=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1391/14-CR |storemode=property |title=FHDO Biomedical Computer Science Group at Medical Classification Task of ImageCLEF 2015 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/14-CR.pdf |volume=Vol-1391 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/PelkaF15 }} ==FHDO Biomedical Computer Science Group at Medical Classification Task of ImageCLEF 2015== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/14-CR.pdf
FHDO Biomedical Computer Science Group at
Medical Classification Task of ImageCLEF 2015

                     Obioma Pelka and Christoph M. Friedrich

                          Department of Computer Science
            University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund (FHDO)
                Emil-Figge-Strasse 42, 44227 Dortmund, Germany
     obioma.pelka@googlemail.com and christoph.friedrich@fh-dortmund.de

        Abstract. This paper presents the modelling approaches performed by
        the FHDO Biomedical Computer Science Group for the compound figure
        detection and subfigure classification tasks at ImageCLEF 2015 medical
        classification. This is the first participation of the group at an accepted
        lab of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum. For image visual represen-
        tation, various state-of-the-art visual features such as Bag-of-Keypoints
        computed with dense SIFT descriptors and the new Border Profile pre-
        sented in this work, were adopted. Textual representation was obtained
        by vector quantisation on Bag-of-Words codebook generated using at-
        tribute importance derived from χ2 -test and the Characteristic Delim-
        iters feature presented in this paper. To reduce feature dimension and
        noise, the principal component analysis was computed separately for all
        features. Various multiple feature fusion were adopted to supplement
        visual image information with their corresponding textual information.
        Random forest models with 100 to 500 deep trees grown by resampling,
        a multi class linear kernel SVM with C = 0.05 and a late fusion of the
        two classifiers were used for classification prediction. Six and Eight runs
        of submission categories: Visual, Textual and Mixed were submitted for
        the compound figure detection task and subfigure classification task, re-

        Keywords: bag-of-keypoints, bag-of-words, compound figure detection,
        modality classification, medical imaging, image border profile, principal
        component analysis, random forest, support vector machine

1     Introduction
This paper describes the modelling methods and experiments performed by the
FHDO Biomedical Computer Science Group (BCSG) at the ImageCLEF 2015
medical classification. This is the first participation of the BCSG, a research
group from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, at the cross-
language image retrieval track ImageCLEF [28] of the Cross Language Evalua-
tion Forum (CLEF)1 .
    The ImageCLEF 2015 medical classification task consists of four subtasks:
compound figure detection, multi-label classification, figure separation and sub-
figure classification of which the BCSG participated in two subtasks [14].
The remaining of this paper is organised as follows: In section 2 for the sub-
task compound figure detection, various image representations extracted are
presented and the model classifier setup as well as submitted runs and their
corresponding results are described. Modelling approach, submitted runs and
results for the subfigure classification task are elaborated in section 3. Finally,
conclusions are drawn in section 4.

2     Compound Figure Detection

2.1   Task Definition

Several figures found in biomedical literature consist of several subfigures. To
obtain efficient image retrieval on a given search, it is necessary that these figures
are separated and not considered as single figures. The first step in achieving
this goal is to detect these compound figures. The detailed task definition is
presented in [14].

2.2   Visual Features
For the visual image representation, a combination of high level and low level
features was pursued. This is an important step in order to have ’whole-image’
and ’detail’ representation of an image. The Bag-of-Keypoints feature and the
new Border Profile feature specifically adapted for this task were used for the
visual image representation. The feature definitions and extraction procedures
are described in the following subsections.

