=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1391/76-CR |storemode=property |title=Overview of the SBS 2015 Suggestion Track |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/76-CR.pdf |volume=Vol-1391 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/KoolenBK15 }} ==Overview of the SBS 2015 Suggestion Track== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/76-CR.pdf
     Overview of the SBS 2015 Suggestion Track

                Marijn Koolen1 , Toine Bogers2 , and Jaap Kamps1
                           University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
                              Aalborg University Copenhagen

       Abstract. The goal of the SBS 2015 Suggestion Track is to evaluate
       approaches for supporting users in searching collections of books who
       express their information needs both in a query and through example
       books. The track investigates the complex nature of relevance in book
       search and the role of traditional and user-generated book metadata in
       retrieval. We extended last year’s investigation into the nature of book
       suggestions from the LibraryThing forums and how they compare to
       book relevance judgements. Participants were encouraged to incorporate
       rich user profiles of both topic creators and other LibraryThing users
       to explore the relative value of recommendation and retrieval paradigms
       for book search. We found further support that such suggestions are a
       valuable alternative to traditional test collections that are based on top-k
       pooling and editorial relevance judgements. In terms of systems evalua-
       tion, the most effective systems include some form of learning-to-rank. It
       seems that the complex nature of the requests and the book descriptions,
       with multiple sources of evidence, requires a careful balancing of system

1     Introduction

The goal of the Social Book Search 2015 Suggestion Track3 is to investigate
techniques to support users in searching for books in catalogues of professional
metadata and complementary social media. Towards this goal the track is build-
ing appropriate evaluation benchmarks, complete with test collections for social,
semantic and focused search tasks. The track provides opportunities to explore
research questions around two key areas:

 – Evaluation methodologies for book search tasks that combine aspects of
   retrieval and recommendation,
 – Information retrieval techniques for dealing with professional and user-generated

   The Social Book Search (SBS) 2015 Suggestion Track, framed within the
scenario of a user searching a large online book catalogue for a given topic of
    See http://social-book-search.humanities.uva.nl/#/suggestion
interest, aims at exploring techniques to deal with complex information needs—
that go beyond topical relevance and can include aspects such as genre, recency,
engagement, interestingness, and quality of writing—and complex information
sources that include user profiles, personal catalogues, and book descriptions
containing both professional metadata and user-generated content.
    The 2015 Suggestion Track is a continuation of the INEX SBS Track that ran
from 2011 up to 2014. For this fifth edition the focus is on search requests that
combine a natural language description of the information need as well as exam-
ple books, combining traditional ad hoc retrieval with query-by-document. The
information needs are derived from the LibraryThing (LT) discussion forums.
LibraryThing forum requests for book suggestions, combined with annotation of
these requests resulted in a topic set of 208 topics with graded relevance judg-
ments. A test collection is constructed around these information needs and the
Amazon/LibraryThing collection, consisting of 2.8 million documents. The Sug-
gestion Track runs in close collaboration with the SBS Interactive Track,4 which
is a user-centered track where interfaces are developed and evaluated and user
interaction is analysed to investigate how book searchers make use of professional
metadata and user-generated content.
    In this paper, we report on the setup and the results of the 2015 Suggestions
Track as part of the SBS Lab at clef 2015. First, in Section 2, we give a brief
summary of the participating organisations. The SBS task itself is described in
Section 3. Sections 4 and 5 describe the test collection and the evaluation process
in more detail. We close in Section 6 with a summary and plans for 2016.

2     Participating Organisations

A total of 25 organisations registered for the track (compared with 64 in 2014,
68 in 2013, 55 in 2012 and 47 in 2011). Although the number of registered teams
has dropped, the number of active teams has increased from 8 in 2014 to 11 in
2015, see Table 1.

3     Social Book Search Task Setup

3.1    Track Goals and Background

The goal of the Social Book Search (SBS) track is to evaluate the value of pro-
fessional metadata and user-generated content for book search on the Web and
to develop and evaluate systems that can deal with both retrieval and recom-
mendation aspects, where the user has a specific information need against a
background of personal tastes, interests and previously seen books.
    Through social media, book descriptions have extended far beyond what is
traditionally stored in professional catalogues. Not only are books described in
the users’ own vocabulary, but are also reviewed and discussed online, and added
    See http://social-book-search.humanities.uva.nl/#/interactive
Table 1. Active participants of the INEX 2014 Social Book Search Track and
number of contributed runs

