=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1391/89-CR |storemode=property |title=LIMSI @ CLEF eHealth 2015 - task 2 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/89-CR.pdf |volume=Vol-1391 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/DhondtGZ15 }} ==LIMSI @ CLEF eHealth 2015 - task 2== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/89-CR.pdf
         LIMSI @ CLEF eHealth 2015 - task 2

             Eva D’hondt, Brigitte Grau, and Pierre Zweigenbaum

    Laboratoire d’Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l’Ingénieur
                              (LIMSI-CNRS 3251),
                  Rue John von Neumann , 91400 Orsay, France
               eva.dhondt@limsi.fr, bg@limsi.fr, pz@limsi.fr

      Abstract. This paper presents LIMSI’s participation in the User-Centered
      Health Information Retrieval task (task 2) at the CLEF eHealth 2015
      workshop[5]. In our contribution we explored two different strategies to
      query expansion, i.e. one based on entity recognition using MetaMap[1]
      and the UMLS[3], and a second strategy based on disease hypothe-
      sis generation using self-constructed external resources such a corpus
      of Wikipedia pages describing diseases and conditions, and webpages
      from the MedlinePlus health portal. Our best-scoring run was a weighed
      UMLS-based run which put emphasis on incorporating signs and symp-
      toms recognized in the topic text by MetaMap. This run achieved a P@10
      score of 0.262 and nDCG@10 of 0.196, respectively.

      Keywords: information retrieval, Metamap, information extraction

1   Introduction

The 2015 retrieval task in CLEF eHealth competition[5] focused on the retrieval
of health information by lay people. This is an interesting research problem
which has gathered a lot of interest from the research community over the last
five years. A survey conducted by [4] shows that 80% of internet users in the
U.S. look online for health information, most frequently for information about
a specific disease or medical problem. General purpose search engines are ill-
equipped to deal with this particular type of search[8], however, which may lead
to erroneous self-diagnosis and self-treatment[2].
    The main problem lies in a vocabulary mismatch between the user and the
writers in the corpus: Lay people generally do not know the terminology to accu-
rately name or describe the symptoms or conditions they want to get information
on. Instead they use long, descriptive and often highly ambiguous queries, in the
hope of finding a relevant website that may show them additional keywords which
can be used to further refine the search. Even if such information is found, how-
ever, the user does not necessarily recognize its importance. He or she may also
add erroneous terms which will lead to inaccurate retrieval results. An additional
problem is that of the ‘informativeness’ of the retrieved documents: A retrieval
system may return medical documents that are highly pertinent to the user’s
information need but since he does not master the medical vocabulary, they are
nevertheless useless to him in practice. A retrieval system that is adapted to this
task should have the following properties: (a) resolve ambiguities in the circum-
locutory queries, (b) bridge the terminology gap between query and documents
and (c) incorporate a user-centric mesure of informativeness when presenting
the retrieved documents to the user.
    In this paper we present our participation to the 2015 health information
retrieval track. As this is our first contribution to this type of track, we only
explored baseline approaches for content retrieval and did not incorporate a
user-centric measure in our retrieval system.

2     Task and Corpus Description of CLEF eHealth Task 2

As part of the CLEF eHealth 2015 track [5] task 2 focused on retrieval of web
pages containing health information by non-expert users, i.e. lay man. The or-
ganizer made a corpus of 1.102.120 web pages of medical and health-related
websites available to the participants. These pages were crawled on the web as
part of the khresmoi project1 . The types of web pages in the corpus are quite
varied: They include forum threads from health fora, pages from web shops for
health-related products as well as high-quality health information sites such as
MedlinePlus, ... . The crawled documents were provided in their raw HTML (Hy-
per Text Markup Language) format along with their uniform resource locators
    Given a circumlocutory query, i.e. long, ambiguous topic query written by
a lay person, the retrieval system had to return a maximum of 1000 web pages
that were relevant to the users information need. Topics have been created using
the process described in [7]: Lay people were asked to write a descriptive query
of a sign and/or symptom of a medical condition that was shown in a picture or
video. Participants were provided with 5 training topics and 66 topics for test
phase. The queries were available in multiple languages, such as Arabic, Czech,
French, German, Farsi and Portuguese. We opted to use only the English queries.

