that can not only deal with struc-
tured data but also with finding information in several sources, processing both struc-
tured and unstructured information, and combining such gathered information into one
   In this paper, we present exploratory work on a unified framework for discovering
as well as querying linked hybrid data collections. The proposed unified framework
builds on our previous work on discovering ontology elements from text documents
[18] and our new work on developing a natural language interface for a hybrid
knowledge base Wikitology [20], which we present as a case study for accessing hybrid
information sources through natural language queries.
   One motivation for our work is an enhancement to a system we are developing with
RedShred, LLC that will help people identify and analyze business documents that in-
clude Request for Proposals (RFPs), Request for Quotes (RFQs), calls for proposals,
Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs), solicitations and similar business documents.
Our prototype uses document analysis, information retrieval, NLP information extrac-
tion and question answering techniques and is largely domain independent. It under-
stands general RFP-related concepts (e.g., proposal deadlines, duration, deliverables,
security requirements, points of contacts, etc.) and can extract and organize information
to help someone quickly evaluate opportunities. However, it does not have built-in
knowledge of any particular domain, such as software development or material science,
and is thus unable to address potentially critical characteristics involving them. For
software, for example, we may need to know if the work requires a particular program-
ming language (e.g., Java), is targeted for a given system or architecture (e.g., iOS), or
has special requirements (e.g., 3DES encryption). Given the breadth and variety of
domains of interest, manually developing and maintaining custom ontologies, language
models and systems for each is not viable. We plan to build on the results of this work
to be able to automatically extend a base ontology by identifying and incorporating
important domain-specific concepts, relations and axioms.
We see several contributions that this work has to offer:
1. We present a natural language interface over hybrid linked data and present Wikit-
   ology Hybrid Knowledge Base as a case study.
2. We discuss examples where the hybrid system retrieves correct results that are not
   available in the structured source.
3. We describe a unified architecture for discovery and querying of linked data.

In the remainder of the paper, we introduce the Wikitology knowledge base and present
a novel natural language query system over the hybrid knowledge base. We perform
the evaluation of our system over a publicly available dataset and discuss the results
and limitations of our approach and mention related work. Finally, we present a unified
framework for discovering and querying linked hybrid data and provide some conclu-
sions and future work directions.

2      Wikitology

Wikitology [20] is a hybrid knowledge base of structured and unstructured information
extracted from Wikipedia augmented by RDF data from DBpedia [2], YAGO Ontology
[16], WordNet [11] and Freebase [3]. Wikitology is not unique in using Wikipedia to
form the backbone of a knowledge base, see [17] and [23] for examples, however, it is
unique in incorporating and integrating structured, semi-structured and unstructured in-
formation accessible through a single query interface. The query interface supports a
variety of queries ranging from simple keyword queries to queries with structural con-
straints and returns ranked results based on relevance. Wikitology has been tested for a
variety of use-cases [20] and has proven to be effective in generating useful features
for a variety of tasks.
   At the core of Wikitology is an information retrieval (IR) index which is enhanced
with fields containing instance data taken from other data structures such as graphs,
tables or triples. It also stores references to related instances in native data structures
for applications that might need to run data-structure specific algorithms. The special-
ized IR index enables applications to query the knowledge base using either simple free
text queries or complex queries over multiple fields in the index with structural con-
straints. The current version of Wikitology has 13 fields, the details on the contents of
the fields are available in [19].

3      Natural Language Queries over Wikitology

Our natural language question answering system consists of a number of modules,
namely, Answer Type Extraction, Property versus Type identification, Named Entity
and Concept Linking, and Wikitology Query Formulation. We describe these modules
3.1    Answer Type Extraction
For answer type extraction we extract noun chunks from question text using OpenNLP
[1]. We generate inflected forms of extracted nouns and map them types to DBpedia
classes based on exact match. For example, we match “songs” in question text with
“song” DBpedia class. In case we don’t find a matching class in DBpedia, we match
with WordNet nouns. If we don’t find a matching WordNet noun and the noun chunk
is composed of multiple words, we remove the first word and try to match with Word-
Net to match a more generic type, for example, “music albums” is reduced to “albums”.
We repeat the process until we are left with just one word. If we still don’t find a match,
we do not detect an answer type and leave the answer type empty when querying Wik-
itology. In case we detect more than one types, we use the first type. This might not
always work for example for queries with conjunctions such as “Which commercial
companies and academic universities have collaborated before?” there are more than
one types mentioned which are equally important. We currently limit our system to
handle simple cases and plan to address complex cases in our future work. For the se-
lected type we further test if it is a property using a heuristic defined in the next section.

3.2    Property vs. Type Identification

In DBpedia, nouns can denote properties or classes. For example, there is a property
for “album” and a class for “song” in DBpedia. We use a simple heuristic to differenti-
ate properties from classes i.e. if the noun is followed by the preposition “of” we con-
sider it a property, otherwise a class. We observed that this simple heuristic worked
well for several cases in QALD training dataset [22]. We plan to add more heuristics to
cover other cases in the future.

