=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1391/29-CR |storemode=property |title=AUTH-Atypon at BioASQ 3: Large-Scale Semantic Indexing in Biomedicine |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/29-CR.pdf |volume=Vol-1391 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/PapanikolaouTLM15 }} ==AUTH-Atypon at BioASQ 3: Large-Scale Semantic Indexing in Biomedicine== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/29-CR.pdf
       AUTH-Atypon at BioASQ 3: Large-Scale
         Semantic Indexing in Biomedicine

      Yannis Papanikolaou1 , Grigorios Tsoumakas1 , Manos Laliotis2 , Nikos
                   Markantonatos3 , and Ioannis Vlahavas1
            Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki 54124, Greece
               {ypapanik, dndimitr, greg, vlahavas}@csd.auth.gr
      Atypon, 5201 Great America Parkway Suite 510, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA
        Atypon Hellas, Dimitrakopoulou 7, Agia Paraskevi 15341, Athens, Greece

        Abstract. In this paper we present the methods and the approaches em-
        ployed in terms of our participation to the BioASQ Challenge 2015 and
        more specifically in task 3a, concerning the automatic semantic annota-
        tion of scientific abstracts. Based on the successful approaches of the pre-
        vious years we considered a variety of ensembles, incorporated journal-
        specific semantic information and developed an approach to handle the
        concept drift within the BioASQ corpus. The official results demonstrate
        a consistent advantage of our approaches against the BioASQ and the
        National Library of Medicine (NLM) baselines. Specifically, the systems
        proposed by our team ranked among the top tier ones along the compe-
        tition, obtaining the second place in 10 out of 15 weeks.

        Keywords: semantic indexing · multi-label learning · bio-medicine ·

1     Introduction

The BioASQ project [1] aims to provide a challenge framework for researchers
dealing with classification (semantic indexing) and natural language processing
(question answering) tasks in the field of bio-medicine. The challenge, similar
to the previous two years, is divided in two tasks: automated semantic indexing
(3a) and question answering (3b). In Task 3a participants are given a set of
new, unannotated articles and are required to automatically predict the relevant
MeSH terms for each one of them in a given time. For each article only the
abstract along with some meta-information is provided (journal, year and title).
This task is particularly difficult, as the MeSH taxonomy comprises of a large
number of labels (∼ 27000), with the label set following a power-law similar
distribution. Furthermore the terms are subject to a significant concept drift
along time.
    A number of different approaches have been pursued along the previous chal-
lenges, in order to automatically annotate new articles. The NLM Medical Text
Indexer (MTI/MTIFL) [2], is a system that incorporates multiple rule-based and
machine learning methods in order to effectively provide MeSH label recommen-
dations for new articles. Other approaches include Learning-to-Rank methods
[3][4], hierarchical classification [5] or multi-label ensemble approaches [6].
    In this work we build on the previous year’s methods [6], employing ensem-
ble techniques for the semantic indexing task. The rest of the paper is organized
as follows. In Section 2, we present the methods used throughout the seman-
tic indexing part of the challenge. Section 3 shows the relevant results. Final
considerations and conclusions are drawn in Section 4.

2     Methods

In this section we present the methods that we used for the semantic indexing
task. We first provide a brief description of those approaches that were used
also in our previous challenge participation [6] and then provide the various
extensions of our work with more detail.
    In this year’s participation, we used as a training set the last 1 million articles
and reserved the last 20 thousand as a validation set. For pre-processing of the
articles, a similar pipeline was used as in the previous years; the abstract and
the title were concatenated, one-grams and bi-grams were used as features and
stop-words as well as features with less than five occurrences in the corpus were
removed. Following the above steps we obtained 257,197 one-grams and 478,533
bi-grams. The tf-idf representation was used for the features. Also, zoning of the
features belonging to the title and those equal to a MeSH label was performed;
specifically, we increased the tf-idf value of features that belonged to the title
by log2 and those being equal to a label by log1.25.
    The above features were used in order to train several multi-label learning
models. We used the Meta-Labeler [7], a set of Binary Relevance (BR) models
with Linear SVMs (both tuned and with default parameters) and a Labeled LDA
variant, Prior LDA [8]. Specifically for the SVM models, we used different values
for the C parameter and handled class imbalance by penalizing more heavily
false negative errors than false positive ones by adjusting properly the weight
parameter [9].

