Toward GPU Accelerated Data Stream Processing Marcus Pinnecke David Broneske Gunter Saake Institute for Technical and Institute for Technical and Institute for Technical and Business Information Systems Business Information Systems Business Information Systems University of Magdeburg, University of Magdeburg, University of Magdeburg, Germany Germany Germany ABSTRACT volume data [1]. Real-time Stream Processing Systems (SPS) In recent years, the need for continuous processing and anal- support high velocity and high volume [25] in combination ysis of data streams has increased rapidly. To achieve high with data flow graphs to achieve continuous computations throughput-rates, stream-applications make use of operator- over data streams in real-time. High throughput is achieved parallelization, batching-strategies and distribution. Another by distributed computing, parallelization, batching strategies possibility is to utilize co-processors capabilities per operator. and buffer management [1, 3, 21]. Further, the database community noticed, that a column- Research of the database community showed that the use oriented architecture is essential for efficient co-processing, of GPUs as co-processors are promising for data-intensive sys- since the data transfer overhead is smaller compared to trans- tems [14, 13]. Since a graphic card has a dedicated memory, ferring whole tables. each data to process has to be transferred from main memory However, current systems still rely on a row-wise architec- to the graphic card memory and, after processing, vise versa. ture for stream processing, because it requires data structures Since this transfer takes time, the transfer-cost might be a for high velocity. In contrast, stream portions are in rest bottleneck for some applications [22]. A columnar DBMS while being bound to a window. With this, we are able is a suitable architecture for GPU acceleration, because it to alter the per-window event representation from row to avoids transferring unneeded data (compared to a row store) column orientation, which will enable us to exploit GPU and also favors data compression [5]. Since the content of acceleration. a data stream changes rapidly, structured data-based SPSs To provide general-purpose GPU capabilities for stream process a stream of events as a stream of tuples [2, 3, 15, processing, the varying window sizes lead to challenges. Since 21, 25]. Nevertheless, there is one fundamental buffering- very large windows cannot be passed directly to the GPU, we technique called windowing that bounds a possible infinite propose to split the variable-length windows into fixed-sized data to finite portions. As stream-operators process a stream window portions. Further, each such portion has a column- of windows either with a tuple-at-a-time or batch-at-a-time oriented event representation. In this paper, we present a approach, we propose to focus on enabling efficient GPU ac- time and space efficient, data corruption free concept for this celerated operators for structured data in general and, hence, task. Finally, we identify open research challenges related to we address on-demand capabilities to convert regular length- co-processing in the context of stream processing. variable windows into fixed-sized window portion-streams of columnar represented events. In this paper, we address a strategy to enable this capability Keywords rather than a discussion of GPU-based operators itself. First, Stream Processing; GPU; Large Windows; Circular Buffer we show windowing in stream processing and graphic cards acceleration in DBMSs (Section 2). Afterwards, we continue 1. INTRODUCTION with our main contributions: Traditional Database Management Systems (DBMS) are • We examine a concept that splits any stream of variable- designed to process a huge collection of data in rest. Queries length windows into a stream of fixed-size window por- are assumed to run once, deliver a single result set and then tions with columnar representation (Section 3) terminate immediately. This approach has been shown to be not suitable anymore to meet the requirements of new • We identify open research challenges in context of co- applications where high velocity data has to be processed processor-ready stream processing (Section 4) continuously or complex operations are preformed on high We will finish with related work (Section 5) and our conclu- sion that sums up the paper’s content (Section 6). 