=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1391/113-CR |storemode=property |title=Using Textual and Visual Processing in Scalable Concept Image Annotation Challenge |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/113-CR.pdf |volume=Vol-1391 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/CalfaSBALCPI15 }} ==Using Textual and Visual Processing in Scalable Concept Image Annotation Challenge== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/113-CR.pdf
Using Textual and Visual Processing in Scalable Concept
             Image Annotation Challenge

     Alexandru Calfa, Dragoș Silion, Andreea Cristina Bursuc, Cornel Paul Acatrinei,
     Răzvan Iulian Lupu, Alexandru Eduard Cozma, Cristian Pădurariu, Adrian Iftene

         UAIC: Faculty of Computer Science, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Romania
       {alexandru.calfa, dragos.silion, andreea.bursuc, paul.acatrinei, razvan.lupu, eduard.cozma,
                             cristian.padurariu, adiftene}@info.uaic.ro

          Abstract. This paper describes UAIC1’s system built for participating in the
          Scalable Concept Image Annotation challenge 2015. We submitted runs both
          for Subtask 1 (Image Concept detection and localisation) and for Subtask 2
          (Generation of Textual Descriptions of Images). For the first subtask we created
          an ontology with relations between concepts and their synonyms, hyponyms
          and hypernyms and also with relations between concepts and related words. For
          the second subtask, we created a resource that contains triplets (concept1, verb,
          concept2), where concepts are from the list of concepts provided by the
          organizers and verb is a relation between concepts. With this resource we build
          sentences in which concept1 is subject, verb is predicate and concept2 is
          Keywords: Text processing, Visual Processing, Text Generation.

1 Introduction

In 2015, UAIC group participated again in CLEF labs [1] in few ImageCLEF tasks
[2] and in this way we continued our previous participation from 2013 when we
participated in Plant Identification task [3]. Like in the 2014 campaign, the Scalable
Concept Image Annotation challenge (from Image CLEF 2015 - Image Annotation2)
task in 2015aims to develop systems that receive as input an image and produce as
output a prediction of which concepts are present in that image, selected from a
predefined list of concepts. In addition, this year the participants must describe
images, localize the different concepts in the images and generate a description of the
scene. This year the task was composed by two subtasks using a data source with
500,000 web page items. For each item we have a corresponding web page, an image
and the keywords extracted from the web page. The participants must annotate and
localize concepts and/or generate sentence descriptions for all 500,000 items. More
details about challenge from 2015 are in [4] and details about challenge from 2014 are
in [5].

1University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iasi, Romania
    ImageCLEF 2015 – Image Annotation: http://www.imageclef.org/2015/annotation
   In 2014, three teams [6, 7 and 8] based their system on Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNN) pre-trained using ImageNet [9].Also, most of the teams proposed
approaches based on classifiers that need to be learned [6] or based on classification
with constructed ontologies [10].
   The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 details the general
architecture of our system, Section 3 presents the results and an error analysis, while
the last Section discusses the conclusions.

2 System components

In 2015, UAIC submitted runs both for concept identification (Subtask 1) and for
generation of a description of the scene (Subtask 2). For that, we built a system,
consisting in modules specialized for text processing and visual processing.

2.1 Subtask 1 - Textual processing

2.1.1 Google Translate

This module calls the Google Translation service3 and it uses a file which contains the
most frequent words in English and a cache file with already translated words. This
cache file contains pairs of words in a foreign language and their translation in
   Thus, for translating a current word from the initial file, we consider the following
    • Case 1: If the current word is in the file with most used words in English
         then the program uses this English form and then it skips to the new word
         from the initial file. If the new word isn’t in this file then we search for it in
         the cache file (Case 2).
    • Case 2: If the current word is in the cache with translated words we take the
         translated form and we skip to the new word from initial file. If not, we call
         the translation service (Case 3).
    • Case 3: Before calling the translation service, we identify the language of the
         word and then we translate this word from the identified language in English.

  Other language:… portada 1104 toronto 1080 por 1029 vuelve
990 sorprender 987 cada 974 escenario 970 pisa 961 concierto 933

  English: … home 1104 toronto 1080 by 1029back 990 surprise
987 each 974 scenario 970 pisa 961 concert 933 …

    Google Translation service: https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs
   The file with English words contains around 50.000 words and the file with cache
contains 343.121 pairs like (initial_word, translated_word) (until last submission).
From what we see, the files were accessed an average of 400 times per minute.