2.1   Rule-Based Journal Model

Along with the previously mentioned models, we developed a rule-based model,
exploiting the journal-specific distributions of labels. The BioASQ corpus con-
tains scientific papers from more than 5000 journals, that cover diverse scientific
domains and topics and therefore we expect the MeSH terms distributions to
greatly vary among them. Furthermore, articles belonging to a specific journal
may contain one or more MeSH labels particular to that journal, e.g. we expect
an article belonging to the journal ”Pediatrics”, to contain the MeSH terms
”Infant” or ”Infant, Newborn” with a rather high probability.
    Given the above observations, we first studied the label distributions among
different journals and we observed that specific labels appear with very high
probabilities (≥ 0.75) in every journal. Subsequently, we implemented a rule-
based journal model in which labels are divided in two categories, frequent (for
instance with more than 100,000 appearances out of the entire corpus of 4.2
million documents) and non-frequent. Then, each instance, according to the
journal it belongs, is assigned automatically a frequent label if it has a probability
of more than 0.95 in that journal and similarly a non-frequent label if the relevant
probability is greater than 0.75. Naturally, multiple frequent and non-frequent
labels can be assigned to the same instance. The above values were heuristically
chosen, based on small-scale experiments.

2.2    Ensembles
The systems used throughout the challenge, were mainly based on ensemble
methods, similar to the previous year participation. We used the MULE frame-
work [6] and further experimented on voting systems. In the following, we de-
scribe the details.

MULE MULE [6] is a statistical significance multi-label ensemble that performs
classifier selection. The key idea is to combine a set of multi-label classifiers
aiming to optimize a selected measure (for the purpose of this challenge, we are
mainly interested in the micro-F measure) and validate this combination through
a statistical significance test; McNemar’s test. This way, each label of the multi-
label problem is predicted with a specific component model, the one that (a)
contributes to the greatest improvement to the evaluation metric of interest and
(b) is validated from the statistical test to indeed produce the aforementioned
improvement. If the null hypothesis of the statistical test is not rejected for
a given label (i.e. if the improvement for a specific component model is not
statistically significant), we predict that label with the globally optimal model.

Voting ensembles We further considered three voting ensembles, which decide
whether to assign a label to an article or not based on the votes of the component
models. The first voting ensemble relied on the majority vote, while the others
on two and three votes respectively.

2.3    Full-Text retrieval
In the PubMed interface4 , for a number of journals, open-access to the full
text of the articles is available, through the PubMed Central (PMC) web page.
The motivation is that the full text of an article will provide more semantic
information and more features in order to learn MeSH terms, especially those
occurring more rarely. After retrieval of a total of 160,691 entire articles (out of
the entire corpus which consisted of 4.2 million abstracts) and having trained a
Meta-Labeler model on the new data set, we used the model for prediction of
new articles for which the full-text was also available.
   In order to study the effect of including the full-text to learn a model, we
considered the following strategies:

 – FF: stands for use of the full text for both training and testing documents.
 – FA: stands for using the full text only for documents in the training set ( for
   documents in the test set we use only the abstract).
 – AA: stands for using only the abstract for both training and testing
 – AF: for using full text only for the test set documents

    Table 1 shows the relevant results. We can easily see that including the full
text of an article yields an improvement in Micro-F but not necessarily in the
Macro-F measure. Also, the model does not seem to benefit from the respective
combinations (AF, FA) In short, we would propose using the full-text on a
similar semantic indexing task, only if the full text is available for both the
training and the testing documents. Finally, we note that as the training data
set for the full-text model was a lot smaller that the default abstracts data set
( 1m), the performance for these particular instances was significantly worse so
this approach was not further considered during the BioASQ challenge.

Table 1. Results for four different scenarios of full text use for a training set of the
first 150k and a test set of the remaining ( 10k) BioASQ documents. The Meta-Labeler
was used to train all models.

