=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1391/24-CR |storemode=property |title=A Machine Learning-based Intrinsic Method for Cross-topic and Cross-genre Authorship Verification |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/24-CR.pdf |volume=Vol-1391 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/SariS15 }} ==A Machine Learning-based Intrinsic Method for Cross-topic and Cross-genre Authorship Verification== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/24-CR.pdf
     A Machine Learning-based Intrinsic Method for
    Cross-topic and Cross-genre Authorship Verification
                        Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2015

                             Yunita Sari and Mark Stevenson

                  Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield
                              Regent Court, 211 Portobello
                           Sheffield S1 4DP, United Kingdom
                     E-mail:{y.sari, mark.stevenson}@sheffield.ac.uk

       Abstract This paper presents our approach for the Author Identification task
       in the PAN CLEF Challenge 2015. We identified the challenges of this year’s
       are the limited amount of training data and the problems in the sub-corpora are
       independent in terms of topic and genre. We adopted a machine learning based
       intrinsic method to verify whether a pair of documents have been written by same
       or different authors. Several content-independent features, such as function words
       and stylometric features, were used to capture the difference between documents.
       Evaluation results on the test corpora show our approach works best on the Span-
       ish data set with 0.7238 and 0.67 for the AUC and C@1 scores respectively.

       Keywords: Machine Learning, Intrinsic Method, Authorship Verification

1     Cross-topic and Cross-genre Authorship Verification
Given a pair of documents (X,Y), the task of author verification is to identify whether
the documents have been written by same or different authors. Compared to authorship
attribution, the authorship verification task is significantly more difficult. Verification
does not learn about the specific character of each author, but rather about the dif-
ferences between a pair of documents. The problem is complicated by the fact that an
author may consciously or unconsciously vary his/her writing style from text to text [5].
     This year’s PAN lab Author Identification task focuses on cross-genre and cross-
topic authorship verification. In this case, the genre and/or topic may differ significantly
between the known and unknown documents. This task is more representative of real
world applications where we could not control the genre/topic of the documents.
     The PAN Author idenfitication task is defined as follows: “Given a small set (no
more than 5, possibly as few as one) of known documents by a single person and a
questioned document, the task is to determine whether the questioned document was
written by the same person who wrote the known document set. The genre and/or topic
may differ significantly between the known and unknown docu-ments” [1]

1.1   Data set
The data set consists of author verification problems in four different languages. In each
problem, there are some known documents written by single person and only one un-
known document. The genre and/or topic between documents may differ significantly.
The document length varies from a few hundred to a few thousand words. Table 1 shows
the sub-corpora including their language and type (cross-genre or cross-topic)

                Table 1: The authorship verification problems training data set

                           Language    Type     Total_problems
                           Dutch    cross-genre       100
                           English cross-topic        100
                           Greek    cross-topic       100
                           Spanish cross-genre        100

1.2    Performance measure

The author verification systems are tested on a set of problems. The system must provide
a probability score for each unknown document. The performance of the system will
be evaluated using area under the ROC curve (AUC). In addition, the output will also
be measured based on c@1 score [7]. Probability score which is greater than 0.5 is
considered as positive answer, while a score lower than 0.5 is considered as negative. If
the score is 0.5, then it will be considered as an i don’t know answer. The c@1 measure
can be define as follows:
                                    1          nc 
                           c@1 =       ∗ nc + nu ∗                                    (1)
                                     n             n

    – n = number of problems
    – nc = number of correct answer
    – nu = number of unanswered problems

      The overall performance will be evaluated on the product of AUC and c@1

2     Methodological Approach

We adopted a machine learning-based intrinsic method to address this verification prob-
lem. Intrinsic methods use only the provided documents (in this case known and un-
known documents) to determine whether they are written by same author or not. A ma-
chine learning algorithm then will be trained on the labeled document pairs to construct
a model which can be used to classify the unlabeled pairs. Note that in the verifica-
tion problems, the machine learning does not learn about the specific character of each
author, but rather about the differences between a pair of documents [6]. Texts are rep-
resented by various types of features such as function word, character n-grams, word
n-grams and several stylometric features.
2.1     Textual Representation
As the genre and/or topic may differ significantly between the known and unknown
documents, we can not rely on the content based features to capture the differences
between documents. We therefore focused more on content-independent features such
as function words and stylometric features. In addition, those features can be applied to
any of the language used in the task. We used six types of features in total including:
stylometric features (10), function words, character 8-grams, character 3-grams, word
bigrams, and word unigrams.
    Given collection of problems P = {Pi : ∀i ∈ I} where I = {1, 2, 3, .., n} is
the index of P . Pi contains exactly one unknown document U and a set of known
documents K = {Kj : ∀j ∈ J} where J is the index of K and 1 ≤ J ≤ 5. Our
approach represented each problem Pi as vector Pi = {R1 , R2 , .., Rn } where n is the
maximum number of feature types (in our case are six). Ri is the distance of two similar
feature vector representation of a set of known documents K and unknown document U .
If K contains more than one document, then the generated feature vector is an average
vector of J documents. Table 2 shows details of the features vector representation and
comparison measures used.