3.3    Named Entity and Concept Linking
We use entity linking approach [20] based on Wikitology to link any named entities to
concepts in Wikitology. We further enhanced Wikitology’s entity linking system with
gazetteers of named entities. For linking other concepts we used Wikipedia Miner ser-
vice [10]. Wikipedia Miner also links named entities, however when we tested with few
examples we found Wikitology’s named entity linking relatively more accurate and
therefore we used Wikitology for named entity linking and Wikipedia Miner for linking
other types of concepts. For Wikipedia Miner we used a probability threshold of 0.4.
We tested with a lower threshold to improve recall but observed decrease in accuracy.
For example, for the question “Which river does the Brooklyn Bridge cross?”, the ser-
vice predicted a link for “cross” to “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross” which was not
relevant. A threshold of 0.4 worked much better.
              Fig. 1. Question analysis and mapping to Wikitology Index fields

3.4    Property Linking using Semantic Similarity

For questions that ask about a property of a named entity such as “Who is the husband
of Amanda Palmer?”, we extract the property using the Property Identification heuristic
mentioned earlier. For the linked entity we fetch all properties related to the entity from
DBpedia. We rank the fetched properties based on semantic similarity with the ex-
tracted property using the Semantic Similarity measure in [6]. For example, for the
question “Who is the creator of Wikipedia?”, we were able to match “creator” with
“author”. For these types of questions we do not send a query to Wikitology.

3.5    Wikitology Query Formulation
We briefly describe the Wikitology fields that we used for question answering and the
query formation below:
    a) wikiTitle: The ‘wikiTitle’ field contains the Wikipedia title for a given Wik-
         ipedia page.
    b) contents: The ‘contents’ field contains the full text of the Wikipedia article
         including categories, infobox properties, links as well as any redirects to the
         Wikipedia article.
    c) types: The ‘types’ field contains structured data in RDF from the YAGO on-
         tology and the DBPedia Infobox Ontology. The structured data was encoded
         in an RDFa-like format in the types field for the Wikipedia page. This enables
         one to query the Wikitology knowledge base using both text (e.g., an entity
         document) and structured constraints (e.g., rdfs:type =YAGO:President).
         Freebase resource contained a more comprehensive list of Named Entities
         (Persons, Locations and Organizations) as compared to YAGO and DBpedia
         ontology, we therefore generated a list of Wikipedia articles on Persons, Lo-
         cations and Organizations by extracting all Wikipedia articles defined under
         the corresponding types in the Freebase resource. We also added the DBpedia
                        Table 1. Wikitology Query Formulation

      Input:         question text, answer type, links 1.. N,
      Output:        Top N concepts

      Query =
                types:          (answer type) OR
                linkedConcepts: (link1, link2 .. linkN) OR
                contents:       (link1, link2 .. linkN) OR
                contents:       (question text)

      List topNConcepts = Wikitology.searchQuery(Query,

      Return topNConcepts

          WordNet Mappings 5 that are manually created for about 400,000 Wikipedia
          articles. As Wikipedia has more than 2 million articles we used the Wikipedia
          Categories to WordNet mappings [13] to heuristically assign a WordNet type
          to any remaining Wikipedia articles [19].
     d) linkedConcepts: This field lists the out-links of Wikipedia pages. This field
          can be used to retrieve linked concepts and also to impose structural con-
          straints while querying (e.g., linkedConcepts = Michelle_Obama, linkedCon-
          cepts = Chicago).
   Based on the analysis of the question text, we map different query components to
different fields in Wikitology index. We create a specialized query to Wikitology by
mapping answer type to types field, extracted links to linkedConcepts field as well as
contents field, and question text to contents field as seen Table 1.

3.6     Evaluation
For evaluating our system, we used the English questions from the QALD-4 dataset
[22]. We restricted to only those questions which had an answer type of “resource” i.e.
a URI is provided, and had “aggregation” as false which deals with counting, filtering
or ordering, as our system does not currently support these types of queries. We also
removed any questions with comparatives and superlatives and which returned Boolean
answers i.e. True or False. The total number of questions we considered was 112. We
created a baseline system for comparison. The baseline system queried the question text
against only the “contents” field in Wikitology. Some questions in QALD dataset have
a list of answers. We consider our answer to be correct if any of the top N retrieved
                     Table 2. Evaluation Results on QALD-4 dataset

                                                        Wikitology      Wikitology
         Total      Simple Search    Simple Search       Query            Query
       Questions       (top 1)          (top 10)         (top 1)         (top 10)
          112               5               30               29              46

concepts are present in the given answers list. We tested both the baseline and the hy-
brid system using N = 1 and N = 10. The results are shown in Table 2. The simple
search system retrieved one of the correct answers as a top answer in only 5 cases
whereas, the Wikitology Query was able to retrieve one of the correct answers as a top
answer for 29 queries. Considering top 10 retrieved results, the simple search system
retrieved one of the correct answers for 30 questions versus 46 questions by the Wikit-
ology Query.