       Institute                                   Acronym         Runs
       Aalborg University Copenhagen                    AAU            1
       Aix-Marseille Université CNRS                   LSIS           6
       Chaoyang University of Technology                CSIE           4
       Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble           MRIM           6
       Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Université
           de Saint-Etienne                             LaHC           6
       Oslo & Akershus University College of
           Applied Sciences                             Oslo SBS       4
       Research Center on Scientific and
           Technical Information                        CERIST         4
       University of Amsterdam                          UvA            3
       Université de Neuchâtel, Institut de Recherche
           en Informatique de Toulouse                  MIIB           6
       University of Jordan                             IR@JU          2
       University of Science and Technology Beijing USTB PRIR          6
       Total                                                          48

to online personal catalogues of individual readers. This additional information
is subjective and personal, and opens up opportunities to aid users in searching
for books in different ways that go beyond the traditional editorial metadata
based search scenarios, such as known-item and subject search. For example,
readers use many more aspects of books to help them decide which book to read
next (Reuter, 2007), such as how engaging, fun, educational or well-written a
book is. In addition, readers leave a trail of rich information about themselves
in the form of online profiles, which contain personal catalogues of the books
they have read or want to read, personally assigned tags and ratings for those
books and social network connections to other readers. This results in a search
task that may require a different model than traditional ad hoc search (Koolen
et al., 2012) or recommendation.
    The SBS track investigates book requests and suggestions from the Library-
Thing (LT) discussion forums as a way to model book search in a social envi-
ronment. The discussions in these forums show that readers frequently turn to
others to get recommendations and tap into the collective knowledge of a group
of readers interested in the same topic.
   The track builds on the INEX Amazon/LibraryThing (A/LT) collection
(Beckers et al., 2010), which contains 2.8 million book descriptions from Ama-
zon, enriched with content from LT. This collection contains both professional
metadata and user-generated content.
   The SBS Suggestion Track aims to address the following research questions:
 – Can we build reliable and reusable test collections for social book search
   based on book requests and suggestions from the LT discussion forums?
 – Can user profiles provide a good source of information to capture personal,
   affective aspects of book search information needs?
 – How can systems incorporate both specific information needs and general
   user profiles to combine the retrieval and recommendation aspects of social
   book search?
 – What is the relative value of social and controlled book metadata for book

3.2   Scenario
The scenario is that of a user turning to Amazon Books and LT to find books
to read, to buy or to add to their personal catalogue. Both services host large
collaborative book catalogues that may be used to locate books of interest.
    On LT, users can catalogue the books they read, manually index them by
assigning tags, and write reviews for others to read. Users can also post messages
on discussion forums asking for help in finding new, fun, interesting, or relevant
books to read. The forums allow users to tap into the collective bibliographic
knowledge of hundreds of thousands of book enthusiasts. On Amazon, users can
read and write book reviews and browse to similar books based on links such as
“customers who bought this book also bought... ”.
    Users can search online book collections with different intentions. They can
search for specific known books with the intention of obtaining them (buy, down-
load, print). Such needs are addressed by standard book search services as offered
by Amazon, LT and other online bookshops as well as traditional libraries. In
other cases, users search for a specific, but unknown, book with the intention
of identifying it. Another possibility is that users are not looking for a specific
book, but hope to discover one or more books meeting some criteria. These cri-
teria can be related to subject, author, genre, edition, work, series or some other
aspect, but also more serendipitously, such as books that merely look interesting
or fun to read or that are similar to a previously read book.

3.3   Task description
The task is to reply to a user request posted on a LT forum (see Section 4.1)
by returning a list of recommended books matching the user’s information need.
More specifically, the task assumes a user who issues a query to a retrieval
system, which then returns a (ranked) list of relevant book records. The user
is assumed to inspect the results list starting from the top, working down the
list until the information need has been satisfied or until the user gives up. The
retrieval system is expected to order the search results by relevance to the user’s
information need.
    The user’s query can be a number of keywords, but also one or more book
records as positive or negative examples. In addition, the user has a personal
profile that may contain information on the user’s interests, list of read books and
connections with other readers. User requests may vary from asking for books
on a particular genre, looking for books on a particular topic or period or books
written in a certain style. The level of detail also varies, from a brief statement
to detailed descriptions of what the user is looking for. Some requests include
examples of the kinds of books that are sought by the user, asking for similar
books. Other requests list examples of known books that are related to the topic,
but are specifically of no interest. The challenge is to develop a retrieval method
that can cope with such diverse requests.
    The books must be selected from a corpus that consists of a collection of
curated and social book metadata, extracted from Amazon Books and LT, ex-
tended with associated records from library catalogues of the Library of Congress
and the British Library (see the next section). Participants of the Suggestion
track are provided with a set of book search requests and user profiles and are
asked to submit the results returned by their systems as ranked lists.
    The track thus combines aspects from retrieval and recommendation. On the
one hand the task is akin to directed search familiar from information retrieval,
with the requirement that returned books should be topically relevant to the
user’s information need described in the forum thread. On the other hand, users
may have particular preferences for writing style, reading level, knowledge level,
novelty, unusualness, presence of humorous elements and possibly many other
aspects. These preferences are to some extent reflected by the user’s reading
profile, represented by the user’s personal catalogue. This catalogue contains
the books already read or earmarked for future reading, and may contain per-
sonally assigned tags and ratings. Such preferences and profiles are typical in
recommendation tasks, where the user has no specific information need, but is
looking for suggestions of new items based on previous preferences and history.

