=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1391/63-CR |storemode=property |title=Unsupervised Language Model Adaptation using Utterance-based Web Search for Clinical Speech Recognition |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/63-CR.pdf |volume=Vol-1391 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/HermsRER15 }} ==Unsupervised Language Model Adaptation using Utterance-based Web Search for Clinical Speech Recognition== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/63-CR.pdf
Unsupervised Language Model Adaptation using
       Utterance-based Web Search for
         Clinical Speech Recognition

     Robert Herms1 , Daniel Richter2 , Maximilian Eibl1 , and Marc Ritter2
         Chair Media Informatics, 2 Junior Professorship Media Computing,
           Technische Universität Chemnitz, 09107 Chemnitz, Germany

      Abstract. In this working notes paper we present our methodology
      in clinical speech recognition for the Task 1.a.1 of the CLEF eHealth
      Evaluation Lab 2015. The goal of this task is to minimize the word-
      detection errors. Our approach is based on the assumption that each
      spoken clinical document has its own context. Hence, the recognition
      system is adapted for each document separately. The proposed method
      performs two-pass decoding whereas the first transcript is processed to
      queries which are used for retrieving web resources as adaptation data
      to build a document-specific dictionary and language model. The second
      pass decodes the same document using the adapted dictionary and lan-
      guage model. The experimental results show a reduction of the insertion
      errors in comparison to the baseline system, but no improvement of the
      overall incorrectness percentage across all spoken documents.

      Keywords: Speech recognition, Language modeling, Unsupervised adap-
      tation, Information retrieval, Clinical texts

1   Introduction
In general, the creation of acceptable transcripts of spoken language requires high
human intervention and remains time- as well as cost-intensive. Since manual
generated transcriptions are a challenging task, especially for large and hetero-
geneous datasets, it is more appropriate to apply automatic speech recognition
(ASR). In the medical domain, ASR supports a typical handover workflow as a
first step by transforming verbal clinical information into electronic structured
records. The CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2015 [1] aims to ease patients and
nurses in understanding and accessing eHealth information. The goal of Task 1.a
[2] is to convert verbal nursing handover to free-form text documents, whereas
the challenge of Task 1.a.1 is to minimize word-detection errors by addressing
the correctness of the speech recognition engine itself.
    In this connection, out-of-vocabulary (OOV) has a serious impact on ASR
results. It necessarily requires the utilization of domain-specific language models
(LMs) in order to cope with the huge amount of data and different topics. For
this purpose, the adaptation of a generic LM with a more specific LM using
weighted linear interpolation is a common way. Supervised LM adaptation is
very costly for huge amount of data and different topics, since the generation of
specific corpora takes a lot of time. A conclusive way is an unsupervised method,
which takes the context of a situation into account. As described in [3], it is not
suitable for unsupervised adaptation to use the hypothesis of an ASR system as
adaptation data. This is due to the fact, that automatic generated transcripts
contain recognition errors and do not counteract the OOV problem. However,
transcripts can be processed to queries and used in an information retrieval sys-
tem, e.g., [3, 4]. Resources such as specific corpora or the web with HTML pages
(e.g., [4–6]), RSS Feeds and Twitter (e.g., [7]) are very useful in order to obtain
further textual data for the LM adaptation. Moreover, this enables to get new
specific vocabulary for covering the OOV (names, brands, technical terms, etc.).
Additional data especially from out-of-domain does not always lead to improve-
ments (e.g., [8]). In contrast, domain-specific data is helpful to address certain
topics. Hence, the work [5] proposed a complete unsupervised technique based
on information retrieval methods to build a thematically coherent adaptation
corpus using the web. However, in [4] was clarified that the application of topic
specific LMs is not easy to handle for an out-of-the-box ASR system, especially,
if the topic is very heterogeneous or the contents change dynamically.
    In this working notes paper we present our methodology and the results we
obtained in Task 1.a.1 of the CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2015. Our approach
is based on the assumption, that each spoken clinical document has its own
context. Therefore, we suggest adapting ASR for each document separately. The
proposed method uses a two-pass decoding strategy. First, the transcript of
a document is generated by an ASR system. Keywords of the utterances are
extracted and used as queries in order to retrieve web resources as adaptation
data to build a document-specific dictionary and LM. Finally, re-decoding of
the same document is performed using the adapted dictionary and LM. The
developed system was already applied in the previous works [9] and [10].
    This Paper is organized as follows: In the next section we present our method
for unsupervised language model adaptation in clinical speech recognition. In
Section 3 we describe the applied dataset, the experimental setup, and the eval-
uation results. Finally, we conclude this paper in Section 4 and give some future

2   Adaptation Method

Our method works out-of-the-box with a two-pass decoding strategy. First, a
transcript of utterances in the spoken document is generated by ASR. The seg-
mentation of the transcript into several units is performed by the recognizer itself
using long silences. Each segment ranges from a short statement to a whole sen-
tence. The segments are processed and used as queries for retrieving adaptation
data to build a document-specific dictionary and LM. The second pass of the
recognizer decodes the same document using the adapted dictionary and LM.
                    Keyword                       Web             Text         Adaptation
   Recognizer                      Web Search
                    Extraction                    Docs          Normalizer      Corpus

Fig. 1. Process chain for the retrieval of web-based adaptation data using the transcript
of recognized speech.

