=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1391/51-CR |storemode=property |title=Automatic Annotation of Liver CT Image: ImageCLEFmed 2015 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/51-CR.pdf |volume=Vol-1391 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/NedjarMCAB15 }} ==Automatic Annotation of Liver CT Image: ImageCLEFmed 2015== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/51-CR.pdf
            Automatic Annotation of Liver CT Image:
                     ImageCLEFmed 2015

        Imane Nedjar1, Saïd Mahmoudi2, Mohamed Amine Chikh1, Khadidja
                           Abi-yad3, Zouheyr Bouafia4
             Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, Tlemcen University, Algeria
                Computer Science Department, University of Mons, Belgium
          Department of Pathology, University Hospital Center of Tlemcen, Algeria
               Telecommunication Laboratory, Tlemcen University, Algeria


       Abstract. In this paper, we present the methods that we have proposed and used
       in the liver image annotation task of ImageCLEF 2015.This challenge entailed
       the annotation of liver CT scans to generate a structured report. To meet this
       challenge we have proposed two methods for annotating the liver image. The
       first one uses a classification approach, which is composed of two main phases.
       The first step consists of a pre-processing, where a texture and shape based fea-
       tures vector is extracted, in the second phase a classification process is achieved
       by using random forest classifier with two different sets of features. Our second
       method uses a specific signature of the liver. Indeed, we have taken a slice from
       3D liver CT scans, thereafter we have normalized it into a rectangular block
       with constant dimensions to account for imaging inconsistencies, and then we
       have divided the block into small blocks. After applying the 1D Log-Gabor fil-
       ters transformation, the dominant phase data of each block was extracted and
       quantized to four levels to encode the unique pattern of the liver into a bit-wise
       template. The Hamming distance was employed for retrieval. We submitted 3
       runs to the liver image annotation task of ImageCLEF 2015 and we obtained the
       following scores (90.4%, 90.2%, and 91%).

       Keywords: Image Annotation, Liver, Random Forest Classifier, Image Re-
       trieval, Computer-Aided Diagnosis.

1      Introduction

The digital imaging revolution in the medical domain over the past three decades has
changed the way the present-day physicians diagnose and treat diseases. The focus
now includes more effective post-processing, organization, and retrieval. In this con-
text, a major challenge is to support the clinical decision making by retrieving and
displaying the relevant cases using all available information, such as structured re-
   The structured reports are highly valuable in medical contexts due to the
processing opportunities that they provide, such as reporting, image retrieval, and
computer-aided diagnosis systems. However, structured reports are time consuming
since they need a lot of time to be created. Furthermore, their creation requires high
domain expertise, which is time constrained. Consequently, such structured medical
reports are often not found or are incomplete in practice [1].
   The aim of the liver annotation task [2] is to improve computer-aided automatic
annotation of liver CT volumes by filling in a structured radiology report. The main
goal of this task is describing the semantic features of the liver, its vascularity, and the
types of lesions in the liver.
   One of the major challenges of this work was the limited amount of training data
compared to the number of annotations to be recognized. In particular, there were
some annotations that did not occur at all in the dataset. Similarly, there were also
some instances having the same annotation for all training samples [3].To overcome
this issue we present in this paper two methods based on the visual features and the
information extracted from the Liver Case Ontology (LiCO ) [4] .
   This paper is organized as follows: section two presents the principles related
works in this area. Section 3 presents the dataset used. The proposed methods are
presented in section 4. Section 5 provides a discussion on the experimental results.
Finally, section 6 gives a conclusion to the work.