3     System Components

3.1    Preprocessing

As the web pages in the corpus came from various sources, their quality varied
greatly. We built our own HTML parser to extract the following information
from a given web page:

 – title: We extracted the title from the title tag in the head block of the web
   page. Even though this is a required element (according to the W3C rules),
   a small subset of web pages in the corpus had no titles.
 – description: We extracted the description from the description meta tag
   () in the head block of the
   web page. The description of a website is the little text excerpt which is
   shown to users in search engine rankings. While it is an optional element in
   a web page, good quality websites will always have a short description text.
 – keywords: Like the description tag, the content of this meta tag is useful
   for search engine rankings and may list a few keywords to summarize the
   content of a page. It is now generally considered obsolete and mostly used
   to detect spam so this field is often left unfilled.
 – content: We also extracted the body of the web page and performed boil-
   erplate and duplicate removal using the Justext Python package developed
   by [6]. The resulting strings contains free running text as well as title strings
   and the contents of tables from the original web page.

3.2    Indexing

After preprocessing the corpus was indexed using the Apache Solr toolkit2 . We
indexed the following fields separately:

 – title: Text extracted from corresponding tag
 – description: Text extracted from corresponding tag
 – keywords: Words extracted from corresponding tag
 – content: Text extracted from body of the web page
 – text: A catchall field that combines the information in the four previous
 – URL: URL of the web page, both in full form and its base name
 – UID: Unique identifier of the web page which serves as the primary key in
   the index

   The text in the title, description and content fields was indexed with
a customized Solr fieldType which incorporated intermediary steps such as tok-
enization, stopword removal, normalization of English possesives and stemming
using the Hunspell stemmer 3 . The latter was to English, and we did not employ
stemmers for different languages.

3.3    Annotating with MetaMap

Our first strategy was to experiment with direct translations of circumlocutory
terms into their medical variants in order to have a well-controlled query expan-
sion based on the UMLS. By allowing both medical terms, e.g. ‘Epidermis’ and
their common language counterparts, e.g. ‘skin’ we aim to increase the coverage
of the query in the corpus. Recognition of the medical terms and entities was
    Can be found at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/master/hun-
done using MetaMap [1], a state-of-the-art Named Entity Recognizer for medical
English. After visual inspection of the training data, we configured MetaMap to
return only entities from a limited set of Semantic Types (such as body part,
age group, etc.). This filtering set was constructed manually after analysis of the
entities found for the training queries.
    The identified entities are likely to be more important for the retrieval pro-
cess than other information in the topic query. We experimented with several
weighing schemes in Solr in which information from MetaMap was combined
with the original query terms in different set-ups. We used the two weighing
schemes that scored the highest on training data for the official runs, i.e. Run2
and Run3. Table 1 shows the different query construction schemes for the final

3.4    Generation of Disease Hypotheses

For our second strategy we aimed to go directly from the circumlocutory query
to the name of the disease or condition that the user wanted to find, and use
these terms to expand the original query to search in the Khresmoi corpus.
The rationale behind this strategy was to search for diseases or conditions in
a smaller, more controlled and consistent corpus (rather than the more varied
Khresmoi web corpus). To this end we gathered two small corpora of (web)
pages describing the most frequent diseases in clear and common language (so
as to match the language use in the query topics). We selected a corpus of 2496
articles from Wikipedia, and another corpus of 1796 web pages from Medline-
Plus4 . Each document describes exactly one disease or condition, and the two
corpora overlapped, i.e. all diseases in the MedlinePlus corpus has a correspond-
ing page in the Wikipedia corpus. These two corpora were chosen with an eye
on their language use: The webpages in MedlinePlus are written in a very acces-
sible style and contain a lot of descriptions of signs and symptoms. Wikipedia
articles are more varied in style and are more likely to contain medical terms
with (additional) explanations in lay language.
    For each corpus we built a separate index in Solr, and then used the topics
to query the wikipedia index (run 4) and both the wikipedia and MedlinePlus
indices (run5). For each topic we extracted the top 3 documents, and used their
title i.e. disease name as query expansion terms for the original query with which
we then searched the Khresmoi corpus. Table 1 shows how the original query
terms and the terms for the disease hypotheses were combined.