                        Table 2: List of features and comparison measures

      Feature                     Model                                  Comparison
      (R1) Stylometric features   average feature’s presence             min-max similarity
      (R2) Function words         ratio function word to total number of Manhattan       dis-
                                  words in the document                  tance
      (R3) Character 8-grams      tf-idf                                 cosine similarity
      (R4) Character 3-grams      tf-idf                                 cosine similarity
      (R5) Word bigrams           tf-idf                                 cosine similarity
      (R6) Word unigrams          tf-idf                                 cosine similarity

Stylometric Features There are ten sytlometric features used in our experiment. Some
features were adapted from Guthrie’s work [3] on anomalous text detection and were
among the most effective features to separate anomalous segments from normal seg-
ments of the text. The complete list of stylometric features are:
 1. Average number of non standard word1
 2. Average number of words per sentence
 3. Percentage of short sentences (less than 8 words)
 4. Percentage of long sentences (greater than 15 words)
 5. Percentage word with three syllables
 6. Lexical diversity (ratio of total number of unique words to total number of words
    in a document)
     Enchant spell checking library (http://www.abisource.com/projects/enchant/) was used to
     identify non-standard English words
 7. Total number of punctuations

We also implemented three readibility measures:

 1. Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease [4]
                                         total_words          total_syllables 
      ReadingEase = 206.835 − 1.015                      − 84.6
                                         total_sentences          total_words
 2. Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level [4]
                         total_syllables         total_words 
       GradeLevel = 11.8                    + 0.39                 − 15.59 (3)
                           total_words             total_sentences

 3. Gunning-Fog Index [2]
                     total_words   words_with_3_or_more_syllables       
      F ogIndex =                     +                                 ×100
                      total_sentences           total_words

2.2    Distance Measures

We experimented with several different comparison measures for computing similarity
between a pair of vectors. We noticed particular comparison metric performs better in
certain type of features, thus we applied different measure for each features type. Three
different distance measures were used:

Cosine similarity measure
                                                      xi yi
                      d(x, y) =              = s i=1 s                                (5)
                                  ||x||||y||    p
                                                P         Pp
                                                  xi 2       yi 2
                                                    i=1        i=1

Minimum maximum similarity measure
                                                    min(xi , yi )
                          minmax(x, y) = i=1
                                          p                                           (6)
                                                    max(xi , yi )

City block distance (also called Manhattan distance or L1 distance)
                                d(x, y) =         |xi − yi |                          (7)
2.3     Feature selection and classifier

Our authorship identification software was written in Python. We applied feature se-
lection using Extratreeclassifier and the SVM classifier. The classifier hyperparameters
were optimized using the GridSearchCV. Scikit-learn library2 was used for both feature
selection and classification.

3      Evaluation and Result

3.1     Training corpora

We evaluated the approach on the training data using 10-fold cross validation. Since
there are some incompatibility issues, we did not perform the verification task on Greek
data. Table 3 shows the result of our approach on three of the sub-language corpora. The
best result was achieved on the Spanish data set with 0.846 and 0.807 for the AUC and
C@1 scores respectively. Compared to other sub-language corpora, the Spanish data set
contains more known documents; which may explain why the results on this data set
are better than the results on the other sub-languages data. We also observed that the use
of some NLP libraries which are mainly trained on English data did not perform well
on the non-English language data sets. Thus, feature selection was applied to remove
unhelpful features.

                        Table 3: 10-fold cross validation on the training corpora

                                    Data set AUC C@1 finalScore
                                    English 0.662 0.606 0.401
                                    Dutch 0.618 0.553 0.342
                                    Spanish 0.846 0.807 0.683

3.2     Testing corpora

Table 4 shows the official result of our approach on test data released by PAN 15 or-
ganizer. As predicted, our approach performed well on the data set which has more
known documents. The best results were achieved on the Spanish data with final score
of 0.48495. Our approach applied supervised learning where the performance depends
strongly on the amount of training data. Thus, as can be seen in Table 4, our verification
task did not obtain good results on English data which has only one known document
per problem. However, in term of runtime, our approach generally more efficient since
all necessary processing were performed in the training phase.
                                 Table 4: Result on test data set

                         Data set AUC C@1 finalScore Runtime
                         English 0.4011  0.5   0.20055 00:05:46
                         Dutch 0.61306 0.62075 0.38056 00:02:03
                         Spanish 0.7238 0.67 0.48495 00:03:47

4    Conclusion
This year’s author verification problem is considerably harder than last year’s since
the number of known documents is very limited and the genre/topic between known
and unknown documents differ significantly. In addition, for English, the data set was
derived from Project Gutenberg’s opera play scripts which are an unusual type of text.
    We identified that the most challenging part of this task was to find suitable features
which could capture the differences between documents. In addition, for certain data
set, not all features were helpful. Thus applying feature selection were beneficial and
greatly improved the accuracy of the classifier.

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