2      Related Works

ImageCLEF is the image retrieval track of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum
(CLEF) [5] [5].In 2014, for the first time, the liver CT annotation task was proposed
[6]. Three groups have participated in this challenge, the BMET group form the
School of Information Technologies at the University of Sydney (Australia), and the
second group is CASMIP from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel).The third
participant was piLabVAVlab from Boğaziçi University (Turkey).
   The BMET group [3] proposes two strategies for annotating the liver images. The
first method uses multi-class classification scheme where each label has a classifier
that is trained to separate it from other labels. They used two stages of classification,
each one consisting of a bank of several support vector machines (SVM).The first
stage is composed of the 1-vs-all classifiers, and the second stage consisted of the 1-
vs-1 classifiers. The second method uses the similarity scores from an image retrieval
algorithm as weights for a majority voting scheme, thereby reducing the inherent bias
towards labels that have a high number of samples. The BMET group submitted eight
runs. Four of them used a classifier based approach, and the remaining used an image
retrieval algorithm. All runs achieved high scores (>90%), and they also achieved the
highest score of 94.7% out of all the submission done to imageCLEF2014.
   On the other side, CASMIP group [7] tried four different classifiers in the learning
phase: linear discriminant analysis (LDA), logistic regression (LR), K-nearest neigh-
bors (KNN), and finally SVM, to predict labels. An exhaustive search of every com-
bination of image features is done using leave-one-out cross validation method on
training data for every label and classifier. As result, for each label the best classifier
and its related features were learned. The learning step was performed using all labels
of the training dataset except cluster size, lobe and segments, which were obtained
directly from image features. Python scikit-Learn Machine learning toolbox was used
for implementing each classifier with default parameters. As result, for most of the
labels they got almost the same performance by using any classifier and any combina-
tion of image features. The group submitted one run to the task, and they obtained a
score of 93%, which achieved the second best performance.
   The piLabVAVlab group [8] proposed an approach based on probabilistic interpre-
tation of tensor factorization models, i.e. Generalized Coupled Tensor Factorization
(GCTF). This method can simultaneously fit a large class of matrix/tensor models to
higher-order matrices/tensors with common latent factors using different loss func-
tions. piLabVAVlab considered the dataset as heterogeneous data and the GCTF ap-
proach was applied to predict labels. They considered KLdivergence and Euclidean-
distance based cost functions as well as the coupled matrix factorization models by
using the GCTF framework. The group submitted three runs to the task, and their
highest score was of 67.7%.

3      Material

The training dataset that we use in our work includes 50 cases, each of them consist-
ing of:

 A cropped CT image of the liver -a 3D matrix. The volumes had varied resolutions
  (x: 190-308 pixels, y: 213-387 pixels, slices: 41-588) and spacing (x, y: 0.674-
  1.007mm, slice: 0.399-2.5mm),
 A liver mask that specifies the part corresponding to the liver - a 3D matrix indicat-
  ing the liver areas with the value 1 and nonliver areas with 0,
 A bounding box (ROI) corresponding to the region of the selected lesion within the
  liver - as a vector of 6 numbers corresponding to the coordinates of two opposite
 A user expressed features generated by Liver Case Ontology (LiCO) and stored in
  RDF file.
   The test dataset contained 10 CT volumes, with varied resolutions and pixel
spacing, cropped to the region around the liver. The test data also included a mask of
the liver pixels and a bounding box (ROI).

4      Methods

For this challenge, we proposed two methods for annotating the liver image. The first
one uses a classification approach, and the second method uses the signature of the
liver. First of all we have extracted the user expressed (UsE) features from the ontolo-
gy of liver cases (LiCO) by using OWL API1.The two methods are presented in the
following sections.

4.1    Method 1:
This method is composed of two main phases. The first step consists of a pre-
processing, where a texture and shape based features vector are extracted. In the
second phase a classification process is achieved by using random forest classifier.

  Features extraction and description : unlike database used in the liver image an-
notation task of ImageCLEF 2014 that contained a set of 60 computer generated
(CoG) features obtained from interactive segmentation software, the database of liver
image annotation task 2015 does not include the CoG. For this reason a set of shape
and texture features are extracted from both lesion and liver.

The proposed liver descriptor includes:
1. Liver Mean: liver's mean intensity value.
2. Liver Variance: liver's variance intensity value.
3. Liver Skewness : liver's skewness value.
4. Liver Kurtosis: liver's kurtosis value.
5. Liver Solidity: solidity of liver.
6. Liver Convexity: convexity of liver.
7. Haralick's texture features: we have used the following features extracted from the
   gray level co-occurrence matrix: contrast, entropy, variance, sum mean, correla-
   tion, max probability, inverse variance, inertia [9], and also energy, cluster shade,
   cluster prominence and homogeneity proposed in [10].We have calculated the 3D
   gray level co-occurrence matrix for four different directions (θ∈{0°, 90°, 45°, and
   135°}) with a distance d=1. Therefore, our GLCM based feature vector includes 48
8. 3D Gabor wavelet transform: we have used the mean and the standard deviation as
   texture features, with eight orientations and three scales, so that the feature vector
   includes 24 elements for the means and 24 elements for deviation. Therefore, the
   feature vector is composed of 48 features.

The proposed lesion descriptor
  A pre-processing step was applied in order to segment the lesion. To do this, we
   have applied a morphological operation which is dilatation. This operation was
   done after thresholding the liver and applying the AND operator between lesion
   bounding box and the liver mask. Thereafter, we extracted the following features:
1. The Euclidean distance between the centroid of the liver and lesion centroid.
2. The distance between the x coordinate centroid of the liver and the x coordinate-
   centroid of the lesion.