2.1.2 Stop-words Elimination

This component receives a file with 500,000 lines and tries to remove every stop-
word from every line with its associated number which represents its frequency. We
consider additional elimination of classical stop-words (the, from, it, he, be, is,
has,…) and the elimination of all words with one or two characters. The number of
classical stop-words was 667.

     For example, for input line:
000bRjJGbnndqJxV 100 timepiece 7988 the 4823 time 3252 or 3100
of 2664 that 2169 thesaurus 1595 for 1578 device 1569 timepieces
1513 its 1397 measuring 1286 instrument 1285 clock 1268 wheel
1232 from….

after using this component we obtained:

000bRjJGbnndqJxV 58 timepiece 7988 time 3252 thesaurus 1595
device 1569 measuring 1286 instrument 1285 clock 1268 wheel 1232

  In the end, from a total of 43.448.058 words in the input file, 16.802.111 stop
words were eliminated. From 2 files summing up 457.1 Mb we obtained one file with
299 Mb.

2.1.3 Concept Identification

At this step, we start to build an ontology with relations between the initial 250
concepts and related words to them. For that we used the WordNet4 [11] and we
extracted in average around three synonyms and an average of five words that are
somehow related to the concepts (automatically extracted from WordNet (hyponyms
or hypernyms) and manually verified by human annotators or manually added by
human annotators).
   For example, for a concept we have the following information:

Concept: bicycle
Synonyms: bike cycle, two-wheeler, mountain bike, ten-speed,
racing   bike,   recumbent   fixie,   penny-farthing,   ordinary
Lexical family: park garden, tree, flower, wood, grass, path,
kid, child, sport, sun, marathon, equipment, outfit, protection,
street, saddle, handle bar

    WordNet: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn
   With this file we execute on the processed file with 500.000 lines (after steps 2.1.1
and 2.1.2) a module which identifies related concepts for every line. For that, for each
word, we try to find a way to connect it to concepts. That implies searching for it in
the list of concepts (case 1) or in list of synonyms (case 2) or in list related to lexical
family (case 3). If a match is found, the word is replaced with its related concept and
placed in the output file along with its initial number (case 1 and case 2) or with a
lower value (case 3).All words that could not be associated with any concept have
been eliminated along with their number.
   At the next step we sum the frequencies for the same concept and we put in the
output only one value, with a unique appearance of this concept ID and with the
individual sum value. Next, we normalize all the values on lines and we replace the
individual sum value for every concept with a percentage value obtained after we
calculate a global sum with all individual sum values.
   For example, an input line looks like:

timepieces 81 timepiece 7988 time 3252 thesaurus 1595 device
1569 measuring 1286 instrument 1285 clock 1268 wheel 1232 noun
1170 balance 1162 legend 1105 dictionary 1095 …

  This is how the same line of data looks like at output:

n03046257 0.527 n04555897 0.1802 n02866578                         0.0769     n03249569
0.063 n04574999 0.0604 n06410904 0.0147 …

    Additional, to this we built a file with relations between concepts and in case that
one concept is present, we consider also the related concepts with a smaller
percentage. For example, we consider a relation between “ear” and eye (because they
are both body parts), and if we identify in an image the concept “eye” with score
0.0941, we consider also the concept “ear” but with a lower score equal with 0.0001.
Although both the input file and the output file for this module are very close in size,
they differ a lot due to the lack of concept-related words on some lines of the initial
    Because, it would have taken us 400 minutes to parse all 500.000 line of data
single-threaded but our program takes around 45 second per 50.000 lines because we
decided to work with 10 execution threads. We need some additional time for the
reconstruction of the final file with 500.000 data, but in the end we reduced the
execution time from 400 minutes to about 15 minutes. All programs were run on an 8-
core i7 Intel processor.
2.2 Subtask 1 - Visual Processing

2.2.1 Face recognition

After downloading all pictures from the URL file using a script, we ran the JJIL5 for
face recognition on all of them. The information we got from this part was merged
with the information obtained by the textual processing component and converted in
the output form.

                         Fig. 1. An example of image that contains faces

     For example for image from Fig. 1, the output after we use the JJIL API is:

n05538625 0.5:165x180+220+273,0.5:155x167+439+227

   It’s worth mentioning that in around 10% of images faces were detected (in 48.000
images), though only 75% of images where put through the face recognition JJIL API
(375.000 files) since only this many links were valid.
   For example from the following line from the input file:

n03046257 0.7206              n02782093 0.1077             n02866578 0.1071
n04199027 0.0374              ….