3.4   2015 Suggestion Task
This year, the task focuses on search requests that combine a rich narrative
description of the information need and one or more example books that the
requester considers positive or negative. The challenge for systems is to find the
right balance between the two types of evidence and how to use the natural
language statement to infer the relevant aspects of the example books.

3.5   Submission Format
Participants are asked to return a ranked list of books for each user query, ranked
by order of relevance, where the query is described in the LT forum thread. We
adopt the submission format of TREC, with a separate line for each retrieval
result (i.e., book), consisting of six columns:
 1. topic id: the topic number, which is based on the LT forum thread number.
 2. Q0: the query number. Unused, so should always be Q0.
 3. isbn: the ISBN of the book, which corresponds to the file name of the book
 4. rank: the rank at which the document is retrieved.
 5. rsv: retrieval status value, in the form of a score. For evaluation, results are
    ordered by descending score.
 6. run id: a code to identify the participating group and the run.

    Participants are allowed to submit up to six runs, of which at least one should
use only the title field of the topic statements (the topic format is described in
Section 4.1). For the other five runs, participants could use any field in the topic

4     Test Collection

We use and extend the Amazon/LibraryThing (A/LT) corpus crawled by the
University of Duisburg-Essen for the INEX Interactive Track (Beckers et al.,
2010). The corpus contains a large collection of book records with controlled sub-
ject headings and classification codes as well as social descriptions, such as tags
and reviews. See https://inex.mmci.uni-saarland.de/data/nd-agreements.jsp for
information on how to gain access to the corpus.
     The collection consists of 2.8 million book records from Amazon, extended
with social metadata from LT. This set represents the books available through
Amazon. The records contain title information as well as a Dewey Decimal Clas-
sification (DDC) code (for 61% of the books) and category and subject infor-
mation supplied by Amazon. We note that for a sample of Amazon records the
subject descriptors are noisy, with a number of inappropriately assigned descrip-
tors that seem unrelated to the books.
     Each book is identified by an ISBN. Note that since different editions of
the same work have different ISBNs, there can be multiple records for a sin-
gle intellectual work. Each book record is an XML file with fields like isbn,
title, author, publisher, dimensions, numberofpages and publicationdate. Curated
metadata comes in the form of a Dewey Decimal Classification in the dewey
field, Amazon subject headings in the subject field, and Amazon category labels
in the browseNode fields. The social metadata from Amazon and LT is stored in
the tag, rating, and review fields. The full list of fields is shown in Table 2.
     To ensure that there is enough high-quality metadata from traditional library
catalogues, we extended the A/LT data set with library catalogue records from
the Library of Congress (LoC) and the British Library (BL). We only use library
records of ISBNs that are already in the A/LT collection. These records contain
formal metadata such as title information (book title, author, publisher, etc.),
classification codes (mainly DDC and LCC) and rich subject headings based on
the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH).5 Both the LoC records and
the BL records are in MARCXML6 format. There are 1,248,816 records from the
LoC and 1,158,070 records in MARC format from the BL. Combined, there are
    For more information see: http://www.loc.gov/aba/cataloging/subject/
    MARCXML is an XML version of the well-known MARC format. See: http://www.
         Table 2. A list of all element names in the book descriptions

                               tag name
book               similarproducts   title             imagecategory
dimensions         tags              edition           name
reviews            isbn              dewey             role
editorialreviews   ean               creator           blurber
images             binding           review            dedication
creators           label             rating            epigraph
blurbers           listprice         authorid          firstwordsitem
dedications        manufacturer      totalvotes        lastwordsitem
epigraphs          numberofpages     helpfulvotes      quotation
firstwords         publisher         date              seriesitem
lastwords          height            summary           award
quotations         width             editorialreview   browseNode
series             length            content           character
awards             weight            source            place
browseNodes        readinglevel      image             subject
characters         releasedate       imageCategories   similarproduct
places             publicationdate   url               tag
subjects           studio            data

2,406,886 records covering 1,823,998 of the ISBNs in the A/LT collection (66%).
Although there is no single library catalogue that covers all books available on
Amazon, we reason that these combined library catalogues can improve both
the quality and quantity of professional book metadata. Indeed, with the LoC
and BL data sets combined, 79% of all ISBNs in the original A/LT corpus now
have a DDC code. In addition, the LoC data set also has LCC codes for 44%
of the records in the collection. With only the A/LT data, 57% of the book
descriptions have at least one subject heading, but with the BL and LoC data
added, this increases to 80%. Furthermore, the A/LT data often has only a
single subject heading per book, whereas in the BL and LoC data sets, book
descriptions typically have 2–4 headings (average 2.96). Thus, the BL and LoC
data sets increase the coverage of curated metadata, such that the vast majority
of descriptions in our data set include professionally assigned classification codes
and subject headings.