2.1   Retrieval of Adaptation Data
As shown in Fig. 1, a transcribed segment generated by the ASR system is used
for building a query in order to perform a web search. Since a segment often
contain more words than useful for a web search query, especially for retrieving
documents in a close context, the following steps are performed to limit their
 1. Nouns, plural nouns and the corresponding adjectives are extracted to obtain
    the most meaningful words.
 2. A pre-defined stop-word list is applied which is derived from the training
    data and contains unnecessary as well as recurring vocabulary (e.g., date
    and time specification)
 3. If 2. yields more keywords than a predefined threshold, the sequence of words
    is split into several parts with almost the same number of words fulfilling the
    requirements and each of these parts is considered to be a separate query.
    Otherwise there is only one query.
    For each resulting query a web search is conducted. The amount of the re-
trieved web documents is combined and normalized before adding to the adap-
tation corpus. In detail, the pure articles of the retrieved web documents are
extracted and special characters, acronyms and numbers are converted in order
to be conform to the conventions of the pending adaptation process and the
ASR system. These steps are performed for all transcribed segments of one spo-
ken document and their normalized texts are accumulated to one corresponding
adaptation corpus.

2.2   Dictionary and LM Adaptation
The accumulated adaptation corpus is used for modifying the base dictionary
and the base LM as illustrated in Fig. 2. The pronunciation dictionary adap-
tation aims to enrich a base dictionary by new vocabulary coming from the
adaptation corpus. For this purpose, the vocabulary of the corpus is extracted
and compared to the base dictionary. The additional vocabulary is phonetically
transcribed by a grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) decoder and combined into a tem-
porary dictionary. Finally, the temporary and the base dictionary are merged to
an adapted dictionary.
    The LM adaptation is performed by a weighted linear interpolation of the
temporary and the base LM. The temporary LM is trained by means of the

                              Extraction &                 Train LM

                   Base        Dictionary                    Linear
                                                                          Base LM
                 Dictionary     Merging                   Interpolation

                                Adapted                     Adapted
                               Dictionary                     LM

Fig. 2. Procedure of the pronunciation dictionary and LM adaptation based on the
accumulated adaptation corpus.

adaptation corpus, whereas the base LM is a more general model trained on
topic-independent data collections. Finally, the vocabulary of the resulting model
is a superset of the vocabulary of both, the temporary and the base LM.

3     Experiments and Results

Before describing the details of the experimental setup, the used dataset is intro-
duced and some observations on conducted preliminary experiments are stated.
Afterwards we discuss our experimental intermediate as well as final results of
the evaluation.

3.1   Dataset

In this work the NICTA Synthetic Nursing Handover Data dataset [11] is used
which was created at NICTA in 2012-2014 for clinical speech recognition and
information extraction related to nursing shift-change handover. The training
set as well as the test set consist of 100 written, free-form text documents and
the corresponding recorded audio files spoken by an Australian registered nurse
with over twelve years of working experience. The text documents of the test
set were not released for evaluation purposes. Furthermore, this dataset includes
recordings lasting about half an hour of her reading an excerpt of “The Final
Odyssey” as initialization data for speech recognition engines.
    In a preliminary experiment the ASR output of the training set was com-
pared to the written, free-form text documents. This exposed some common
errors, which are partially already mentioned in the task description. Further
investigation revealed, that there are some abbreviations used instead of the cor-
rectly spelled words. However, these words are verbalised correct by the nurse
Table 1. List of typical abbreviations in free-form text documents of the training set
which were predominantly used instead of the correct spelling.

                      Correct spelling       Used abbreviation
                      years                  yrs
                      hours                  hrs
                      doctor                 dr
                      antibiotics            abs
                      arteriovenous fistula avf
                      blood pressure         bp
                      blood pressures        bps
                      hypertension           hpn
                      level of consciousness loc
                      prednisolone           pred

in the provided audio files. Therefore, a list of usual misspellings was created,
which should be used instead of the correct words generated by the standard
configuration of the ASR system. For instance, only 26 appearances of the cor-
rectly spelled word “years” were counted, but 53 appearances of the abbreviation
“yrs”. Using the abbreviation should lead to less substitutions counted for the
final evaluation metric. More detected substitutions are shown in Table 1. Beside
these misspellings in the text documents, there are some misspeaks and follow-
ing corrections by the nurse as well as some filler words like “ehm”. Another
observation is the usage of numerals and numbers in the written, free-form text
documents. Only 22 numerals from “one” to “eight” are used but 266 numbers
up to three digits (more than half of this with only one digit) were found. Hence,
always using numbers instead of numerals seems promising.