Border Profile: A highly distinguishing feature characterising a compound
figure is the existence of a separating border. These borders are usually of white
or black color. Hence the first visual feature computed is to detect the presence
of such horizontal and vertical black and white color profiles for all images. For
comprehension, a white or black border is present when all pixels of a row or
column have RGBV alue = [255, 255, 255] or RGBV alue = [0, 0, 0] respectively.
To detect this presence, the functions listed in Table 1 were implemented and
their respective results were concatenated to obtain the complete feature vector.
Fig. 1 depicts a flowchart containing the steps computed for detection of white
horizontal borders.
    To visually demonstrate the outcomes of the functions in Table 1, compound
figures separated with white as well as black borders were selected. The com-
pound figure in Fig. 2 displays the central nervous system and skeletal involve-
ment by breast cancer of a rat and was adapted from [25].
                                                      Table 1. Functions imple-
                                                      mented for image border
                                                      profile feature extraction
                                                      Functions Implemented

Fig. 1. detectWhiteHorizontalBorder() function,
computed for detection of white horizontal border

    The horizontal and vertical bars adjoining the resized [256 x 256] figure show
number of white pixels present in the rows and columns respectively. Considering
that not all existing borders actually separate the existing subfigures, the next
step is to detect and eliminate such frame borders. The cut-off threshold used
was [1:50] and [206:256], i.e only borders located in the rows and columns [51:205]
are treated as separating borders. The light blue bars in Fig. 2 and 3 show frame
borders while the dark blue bars displays detected separating borders.

Fig. 2. Detected horizontal and vertical    Fig. 3. Detected horizontal and vertical
white separating borders as dark blue       black separating borders as dark blue
bars and frame borders as light blue bars   bars and frame borders as light blue bars
   Compound figures can also be separated using borders with colors other than
white. Figure 3 display the detection of horizontal and vertical black separating
borders. The compound figure adapted from [10], shows a planning CT image
and its corresponding follow-up CT image acquired at week 6 of combined ra-
diochemotherapy of a patient. The same cut-off threshold outlined above was

Bag-of-Keypoints: For whole-image classification tasks, the bag of feature ap-
proach has achieved high accuracy results [29] and [18]. The motivation to this
idea comes from bag-of-word approach used for text categorisation. Limitations
of invariance present in [19] was eliminated in the comprehensively evaluated
approach presented in [7], which has now become a common state of the art ap-
proach for image classification. They proposed a method called Bag-of-Keypoints
(BoK) which is based on vector quantization of affine invariant descriptors of
image patches. Apart from the invariance to affine transformation, another ad-
vantage that comes with this method is the simplicity.
    The task here to tackle being a whole-image classification task, the Bag-of-
Keypoints approach was adopted as a visual image representation. The functions
used for this approach are from the VLFEAT library [27]. As visual descriptors,
dense SIFT descriptors applied at several resolutions were uniformly extracted
with an interval grid of 4 pixels using the vl-phow function. To speed up compu-
tational time, k-means clustering with approximated nearest neighbours (ANN)
[15] was computed on these randomly chosen descriptors using the vl-kmeans
function, to partition the observations into k clusters so that the within-cluster
sum of squares is minimised [12].
    A maximum of 20 iterations was defined to allow the k-means algorithm
converge. The cluster centres were initialised using random data points. As
k = 12000, a codebook containing 12, 000 keypoints was generated and was fur-
ther optimised by adapting a kd-tree with metric distance L2 for quick nearest
neighbour lookup using vl-kdtreebuild function.

2.3    Textual Features

Text representations for all images was derived from their figure caption. All fig-
ures in the ImageCLEF collection originate from biomedical literature published
in PubMed Central2 . The original figure caption and journal title are extracted
from the provided XML files of this task.

Bag-of-Words: The Bag-of-Words (BoW) approach [24] is one of the common
methods used for text classification. The basic concept here is to extract features
by counting the frequency or presence of words in the text to be classified. These
words have to be defined first in a dictionary or codebook. To generate the
needed dictionary, all words from the captions of all images in the distributed
collection were extracted. Several text processing procedures such as removal
of stop-words and stemming using PorterStemmer [23] were induced to obtain
a positive effect on computational time performance. The occurrence (%) for
all words in both classes was computed. Words with less than 85% difference
between the two classes were eliminated to further reduce the dictionary size.
For the BoW representation two dictionaries were created:
  – Dictionary1 (D1 ): 455 words obtained with porter stemming, removal of
    stop-words and word occurrence.
  – Dictionary2 (D2 ): 3906 words obtained with removal of stop-words and
    word occurrence.
The benefit of χ2 -test and Information Gain have been investigated, but not
further used since no relevant advantage was detected during feature selection.