4.1   Information needs
LT users discuss their books on the discussion forums. Many of the topic threads
are started with a request from a member for interesting, fun new books to read.
Users typically describe what they are looking for, give examples of what they like
and do not like, indicate which books they already know and ask other members
for recommendations. Members often reply with links to works catalogued on LT,
which, in turn, have direct links to the corresponding records on Amazon. These
requests for recommendations are natural expressions of information needs for
Fig. 1. A topic thread in LibraryThing, with suggested books listed on the right
hand side.

a large collection of online book records. We use a sample of these forum topics
to evaluate systems participating in the Suggestion Track.
    Each topic has a title and is associated with a group on the discussion forums.
For instance, topic 99309 in Figure 1 has the title Politics of Multiculturalism
Recommendations? and was posted in the group Political Philosophy. The books
suggested by members in the thread are collected in a list on the side of the topic
thread (see Figure 1). A feature called touchstone can be used by members to
easily identify books they mention in the topic thread, giving other readers of the
thread direct access to a book record in LT, with associated ISBNs and links to
Amazon. We use these suggested books as initial relevance judgements for eval-
uation. In the rest of this paper, we use the term suggestion to refer to a book
that has been identified in a touchstone list for a given forum topic. Since all sug-
gestions are made by forum members, we assume they are valuable judgements
on the relevance of books. Additional relevance information can be gleaned from
the discussions on the threads. Consider, for example, topic 1299397 . The topic
starter first explains what sort of books he is looking for, and which relevant
books he has already read or is reading. Other members post responses with
book suggestions. The topic starter posts a reply describing which suggestions
he likes and which books he has ordered and plans to read. Later on, the topic
starter provides feedback on the suggested books that he has now read. Such
feedback can be used to estimate the relevance of a suggestion to the user.
    In the following, we first describe the topic selection and annotation pro-
cedure, then how we used the annotations to assign relevance values to the
    URL: http://www.librarything.com/topic/129939
                     Table 3. Number of examples per topic

                       N Total Min Max Median Mean St.dev
Examples per topic    208   516   1    21        2   2.48   2.38

suggestions, and finally the user profiles, which were then provided with each

Topic selection The topic set of 2015 is a subset of the 2014 topic set, focusing
on topics with both a narrative description of the information need and one or
more example books to guide the suggestions.
    In 2013 and 2014, we had a group of eight different Information Science
students annotate the narratives of a random sample of 2,646 LT forum top-
ics (Koolen et al., 2013, 2014). Of the 2,646 topics annotated by the students,
944 topics (36%) were identified as containing a book search information need.
Because we want to investigate the value of recommendations, we use only
topics where the topic creators add books to their catalogue both before (pre-
catalogued) and after starting the topic (post-catalogued). Without the former,
recommender systems have no profile to work with and without the latter the
recommendation part cannot be evaluated. Finally, we select only those topics
where the request contains explicit mentions (marked up in touchstones) of books
that function as examples of what the requester is looking for, or that have some
aspects that the requester does not want. This leaves 208 topics for the 2015
topic set. These topics were combined with all the pre-catalogued books of the
topic creators’ profiles and distributed to participating groups.
    Each topic has at least one example book provided by the requester that helps
other forum members understand in which direction the requester is thinking.
The number of examples ranges from 1 to 21 (Table 3), with a median and mean
of 2 and 2.48 respectively. Further, annotators indicated whether an example
book was given as a positive example—i.e. they are looking for something along
the lines of the example—or as a negative example, where the example is broadly
relevant but has aspects that the requester does not want in the suggested books.
    After annotation, the topic in Figure 1 (topic 99309) is distributed to par-
ticipants in the following format:

  Politics of Multiculturalism
  Politics of Multiculturalism Recommendations?
  Political Philosophy
   I’m new, and would appreciate any recommended reading on
    the politics of multiculturalism. Parekh
    ’s Rethinking Multiculturalism: Cultural
    Diversity and Political Theory (which I just finished) in the end
    left me unconvinced, though I did find much of value I thought he
    depended way too much on being able to talk out the details later. It
    may be that I found his writing style really irritating so adopted a
    defiant skepticism, but still... Anyway, I’ve read
    Sen, Rawls,
    Habermas, and
    Nussbaum, still don’t feel like I’ve
    wrapped my little brain around the issue very well and would
    appreciate any suggestions for further anyone might offer.