Java API for creating, parsing, manipulating and serialising OWL Ontologies.
3. The distance between the y coordinate centroid of the liver and the y coordinate
   centroid of the lesion.
4. Surface area of the lesion.
5. The perimeter of the lesion.
6. The circularity C1 of the lesion: this measure always takes a value of 1 for perfect
   circles[11], it is expressed by the following formula:

                                              A rea                                    (1)
                            C1      (                       )
                                          M a xR a d iu s 2

7. Dispersion property: the irregularity of the mass is estimated from dispersion prop-
   erty, which identifies the irregular shape characteristics [11]. This value is given by
   the equation below:

                              Dp  (                )                                  (2)

8. Elongation property: the regular oval mass can be differentiated from the irregular
   by using Elongation [11]. Its value is expressed by the following equation :

                            En  (                    )                                (3)
                                     (2 MaxRadius ) 2
9. The circularity C2 of lesion: this value presents how a mass is similar to an ellipse.
   It is useful in differentiating circular /oval masses from irregular masses. This
   measure always takes a value of 1 for perfect squares, circles [11]. It is calculated
   by the equation given below:

                                           M i n R a d iu s                            (4)
                             C2 
                                           M a xR a d iu s

The total dimension of the first descriptor is 111(6+48+24+24+9).
We have also investigated the performances of our method by using a second descrip-
tor containing the texture features of the lesion instead of liver texture features.
The two texture features are the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) for four
different directions (θ∈{0°, 90°, 45°, and 135°}) with a distance d=1. Therefore, our
GLCM based feature vector includes 48 elements. The second texture feature is Ga-
bor wavelet transforms, we have used the mean and the standard deviation, with six-
teen orientations and five scales, the feature vector includes 80 elements for the
means and 80 elements for deviation. Therefore, the total dimension of the second
descriptor is 223 (6+48+80+80+9).

   Classification In the second phase of our experiments we have used a supervised
multi-class classifier based on random forest classifier (RF) and a proposed similarity
score calculation.
   Random Forest (RF) is a machine learning technique that builds a forest of classi-
fication trees where each tree is grown on a bootstrap sample of the data, and the
attribute at each tree node is selected from a random subset of all attributes. The final
classification of an individual is determined by voting over all trees in the forest. In-
deed, there are many advantages of using RF method, that make it an ideal approach
for the analysis of biological data. First, it can handle a large number of input
attributes - both qualitative and quantitative-. Second, it estimates the relative impor-
tance of features in determining classification. Third, RF is fairly robust in the pres-
ence of etiological heterogeneity and relatively high amounts of missing data.
   For the kind of tree we have used Classification And Regression Tree (CART), and
ours RF is composed of 500 tree.
   The extracted computer generated (CoG) features and the RF are used to predict
the following property separately:
   Is Central Localized, Is Contrasted, Is Gallbladder Adjacent, Is Peripherical Loca-
lized, Is Subcapsular Localized, Has Lesion Quantity, Has Area Density, Has Area
Shape, Has Area Margin Type, Has Density, Has Lesion Contrast Uptake, Has Lesion
Contrast Pattern, Has composition, Has Lesion Vein Proximity, Is Located In Seg-
ment, Is Close To Vein.
The property "Is Located In Lobe "is estimated according the property " Is Located In
Segment ".i.e. if segment is {II,III,IV} the lesion lobe is the left lobe, if the seg-
ment{V,VI,VII,VIII} the lesion lobe is the right lobe, and caudate Lobe for segment I.
The height and the width of lesion are extracted directly from image.

   For remaining UsE (see Table1), we used the proposed similarity score calculation
between the unannotated image (U) and a training image (T) as the distance between
their respective features vectors is given as bellow:
                                                 | ui  ti |
                          Sim(U , T )  1                                          (5)
                                          i 1       vi
Where vi was the i-th maximum feature in dataset, ui was the i-th feature in the feature
vector of U, ti was the i-th feature in the feature vector of T, and d was the dimensio-
nality of the feature set.
Thereafter, we selected the five most similar images, the label that has the majority
voting will be assigned to the UsE.
                        Table 1. List of UsE features

 Group       Concept                              Properties
          Middle Hepatic                     HasLumenDiameter
              Vein                            HasLumenType
           HepaticVein                       HasLumenDiameter
          LeftPortalVein                     HasLumenDiameter
Vessel   HepaticPortalVein                   HasLumenDiameter
         RightPortalVein                     HasLumenDiameter
         RightHepaticVein                    HasLumenDiameter
         LeftHepaticVein                     HasLumenDiameter
          HepaticArtery                      HasLumenDiameter
            RightLobe                           HasSizeChange
            LeftLobe                            HasSizeChange
           CaudateLobe                          HasSizeChange
               Liver                               HasDensity
 Liver                                          HasSizeChange
Image         Image                                 HasPhase
           Parenchyma                              HasDensity
              Lesion                           isDebrisObserved
               Wall                             hasCalcification
              Septa                              hasSeptaWidth
4.2    Method 2:
   Our second method uses the signature of the liver. To do that, we have taken a slice
from 3D Liver CT scans localized at lesion center. First, we normalized the liver into
a rectangular block with constant dimensions to account for imaging inconsistencies.
The size of the normalized block is (200×190).The retrieval process is illustrated in