Charateristic Delimiters: When captions of compound figures are written,
it is most likely that existing subfigures are addressed using some delimiter.
Depending on the certainty that a figure can only be called ’compound figure’
when it contains at least two subfigures, the presence of two delimiters was
    To achieve this task, a set of possible double delimiters characterising com-
pound figures was computed. This step was manually done by analysing the cap-
tions of compound figures from the training set and selecting words with very
high occurrence. Such words that appear often and hence significantly char-
acterise the presence of subfigures are referred in this work as ’Characteristic
Delimiters’. A sub-collection of delimiters used are listed in Table 2.
    If existence of a delimiter pair is detected in the caption of an image, the
figure is textually represented by assigning the value [1, 1] and otherwise [0, 0]
to the feature vector.

           Table 2. Delimiters characterising captions of compound figures

      First subfigure Second subfigure      First subfigure Second subfigure
      A.              B.                    1.              2.
      (A).            (B).                  (1).            (2).
      A).             B).                   1).             2).
      Lower           Upper                 Left            Right
      i.              ii.                   I).             II).

2.4     Classifier Setup
A fusion of all textual and visual representations will result to a feature vec-
tor with 15910 columns. To model an efficient and effective classifier, the fea-
ture dimensions and noise is reduced using the principal component analysis [8].
The principal component analysis is separately computed on each feature vector
group as shown in Fig. 4. Subsequently, the best number of principal components
needed to describe the feature were estimated by model selection.
                                               Table 3. Adjustment in accuracy
                                               on classification model Run4 by
                                               omitting a feature in comparison
                                               to when all features are used. The
                                               evaluation was done ex-post

                                                                 Accuracy (%)
                                                                 Loss of Eval.

                                                                                 Loss of Dev.
                                                                                 (% ± sd)
                                               BoK               -4.50 -2.63(±0.54)

Fig. 4. Original and truncated vector size     Border Profile    -2.65 -2.69(±0.58)
for extracted visual and textual representa-   Characteristic    -0.94 -1.62(±0.63)
tions after dimension and noise reduction      Delimiter
with principal components analysis             BoW               -1.81 -1.09(±0.63)

    The feature vector Border Profile and Characteristic Delimiter have both 2
columns and hence do not need any dimension reduction. Different combina-
tions of the derived principal components are concatenated to obtain the final
feature vector used for training the classifier. These combinations are the various
runs submitted for evaluation. Table 3 lists the effects on prediction accuracy
when certain features are left out during the feature fusion stage. In this ex-post
analysis, the contribution (%) for each feature was computed by applying the
classifier model of Run4 on the evaluation set and on 10 sampled learning and
validation sets. It can be seen that all features contribute positively.
    The distributed collection was split into 10 different learning and validation
sets using the bootstrap algorithm [9]. For category prediction, a random forest
(RF) classifier [2] using the fitensemble function from the MATLAB software
package [22] was modelled. The list below is an excerpt of several parameters
used to tune the classifier model.
 – Number of Trees = 200
 – Number of Leaf Size = [0.04, 0.06, 0.3]
 – Split Criterion = Exact
 – Ensemble grown = By resampling

2.5   Submitted Runs

In this section, the six compound figure detection runs submitted by the Biomed-
ical Computer Science Group for evaluation are presented.

 – task1 run1 mixed stemDict: A combination of BoW with Dictionary1
   textual features and BoK visual features was used to train the classifier.
 – task1 run2 mixed sparse1: Visual features: Border profile and Charac-
   teristic Delimiter combined with textual features derived from the BoW
   Dictionary1 .
 – task1 run3 mixed sparse2: Same as run2 without the BoW textual rep-
 – task1 run4 mixed bestComb: Fusion of all features described. BoW fea-
   tures extracted using Dictionary2 .
 – task1 run5 visual sparseSift: This random forest model classifier is trained
   only with the visual features: Bag-of-Keypoints and Border Profile.
 – task1 run6 text sparseDict: Model was trained only with the textual
   features BoW with Dictionary1 and Characteristic Delimiter.