    The hyperlink markup, represented by the  tags, is added by the Touch-
stone technology of LT. The rest of the markup is generated specifically for the
Suggestion Track. Above, the example book with LT id 164382 is annotated as
an example that the requester is neutral about. It has positive and negative as-
pects. From the request, forum members can understand how to interpret this
    Finally, annotators had to label each touchstone provided by LT members
(including any provided by the topic starter). They had to indicate whether the
suggester has read the book. For the has read question, the possible answers
were Yes, No, Can’t tell and It seems like this is not a book. They also had
to judge the attitude of the suggester towards the book. Possible answers were
Positively, Neutrally, Negatively, Not sure or This book is not mentioned as a
relevant suggestion! The latter can be chosen when someone mentions a book
for another reason than to suggest it as a relevant book for the topic of request.
    In the majority of cases (61%) members suggested books that they have read.
It is rather rare for suggesters to state that they have not read a suggested book
(8%). More often, suggesters do not reveal whether they have read the book
or not (28%). Books mentioned in response to a book search request are often
presented in a positive (47%) or neutral (39%) way. Both positive and negative
suggestions tend to come from members who have read the books (71% and 87%
respectively). When books are mentioned in a neutral way, it is often difficult
to tell whether the book has been read by the suggester, although a third of the
neutral mentions comes from members who have read the book.
    All in all, in response to a book search request members suggest mostly books
they have read and often in a positive way. This supports our choice of using
forum suggestions as relevance judgements.
    In addition to the explicitly marked up books, e.g., the examples and sugges-
tions, we noticed that there are other book titles that are not marked up but are
intended as suggestions. In some cases this is because the suggester is not aware
of the Touchstone syntax or because it fails to identify the correct book and they
cannot manually correct it. To investigate the extent of this issue and to make
the list of identified suggestions more complete, in 2015 we manually labeled all
suggested books that were not marked up by Touchstone in each forum thread
of the 208 topics.
    This resulted in 830 new suggestions (a mean of 4 per topic). From the
touchstones we extracted 4240 suggestions (20.4 per topic), so the manually
extracted suggestions bring the total to 5070 (24.4), an increase of 20%. Multiple
user may suggest the same books, so the total number of suggested books is lower.
The 4240 touchstone suggestion represent 3255 books (15.6 per topic). With
the manually extracted suggestions, this increases to 3687 (17.7 per topic), an
increase of 13%. The newly added suggestions therefore increase the recall base
but also increase the number of recommendations for some of the touchstone

Operationalisation of forum judgement labels The mapping from anno-
tated suggestions to relevance judgements uses the same process as in 2014. Note
that some of the books mentioned in the forums are not part of the 2.8 million
books in our collection. These suggestions removed from the suggestions any
books that are not in the INEX A/LT collection. The numbers reported in the
previous section were calculated after this filtering step.
    Forum members can mention books for many different reasons. We want the
relevance values to distinguish between books that were mentioned as positive
recommendations, negative recommendations (books to avoid), neutral sugges-
tions (mentioned as possibly relevant but not necessarily recommended) and
books mentioned for some other reason (not relevant at all). We also want to
differentiate between recommendations from members who have read the book
they recommend and members who have not. We assume a recommendation to
be of more value to the searcher if it comes from someone who has actually read
the book. For the mapping to relevance values, we refer to the first mention of
work as the suggestion and subsequent mentions of the same work as replies.
We use has read when the forum members have read the book they mention
and not read when they have not. Furthermore, we use a number of simplifying

 – When the annotator was not sure if the person mentioning a book has read
   it, we treat it as not read. We argue that for the topic starter there is no
   clear difference in the value of such recommendations.
 – When the annotator was not sure if a suggestion was positive, negative or
   neutral, we treat it as neutral. Again, for the topic starter there is no clear
   signal that there is difference in value.
 – A work with only negative suggestions has no value for the requester when
   found in the search results.
 – has read recommendations overrule not read recommendations. Someone who
   has read the book is in a better position to judge a book than someone who
   has not.
 – positive and negative recommendations neutralise each other. I.e. a positive
   and a negative recommendation together are the same as two neutral recom-
 – If the topic starter has read a book she mentions, the relevance value is
   rv = 0. We assume such books have no value as suggestions.
 – The attitude of the topic starter towards a book overrules those of others.
   The system should retrieve books for the topic starter, not for others.
 – When a single forum member mentions a single work multiple times, we use
   the last mention as judgement.
With the following decision tree we determine from which forum members want
to use the judgements to derive relevance values:
1. Book mentioned by single member → use that member’s judgement
2. Book mentioned by multiple members
   2.1 topic starter mentions book
     2.1.1 topic starter only suggests neutrally → use replies of others (2.2)
     2.1.1 topic starter suggests positively/negatively → use starter judgement
     2.1.1 topic starter replies → use starter judgement
   2.2 topic starter does not mention book
     2.2.2 members who have read the book suggest/reply → use has read
     2.2.2 no member who suggests/replies about a book has read it → use all
Once the judgements per suggested book are determined, we map the annotated
judgements to relevance values. To determine what relevance values to use, we
observe that there are positive, neutral and negative suggestions by one or mul-
tiple suggesters. Based on the simplifying assumption that a work that is only
mentioned negatively has no value for the suggester when found in the search
results (rv = 0), we expect that works with more negative than positive sug-
gestions have at least some value, but less than works with on average either
neutral suggestions or positive suggestions. Therefore, a work with on average
negative suggestions has the lowest positive relevance value rv = 1. On average
neutral suggestions are the next level, with rv = 2. Works with on average pos-
itive suggestions get a relevance value higher than two, with a single positive
suggestion or a mix of positive and negative suggestion getting an additional
relevance point (rv = 3) and multiple positive suggestions two additional points
(rv = 4). If the judges have read the books, the additional relevance points are
multiplied by two because they represent more reliable judgements. Specifically,
the values are assigned according to the following scheme:

 1. catalogued by topic creator
    1.1 post-catalogued → rv = 8
    1.2 pre-catalogued → rv = 0
 2. single judgement
    2.1 starter has read judgement → rv = 0
    2.2 starter has not read judgement
      2.2.2 starter positive → rv = 8
      2.2.2 starter neutral → rv = 2
      2.2.2 starter negative → rv = 0
    2.3 other member has read judgement
      2.3.3 has read positive → rv = 4
      2.3.3 has read neutral → rv = 2
      2.3.3 has read negative → rv = 0
    2.4 other member has not read judgement
      2.4.4 not read positive → rv = 3
      2.4.4 not read neutral → rv = 2
      2.4.4 not read negative → rv = 0
 3. multiple judgements
    3.1 multiple has read judgements
      3.1.1 some positive, no negative → rv = 6
      3.1.1 #positive > #negative → rv = 4
      3.1.1 #positive == #negative → rv = 2
      3.1.1 all neutral → rv=2
      3.1.1 #positive < #negative → rv = 1
      3.1.1 no positive, some negative → rv = 0
    3.2 multiple not read judgements
      3.2.2 some positive, no negative → rv = 4
      3.2.2 #positive > #negative → rv = 3
      3.2.2 #positive == #negative → rv = 2
      3.2.2 all neutral → rv=2
      3.2.2 #positive < #negative → rv = 1
      3.2.2 no positive, some negative → rv = 0

This results in graded relevance values with seven possible values (0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
6, 8).

User profiles and personal catalogues From LT we can not only extract the
information needs of social book search topics, but also the rich user profiles of
the topic creators and other LT users, which contain information on which books
they have in their personal catalogue on LT, which ratings and tags they assigned
to them and a social network of friendship relations, interesting library relations
and group memberships. These profiles may provide important signals on the
user’s topical and genre interests, reading level, which books they already know
   Table 4. User profile statistics of the topic creators and all other users.

        Type                   N       total min   max median mean stdev
        Topic Creators
           Pre-catalogued     208    135,722   1   5884    270 653 991
           Post-catalogued    208     74,240   1   5619    146 357 587
           Total catalogue    208    209,962   2   6272    541 1009 1275
        All users
           Others          93,976 33,503,999   1 41,792    134   357   704
        Total              94,656 34,112,435   1 41,792    135   360   710

and which ones they like and don’t like. These profiles were scraped from the LT
site, anonymised and made available to participants. This allows Track partici-
pants to experiment with combinations of retrieval and recommender systems.
One of the research questions of the SBS task is whether this profile information
can help systems in identifying good suggestions.
    Although the user expresses her information need in some detail in the dis-
cussion forum, she may not describe all aspects she takes into consideration
when selecting books. This may partly be because she wants to explore different
options along different dimensions and therefore leaves some room for different
interpretations of her need. Another reason might be that some aspects are not
related directly to the topic at hand but may be latent factors that she takes
into account with selecting books in general.
    To anonymise all user profiles, we first removed all friendship and group
membership connections and replaced the user name with a randomly generated
string. The cataloguing date of each book was reduced to the year and month.
What is left is an anonymised user name, book ID, month of cataloguing, rating
and tags.
    Basic statistics on the number of books per user profile is given in Table 4.
By the time users ask for book recommendations, most of them already have a
substantial catalogue (pre-catalogued). The distribution is skewed, as the mean
(653) is higher than the median (270). After posting their topics, users tend
to add many more books (post-catalogued), but fewer than they have already
added. Compared to the other users in our crawl (median of 135 books), the
topic creators are the more active users, with larger catalogues (median of 541