3.2   Experimental Setup

ASR was performed using the engine of the open-source framework sphinx-4
[12]. As a basic configuration, we used already existing components. We applied
the acoustic model “HUB4” (http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/sphinx/models/),
which has been trained using 140 hours of 1996 and 1997 hub4 training data.
It includes 3-state within-word and cross-word triphone Hidden-Markov-Models
with 8 Gaussian mixture models. We performed maximum a posteriori (MAP)
adaptation by using the initialization data of the training set to update the pa-
rameters of the acoustic model in order to better match the observed data. Next,
we      used     the    pronunciation   dictionary    “cmudict.0.7a SPHINX 40”
(https://svn.code.sf.net/p/cmusphinx/code/trunk/cmudict/sphinxdict/), which
comprises 133k words and the corresponding phonetic transcription. We modi-
fied the dictionary concerning the notation of the clinical reports, for instance,
adding new vocabulary or replacing words with abbreviations. Moreover, we
assigned some vocabulary to filler words to avoid misinterpretation caused by
fillers (e.g., “ah” or “ehm”). As a generic LM we used the “US English Generic
Language Model” (http://sourceforge.net/projects/cmusphinx/files/) compris-
ing about 3.2M trigrams. The utilization of the generic LM on the free-form
text documents of the training set results in a perplexity of 324.8 and 1.1k OOV
words. In our experiments language modeling was conducted with the SRILM
toolkit [13]. We performed LM adaptation using the generic LM and the free-
form text documents of the training set in order to obtain our base LM for the
proposed method. Our goal was to generate a background model which has the
properties of clinical documents as well as an appropriate generalization. Hence,
we assigned equal interpolation weights.
    Concerning the proposed adaptation method, the temporary LMs were con-
structed as trigram models using Kneser-Ney smoothing. These models were
combined with the base LM by means of a weighted linear interpolation in or-
der to perform the LM adaptation. We used the WFST-driven G2P framework
Phonetisaurus [14] to phonetically transcribe temporary dictionaries. For this
purpose, we trained a G2P model based on 133k words from the applied pro-
nunciation dictionary, which works stable for typical English words.
    The accumulation of the adaptation corpus was achieved by parsing the web-
site of the Journal of Postgraduate Medicine (http://www.jpgmonline.com). To
accomplish this, a segment of the first-pass transcript is processed by the Stan-
ford Lexical Parser [15] to extract keywords. We assigned a threshold of 5 for
the keyword extraction, i.e., if there are more than five words left, the sequence
of words is split into separate parts with an almost equal number of words by
trying to keep adjectives and their corresponding nouns together. Considering
the next noun belonging to an adjective results in parts of up to seven words.
Each part is considered to be a separate query which is utilized in the search
function of the web portal. The resulting list of full-text articles was prioritized
concerning a relevance of 50% and higher. We limited the maximum number of
retrieved articles to 100.

3.3   Results
The intermediate results of our adaptation method are relevant for further pro-
cessing steps and consequently for the final results. Table 2 gives an overview of
the mean values concerning the retrieval process across all spoken documents.
Comparing the numbers of segments per spoken documents leads to the con-
clusion, that the speech recognizer was able to detect much more pauses in the
training set than in the test set. Fewer segments in the test set also lead to
fewer but longer queries built by the system, as seen in line two and three of
Table 2. As the number of web documents retrieved per query is almost equal
for both datasets, the number of web documents per spoken document is also
much higher for the training set than for the test set.
    The number of tokens per web document (after normalization) are quite
similar. Hence, the differences in the resulting adaptation corpora for the training
and the independent test set, as shown in Table 3, can only be traced back to
the differences in the number of segments per spoken document. The statistics
in Table 3 indicate that more tokens in the adaptation corpus lead to more types
Table 2. Mean values concerning the retrieval process of the adaptation corpus across
all spoken documents in the training set and the independent test set.

                                                Train set Test set
            # Segments per spoken document            6.1      2.3
            # Queries per spoken document             7.0      4.9
            # Tokens per query                        2.8      3.6
            # Web documents per query                47.9    49.2
            # Web documents per spoken document     337.2   238.6
            # Tokens per web document             1,311.0 1,324.0

Table 3. Statistics of the resulting adaptation corpus across all spoken documents in
the training set and the independent test set.