     This is how the corresponding output looks:

1 000bRjJGbnndqJxV n03046257 0.7:128x126+0+0 n02782093
0.1:128x126+0+0 n02866578 0.1:128x126+0+0 n04199027 …

5   JJIL Face Recognition: http://www.richardnichols.net/2011/01/java-facial-recognition-haar-
   Downloading about 25.000 images took around 4 hours and after that, detecting
faces in those images took another 2 hours. All programs were run on a single Thread
on multiple computers to reduce the overall time.

2.2.2 Body parts identification

Based on results obtained at 2.2.1 and on image size (width and height), we tried to
approximate the position of the face features using basic human proportions. If the
resulting bounding boxes where inside the image then we used them as they were.
However if one of them was exiting the image boundaries we would cut the outside
part or, if necessary, removed them totally. We used this process for eyes, nose, lips,
head, legs and feet.

2.2.3 Subtask 2 – Text Generation

For Subtask 2 we built a matrix with relations between concepts. In fact we built
triplets in form (concept1, verb, concept2), where concepts are from concepts provided
by the organizers and verb is a relation between concepts. With this resource we build
sentences in which concept1 is subject, verb is predicate and concept2 is complement.
For example, in our matrix are the following types of triplets:
     • body_part – wearing – accessories;
     • animal – drinking – drink;
     • insect – in on – land vehicle;
     • animal – near – man made object;
     • animal – playing – sport_item_or_toy.
    The rate of success in creating sentences for the given images was greater for the
clean track in comparison with noisy track. The program used was single threaded
and took about 4 hours to complete all 500.000 data on a dual core processor.
    This is how lines of input data looks like:

1. 000bRjJGbnndqJxV n03046257 n04555897 n02866578 n03249569
n04574999 n06410904 n05600637 n02778669 n05564590 n03479952
n06277280 n02958343
2. 006fmXbGJW3UhmjI n03623556
3. 00DIvt1Zik2Vo1yY n07739125 n05254795 n04100174 n02849154
n03135532 n07848338 n05563770 n02801525 n09328904 n10287213
n03479952 n07747607 n04197391 n05311054 n05598147 n04379243

  This is how the same lines of data looks like at output:

1. 2 000bRjJGbnndqJxV The clock is near a ball, the drum is in a
hallway and the wheel is near a clock.
2. 2 006fmXbGJW3UhmjI Empty sentence.
3. 2 00DIvt1Zik2Vo1yY The apple is on a table, the blanket is on
a table and the cross is near a table.
4. 2 00k_Jt7GwBTWPDIP The tower has a door, the pen is on a
table and the radio is on a table.
3 Results and Evaluation

For the 2015 task, our team submitted 4 runs for Subtask 1 and 4 runs for Subtask 2.
The description and duration for every run is presented in bellow Table.

                            Table 1: Description of runs for Subtask 1
                                           Description                             Duration
        Run 1      Based on basic textual processing, like stop-words               3 hours
                   elimination, lemmatization, using of ontology
        Run 2      Additional to Run 1 we used the Google Translation service       5 days
        Run 3      Additional to Run 2 we used visual processing for face          12 hours
        Run 4      Additional to Run 3, based on rectangle associated to face,      4 hours
                   we to add concepts related to body, arms, foots, etc.

For Run 2, we used the Google Translation service6 and because we were limited to a
number of requests per second, we inserted some delays between successive calls of
the service. Also, we created a cache with already translated words and before calling
the translation service we checked to see if we have the current word in our cache. If
we did, we skipped the current word and we used the translation from cache. Because
in the input file were millions of words, this component for translation runs more than
5 days, and in the end we didn’t succeeded to translate all words from the initial file.
For the Run 3 and Run 4 we used only the created cache and for this reason the
duration is lower than that of Run 2. For Run 3 we run the face recognition
component on all images, on a distributed architecture with 10 different threads and in
the end we concatenated the results. For Run 4 we used the partial results from runs 2
and 3 and for this reason it took less hours.

