=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1391/151-CR |storemode=property |title=SU@PAN'2015: Experiments in Author Verification |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/151-CR.pdf |volume=Vol-1391 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/NikolovTSKN15 }} ==SU@PAN'2015: Experiments in Author Verification== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/151-CR.pdf
           Experiments in Author Verification

    Stanimir Nikolov, Dobrinka Tabakova, Stefan Savov, Yasen Kiprov1 , and
                               Preslav Nakov2
                    Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria,
                      Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU

       Abstract. We describe the submission of the Sofia University team for
       the Author Identification Task, part of the PAN 2015 Challenge. Given
       a small set of documents by a single person and a “questioned” docu-
       ment, possibly of a different genre and/or topic, the task is to determine
       whether the questioned document was written by the same person who
       wrote the known document set. This is a hard but realistic formulation
       of the task, also known as author verification. We experimented with an
       SVM classifier using variety of features extracted from publicly available
       resources. Our solution was among the fastest, and running time was
       an official evaluation metric; however, our results were not so strong on
       AUC and C1.

       Keywords: author identification, forensic linguistics, text mining, ma-
       chine learning.

1    Introduction
We describe the submission of the Sofia University team, registered as kiprov15,
to the Author Identification task of the PAN 2015, the 13th evaluation lab on
uncovering plagiarism, authorship, and social software misuse.
    Given a small set of documents (no more than five, possibly as few as one) by
a single person and a “questioned” document, the task is to determine whether
the questioned document was written by the same person who wrote the known
document set. In practical terms, the output of the participating systems was
expected to be a real number between 0 and 1, which corresponds to the prob-
ability of a positive answer. This is a hard but realistic formulation, known as
author verification, of the more general author identification task. Note that
unlike previous editions of the task, this year the questioned document differed
from the documents in the known set in terms of genre and/or topic.
    The organizers provided training data in four languages (English, Greek,
Spanish, and Dutch), and we submitted a system for all four. We experimented
with an SVM classifier using variety of features extracted from publicly available
resources. Our system was among the fastest-running ones: each testset was
fully analysed and scored under two minutes, and time was an official evaluation
metric; however, we were not so strong on AUC and C1.
2     Method

We used GATE [3] to annotate the documents; then, we extracted features from
these annotations, and we used them to train a classifier using LibSVM [1]. We
used SVM as it has proven its strength in a number of natural language pro-
cessing tasks, e.g., spam detection [8] and information extraction [7]. The main
reason for us to choose GATE was that it could be initialized programmatically
within a Java project. This makes our solution faster and easily modifiable.
    Our GATE processing pipeline includes the following components:

 1. Reset PR
 2. ANNIE Tokenizer [2]
 3. ANNIE Sentence Splitter
 4. Paragraph Transfer
 5. Groovy script for adding features
 6. Groovy script for adding n-grams

2.1   Features

Once the annotations were done, we extracted some features, which we then
used in the SVM classifier. While the challenge contained documents in different
languages (as well as genres and topics), we aimed to use as few language-specific
markers as possible; thus, most of our features are token-based. Here is the list
of the features we used:

 1. Average sentence length to character count ratio
 2. Average sentence length to word count ratio
 3. Average word length
 4. Average paragraph length to word count ratio [4]
 5. Average paragraph length to sentence count ratio
 6. Punctuation to word count ratio
 7. Sentence count to word count ratio
 8. Word based n-grams of sizes 1,2,3

2.2   Classification

Previous research has shown that machine learning can be used successfully
to tackle the task of author identification; see [6, 9] for an overview. In our
experiments, we used an SVM classifier. SVM has shown that it performs well
in high-dimensional spaces, and this was applicable to our task.
    We extracted the above-described features, and as a result, for each document
we obtained a feature vector. Given a problem, i.e., a set of known documents
and a questioned document, we aggregated these feature vectors for all known
documents. Similarly, we built a feature vector for the questioned document (but
this time there was nothing to aggregate as it is only one). Finally, we produced a
10-dimensional vector for the (known set, questioned document) pair as follows:
for the first seven features (i.e., excluding the n-grams), we just subtracted them,
and for the n-gram features, we calculated separately the cosine similarity for
the 1-grams, the 2-grams and the 3-grams, and we used the values as eighth,
ninth and tenth features. Then, we scaled the real values to the [0;1] range, and
we saved the scaling factors. We further added a class label: same or different
(author). On testing, we produced the 10-dimensional vectors in the same way,
except that we reused the scaling factors from training.

