=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1389/paper2 |storemode=property |title=Length of stay prediction and analysis through a growing neural gas model |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1389/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-1389 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aime/LellaGD15 }} ==Length of stay prediction and analysis through a growing neural gas model== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1389/paper2.pdf
      Length of Stay Prediction and Analysis through a
                Growing Neural Gas Model

               Luigi Lella1, Antonio di Giorgio2, Aldo Franco Dragoni2
                           Azienda Sanitaria Unica Regionale delle Marche
                                          Ancona, Italy
                       Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione (DII)
                            Università Politecnica delle Marche
                          Via Brecce Bianche 60131 Ancona, Italy
                      antonio.di.giorgio@email.it, a.f.dragoni@univpm.it

       Abstract. Length of stay (LoS) prediction is considered an important research
       field in Healthcare Informatics as it can help to improve hospital bed and
       resource management. The health cost containment process carried out in
       Italian local healthcare systems makes this problem particularly challenging in
       healthcare services management.
       In this work a novel unsupervised LoS prediction model is presented which
       performs better than other ones commonly used in this kind of problem. The
       developed model detects autonomously the subset of non-class attributes to be
       considered in these classification tasks, and the structure of the trained self-
       organizing network can be analysed in order to extract the main factors leading
       to the overcoming of regional LoS threshold.

       Keywords: Business Intelligence in Health Care - LoS prediction - self
       organizing networks

1      Introduction

   An accurate prediction of the length of stay (LoS) of recovered patients is
considered a factor of strategic importance for the optimization of healthcare system
resources [21,7]. This kind of information can be used to contain costs and eliminate
waste by the reduction of hospital stays and readmission rates [4,15]. In Marche
Region (Italy) the central maneuver of health cost containment led to an overall
reorganization of healthcare system processes and to a heavy reduction in the number
of hospital beds (and hospitals too). For this reason, the analysis of data on LoS
becomes essential to effectively manage a hospital structure. Furthermore, the
knowledge of the potential discharge date could improve also long term care activities
or discharge activities planning [16]. This indeed can favor the continuity of care, a
significant reduction of clinical risk together with the lowering of the related costs.

    AI-AM/NetMed 2015           4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Medicine

   For all the above mentioned reasons it is considered extremely important to choose
the right tools and methodologies to improve the prediction of LoS.
   There has been a considerable effort in LoS prediction research to define the best
solutions to cope with this problem. A first kind of methods is based on classic
statistical algorithms such as t-test, one-way ANalysis Of VAriance (ANOVA) and
multifactor regression [2].
   A second kind of methods is based on AI techniques such as decision trees and
artificial neural networks (ANN). ANN in particular have been successfully used in
the context of postoperative phase of cardiac patients, or to identify patients at high
risk of incur in prolonged intensive care [16]. Other ANN models have been used for
LOS prediction in emergency rooms [20].
   The best results have been obtained by the adoption of ensemble models and
multilevel approaches making use of different clustering or categorization algorithms

2        Methods

   We are not interested here in the development of a new ensemble model. More
exactly we are not interested in a mere predictive model. Our goal is not just to
choose a good ANN model in hospital LoS prediction, but we are looking for a model
or a methodology capable of explaining the acquired knowledge.
   Most of learning techniques are oriented on a sort of structural representation of
knowledge. This can be symbolic (e.g. acquired set of rules, decision trees etc.) or
subsymbolic (e.g. associative networks, neural networks etc.). Subsymbolic models
seem to reach the best results [17], but their structural representation need further
analysis techniques in order to externalize the acquired knowledge.
   Subsymbolic models can be further subdivided in classification learning
algorithms (as feed forward networks and back-propagation models [9] [17]),
association learning algorithms (as the Apriori algorithm [1]) and clustering learning
algorithms (as the self-organizing networks [10] [18]).
   In classification learning the system is trained to provide an output (a class) given a
set of classified examples. For this reason, these algorithms are known in literature as
"supervised". This kind of model is effective only if the correlation among the non-
class attributes and all the possible classes are known beforehand. This is not the case
of a dynamic model like the LoS prediction model. Our work is based on the
assumption that almost every year scientific and technological discoveries lead to an
improvement of care and a consequent reduction of hospital stays. Sometimes new
therapies or diagnostic techniques can even lead to an increase of hospital stay. So it
could be very hard and tricky trying to establish a set of classified examples of
hospital stay, especially when precise guidelines or care pathways have not been
   In association learning there are not specified classes, the system just tries to find
any interesting structure or correlation among data. The association rules can be used
to predict every type of attribute, not just the class ones. Since we are interested in