                                   Micro-F Macro-F
                                FF 0.50958 0.57187
                                FA 0.46018 0.57808
                                AA 0.49006 0.58547
                                AF 0.43992 0.55408

2.4   Strategies against the Concept Drift

The BioASQ corpus extends over a period of almost 70 years (1946-2015) and
thus we expect significant changes in the meaning and the context of concepts
(i.e. MeSH terms). For instance, a disease in 1970 and in 2000 can be connected to
totally different causes. Furthermore, the MeSH ontology is subject to changes
and additions of new terms every year. The above factors affect the MeSH -
word distributions and consequently a machine learning model performance. In
order to handle this phenomenon, we trained classifiers with variable training
sizes and extending across various time periods (2012-2014, 2010-2014, 2007-
2014) and combined them through the MULE framework (Sect. 2.2) along with
the rest of the models. In this manner, we managed to use the useful semantic
information across large portions of the corpus, at the same time smoothing out
the effect of the concept drift in the model’s performance. A more detailed study
of the temporal aspects of the data along with their effect on performance can
be found in [10].

3   Results

In this section we present and discuss some key aspects with respect to the offi-
cial challenge results (http://participants-area.bioasq.org/results/3a/, concern-
ing our systems.

Table 2. Official results for the first batch of the BioASQ challenge 2015 among the
AUTH-Atypon, NCBI and NLM teams.

                System     week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5
                 Auth      0.5957 0.5959 0.6019 0.6094 0.5880
              MTI (NLM)    0.5709 0.5614 0.5724 0.5743 0.5627
           MeSH NOW (NCBI) 0.5491 0.4370 0.5983 0.6012 0.5880
                 Auth      0,4942 0,4931 0,5024 0,5070 0,4904
              MTI (NLM)    0,4852 0,4775 0,4803 0,4881 0,4777
           MeSH NOW(NCBI) 0,4582 0,3822 0,4982 0,5066 0,4921

    We made submissions in 14 out of a total of 15 weeks. During the first and
the third batch, we steadily obtained the second place for both Micro-F and
LCA-F metrics (9 out of 10 weeks) while in the second batch we ranked in the
third place. Table 2 shows the results in terms of the Micro-F and the LCA-F
measures, for the best performing model of each of the AUTH-Atypon, NLM
and NCBI teams, during the first batch (the respective results for the two other
batches are available at the BioASQ challenge website). Results are shown for
the already annotated articles, as of May, 11. In total, we outperformed both
NLM’s (MTI/MTIFL) and NCBI’s (MeSH Now BF/HR) systems in terms of
Micro-F, while in terms of LCA-F, we outperformed the NCBI systems in 4 out
of 5 weeks and NLM systems throughout the batch.
    In order to indicate the improvement of our systems with respect to last
year, in Table 3, we additionally compare the mean results of this year’s chal-
lenge (BioASQ 3) to the respective ones from last year (BioASQ 2). Results
are shown for each year’s data sets in terms of the mean performance in terms
of Micro-F and LCA-F, for the top performing model across all weeks. We can
observe a significant improvement between our two participations, mainly re-
lated to our use of a wider variety of component models, as well as to different
parameterizations of the MULE ensembles.
Table 3. Mean performance for our best performing system across BioASQ challenges
2014 and 2015.

                           Batch 1             Batch 2             Batch 3
     BioASQ 2 (2014) 0, 58982 ± 0, 00291 0, 59388 ± 0, 00489 0, 59528 ± 0, 01007
     BioASQ 3 (2015) 0, 59818 ± 0, 00798 0, 60826 ± 0, 01056 0, 62400 ± 0, 01237
                           Batch 1             Batch 2             Batch 3
     BioASQ 2 (2014) 0, 49495 ± 0, 00095 0, 49716 ± 0, 00367 0, 49752 ± 0, 00614
     BioASQ 3 (2015 0, 49742 ± 0, 00698 0, 50090 ± 0, 00613 0, 51840 ± 0, 00790

4   Conclusions

In this paper we presented the participation of the AUTH-Atypon team in the
BioASQ challenge 2015. Building on the successful approaches in the past two
challenges, we further extended our line of work to improve the performance of
our systems, employing ensemble techniques for a number of component models.
The official challenge results demonstrate a clear advantage of our methods over
the BioASQ baseline as well as the NLM and NCBI systems.

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