4     Submitted Runs

We submitted the following 5 runs for official evaluation. Table 1 summarizes
the query construction methods and resources used for each run.
 – LIMSI EN Run1: A baseline bag-of-words run. In this run the processed
   words of the query are searched for in the title, description. keywords and
   content fields of the documents in the Khresmoi corpus. All fields have equal
 – LIMSI EN Run2: A weighed run with emphasis on terms that have been
   recognized as agegroup and bodypart Semantic Types. The topics were pro-
   cessed with MetaMap to identify a body part terms (UMLS Semantic Types
   ‘bdsy’, ‘blor’, ‘bpoc’, ‘bsoj’) and agegroup terms (UMLS Semantic Type
   ‘aggp’) in the topic query texts. If terms with these Semantic Types were
   recognized, the recognized string and preferredString (from UMLS) were
   added to the query and given extra weight (ˆ1.5) in the keyword field.
 – LIMSI EN Run3: A weighed run with emphasis on terms of agegroup,
   body parts, symptoms and diseases. The topics were processed with MetaMap
   to identify a body part terms (UMLS Semantic Types ‘bdsy’, ‘blor’, ‘bpoc’,
   ‘bsoj’), terms that denote an age group (UMLS Semantic Type ‘aggp’) and
   terms that denote symptoms (UMLS Semantic Type ‘sosy’) and disorders
   (UMLS Semantic Type ‘dsyn’). For the recognized body part and age group
   terms, the recognized string and preferredString (extracted from UMLS) are
   added to the query and given extra weight (ˆ1.5) in the keywords field. The
   recognized string and preferredStrings from recognized signs and disorders
   were also added to the query and given a higher weight in the keywords field
   (ˆ1.5) and title field (ˆ2).
 – LIMSI EN Run4: In this run we used the Wikipedia corpus as an external
   source to generate disease hypotheses for a given topic. These disease names
   were then added to the query with a weight relative to their retrieval score.
   The terms were added to all fields but given extra weight (ˆ2) when found
   in the keywords, description and/or title fields.
 – LIMSI EN Run5: This run is similar to run 4 but the disease hypotheses
   were retrieved on a corpus that consisted of 2496 Wikipedia pages and 1796
   MedlinePlus webpages.

    The terminology in Table 1 is as follows: ‘origQuery’ refers to the (processed)
words in the original query; ‘bodypartEntities’, ‘agegroupEntities’, ... refer to
the recognized strings and preferredNames of UMLS concepts that were recog-
nized by MetaMap (per UMLS Semantic Type); ‘diseaseHypotheses’ refers to
the strings of the diseases and conditions that were retrieved in the Wikipedia
(and MedlinePlus) corpora.

5   Results

Table 2 shows the official results we achieved for the five different runs on the
test set. Please note that only the top 10 retrieved documents from the run 1 to
3 were used in the evaluation pool. Overall, we find that the best-scoring system
was that of run3, which combined term weighing and query expansion based
on MetaMap and the UMLS. Run 4 and 5 which both used external sources to
      Table 1. Query construction and resources used for submitted runs.

Run name           Query construction                                      Resources used
LIMSI EN Run1      title:{origQuery} +                                     -
                   content:{origQuery} +
                   description:{origQuery} +
LIMSI EN Run2      title:{origQuery} +                                     UMLS
                   content:{origQuery} +
                   description:{origQuery} +
                   keywordsˆ1.5:{bodypartEntities & agegroupEntities}
LIMSI EN Run3      title:{origQuery} +                                     UMLS
                   content:{origQuery} +
                   description:{origQuery} +
                   keywordsˆ1.5:{bodypartEntities & agegroupEntities} +
                   keywordsˆ1.5:{symptomEntities & disorderEntities} +
                   titleˆ2:{symptomEntities & disorderEntities}
LIMSI EN Run4      title:{origQuery} +                                     Wikipedia
                   content:{origQuery} +
                   description:{origQuery} +
                   keywords:{origQuery} +
                   title:{diseaseHypothesesˆretrievalScore} +
                   content:{diseaseHypothesesˆretrievalScore} +
                   description:{diseaseHypothesesˆretrievalScore} +
                   keywordsˆ2:{diseaseHypothesesˆretrievalScore} +
                   titleˆ2:{diseaseHypothesesˆretrievalScore} +
LIMSI EN Run5      title:{origQuery} +
                   content:{origQuery} +
                   description:{origQuery} +
                   keywords:{origQuery} +
                   title:{diseaseHypothesesˆretrievalScore} +
                   content:{diseaseHypothesesˆretrievalScore} +
                   description:{diseaseHypothesesˆretrievalScore} +
                   keywordsˆ2:{diseaseHypothesesˆretrievalScore} +
                   titleˆ2:{diseaseHypothesesˆretrievalScore} +
generate disease hypotheses performed considerably worse. We show the results
in terms of P@10 (primary evaluation criteria), nDCG@10 and readability score.