  AI-AM/NetMed 2015             4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Medicine

LoS classes prediction, association learning models are not indicated for our problem.
Association learning algorithms are probably more suited to implement expert
systems capable to find correlation among clinical data and symptoms or to find
complex symptomatologies.
   Clustering algorithms, like association algorithms, are "unsupervised" ones,
meaning that there is not a set of classified examples that can be used to train the
system. But clustering algorithms try to define autonomously a set of classes. If we
choose LoS as class attribute, the system can extrapolate different clusters related to
the class attribute. In this way users are not committed to provide training sets of
selected LoS examples, and the system could help the experimenters to find out the
possible reasons leading to the overcoming of a given LoS threshold. In this phase the
presence of human experts can be avoided making this solution more interesting and
easy to implement.
   Among the unsupervised algorithms, SOM have been effectively used in grouping
data related to different lengths of treatments in emergency departments [22].
Nevertheless we think that SOM models are not particularly suited for LoS prediction.
   In this kind of unsupervised learning task there is not a clear correlation among the
class attribute and the other ones. In other terms the exact topology of the input space
is unknown.
   B. Fritzke in one of his works demonstrated that his Growing Neural Gas (GNG)
model [5] is capable to identify exactly the local dimension of the input space. In
other words on LoS prediction the GNG can find how many attributes in the defined
input space are necessary to predict exactly the class attribute of hospital stay.
   As it will be explained in the following section we have obtained a higher accurate
prediction by the use of GNG in comparison with other algorithms which are
commonly used in this kind of problem, in particular the J48 [19] algorithm which is
one of the best algorithm based on the decision tree paradigm.
   According to these assumptions we have choosen to use ZeroR, OneR, J48 and
SOM as baseline approaches to compare with the GNG approach.
   The first tested algorithm was the ZeroR [19]. ZeroR algorithm provides as a
prediction always the majority class (in case of a nominal class attribute) or the
average (in case of a numeric class attribute). This is considered the most simple
predictive algorithm that is used to define a threshold for the accuracy. If other
algorithms perform worse than this, probably they have been badly configured or
more simply they are not suited for the class of problem to be dealt with.
   The second tested algorithm was the OneR [19,8], which stands for "one rule".
This method generates a decision tree with just one level. The training algorithm is
quite simple. For each attribute a rule is created such that an attribute value is
assigned to the most frequent class value correlated with it. For a numeric attribute a
range of values is assigned with the most frequent class attribute, for a nominal
attribute each value is assigned with the most frequent class attribute. Several rules
are generated, but at last just one attribute is selected to make predictions, that is the
one that produces the rules with the lowest error rate. Surprisingly this method has
revealed a predictive power lower than few percentage points compared to other
decision tree models.

  AI-AM/NetMed 2015              4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Medicine

   The third tested algorithm was the J48 [19], which is the eighth version of C4.5
[14], corresponding to the last version distributed as free within this family of
algorithms. J48 is based on the "divide and conquer" algorithm and the decision tree
is recursively generated. Each time the node with the highest information quantity is
selected and a branch for each of its possible values is created. This subdivides the
data set in several subsets, one for every value of the attribute. This process is
repeated for each branch but if all the instances belong to the same attribute class
value the growth of the branch stops. The final tree can be downsized and simplified
by pre-pruning or post-pruning techniques.
   The fourth tested algorithm was the SOM [10]. A Self Organizing Map describes a
mapping from a higher-dimensional input space to a lower-dimensional map space,
typically a two-dimensional space like the one tested in this work. The training
algorithm is designed to cause different parts of the network to respond similarly to
certain input patterns. The training is based on competitive learning, meaning that for
each input vector of the training set just a unit is selected as winner, that is the one
whose weight vector is most similar to the input. The weights of the winner i and of
the neurons i* close to it in the SOM lattice are adjusted towards the input vector. The
magnitude of the change decreases with time and with distance (within the lattice)
from the winner according to the following update formula:

                           ∆𝒘𝑖 = (𝑡)(𝑖, 𝑖 ∗ ,(𝑡))(𝒙 − 𝒘𝑖 )

   Where (t) varies linearly with time from start to end, (t) varies linearly with time
from start to end, and  is a Gaussian function centered on the winner unit i that
includes all the neighbor i* units.
   The fifth tested algorithm was the GNG [5]. This algorithm is based on the
Competitive Hebbian Learning (CHL) [11] and Neural Gas (NG) [12] algorithms.
The former assumes an initial number of centers (units related to vectors having the
same dimension of the input space) and successively inserts topological connections
among them. For each input signal the two closest centers are connected by an edge.
The other algorithm adapts the k nearest centers to each input which is being
presented whereby k is decreasing from a large initial to a small final value.
   In GNG algorithm the network topology of centers is generated incrementally by
CHL and has a dimensionality which depends on the input data and may vary locally.
The NG algorithm is used to move the nearest unit and its direct topological
neighbors to the input signal by fractions v and n respectively of the total distance.
For each input signal presented in the training phase a new connection is established
between the first nearest unit and the second nearest unit and the local error variables
of these two units are decreased multiplying them with a constant . The age of all
the edges connecting units are incremented by one and the edges with an age larger
than a given threshold (max) are removed as well as isolated nodes. Finally all the
local error variables are decreased multiplying them with a constant . If the number
of the presented input signals is a multiple of a parameter  a new unit is inserted and
connected to the two units characterized by the highest local error variable (computed
as the squared distance between the input signal and the corresponding center).

    AI-AM/NetMed 2015            4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Medicine

3        Data-set Preprocessing Techniques

   We have considered as input data-set the hospital discharge summary forms
regularly provided by our structures. These data have been provided by physicians
through their electronic health records. Within these forms we were interested more in
a subset of attributes which are the ones being filled at the admission of the patients.
In particular we considered the following set of non-class attributes: recovery
regimen, admission discipline, admission division, provenance, recovery type,
trauma, hospital day care reason, hospital day care recovery type, main diagnosis,
main intervention, complications, sex, age, marital status, qualification. We have
chosen the hospital stay codified in a discretized form as class attribute.
   The recovery regimen can take two values which stand for day hospital and
ordinary recovery. For the admission discipline and the admission division there are
99 allowable values. There are only 9 values expected for the provenance: recovery
without general practitioner suggestion, recovery with general practitioner suggestion,
recovery programmed, transfer from a public structure, transfer from an accredited
private structure, transfer from a not accredited private structure, transfer from
another department or recovery regimen within the same institute, emergency medical
service and other provenances. The recovery type can take 6 different values:
recovery programmed, urgent hospitalization, mandatory medical treatment, recovery
programmed with pre-hospitalization, voluntary hospitalization for medical treatment.
The last value is used for not ordinary recoveries and for newborns. Trauma attribute
codifies accidents, injuries and poisonings through 9 possible values: workplace
accident, home accident, road accident, violence of others, self-harm or suicide
attempt, animal or insect bite, sports accident, other type of accident or poisoning.
This field is filled just in case of ordinary recovery. The hospital day care reason can
be one of the following: day hospital, day surgery, day therapy, day rehabilitation
while the hospital day care recovery type is codified in 3 values: not specified, first
cycle for the specified diagnosis, following cycles for the specified diagnosis. The
main diagnosis follows the international ICD9-CM coding system. Also the main
intervention is based on the ICD9-CM system, but it considers just the first four digits
of the code. Complications can take three values: without complications, not specified
complications, with complications. Eight different age classes are expected: 0 years
old, 1-4, 5-14, 15-44 male, 15-44 female, 45-64, 65-74, over 74. Six different marital
status have been considered: celibate or unmarried, married, single separated,
divorced, widower or widow, not specified. Six different qualifications are provided:
no qualifications, elementary school license, middle or vocational school license,
degree of professional qualification, baccalaureate, bachelor's degree.
   At last the class attribute is codified in five different classes: one day hospital stay,
two day hospital stay, three days hospital stay, below regional threshold stay, over
regional threshold stay. The actual regional threshold for the hospital stay has been
fixed to 5 days.
   Weka 3.6.11 platform [19] has been used to launch Zero-R, One-R and J48
algorithms which need a conversion of all the discretized values in a nominal form by
the use of "NumericToNominal" filter.