3.7    Discussion

We experimented with a Wikitology version that was built from Wikipedia dump of
March 2010. The QALD-4 dataset uses a more recent version of DBpedia. Using Wik-
itology constructed from a more recent dump may help in improving recall. We manu-
ally looked into answers returned by our system for few queries and found a few cases
where the returned concept was correct but was not present in the results of the trans-
lated DBpedia SPARQL query in QALD-4 dataset. For example, for the question
“Which professional surfers were born in Australia?”, our system retrieved the top con-
cept “Layne_Beachley” which is a correct answer, however it is not available as an
answer in QALD dataset and hence was not marked as correct in evaluation. Another
example is for the question “Which ships were called after Benjamin Franklin?”, the
system retrieved “French_ship_Franklin_(1797)”, which is a correct answer but was
not present in QALD answers since those answers are based on DBpedia dataset only.
These examples show that a hybrid question answering system that uses linked data as
well as text can help in improving recall and complement other natural language query
systems that retrieve answers from structured sources only. We also observed that some
error was introduced due to linking with a wrong entity, for example, for the query “List
all games by GMT.”, “GMT” was linked to “Greenwich_Mean_Time” instead of
“GMT_Games”. In addition to that we came across a number of cases in QALD dataset
which required multi-hop path queries. Since our system does not currently support
path queries it did not perform well on these types of questions. Another source of error
was questions with conjunctions, for example, “Give me all people that were born in
Vienna and died in Berlin”. Our system does not handle conjunctions yet and hence
missed this query. We have employed a basic analysis of the input question, we can
improve the approach by exploiting a dependency parse and extracting grammatical
3.8    Related Work
Question Answering systems can be categorized into three different types. 1) Text-
based QA systems [15] which first retrieve a relevant set of documents and then extract
the answers from these documents. 2) Collaboration-based QA systems [24] exploit
answers from the similar questions which have been answered by users on collaborative
QA platforms, such as Quora and Yahoo! Answer. 3) Structured data-based QA sys-
tems find answers by searching the database instead of the corpus, where the natural
language questions are usually translated into some structural queries, such as SQL or
SPARQL [4, 5, 14, 21]. Recently the QALD-4 [22] task introduced a hybrid question
answering track, in which given a natural language question or keywords, the system is
required to retrieve the correct answer(s) from a given repository containing both RDF
data and free text. This track was introduced last year, however there was just one sub-
mission which was later withdrawn. We find our system in line with the new hybrid
question answering track.

4      Unified Framework for Discovering and Querying

We have already discussed our system for natural language querying over hybrid linked
data. In this section we describe our earlier work on discovering slots and fillers and
how both systems can be integrated to provide a unified framework for discovering and
querying semantic data from a given corpus. The unified framework will take as input
a corpus of text documents and discover slots and fillers by linking keywords to con-
cepts in the knowledge base using a slot filler discovery approach described below. The
discovered slots and fillers will be added to the knowledge base along with the article
text. The natural language query interface discussed earlier will provide support for
querying over discovered slots and fillers along with associated document text using a
hybrid Wikitology query.

4.1    Discovering Slots and Fillers
   The approach for discovering slots and fillers is based on the observation that linked
concepts can serve as candidate fillers and the “types” associated with linked concepts
can serve as candidate slot labels. For example, the Wikipedia article on “Microsoft”
links to “Windows”, “Office”, “Skype” etc. All three of these are a type of “Software”
in DBpedia Ontology. By exploiting the types associated with fillers (linked concepts)
we can discover a slot for “Software” and provide answers to a structured query such
as retrieve list of softwares by Microsoft. The same slot can also serve as a useful facet
and enable users to select all articles that are related to “software”. The slots and fillers
can serve as informative structured summaries like info-boxes in Wikipedia. This ap-
proach can be extended to non-Wikipedia articles by first linking keywords and entities
to concepts in Wikitology and using the type information in Wikitology to predict a slot
label. Not all candidate slots and fillers discovered using the links might be meaningful
and will need further selection. Based on the observation that slots are related to entity
type and entities of the same type share slots, the documents can be clustered and the
        Fig. 2. Unified Framework for Discovery and Query of Linked Hybrid Data

top ‘n’ most frequent slots can be selected for each cluster whereas, rare slots can be
discarded. For more information please see our detailed paper on this approach and its
performance [18].

5      Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we presented exploratory work on a unified framework for discovering
as well as querying linked hybrid data collections. We described our approach to de-
veloping a natural language interface for a hybrid knowledge base Wikitology, which
we presented as a case study for accessing hybrid information sources through natural
language queries. We evaluated our system on a publicly available dataset and demon-
strated improvements over a baseline system. We described limitations of our system
and also presented examples where our system was able to retrieve additional answers
that were not available in structured sources and may complement existing natural lan-
guage querying systems that retrieve answers from structured sources only. Our current
system performs a basic analysis of the input question and therefore can handle limited
types of queries, we plan to improve the approach by exploiting a dependency parse
and extracting grammatical relations. In addition to that we plan to support path queries
by translating natural language queries to SPARQL queries.

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