                               Gabor Transformation
                                                                          Test Image

                             Divide the output of filter
                                  into blocks

                                Select the dominant
                                phase for each block


                                Calculate similarity

                                                                      Training Template
                                 Select the 5 similar

                                 Accumulate votes


                       Fig. 1. An overview of the retrieval process

Feature encoding was implemented by convolving the normalized liver pattern with
1D Log-Gabor wavelets. The 2D normalized pattern was broken up into a number of
1D signals, and then these 1D signals were convolved with 1D Gabor wavelets. The
frequency response of a Log-Gabor filter is given as:
                                            (lo g ( f / f 0 )) 2                    (6)
                        G ( f )  ex p (                          )
                                           2 (lo g ( / f 0 )) 2

Where f0 represents the centre frequency, and σ gives the bandwidth of the filter.

   Thereafter we divided the output of filtering into a small blocks of size (5×5), con-
sequently the size of template becomes (40×38).
   Finally, the dominant angular direction of each block was extracted and quantized
to four levels, using the Daugman method, where each angular direction produced
two bits of data [12]. Indeed when going from one quadrant to another, only 1 bit
changes. Figure 2 shows the phase quantization.

                               Fig. 2. Phase Quantization

The encoding process produces a bitwise template containing a number of bits of
information, the final size of template is 40×76. For the retrieval task, the Hamming
distance was employed. This distance gives a measure of how many bits are the same
between two bit patterns.
   In comparing with the bit patterns X and Y, the Hamming distance, HD, is defined
as the sum of disagreeing bits (sum of the exclusive-OR between X and Y) over N, the
total number of bits in the bit pattern.

                            1 N
                    HD        X j ( XOR)Y j
                            N j 1

  Thereafter, we selected the five most similar images, and the label that has the
majority voting will be assigned to the UsE.

5      Results and Discussion

We submitted three run to the ImageCLEF2015 liver annotation challenge, two of
them for the first method with two different feature sets, and the last for the second
method. The runs were evaluated on accuracy, the percentage of completed questions
with a correct answer, and completeness, the percentage of question that was ans-
wered. Finally, the total score is given as:
                    TotalScore  Completness  Accuracy                              (8)

                         Table 2. The score obtained for each run

           Run                           Method                        Score
            1                              1                           0.904
            2                              1                           0.902
            3                              2                           0.910

   The results show that all of our runs achieved good scores (>90). In general, there
were no large difference between the scores, especially for the first method , where
we have used two different descriptors (as stated in section 4.1).
   Descriptor 1 (run1): include texture features of liver and shape features.
   Descriptor 2 (run2): include texture features of lesion and shape features.
   The score obtained from the first and the second descriptor are respectively 90.4%
and 90.2% ,this small difference shows that texture features of liver is more descrip-
tive than the texture features of lesion. We achieved a completeness score of 99% for
every run, and accuracy of 84% given by the second method.

                          Table 3. The test results for each group

     Group                   Run1                     Run2                 Run3
      Liver                  0.925                    0.925                0.925
     Vessel                  1.000                    1.000                1.000
   LesionArea                0.730                    0.746                0.753
  LesionLesion               0.470                    0.470                0.480
LesionComponent              0.870                    0.844                0.889

   The results presented in table 4 shows that the scores obtained by the three runs for
Liver group and Vessel group are the same. One explanation for this could be that
there were instances where all the training samples had the same annotation.
   We notice that the second method outperform the first method in the other groups,
which shows its efficacy.
   For the first method ,descriptor 1 (run1) gives a best discrimination of lesion com-
ponent compared to the descriptor 2 (run2) ,in this case the texture features of liver is
more suitable than texture features of lesion, in the other hand the properties of area
lesion were well described by the texture features of lesion.

6      Conclusions

In this paper we have presented the methods submitted to the liver annotation task of
imageCLEF2015. In the first method we have used a classification approach, and in
the second method we have used a specific signature of the liver.
Our three runs achieved scores (>90), and a completeness level of 99% .There were
no large differences between scores, and the best accuracy level is 84% given by the
second method.
In our futures works we plan to use more image features, and investigate the semantic
reasoning by using the information in ONtology of the LIver for RAdiology


The authors would like to thank the organizers of the ImageCLEF 2015 liver annota-
tion task for making the database available for the experiments.

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