    AI-AM/NetMed 2015          4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Medicine

    We have made the assumption that technologies and processes of care have
remained unchanged in 2013, and we have processed all the hospital discharge
summary forms in the year.
    The data-set consisted of 274962 instances of hospital stay. In order to speed up
the training phase of the chosen model we selected a significant sample of instances
by the use of Weka "Re-sample" filter. As represented in figure 1, the "Re-sample"
filter returned 1374 instances (corresponding to the 0.5% of the overall data-set) with
the exact distribution of the original data-set.
    To improve the learning process of the chosen self-organizing networks (SOM and
GNG) we adopted the methodology suggested by Kohonen [10]. The representation
input vector x was formed as a concatenation of a symbol part representing the
hospital stay of the instance and a context part composed by the other attributes. The
symbol part xs and the context part xc=[xc1,…,xc15] formed a vectorial sum of two
orthogonal components such that the norm of the second part predominated over the
norm of the former:

                                 𝒙𝑠    𝒙𝑠    0
                                𝒙𝑐1    0    𝒙𝑐1
                             𝒙=[ … ]= [ ]+[      ]
                                       …     …
                                𝒙𝑐15   0    𝒙𝑐15

   In this way the symbols became encoded into a topological order (connection
among neural units) reflecting their logical similarities.
   Both the symbol part and the context part were encoded in a binary format.
Discrete variables having relatively few values were encoded using a one-hot code
system. The main diagnosis and the main intervention attribute values were
transformed in binary (base-2) representations.
   In the training phase both symbol and context part of input vectors were presented
to the GNG model, while in the test phase just the context part was presented in order
to predict the symbol part corresponding to the class attribute (LoS). Every time a test
input vector was presented to the trained model, only a single unit of the self-
organizing network “fired” (the most activated one). The predicted value, among all
the possible ones of the class attribute, was the one closest to the symbol part of the
center (weight vector) associated to the winning node.

4        Results

   The re-sampled data-set was subdivided in a 66% (n=907 cases) part used as
training set where the input vectors where used for SOM and GNG models with both
the symbol part and the context part and a 34% (n=467 cases) part used as test set to
test the predictive accuracy of the model.
   The first three algorithms have been tested with the Weka default parameters and a
10-fold cross validation.
   The output of ZeroR, OneR, J48 algorithms provided by Weka Explorer are
represented in figures 1,2,3. Unexpectedly OneR performed better than the other two.

AI-AM/NetMed 2015      4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Medicine

                    Fig. 1. ZeroR prediction accuracy

                    Fig. 2. OneR prediction accuracy

    AI-AM/NetMed 2015          4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Medicine

                             Fig. 3. J48 Prediction accuracy

   For the SOM and GNG models we have developed two Java implementations of
the algorithms. The re-sampled data-set was preprocessed as described in section 2
obtaining two sets of 123-bit vectors for the training set and the test set.
   A 12x12 SOM was trained for 500 epochs with the following parameters: start =
1, end =0.1, start =0.5, end =0.005. In the test phase we obtained an accuracy of
   Finally the GNG model was tested with the following parameters:
vnmaxThe training continued until
the main square error (that is the main of the local square error related to each unit,
also called expected distortion error) dropped below the threshold of E=1
(corresponding to 207 epochs e.g. presentations of the training set).
   We have reached an expected distortion error of 0.99 in the training phase with a
network constituted by 950 units. In the test phase we obtained an accuracy of
96.36% which is considerably higher than the 64.56% accuracy of the OneR
algorithm and the 87.59% of the SOM algorithm.

5        Discussion

  The obtained results are indeed valuable for our local healthcare system allowing a
good management of hospital beds. But we are interested in the extraction of the
knowledge used by the model to predict so accurately the LoS.