2.6    Results

Six runs (four Mixed, one Visual and one Textual) were submitted for evaluation.
Table displays the official evaluation accuracy and retrieval type for each run.
The fourth column displays the standard mean accuracy and standard deviation
achieved on 10 sampled learning and validation set derived using the bootstrap

Table 4. Official evaluation accuracy of submitted runs showing retrieval type with
standard mean accuracy and corresponding standard deviation achieved on 10 sample
validation sets using the same modelling approach

Run ID                         Retrieval Evaluation   Development
                               Type      Accuracy (%) Accuracy (% ± sd)
task1 run1 mixed stemDict      Mixed     83.88        85.64 (±0.44)
task1 run2 mixed sparse1       Mixed     85.39            85.71 (±0.54)
task1 run3 mixed sparse2       Mixed     80.07            86.24 (±0.54)
task1 run4 mixed bestComb      Mixed     73.32            90.11 (±0.36)
task1 run5 visual sparseSift   Visual    72.51            85.69 (±0.48)
task1 run6 textual sparseDict Textual    78.34            85.17 (±0.45)

3     Subfigure Classification

3.1    Task Definition

Clinicians have implied on the importance of the modality of an image in sev-
eral user-studies. The usage of modality information significantly increases the
retrieval efficiency, thus image modality has become an essential and relevant
factor regarding medical information retrieval [13]. The subfigure classification
subtask aims to evaluate approaches that automatically predict the modality of
medical images from biomedical Journals. For further task definition, refer to
    Some image categories were represented by few annotated examples, thus
the expansion of the original collection was strived in order to counteract the
imbalanced dataset. Additional datasets created are described below:

1. DataSet1 (DS1 ): The original training collection distributed for the sub-
   figure classification task in ImageCLEF2015 Medical Classification.
2. DataSet2 (DS2 ): Additive to DataSet1 , the complete collection distributed
   in ImageCLEF2013 AMIA3 Medical Task. The collection contains over 300,000
   images from over 45,000 biomedical research articles of the PubMed Central
   Repository hosted by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
3. DataSet3 (DS3 ): Additive to DataSet1 , the collection distributed for the
   Modality Classification ImageCLEF2013 AMIA medical subtask. This is a
   sub-collection of DataSet2 and contains figures annotated into 31 categories.
   Figures belonging to the compound figure ’COMP’ category were eliminated
   to attain the same categories in DataSet1 .
4. DataSet4 : (DS4 ) The sub-collection for the Modality Classification task in
   ImageCLEF 2013 AMIA medical task without the ’COMP’ category.

3.2    Visual Features

Over the years, various techniques for medical imaging have been developed.
Each having not only its advantages and disadvantages, but also different ac-
quiring technique. Hence various feature extracting methods are needed to ap-
prehend the possible characteristics of medical images [5]. In addition, images
have to be completely represented, i.e. ’whole image’ and ’detail’ representation.
This can be acquired by extracting global and local features. These features:
BAF, Gabor, JCD, Tamura, PHOG were extracted using functions from the
LIRE: Lucene Image Retrieval library [21].

 – Bag-of-Keypoints: Visual image representation using the Bag-of-Keypoints
   approach described in the subsection 2.2. With the distinction, that three
   different datasets were used to create various codebooks accordingly.
 – BAF: The global features (brightness, clipping, contrast, hueCount, satura-
   tion, complexity, skew and energy) represented as a 8-dimensional vector.
 – CEDD: Low-level feature CEDD (Color and Edge Directivity Descriptor) [4]
   incorporating color and textures information were extracted and represented
   as a 144-dimensional vector.
 – FCH: The Fuzzy Color Histogram considers through fuzzy-set membershipp
   function the color similarity of each pixel’s color to all histogram binis and
   is represented as a 10-dimensional vector using the fuzzy linking method
 – Gabor: A 60-dimensional vector was used to represent texture features
   based on Gabor functions.
 – JCD: The Joint Composite Descriptor (JCD) is a combination of two Com-
   pact Composite Descriptors: Color and Edge Directivity Descriptor (CEDD)
   and Fuzzy Color Texture Histogram (FCTH) [4]. The feature made up of
   merging the texture areas of CEDD and FCTH was represented as a 168-
   dimensional vector.
 – Tamura: The Tamura features consisting of six basis textural feature: coarse-
   ness, contrast, directionality, line-likeness, regularity and roughness, were
   represented as a 18-dimensional vector [26].
 – PHOG: The Pyramid of Histograms of Oriented Gradients (PHOG) feature
   proposed in [1] represents an image by its local shape and the spatial layout
   of the shape. A 630-dimensional vector was used for feature representation.