2. BACKGROUND Motivated by the work of Karnagel et al., who showed a throughput increase for band join computations over streams using GPU acceleration [17], we believe that a general- propose GPU-ready stream processing framework should 27th GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases (Grundlagen von Daten- banken), 26.05.2015 - 29.05.2015, Magdeburg, Germany. be established. The reasons are (1) it enables a single sys- Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). tem for regular row-oriented stream processing via CPU and 78 efficient column-oriented stream processing via GPU and, attempt relates to our effort in creating an adaptive system hence, the load can be shared between both devices, (2) it that also distributes its work between the CPU and GPU. allows us to run streaming applications on CPU, on GPU, or in mixed-mode and (3) it provides a further abstraction 2.2 Stream Processing to achieve what should be done rather than how should it Stream processing is a paradigm to continuously process, be done. Since time-based windows vary in length, it is not analyze and monitor a (possibly infinite) sequence of data, capable to send their contents directly to the GPU. Moreover, that is called a stream. Since traditional DBMSs assume data the current event presentation leads to memory usage over- in-rest, exact results, queries initiated by humans and no real- head. To highlight these issues in more detail, we examine time services for applications, they are not adequate for this in the following stream processing and windowing as well as task [1]. Therefore, around 2003, the database community GPU acceleration in the context of DBMSs. researched adequate systems for stream processing. The aca- demic projects Aurora and it’s fork Borealis are notable here, 2.1 Data-Intensive Systems and GPUs because they provide an innovative model to deal with data With the advent of general-purpose computing on graphics streams and provide well-engineered strategies for schedul- processing units (GPGPU), the usage of a GPU to solve ing, load shedding, high availability, high performance, and arbitrary problems have become popular. Because of its dynamic query management capabilities [1]. high parallelism, a GPU can outperform a CPU by orders of Since stream processing is data-driven, a user defined magnitude. However, such performance improvements are query consumes streams and produces streams containing the only possible, if considering the special architecture of the results. Those queries are online until they are terminated GPU and its programming model. manually. This is in contrast to traditional DBMS queries, which terminate after their execution automatically. Those 2.1.1 GPU Architecture queries over streams are a loosely coupled data-flow network Considering the GPU as an arbitrary co-processor for data of operators. processing, we have to care about two things: the GPU execu- tion model and the data transfer cost. The overall execution 2.2.1 Windowing model using OpenCL or CUDA uses a host process (on the Since a stream is a possible infinite sequence of data, it is CPU) and a kernel process (mainly a function with implicit infeasible to store the complete input data in main memory. parallelism) on the (co-)processor (here the GPU). The host Therefore, one fundamental concept is a buffering technique with its host code manages data transfer and schedules the called windowing that provides finite stream portions. execution on the co-processor. To execute a kernel process on the GPU, there are four things to be done: (1) allocate 2.2.2 Window Types enough memory for the input and output data, (2) copy the There are many window variations due to the fact that input data to the allocated device memory, (3) execute one there are many approaches about what to buffer (time-based or more kernel programs and (4) copy output data back to or count-based for instance), how to handle new data, when the host. Hence, batch-processing using a columnar event to release old data, and when to trigger an operator [2, 3, representation is the right choice for stream processing on 15]. the GPU, because the overhead of steps (2) and (4) will be If a window buffers a data stream on a count-based ap- too high otherwise. proach, the stream of outgoing windows has a fixed-length each. For instance, a count-based jumping window contains 2.1.2 Application Scope a fixed number of tuples and is updated after receiving a Since data copying is an essential step to use a GPU, it predefined number of new tuples. Hence, it contains tuples is also the biggest bottleneck. For this, the host process that occur in a variable time span such that the count of (executed on the CPU) schedules the data transfer and pro- tuples in a window is stable. vide necessary data over the PCI-Express Bus. However, On the other hand, if a data stream is buffered by a compared to the bandwidth between the GPU memory and time-based approach, the tuple count inside a window varies. its cores, the bandwidth of the PCI-Express Bus is very For instance, a time-based jumping window contains input low [5]. Hence, the GPU is most efficient for compute-bound data related to a given time span (e.g., five minutes) and problems, where