                         Train set                           Test set
               Tokens        Types New Types        Tokens      Types New Types
 Min             18.0k         3.9k     0.3k         31.6k        5.1k     1.0k
 Max          1,074.7k       34.7k     14.9k        629.6k       25.0k     9.8k
 Mean           441.9k       20.4k      7.5k        315.9k       17.4k     5.9k
 Median         394.1k       20.0k      7.4k        299.3k       17.3k     5.8k
 SD             248.7k         6.1k     3.1k        155.8k        4.9k     2.3k

and also to more new types, which were used to extend the dictionary of the
ASR system for the second pass.
    A series of speech recognition experiments was carried out using the two
different interpolation weights λ=0.8 and λ=0.9 for the proposed adaptation
method on the training set and the independent test set. These weights imply
a higher preference of the base LM which was designed for the clinical free-
form text documents. The results are illustrated in Table 4. The baseline results
were achieved by Dragon Medical 11.0 which was trained on the initialization
data and applied with the vocabulary of nursing. In general, it can be seen that
for both datasets our system had more substitution errors and deleted some
more words than the baseline system. We considered the specific notation of the
written, free-form text documents such as abbreviations or fillers, which leads
to less inserted words than the baseline system. Compared to the baseline, the
mean value of the incorrectness percentage across all documents in the training
set was improved by our system with 2.1% (λ=0.9). The reason for that is the
consideration of the specific notation of the written, free-form text documents
and the adaptation of the generic LM using the free-form text documents of the
training set which increases the probability of recognizing the correct words.
    The performance measurements of our system on the test set in comparison
to the training set concerning the mean of the incorrectness percentage across
all documents show similar results with a decrease of 3.6% (λ=0.9). Our system
generated many substitution errors on the test set with 36.6% and a difference
Table 4. Performance measurement on the training set and the independent test set
using different interpolation weights (λ) of the proposed method for unsupervised lan-
guage model adaptation.

                                   Train set                  Test set
                            Baseline λ=0.8 λ=0.9 Baseline λ=0.8 λ=0.9
      % Correct words           72.3    64.6    65.6      73.1    53.7  54.3
      % Substituted words       24.1    28.6    27.9      22.6    36.7  36.6
      % Deleted words            3.6     6.8     6.6       4.3      9.6  9.1
      % Inserted words          28.2    19.5    19.6      11.6      6.5  6.6
      % Incorrect words         55.9    54.9    54.1      38.5    52.8  52.3
                   Incorrectness percentage across all documents
      Min                       30.2    22.0    22.0      20.7    26.2  26.2
      Max                      137.5 142.5 142.5          59.1    92.0  92.0
      Mean                      57.8    56.5    55.7      39.5    52.6  52.1
      Median                    55.5    52.9    53.0      39.1    51.7  51.6
      SD                        17.0    18.6    18.4       9.8    13.1  12.9

of 14.0% to the baseline that is crucial for the overall incorrectness percentage.
We achieved a mean value of 52.1% and consequently 12.6% over the baseline.
However, we could achieve a reduction of the insertion errors with 5.1% (λ=0.8)
and 5.0% (λ=0.9). All in all, the evaluation on the test set shows that our system
did not improve the baseline mean incorrectness percentage. The configuration
with the interpolation weight λ=0.9 was just slightly better than the lower one.

4    Conclusions

We presented a method for unsupervised language model adaptation in auto-
matic speech recognition for the Task 1.a.1 of the CLEF eHealth Evaluation
Lab 2015. Our approach is based on the assumption, that each spoken clini-
cal document has its own context. Hence, the recognition system is adapted
for each document separately. The method uses a two-pass decoding strategy,
whereas the first transcript is processed to queries, which are used for retriev-
ing web resources as adaptation data to build a document-specific dictionary
and language model. The second pass of the speech recognizer decodes the same
document using the adapted dictionary and language model. The experimental
results on the test set showed a reduction of the insertion errors in comparison
to the baseline system. We achieved a mean value of 52.1% incorrectness across
all documents. All in all, we did not improve the baseline incorrectness percent-
age, since our system produces more substitution errors and deleted some more
words. The configuration of our method with the interpolation weight λ=0.9 was
just slightly better than λ=0.8.
    However, further improvements could be achieved by a more sophisticated
selection of the retrieved adaptation data. For instance, a model for disease
classification in text corpora could be helpful to obtain only specific adaptation
data for the corresponding spoken document. Moreover, it would be interesting to
use further resources from web, like Twitter and RSS Feeds. For future work, the
investigation of phonetics for accented speech and consequently the application
of pronunciation modeling should enhance the performance of the recognition

Acknowledgments. This work was partially funded by the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research within the project MACeLot (funding code
16SV7260) and the program of Entrepreneurial Regions InnoProfile-Transfer in
the project group localizeIT (funding code 03IP608X).

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