3.3   Textual Features

Similar to the compound figure detection task, textual representation for the
figures was adopted using their corresponding captions.

Bag-of-Words: The process of textual representation executed is complemen-
tary to the process for the compound figure detection task described in sub-
section 2.3. With an adjustment in dictionary generation and word selection
method. The figures distributed for the subfigure classification task are subfig-
ures extracted from compound figures, hence their corresponding captions ac-
tually describe compound figure and not the single subfigures. Considering that
multipane figures consist of subfigures not only from the same category but also
from multiple categories, using the original captions to represent the subfigures
will not lead to a valuable characterisation.
    To overcome this limitation, the dictionary was built using the DataSet4 .
The figures in this dataset do not originate from multipane figures and thus have
characteristic captions that can be mapped to the 30 subfigure categories. All
words from all captions were retrieved, removal of stop-words and stemming was
done in the text preprocessing stage. To develop a dictionary containing relevant
words for each category, vector quantisation on all figures and the χ2 -test [6]
was computed on the derived matrix. With this step, attribute importance for
all words was effectuated.
    A dictionary with 438 words was finally obtained by selecting words with
attribute importance over a fixed cutoff threshold. The captions of the subfig-
ures were trimmed to relevance using the characteristic delimiters presented in
subsection 2.3 before vector quantisation on the generated dictionary was per-

3.4   Classifier Setup

Contrary to the compound figure detection task, not only a random forest classi-
fier model was used. A multiclass linear kernel SVM from the libSVM library [3]
was modelled to compare prediction accuracies between the two classifier mod-
els, as it has been a popular approach in former ImageCLEF medical challenges
[13]. The cost parameter used was C = 0.05. The random forest model was tuned
with the same parameters mentioned in subsection 2.4. Ten samples of learning
and validation sets were obtained using the bootstrap algorithm [9].
    To reduce computational time, feature dimension and noise reduction was
achieved using the principal component analysis. All features beside the BAF
features were reduced using this method. Table 5 presents the original and trun-
cated vector size after computing the principal component analysis on each fea-
ture. The contribution of a feature to prediction performance is an important
attribute that assists efficient feature selection. To obtain each feature contribu-
tion, the difference between the accuracy when all features are combined and the
accuracy when a certain feature is omitted was calculated and displayed in the
fourth column of Table 5. The feature contribution analysis was done ex-post.
The prediction accuracy used for this analysis was computed by applying the
classifier model Run1 on the original evaluation set.

Table 5. Descriptors with original and truncated feature vector size and feature con-
tribution (%) evaluated on classifier model Run1. The evaluation done ex-post

    Descriptor            Original          Reduced     Loss of Prediction
                          Vector Size       Vector Size Accuracy (%)
    Bag-of-Keypoints      12000             25             -2.99
    Bag-of-Words          438               40             -6.42
    BAF                   8                 8              -4.06
    CEDD                  144               5              -0.49
    FCH                   10                3              -0.67
    Gabor                 60                0              00.00
    JCD                   168               5              -0.43
    Tamura                18                2              -0.76
    PHOG                  630               2              +0.27