data transfer plays only a minor role [22]. is updated automatically after a certain time has passed, e.g. two minutes. Hence, it contains tuples that occur in a 2.1.3 GPU Acceleration in Databases fixed time span such that the count of tuples in a window is Unregarded the high transfer costs, executing database op- variable. erations on the GPU has shown notable performance benefits. Since a time-based approach is probably more common For instance, the specialized sort implementation of Govin- than its count-based counterpart [24], the varying length is daraju et al. [13], GPUTeraSort, achieves a speedup of 10 critical in view of GPU-acceleration since (1) GPU memory compared to a CPU implementation. Also, specialized GPU is fixed-size allocated and (2) time-based windows might join algorithms perform 3-8x better than reported CPU join contain thousands of tuples when the time span is large implementations [16]. However, there are also operations, enough and many events occur per instant. As a result, the e.g., selections, that executed on the GPU may also harm complete batch might be too large for graphic card memory. performance, because they are not fully parallelizable [14]. Since not all operators benefit from GPU acceleration, 2.2.3 Large-Scale Window Management further database research in the direction of load-balancing We examine in the following large-scale window mainte- between co-processors is needed to get a benefit for the nance and processing as well as load distribution in tradi- operators of a whole query plan, e.g., in CoGaDB [4]. This tional stream processing. 79 Figure 1: A continious stream of 7 events bound to a time-based window of size 2 instants. The Figure shows the processing using a tuple-at-a-time and batch-at-a-time approach. The latter shows row-orientation designed for CPU processing and column-orientation designed for co-processor usage. Batch-at-a-time (k=3) Stream Window Content Tuple-at-a-time tuple orientation column orientation (a1,b1) (a1,b1) batch construction batch construction (a2,b2) (a2,b2) inside operator outside operator (a3,b3) (a3,b3) (a3,b3) (a1,b1) a1,b1 a4,b4 a1,a2,a3 a4 (a2,b2) (a3,b3) (a4,b4) a2,b2 Time (a4,b4) (a4,b4) (a4,b4) b1,b2,b3 b4 a3,b3 (a5,b5) (a5,b5) (a5,b5) a3,b3 a6,b6 (a7,b7) (a3,b3) (a5,b5) a3,a4,a5 a6,a7 (a4,b4) (a6,b6) (a6,b6) (a6,b6) (a6,b6) a4,b4 a7,b7 (a7,b7) a5,b5 b3,b4,b5 b6,b7 (a7,b7) (a7,b7) a5,b5 (a7,b7) (a5,b5) (a6,b6) a5,a6,a7 a6,b6 a7,b7 b5,b6,b7 processes partitions of each block in parallel [17, 19]). Maintaining. To maintain large-scale windows in regu- lar stream processing, the window might be partly swapped 3. GPU-READY STREAM PROCESSING to disk. For instance, the storage manager in Aurora tries to We introduce an operation that we call bucketing which hold the most relevant content in main memory while low transforms the output of windows such that they can effi- prioritized ranges are paged to disk using a special replace- ciently consumed by GPU-based operators. To distinguish ment policy [1]. Besides holding large-scale windows, another between what a stream-operator consumes, namely a window, important issue is to process these windows. we call what a GPU-operator consumes a bucket. We explore the differences in the following sub section. In contrast to Processing model. One common approach is a tuple-at-a- windowing = k*, n logic, these buckets are fixed-size in length inde- time approach [15, 20, 21, 25] that does not care about item the pendent from the actual number of tuples in a window, since the requiredn-1 spaceitem pipe the window 0window off0 =content they listen to, such that we can bucket by bucket to the GPU-based depends on a single tuple. On the other hand, providing the n operators. Moreover, we will examine how to flip the event ability to consume more than one tuple at a time using a Using relative ad item representation from row to column and vise versa efficiently, batch-like approach [2, 11] could be achieved by iteration 1 to avoid unnecessary transfer costs to the graphic card. if the newest tup over the window’s content inside the operator, utilizing the position p, each We target fixed-sized bucketing of windows with a dedi- Afterwards offse built-in RAM/disk swapping facilities. Here, an operator item cated operator since this task should not be in the responsi-to offset_i + size consumes k elements as a single block in each iteration, by 2 bility of any GPU-based operator for several reasons, such as setting some pointers into the window, until the window redundant logicoff might 2 occur otherwise. To show our strategy, has been fully consumed [1]. Obviously, the event represen- we will introduce it step by step. We explore the differences tation is unchanged, since it is optimized for CPU processing. … to windowing first and show afterwards how buckets can be