=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1389/preface |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1389/preface.pdf |volume=Vol-1389 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1389/preface.pdf

    The current years are characterized by an unprecedented challenge: the age-
ing of the World population. According to an estimate by the World Health
Organization (“Global health and ageing”), the number of people aged 65 or
older will triple, from 524 million in 2010 to 1.5 billion 2050. This means that
older adults will increase from the 8 percent of the entire population to the 16
percent. We are witness of the increase of chronic diseases and health related
emergencies. In addition, the curve of required medicine cost for the last 10 years
of people’s life is more than the corresponding medical cost used for the rest of
their life. Since Governments and healthcare organizations aim to develop medi-
cal systems which offer higher quality at lower costs, one of the questions at the
heart of this workshop is then whether we can “flatter” or smoother the lifetime
cost curve for the provided healthcare services.
    Since its inception, Artificial Intelligence served medicine, and nowdays can
serve assistive medicine in the support of older adults and their carers, during
their treatments as well as at home, trying to extend the time they can au-
tonomously spend in their preferred environment. In fact, the sensor networks
technology and the new technology devices like smart phones, tablets, digital
TVs, web cameras and all the smart gadgets that appear in the market open the
way to the exploitation of years of research in computer vision, machine learn-
ing, reasoning, planning, data mining, ontologies, autonomous agents, robotics,
to make sense of the data generated in pervasive environment, understand and
recognize scenarios, make diagnosis, detect risks and emergencies, recognize de-
pression and cognitive decline, etc.
    In such context, what we call “NetMedicine”, i.e. every health related ac-
tivity carried on through the Internet, has the potential to deal with the chal-
lenges imposed by the ageing of world population, especially for real-time health
monitoring, teleconsultation, teleexpertise and second opinion over the Internet.
Moreover, social networking facilitates the constitution of large communities of
members sharing similar medical interest.
    Thus, we organized the 4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence
and Assistive Medicine (AI-AM/NetMed 2015) which merges the soul of the
first and second edition of the workshop (i.e. NetMedicine) with the need to face
the challenges of the assistive medicine. The papers accepted for this one-day
workshop give special emphasis in:

 – Ubiquitous real-time assistive healthcare
 – Ambient and active assisted living
 – Ambient Intelligence
 – Wearable and/or unobtrusive smart healthcare systems
 – Multi-Agent architectures for patient monitoring and early diagnosis
 – Fusion and interpretation of multimodal medical data and events
 – Medical ontology modeling and evolution

AI-AM/NetMed 2015           4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Medicine

  – Semantically diagnosis modeling
  – Reasoning with the uncertainty of medical data/knowledge
  – Mining on medical data/knowledge
  – Patient centric and evidence based decision support systems

    This proceedings collect the contributions of the six accepted papers. In their
Argumentation for Traceable Reasoning in Teleexpertise, Doumbouya et al. cou-
ple semantic modeling and argumentation to make traceable a decision process
during an act of teleexpertise, allowing different medical specialists to remotely
reason about the treatments for a patient. In Length of Stay Prediction and
Analysis through a Growing Neural Gas Model, Lella et al. propose the adop-
tion of neural networks to face an issue closely related to the increase of people
affected by chronic disease and of health related emergencies: the prediction of
the Length of Stay which is crucial for hospital bed and resource management.
Rafael-Palou et al., with their Monitoring People that Need Assistance through a
Sensor-based System: Evaluation and First Results, show the potentiality of AI
and network technologies for activity recognition and emergency detection inside
real dwellings, describing the results from two European projects. In Ecologically
Valid Trials of Elderly Unobtrusive Monitoring: Analysis and First Results, Bil-
lis et al. share the field with the previous paper, but focus on the evaluation
of sensor measurements in ecologically valid environments, since the accuracy
of such measurements in real environments is usually lower than in lab set-
tings. Pakawanwong, with his Visualizing the Brain Structure with a DT-MRI
Minimum Spanning Tree, presents a method for the visualization of fiber tract
structures in the human brain, by searching the minimum spanning tree in a
graph where the vertices are the brain voxels. In the last paper, Using a Virtual
Environment to Test a Mobile App for the Ambient Assisted Living, Calvaresi
et al. deal with the challenge of testing software systems for the AAL, proposing
the use of 3D virtual environments to perform a pre-validation phase.

                                                               Aldo Franco Dragoni1
                                                         Constantine D. Spyropoulos2

                                                Co-chairs of AI-AM/NetMed 2015
                                 Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
            National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Greece