    Drawing conclusions using Table 5, it can be seen that omitting most of
the extracted features leads to a negative effect on prediction performance. The
representations BoK, BoW and BAF have the most contributions. In contrary,
the omission of PHOG feature has a positive effect on the prediction perfor-
mance and hence increases the evaluation accuracy with +0.27%. The principal
components computed from Gabor image representation did not improve the
prediction accuracy and was omitted from the final fused feature vector used for
3.5                    Submitted Runs
The BCSG submitted eight (six Mixed, one Textual and one Visual) runs for
evaluation. The several fusion approaches defining the submitted runs are dis-
played in Table 6. In addition for each set, the prediction performance obtained
on 10 sampled learning and validation set using the same modelling approach is

Table 6. Breakdown of feature fusion approach applied for the subfigure classification
submitted runs

                                                                                                                                                Development Mean
                                                                                                                                                Accuracy (% ± sd)
   Run ID: task4 run

                                                                                                                          Official Evaluation
                                  Submission Type

                                                                                      Codebook Build

                                                                                                         Codebook Build
                                                    Classifier Model

                                                                                                                          Feature Fusion

                                                                                                                          Accuracy (%)
                                                                       DataSet used
                                                                       for Training

                                                                                                                          Vector Size

   1 combination                  Mixed   Random                       DS1            DS3                DS4              90        66.48       91.27
   2 visual                       Visual Random                        DS1            DS2                DS4              50        60.91       87.58
   3 textual                      Textual Random                       DS1            DS1                DS4              40        60.91       79.73
   4 clean rf                     Mixed Random                         DS1            DS1                DS4              90        67.24       91.15
   5 train 20152013               Mixed Random                         DS3            DS3                DS4              90        67.60 82.92
   6 clean libnorm                Mixed LibSVM                         DS1            DS3                DS4              90        64.34       88.95

   7 clean comb librf Mixed                         LibSVM             DS1            DS1/3 DS4                           90        65.99       88.85
   8 clean short rf               Mixed             Random             DS1            DS3                DS4              90        66.44       88.62

3.6                    Results
The BCSG submitted runs in all submission categories: Visual, Textual and
Mixed. Most of the submitted runs belong to the submission category ’Mixed’
which is a combination of textual and visual representation. This decision was
made because not only were better accuracies obtained during development,
but also evaluation results presented by other ImageCLEF participant groups
in the previous years tasks have proven to be better when the ’Mixed’ submis-
sion category is induced [13],[16]. Figure 5 depicts the achieved performance of
all submitted runs for the subfigure classification task. Runs belonging to the
Biomedical Computer Science Group are represented in as colored bars and the
gray bars represent submissions of other participants.
Fig. 5. Official evaluation prediction performance(%) of all submitted runs. Colored
bars represent the performance of BCSG and gray bars that of other participants

    The prediction confusion obtained applying the modelling setup Run5 on
the official evaluation set is shown in Fig. 6. Applying the same model setup
on a sampled validation set results to the prediction confusion displayed in Fig.
7. The prediction performance achieved for this task is not comparable to that
of the ImageCLEF 2013 Modality Classification subtask. The two tasks have a
similar modality hierarchy, however 37.74% of the ImageCLEF 2013 training set
represents the additional ’Compound or Multipane images (COMP)’ class.

Fig. 6. Confusion matrix by applying          Fig. 7. Confusion matrix by applying
run5 on the official evaluation set           run5 on a sampled validation set
4    Conclusions

Various classification prediction approaches based on multiple feature fusion
and combination of classifier models were explored for the ImageCLEF 2015
medical classification task. Negative differences in the prediction performance
were observed when the Bag-of-Keypoints representation was computed using
SIFT [20] instead of dense SIFT descriptors, feature vectors weren’t normalised
and single precision format was used rather than double precision format to
define floating-points numbers. The discrepancy between prediction performance
on the evaluation set and on the sampled learning and validation sets is assumed
to be an overfitting problem. Supplementing visual image representation with
corresponding textual representation proved to be a beneficial strategy regarding
classification accuracy. Omitting any of the described features apart from the
PHOG feature, results to a negative decrease on the official evaluation accuracy.
The proposed Border Profile image representation could be further enhanced by
implementing additional functions to detect border profile of colors other than
black and white.


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