fresh tuples Figure 1 shows different processing approaches. The left created efficiently. The latter approach is more general since we not address the representation-flipping here. How the hand side shows the content of a stream that size is a= n sequence off1 between row- and column-orientation could transformation of i = 1, ..., 7 tuples (ai , bi ) per time. Here, more than one be achieved is explained afterwards. tuple occur in one instant. The next column shows the actual window content, when applying a time-based window over k2 two time instants. These windows are processed either in a k3.1 1 Motivation Since SPSs are tuple-oriented, their primary data structure tuple-at-a-time or batch-at-a-time processing manner. The to express an entity’s content is a tuple. Although it is a left column for batching shows the actual construction that common structure, it might not be efficient in terms of hold k tuples (row-orientated) per batch by the traditional GPU data transfer cost and memory consumption. Consider stream processing approach. for example a stream R with schema R = {A, B} where dom(A) = char(50) and dom(B) = int. R could contain Load Distribution. To increase the throughput per op- a tuple (the, 268) for instance. Further assume a size of 54 erator, load distribution strategies can be used such that bytes per tuple, where 4 bytes are used for the int data the load to process a window can be shared. This could type. If an operation only requires B-values, sending entire be achieved per-window (blocks are processed by parallel tuples will waste ≈ 93% of data transfer time and graphic running operators [23, 25]) or per-block (a single operator card memory. Therefore, we focus on flipping the event 80 Batch-at-a-time (k=3) Stream Window Content Tuple-at-a-time CPU optimized Co-Processor o (a1,b1) (a1,b1) batch construction batch constru (a2,b2) (a2,b2) inside operator outside ope (a3,b3) (a3,b3) (a3,b3) a1,b1 a4,b4 a1,a2,a3 a4 (a1,b1) (a2,b2) (a3,b3) (a4,b4) a2,b2 Time (a4,b4) (a4,b4) (a4,b4) b1,b2,b3 b4 a3,b3 (a5,b5) (a5,b5) (a5,b5) a3,b3 a6,b6 (a7,b7) (a3,b3) a3,a4,a5 a6 (a5,b5) (a4,b4) (a6,b6) (a6,b6) (a6,b6) (a6,b6) a4,b4 a7,b7 (a7,b7) a5,b5 b3,b4,b5 b6 (a7,b7) (a7,b7) a5,b5 (a7,b7) (a5,b5) (a6,b6) a5,a6,a7 a6,b6 a7,b7 b5,b6,b7 representation and bounding the size of windows to avoid out-of-memory situations when employing the graphic card. Figure 2: A circular buffer of fixed size k∗ and three subscribers. Each subscriber i ∈ {0, 1, 2} has it’s own 3.2 Buckets vs. Windows slice hoffi , ki i. Fresh tuples are inserted and slices are Windowing is one of the fundamental concepts of stream moved to partition a possibly infinite data stream. processing. To be clear about where our proposed operator is Hence, the stream is split into ki -length portions different, we examine similiarities and differences of buckets that are forwarded to subscribers Si and windows. First of all, the purpose of both concepts is different. Win- n = k*, item dow operators are used to bound a (infinite) stream of data n-1 item off0 = 0 n to a collection of data, called a window, that can be pro- item cessed by set-oriented operators. Hence, a window operator 1 consumes a stream of events and produces a stream of win- item 2 dows. As mentioned earlier, the actual window length can vary depending on a given policy, such as in the time-based off2 approach. In contrast, our operator consumes a stream of … windows, each might vary in length, and partitions each fresh tuples window into portions of a user-defined size k. At the same size = n off1 time, the row-wise representation is changed to columnar representation. Each such portion is called a bucket. k2 k1 Assume a stream R with schema R = {A, B} and consider the right hand side of Figure 1. As one can see, regular batching with a batch-size k = 3 contains at most tree tuples about the eventually remaining portion in slicei and about (a, b, c) ∈ R per batch entry, while a bucket of size three the end of the operation. Afterwards each offi is set to h contains exactly |R| tuples each with most k components. such that it is reset to consume the next window. Figure 2 These components per tuple are from the same domain, shows such a buffer for m = 3 subscribers. while the components of a window tuple are mixed-domains. If a new subscriber Si+1 occurs during runtime, we set its Therefore, a bucket’s tuple t with components from a domain offi+1 = h. Since new data is more important than old data, T can forwarded directly to GPU since t is, sloppy saying, Si+1 starts consequentially with an empty portion. However, an array of length k and type T . if the bucket size of Si+1 is greater than the definied k∗ , CB has to be resized. 