    AI-AM/NetMed 2015          4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Medicine

   Given the peculiar nature of GNG training algorithm we tried to use a clustering
algorithm particularly suited to community-structured networks, that is networks
where nodes are joined together in tightly knit groups connected by few edges [6]. We
have used the JUNG API [13] for this kind of elaboration which was performed on a
sub-net of the trained GNG network constituted by those units having the context part
closer with the code of the over regional threshold stay. In other words we have
selected the part of the trained network tied to the main criticality regarding the
management of hospital beds.
   For each cluster we extracted a set of attribute values considering the closest ones
to the symbolic part of the center (or weight vector) of the nodes belonging to the
   We have subsequently tagged the clusters by the use of the classic TF-IDF
algorithm [3], considering all the extracted attributes.
   The algorithm of Girvan and Norman has found eight main clusters and the TF-
IDF algorithm assigned them seven tags which are related to the cases of
hospitalization under general practitioner’s suggestion, suspicion of morbid condition
in children, long stay hospitalization, obstetrics traumas, active muscoloskeletal
exercises, children's cancer and other not well defined causes.
   The elaborated criticalities have been validated by a group of human experts
belonging to the management area of our organization. The first one is particularly
interesting for the dimension of the cluster. The cases of hospitalization under general
practitioner’s suggestion could represent a widespread phenomenon of defensive
medicine, where general practitioners prescribe unnecessary and inappropriate visits
to their patients.
   This is only an attempt to extract valuable knowledge that surely require further
research and a stricter scientific evidence. But the intent here is just to demonstrate
how valuable knowledge could be extracted after the training phase with input data
constituted by a symbol and a context part. Our final objective is to find a solution
capable to give to our management sound and strong hints on healthcare system

6        Conclusions

   The processes of data mining and knowledge discovery don’t follow precise rules.
There is not a model or a methodology capable to produce valuable results in every
context of use. In the case of LoS prediction we have chosen a model which performs
the so called “dimensionality reduction”. In other words it can find a low-dimensional
space containing most of all input data.
   This choice was driven by the assumption that there is not a clear correlation
among clinical or anagraphic data and the LoS. The extraction of a significant set of
examples associating patterns of non-class attributes to the LoS class sometimes can
be a very problematic task to be performed, especially in all those cases where there is
a lack of guidelines and clinical pathways, or where the innovation in technologies or
clinical practice leads to an ever-changing correlation between clinical data and LoS.

  AI-AM/NetMed 2015               4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Medicine

   In these cases the model has to self-organize his structure in an unsupervised
manner in order to classify training data to the best possible. Growing Neural Gas has
indeed the potentialities to adapt effectively to the input space, but it has to be
correctly trained by the use of preprocessing techniques. Binary data in general are
better assimilated by self-organizing networks, so we turned to the use of one-hot
codes for nominal attributes with a limited set of values and to the use of binary
(base-2) conversion in case of nominal attributes with a wide set of possible values.
   Furthermore, we composed the input vector x as a concatenation of a symbol part
representing the hospital stay of the instance and a context part composed by the other
attributes taken from the hospital discharge summary forms regularly provided by our
   In this way, as suggested by Kohonen, symbols became encoded into a topological
order (connections among neural units) reflecting their logical similarities.
   The trained GNG performed better than other models (ZeroR, OneR, J48, SOM)
reaching a prediction accuracy of 96.36%. This result proved the correctness of the
choice of GNG model in LoS prediction tasks.
   Finally we tried to extract the knowledge used by the model to predict hospital
stays. As underlined before, symbols are encoded into a topological structure,
meaning that the corresponding units (i.e. the units which are activated at their
presentation) are connected to the units corresponding to other factors causing to the
same LoS. The training algorithm itself is designed in a way that leads to the
emergency of a community-structure. This consideration suggested us the opportunity
to use a clustering algorithm suited for this kind of topological structures. Afterward
by the use of the classic TF-IDF algorithm the identified clusters were tagged in order
to extract the main factors (described by non-class attribute values) causing the
overcoming of the regional LoS threshold.
   Further experimentation is needed, but the first obtained results seem promising
due to the fact that significant and verified knowledge has been extracted by the

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