ISBNs and Intellectual Works Each record in the collection corresponds
to an ISBN, and each ISBN corresponds to a particular intellectual work. An
intellectual work can have different editions, each with their own ISBN. The
ISBN-to-work relation is a many-to-one relation. In many cases, we assume the
user is not interested in all the different editions, but in different intellectual
works. For evaluation we collapse multiple ISBN to a single work. The highest
ranked ISBN is evaluated and all lower ranked ISBNs of the same work ignored.
Although some of the topics on LibraryThing are requests to recommend a
particular edition of a work—in which case the distinction between different
ISBNs for the same work are important—we ignore these distinctions to make
evaluation easier. This turns edition-related topics into known-item topics.
    However, one problem remains. Mapping ISBNs of different editions to a
single work is not trivial. Different editions may have different titles and even
have different authors (some editions have a foreword by another author, or a
translator, while others have not), so detecting which ISBNs actually represent
the same work is a challenge. We solve this problem by using mappings made
by the collective work of LibraryThing members. LT members can indicate that
two books with different ISBNs are actually different manifestations of the same
intellectual work. Each intellectual work on LibraryThing has a unique work ID,
and the mappings from ISBNs to work IDs is made available by LibraryThing.8
    The mappings are not complete and might contain errors. Furthermore, the
mappings form a many-to-many relationship, as two people with the same edition
of a book might independently create a new book page, each with a unique work
ID. It takes time for members to discover such cases and merge the two work
IDs, which means that at any time, some ISBNs map to multiple work IDs even
though they represent the same intellectual work. LibraryThing can detect such
cases but, to avoid making mistakes, leaves it to members to merge them. The
fraction of works with multiple ISBNs is small so we expect this problem to have
a negligible impact on evaluation.

5     Evaluation

This year, 11 teams submitted a total of 48 automatic runs (see Table 1) and one
manual run. We omit the manual run, as it is a ranking of last year’s Qrels. The
official evaluation measure for this task is nDCG@10. It takes graded relevance
values into account and is designed for evaluation based on the top retrieved
results. In addition, P@10, MAP and MRR scores will also be reported, with
the evaluation results shown in Table 5.
    The best runs of the top 5 groups are described below:

1. MIIB - Run6 (rank 1): For this run, queries are generated from all topic
   fields and applied on a BM25 index with all textual document fields merged
   into a single field. A Learning-to-rank framework is applied using random
   forest on 6 result lists as well as the price, the book length and the ratings.
   Results are re-ranked based on tags and ratings.
2. CERIST - CERIST TOPICS EXP NO (rank 2): The terms of topics have
   been combined with the top tags extracted from the example books men-
   tioned in the book search request then the BM15 model has been used to
   rank books. The books which have been catalogued by the users have been
    See: http://www.librarything.com/feeds/thingISBN.xml.gz
Table 5. Evaluation results for the official submissions. Best scores are in bold.
Runs marked with * are manual runs.