                      Table 2: Description of runs for Subtask 2 Noisy track
                                           Description                            Duration
        Run 5      Using file with triplets (concept1, verb, concept2), we       75 minutes
                   build sentences based on first two concepts received as
        Run 6      Similar to Run 5, where we improve the number of              2.5 hours
        Run 7      Similar to Run 6, with an improved rule for selection of      2.5 hours
        Run 8      Similar to Run 7, with a new version for file with triplets    5 hours
                   and with new rules used in selection of most relevant

In the case of Subtask 2 noisy track, from run to run we completed our resource file
with triplets of type (concept1, verb, concept2), and similar we add more new rules for
selection of the most relevant concepts. Of course, the time duration for execution

    Google Translation service: https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs
increased from run to run. Similar with noisy track, we submitted five runs from R9 to
R13 for Subtask 2 clean track.

3.1 Evaluation for Subtask 1

Table 3 below gives the results for the runs from Subtask 1 described above. More
details are in [4].

                     Table 3: Results of UAIC’s runs from Subtask 1
        % Overlap with GT             R1           R2           R3             R4
              50 %                 0.020719     0.020009     0.021134     0.055917
              0%                   0.185071     0.185288     0.18522      0.265927

As we can see from Table 3, the better run is the R4, where we use all created
components (translation, stop-word elimination, concept identification, face
recognition, body components identification, etc.). Also, in this run we used the final
versions for our resources files with English words, with translated pairs, with
concept synonyms, hyponyms and hypernyms, and related words. The most important
component is component related to the identification of body parts (which is used
only in R4). We can see how results for R1, R2 and R3 are much closed, but the
results for R5 are more than twice as good. Because, between runs (R1 and R2), (R2
and R3) and (R3 and R4), we improve continuous all our resources (resources for
translation, ontology, list with stop-words, etc.) it is hard for us to say what was the
impact of every step performed by us.

3.2 Evaluation for Subtask 2

Tables 4and 5 from below give the results for the runs from Subtask 2noisy track and
Subtask 2 clean track described above.

                Table 4: Results of UAIC’s runs from Subtask 2 noisy track
                                     R5          R6          R7         R8
                 MEAN              0.0409      0.0389      0.0483     0.0813
                STDDEV             0.0310      0.0286      0.0389     0.0513
                MEDIAN             0.0309      0.0309      0.0331     0.0769
                  MIN              0.0142      0.0142      0.0142     0.0142
                 MAX               0.2954      0.2423      0.2954     0.3234

                Table 5: Results of UAIC’s runs from Subtask 2 Clean track
                            R9         R10        R11         R12        R13
             MEAN         0.1709      0.2055     0.2080      0.2093     0.2097
            STDDEV        0.0771      0.0589     0.0654      0.0661     0.0660
            MEDIAN        0.1762      0.2078     0.2082      0.2082     0.2085
                             R9        R10        R11        R12        R13
              MIN          0.0258     0.0290     0.0290     0.0290     0.0290
              MAX          0.7246     0.3850     0.7246     0.7246     0.7246

We can see how from run to run the results are improved. For noisy track R8 is much
better than R5, R6 and R7 which have almost similar values. For clean track results
are more closed, but we can see how these results are much better than results from
noisy task. This mean that the selection of most relevant concept is the hardest part
and by this step will depend the final result of this track. Similar to runs R5 to R8
were from run to run we improve our resource with triplets or our rules for building
sentences, we obtained our runs from R9 to R13. For these runs we start from
resources obtained for R8 and then from run to run we analyse our results and we
changed our resources in order to obtain better results.

4 Conclusions

This paper presents the system developed by UAIC for the Scalable Concept Image
Annotation Challenge from ImageCLEF 2015.This system contains components for
Subtask 1 (Image Concept detection and localisation) and for Subtask 2 (Generation
of Textual Descriptions of Images).
   For Subtask 1, the main components of the system are related to text processing
(the translation of non-English words, stop-words elimination, and concept
identification) and to visual processing (face recognition and body parts
identification). From the presented results we can conclude that the most important
component is component related to body parts identification which increased
significantly our results.
   For Subtask 2, the main components are related to applying templates on selected
concepts, based on a resource with triplets (concept1, verb, concept2). From what we
see, the most important part is related to the selection of most important concepts, and
from this reason the results for clean track are much better than results for noisy track.
   For the future, we aim to use more visual processing in order to identify more
concepts from images. Also, on textual processing we want to reduce the time
duration for translation, which was the most time consuming component.

Acknowledgement. The research presented in this paper was funded by the project
MUCKE (Multimedia and User Credibility Knowledge Extraction), number 2
CHIST-ERA/01.10.2012. Special thanks go to all colleagues from the Faculty of
Computer Science, second year, group A1, who were involved in this project.


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