3.3 Portioning Variable-Length Windows Whereas windowing a continuous data stream leads to sev- 3.3.2 Data Corruptions eral strategies to match different policies, bucketing a window Data corruption is overwriting data that has not been sent is relatively straightforward. At any time, during runtime to subscribers. This is equivalent to a rearrangement of the or initialization, the subscribers S1 , ..., Sm that request to time order of the data inside at least one slicei . This order consume buckets are known. Also their individual bucket is inducted by the order of the insertion operations into CB. sizes ki = size(Si ) ∈ N+ are known. We receive a window ω We claim that there can be no data corruption and proceed of some size. Therefore, our task is to forward ω in portions by contraposition. Assume using our construction and a data of size ki to each Si until ω is completely consumed. We corruption. Then at least one slicei contains two items a assume here w.l.o.g. that the bounds of each window are and b with b was inserted after a into CB but slicei states a marked and that the length of each row-oriented tuple is before b. This happens only if there is a confusion in slicei ’s fixed. view, since data is written sequentially and ordered into a circular buffer CB and slicei points inside CB. A confusion 3.3.1 Algorithm occurs, if CB’s head pointer h moves one step after insertion, Let k∗ := max{k1 , ..., km }. We propose to use a fixed-size but from perspective of slicei , h moved more than one step. circular buffer CB that is able to hold items (here, tuple) at Consequentially, the range of slicei is smaller than expected, k∗ positions. For each subscriber Si we construct a range that since there should be an one-to-one mapping between the we call slicei := (offi , ki ) that contains Si ’s current offset actual move of h and the perceived moved of h by slicei . offi and its desired portion size ki > 0. Each slicei points This happens if the range of slicei could not be embedded inside CB – its range starts at offi and ends at offi + ki − 1. into CB at once and was wrapped around. That happens At initialization, we set offi = 0 for all i and h = 0. Every if CB is too small. This is a contradiction, since CB is as time ω outputs a tuple, this tuple is inserted into CB. This large as the longest requested portion in our construction. insertion operation moves the internal head pointer h of CB Therefore, there is no data corruption possible. further. Hence, h points to the position that will be written next. If h = k∗ holds, h is set to 0 since CB is a circular 3.4 Flipping the Event Representation buffer. If after insertion the condition (h ≡ offi + ki ) mod k∗ We showed how to achieve an efficient window splitting for a given subscriber Si holds, the subscriber is notified. In without changes in the event representation in the previous case of a notification to Si , Si ’s offset offi is moved to h.1 sub section. Now, we will utilize our approach to flip row- When ω is completely read into CB, all Si are finally notified oriented windows into a stream of column-oriented buckets. 1 Notably, each slicei moves as a count-based jumping window of Since the complexity of portioning any variable-length sized length ki and jump size ki over the content of ω until ω is window is mainly driven by the actual window length, we fully consumed. suppose to utilize this concept for representation flipping. 81 The schema S = {A1 , . . . , An } for the contents in a window ancer contains a job queue and a dictionary that maps tasks is known. Hence, maintaining one circular buffer as in Section to several states. OpenCL takes free jobs as soon as a device 3.3 for each attribute Ai ∈ S splits each incoming tuple into is available and deploys it to a specific device on its own. its components. We propose to use a bucketing-operator that An interesting question is, how an advanced load balancer is responsible for portioning the incoming windows such that improves execution performance even further, if the targeted it holds n circular buffers, each buffering one attribute of device runs a specialized kernel. This could be achieved with the incoming tuple. Since external subscribers S1 , ..., S` are a more high-level load balancer that could decide on its own known to the bucketing-operator, the operator adds itself when to send jobs to device with an unified kernel, and when as ”internal” subscriber to each 1 ≤ j ≤ n circular buffers, to to a dedicated device with highly optimized execution delegates the desired sizei for each external Si to all buffers. code that fits most to the device architecture. This leads to notification of all circular buffers to the operator at the same time once sizei is achieved for some external subscriber Si . Now, the operator packages the n portions 5. RELATED WORK delivered to it into a collection, that is send to the external The design space of DBMSs using GPU as co-processor subscriber. is well explored [5, 26] and already applied in many appli- This allows a chain of operators where each consumes and cations [4, 10, 13, 22]. He et al. present a novel design and produces a column-oriented event representation. To convert implementation of relational join algorithms for GPUs by back to row-oriented event representation, another operator introducing a set of data-parallel primitives [14]. Stream performs the described operations backwards. Hence, to processing could benefit from this research results in context revert the representation flip, another operator reads buckets of DBMSs, but first progress is made. Karnagel et al. show and outputs them as a stream of regular tuples. that a stream band-join might be computed faster with a We propose to run these constructions in dedicated opera- speedup of nearly 70x using a graphic card [18]. For Complex tors, since this allows sharing the costs of window portioning Event Processing, an approach similar to stream processing, between several external subscribers and reverting the oper- Cugola et al. suggest in 2012 to run the pattern detection ation. automaton on parallelized hardware. They conclude that GPU acceleration can bring speedups in this context but also 4. OPEN RESEARCH CHALLENGES highlight limitations due to memory restrictions [12]. Hence, Based on existing research and related work, we cannot current approaches for GPU accelerated stream processing completely answer all relevant aspects. Therefore, we present focus on specific topics; instead, we suggest an approach two open research challenges in the following section. to enable GPU-ready stream processing in general. While we focus on a strategy to handle variable-length windows 4.1 Stream Processing on Modern Hardware to enable GPU-operators over fixed-sized batches with a We propose an additional bucketing-operator to support column-orientation (”buckets”), Karnagel et al. use a load event representation changes and window portioning to target balancer that mainly deploys band-join computation tasks GPU-specialized counterparts of existing stream operators. to both CPU and GPU. Although these tasks also contain On the other hand, current trends in hardware bring further tuple-batches from the input sources, our approach has an- co-processors (e.g., Intel Xeon Phi or FPGA) with special other focus since we do not actually address load balancing characteristics into view. Consequently, these co-processors and construct batches outside the responsibility of a specific could be used to accelerate stream processing in addition to operator or balancer. Hence, we provide a stream of buckets, the GPU. With the increasing amount of different devices, built from a stream of windows, that can be consumed by we have to take care of optimized algorithms and execution any operator. Bucket streams can be shared by different models for the respected processor to also reach optimized operators and can form an operator chain before the buckets performance [7, 8]. An essential part is to tune a given are converted back to a regular tuple stream. operator to the used (co-)processor, because each processing To enable GPU processing capabilities it is reasonable to device has its own set of optimizations that can be applied [9]. process batches, since a GPU might outperform a CPU only Furthermore, with the availability of different devices, we if a bulk of data is present at once. Some SPSs do only have to decide where to execute a given operator to reach support a tuple-at-a-time approach [15, 25] such that an optimal performance. Here, it is not only important to internal buffering per operator is required. However, our find the device with the best performance for the given approach enables those architectures to convert tuple-at-a- operator, but also to distribute the load between the devices time windows to bucket streams. Other SPSs such as Aurora similar to the work of Breß et al. [6]. As far as we can see, offer batch-processing. Here, each operator stores its out- further research should be investigated to find limitations put in an output queue that is accessible by subscribers and benefits for applied modern hardware in this context. via pointers indicating the current ranges in-use. Aurora cleans up these queues, if a tailed range is not used by any 4.2 Scheduler for Heterogeneous Devices subscriber anymore [1]. Since Aurora manages windowing As proposed by Breß et al. [6], in the context of GPU accel- with output queues, these queues vary as the window content eration for columnar databases, heterogeneous devices with and processing performance of subscriber vary. In contrast, dedicated memory are an opportunity since data transfer our approach uses a fixed-sized circular buffer and performs from one memory to another is optional. 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