Rank Group                 Run                             ndcg@10 P@10       mrr     map    Profiles
   1 MIIB                  Run6                              0.186   0.394   0.105   0.374   no
   2 CERIST                CERIST TOPICS EXP NO              0.137   0.285   0.093   0.562   yes
   3 MIIB                  Run2                              0.130   0.290   0.074   0.374   no
   4 CERIST                CERIST TOPICS EXP                 0.113   0.228   0.080   0.558   yes
   5 USTB PRIR             run5-Rerank-RF-example            0.106   0.232   0.068   0.365   no
   6 MRIM                  LIG 3                             0.098   0.189   0.069   0.514   yes
   7 MRIM                  LIG 2                             0.096   0.185   0.069   0.514   no
   8 MIIB                  Run5                              0.095   0.235   0.062   0.374   no
   9 MRIM                  LIG 4                             0.095   0.181   0.068   0.514   yes
  10 MIIB                  Run4                              0.094   0.232   0.061   0.375   no
  11 MIIB                  Run3                              0.094   0.237   0.062   0.374   no
  12 CERIST                CERIST TOPICS                     0.093   0.204   0.066   0.497   yes
  13 MRIM                  LIG 5                             0.093   0.179   0.067   0.515   yes
  14 MRIM                  LIG 6                             0.092   0.174   0.067   0.513   yes
  15 CERIST                CERIST EXAMPLES                   0.090   0.189   0.060   0.448   yes
  16 MRIM                  LIG 1                             0.090   0.173   0.063   0.508   no
  17 LaHC Saint-Etienne    UJM 2                             0.088   0.174   0.065   0.483   no
  18 USTB PRIR             run4-Rerank-RF                    0.088   0.189   0.056   0.359   no
  19 AAU                   allfields-jm                      0.087   0.191   0.061   0.420   yes
  20 LaHC Saint-Etienne    UJM 6                             0.084   0.160   0.060   0.483   no
  21 MIIB                  Run1                              0.082   0.189   0.054   0.375   no
  22 Oslo SBS iTrack group baseLine                          0.082   0.182   0.052   0.341   no
  23 CSIE                  0.95AverageType2QTGN              0.082   0.194   0.050   0.319   no
  24 LaHC Saint-Etienne    UJM 1                             0.081   0.167   0.056   0.471   no
  25 LSIS-OpenEdition      INL2 SDM Graph LSIS               0.081   0.183   0.058   0.401   no
  26 CSIE                  Type2QTGN                         0.080   0.191   0.052   0.325   no
  27 Oslo SBS iTrack group sortedPace                        0.080   0.182   0.051   0.341   no
  28 USTB PRIR             run3-UpperNar-abs-ex              0.079   0.197   0.052   0.312   no
  29 LaHC Saint-Etienne    UJM 3                             0.079   0.155   0.059   0.485   no
  30 LaHC Saint-Etienne    UJM 4                             0.079   0.158   0.055   0.471   no
  31 LSIS-OpenEdition      INL2 fdep SDM LSIS                0.076   0.171   0.057   0.401   no
  32 LSIS-OpenEdition      INL2 fdep Graph LSIS              0.075   0.162   0.054   0.388   no
  33 LaHC Saint-Etienne    UJM 5                             0.074   0.150   0.054   0.471   no
  34 LSIS-OpenEdition      INL2 fulldep LSIS OE              0.070   0.155   0.052   0.388   no
  35 LSIS-OpenEdition      INL2 Gph SimJac LSIS              0.069   0.158   0.052   0.393   no
  36 LSIS-OpenEdition      INL2 SelectDep LSIS               0.069   0.161   0.053   0.382   no
  37 UAmsterdam            UAmsQTG KNN L.070                 0.068   0.160   0.051   0.388   yes
  38 UAmsterdam            UAmsQTG L1.00                     0.065   0.140   0.050   0.341   no
  39 USTB PRIR             run2-Upper narrative-abstract     0.061   0.155   0.042   0.309   no
  40 USTB PRIR             run1-example                      0.042   0.120   0.022   0.029   no
  41 CSIE                  0.95RatingType2QTGN               0.032   0.113   0.019   0.214   no
  42 CSIE                  0.95WRType2QTGN                   0.023   0.072   0.015   0.216   no
  43 Oslo SBS iTrack group pace 1.2                          0.012   0.042   0.009   0.254   no
  44 Oslo SBS iTrack group pace 1.3                          0.012   0.043   0.009   0.247   no
  45 IR@JU                 KASIT 1                           0.011   0.023   0.006   0.009   no
  46 IR@JU                 KASIT 2                           0.010   0.021   0.004   0.010   no
  47 UAmsterdam            UAmsKNN L0.00                     0.006   0.020   0.004   0.139   yes
 3. USTB PRIR - run5-Rerank-RF-example (rank 5): This run is a mixture of
    two runs (run1-example and run4-Rerank-RF). The former ranks the exam-
    ple books for each topic. The latter is a complex run based on re-ranking
    with 11 strategies and learning-to-rank with random forest.
 4. MRIM - LIG 3 (rank 6): This run is a weighted linear fusion of a BM25F
    run on all fields, an LGD run on all fields, and the topic profile (from top tf
    terms of books in catalog), and the two ”best friends” profiles according to
    similarity of marks on books.
 5. LaHC Saint-Etienne - UJM 2 (rank 17): This run is based on the Log Lo-
    gistic LGD model, with an index based on all document fields. For retrieval,
    the query is constructed from the title, mediated query, group and narrative
    fields in the topic statement.
    Most of the top performing systems, including the best (MIIB’s Run6) make
no use of user profile information. There are 11 systems that made use of the
user profiles, with 4 in the top 10 (at ranks 2, 4, 6 and 9). So far, the additional
value of user profiles has not been established. The best systems combine various
topic fields, with parameters trained for optimal performance. Several of the best
performing systems make use of learning-to-rank approaches, suggesting book
search is a domain where systems need to learn from user behaviour what the
right balance is for the multiple and diverse sources of information, both from
the collection and the user side.

6   Conclusions and Plans
This was the first year of the SBS Suggestion Track, which is a continuation from
the SBS Track at INEX 2011–2014. The overall goal remains to investigate the
relative value of professional metadata, user-generated content and user profiles,
but the specific focus for this year is to construct a test collection to evaluate
systems dealing with complex book search requests that combine an information
need expressed in a natural language statement and through example books. The
number of active participants increased to 11, suggesting this specific focus of
interest in the IR community.
    Extended the setup of the previous year, we kept the evaluation procedure the
same, but included manually extracted suggestions from the LT forum threads
that were not explicitly marked up by forum members. In addition, we added
annotated example books with each topic statement, so that participants can
investigate the value of query-by-example techniques in combination with more
traditional text-based queries.
    We found that the manually extracted suggestions increase the recall base
but also further skew the distribution of suggestions, with more books receiving
multiple suggestions, thereby increasing their relevance value.
    The evaluation has shown that the most effective systems either adopt a
learning-to-rank approach or incorporate keywords from the example books in
the textual query. The effectiveness of learning-to-rank approaches suggests the
complexity of dealing with multiple sources of evidence—book descriptions by
multiple authors, differing in nature from controlled vocabulary descriptors, free-
text tags and full-text reviews and information needs and interests represented
by both natural language statements and user profiles—requires optimizing pa-
rameters through observing users’ interactions.
    Next year, we continue this focus on complex topics with example books
and consider including an recommender systems type evaluation. We are also
thinking of a pilot task in which the system not only has to retrieve relevant and
recommendable books, but also to select which part of the book description—
e.g. a certain set of reviews or tags—is most useful to show to the user, given
her information need.


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