                       Table 2. Results of submitted runs

              Run name             P@10       nDCG@10 RBP
              LIMSI EN Run1        0.232      0.180   0.229
              LIMSI EN Run2        0.230      0.168   0.216
              LIMSI EN Run3        0.262      0.196   0.242
              LIMSI EN Run4        0.056      0.038   0.056
              LIMSI EN Run5        0.056      0.038   0.056

6   Discussion

The scores presented in table 2 are generally quite low: Of all submitted runs,
only Run 3 outperformed the baseline (Run 1). Overall, we see that the UMLS-
based runs did better than those that incorporated disease hypotheses. Close
analysis of the disease hypotheses runs shows that the submitted runs contained
a bug in the query construction process which lead to lower performance. We
reran Runs 4 and 5 and evaluated them with the relevance assessments released
by the track organizers. While these scores are higher, they remain well below
the scores attained by Run3.

            Table 3. Results of corrected versions of Run 4 and Run 5

                     Run name            P@10 nDCG@10
                     LIMSI EN Run4 Rerun 0.083 0.061
                     LIMSI EN Run5 Rerun 0.085 0.061

    The scores for both disease hypotheses runs are very similar. Analysis of
the disease hypotheses that were generated by retrieval in the Wikipedia corpus
versus the combination of the Wikipedia and the MedlinePlus corpora, showed
that the difference between the lists of retrieved diseases from both corpora were
very small. In fact, different hypotheses were retrieved for only 19 out of the 66
queries. These queries did achieve higher scores in run 5 which shows that the
added information from the MedlinePlus corpus leads to better hypotheses. As
a follow-up to this task, it would be interesting to compare our hypotheses with
those that were used to generate the test queries.
    When we turn our attention to the UMLS-based runs we see that these re-
main fairly close to the baseline scores. We believe that the relatively small
impact of additional fields could be attributed to uneven distribution of infor-
mation in the corpus: We found that around 57.4% and 59.2% of documents in
the corpus had empty fields for the description and keywords fields, respectively.
The other fields were better filled: Only around 1% of the documents had an
empty title field, but we do see that about 11% of the pages in the corpus did
not have any information in the content field. The latter is mostly due to the
different (file) formats that were included in the crawl. Our parser could only
deal with HTML documents and did not process other file types such as PDF or
PowerPoint files. In total, however, only 7,949 files were completely empty (i.e.
no text information in either title, description, keywords and content fields, and
therefore unretrievable for any of the topics). None of these files featured in the
list of reference files though.
    The decreased score for Run2 shows that terms for recognized age group
and body part are not informative query expansion terms and including them
actually harms performance. We believe that certain age group terms (such as
‘child’, ‘toddler’, ... ) are too general and their relative higher importance in the
query leads to the retrieval of non-relevant articles.
    Recognized symptoms and disorders seem much more informative (Run3)
query expansion terms, especially in the title field. Intuitively this makes sense:
If a (correctly recognized) disease or symptom is referenced in the title of the
web page, it will be topically relevant.

7   Conclusion

In this paper we presented our participation to the User-Centered Health Infor-
mation Retrieval task (task 2) at the CLEF eHealth 2015 workshop. We explored
two different baseline strategies to query expansion: One based on Entity Recog-
nition of concepts in the UMLS, and another based on disease hypothesis gener-
ation using external sources such as Wikipedia and MedlinePlus. We found that
the disease hypotheses approach was not adequate and lead to a serious decrease
in performance, which is most likely caused by the relatively small coverage of the
corpora. For the UMLS-based runs, we found that performing query expansion
with terms describing recognized Disease and Symptom entities, lead to improve-
ments over our baseline. Our best-scoring run was a weighed UMLS-based run
which put emphasis on finding terms for signs and symptoms recognized in the
topic text in the title and keywords field (with relative weights of 2 and 1.5,
respectively). This run achieved a P@10 score of 0.262 and nDCG@10 of 0.196.
In this year’s participation we limited our systems to a baseline content-based
retrieval. In a future participation, we would like to incorporate a method of
reranking based on readability, and profit from the multilingual topics that were
offered in this years track.

This work was supported by the French National Agency for Research under
grant Accordys5 ANR-12-CORD-0007.

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    Agrégation de Contenus et de COnnaissances pour Raisonner à partir de cas dans
    la DYSmorphologie foetale