3     Experiments and Evaluation
3.1    Experimental Setup
We used the following datasets for training (we used them one at a time, as we
trained and tested separate models for each of the four languages):

 – pan15-authorship-verification-training-dataset-dutch-2015-04-19
 – pan15-authorship-verification-training-dataset-english-2015-04-19
 – pan15-authorship-verification-training-dataset-greek-2015-04-19
 – pan15-authorship-verification-training-dataset-spanish-2015-04-19

3.2    SVM Parameters
As we mentioned above, we used LibSVM. We chose a C-SVM type of classifier
with radial basis function (RBF) kernel. We further set the following parameter
values: C = 1, γ = 0.5, ε = 0.001. We used different cache sizes depending on
the purpose of the executions: testing on our machines or testing on TIRA.
    We selected the above SVM parameter values experimentally, following the
recipe in the Practical Guide to Support Vector Classification 3 , which can be
found on the LibSVM website. After setting the described kernel and SVM type,
we manually tried different values for the C and the γ parameters as prescribed,
and we ended up with the above values. Given that the search process was not
automated, we might have missed some better parameter values.

3.3    Official Results
Our official results are summarized in Table 1. More detailed results can be found
at the corresponding TIRA page:4 look for kiprov15, which is our team’s name.
    We can see in Table 1 that our highest score is for Greek, where our team
was ranked 9th out of 15. A notable characteristic of our solution is its runtime.
In all instances, our system was among the fastest-running ones: each testset
was fully analysed and scored under two minutes.
    However, our results for English, Spanish and Dutch are suprisingly low,
which could indicate a bug in the execution of the above-described pipeline. We
are planning a detailed investigation in future work.
             Language AUC C1 Final Score Runtime Placement
               Greek 0.7086 0.6400         0.4535      00:01:01       9/15
              English 0.4926 0.5243        0.2582      00:01:35      15/18
              Spanish 0.2802 0.3400        0.0953      00:01:09      17/17
               Dutch 0.2560 0.3476         0.0890      00:00:47      17/17
    Table 1. Official results for the Author Identification task for our team kiprov15.

    A possible explanation for our relatively good results for Greek could be
the number of the known documents for each problem. It turns out that for
Greek, there are generally less known documents per problem in the training
data. This could help as having more known documents might be confusing for
the classifier. When these documents are from different genres and have different
text structure, the classifier might pick the wrong characteristics to focus on, i.e.,
try to model genre/structure instead of author.

4     Future Work

We have described the submission of the Sofia University team for the PAN’2015
Author Identification Task. We experimented with an SVM classifier using va-
riety of features extracted from publicly available resources. Our solution was
among the fastest, but it did not perform very well in terms of AUC and C1.
    Note that our solution is configurable and can be easily expanded and tweaked,
which we plan to explore in future work. For example, it is very easy to generate
new language-specific features, e.g., by adding new processing resources to the
GATE pipeline. A wide range of these are readily available, but a careful selec-
tion and evaluation might be further required. Such features can include lists
of stopwords, language-specific resources, character n-grams [5], part-of-speech
n-grams, etc.
    Another idea is to try to artificially expand the training data by using some
of the examples in the known set as questioned examples; with such a tweak, we
will provide more training examples to the SVM, which is likely to improve its
predictions at testing time.

5     Source Code

The project source code can be found on BitBucket:

6     Acknowledgments

We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive com-
ments, which have helped us improve the paper.
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