=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1391/92-CR |storemode=property |title=Dynamically Adjustable Approach through Obfuscation Type Recognition |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/92-CR.pdf |volume=Vol-1391 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Sanchez-PerezGS15a }} ==Dynamically Adjustable Approach through Obfuscation Type Recognition== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/92-CR.pdf
            Dynamically Adjustable Approach
          through Obfuscation Type Recognition
                   Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2015

        Miguel A. Sanchez-Perez, Alexander Gelbukh, and Grigori Sidorov

    Centro de Investigación en Computación, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico
        masp1988@hotmail.com, gelbukh@gelbukh.com, sidorov@cic.ipn.mx

        Abstract. The task of (monolingual) text alignment consists in finding
        similar text fragments between two given documents. It has applica-
        tions in plagiarism detection, detection of text reuse, author identifica-
        tion, authoring aid, and information retrieval, to mention only a few. We
        describe our approach to the text alignment subtask of the plagiarism
        detection competition at PAN 2015. Our method relies on a sentence sim-
        ilarity measure based on a tf-idf-like weighting scheme and cosine and
        dice similarity measures. We used and extended our previous algorithm
        for clustering and introduced a new verbatim detection method and ex-
        tended the decision making regarding which approach or output to use.
        We improve significantly the performance regarding our previous PAN
        2014 approach and hence, our approach outperforms the best-performing
        system of the PAN 2014. Our system is available open source.

1     Introduction

Plagiarism detection, and more generally, text reuse detection, has become a hot
research topic given the increasing amount of information being produced as the
result of easy access to the Web, large databases and telecommunication in gen-
eral, which poses a serious problem for publishers, researchers, and educational
institutions [5]. Plagiarism detection techniques are also useful in applications
such as content authoring systems, which offer fast and simple means for adding
and editing content and where avoiding content duplication is desired [1]. Hence,
detecting text reuse has become imperative in such contexts.
    Text reuse detection is divided into two main tasks: First, searching related
documents to a suspicious document, and then finding concrete evidence that
passages of text were reused. This paper focused in the second task called Text
Alignment as part of the PAN 2015 lab [10].
    Text Alignment may be seen as a simple task but imply a huge load of work.
Usually passages of text that were reused are not a verbatim copy, instead,
some degree of obfuscation is introduced in order to make the new text seem
like original work. Given the amount of obfuscation techniques that might be
present in a reused passage, proposing a single method to addressed all of them is
nearly impossible. Another issue to deal with is, how strict a method should be. A
stricter approach could find cases of text reused more precisely but discard those
cases with higher level of obfuscation. In the other hand, a more lenient approach
could result in a lot of false positives. Finding this balance between precision and
recall and creating a method capable of recognizing several obfuscation types,
are the biggest challenges of a Text Alignment model.
    In our approach, we used two different methods, one stricter based on string
matching and other based on text similarity at sentence level. We combined
both methods resulting in three possible outputs and deciding which is more
suitable according to the type of obfuscation detected. Our system is available
open source.1

2     Our Approach
We describe our approach using the strategy of the common building blocks
used in text alignment algorithms in previous years [9]: seeding, extension, and
filtering. Our approach is not solely built on this blocks, we also implemented
a method based on string matching and a decision maker to determine which
output to use, as will be explained in the Adaptive behavior section. The stages
of seeding, extension and filtering were describe in our previous work in [12]. In
order for this paper to be self-contained, we include a brief description of them.
However there is a modification in the clustering algorithm since we made it

2.1    Seeding
Given a suspicious document and a source document, the task of the seeding
stage is to construct a large set S of short similar passages called seeds. We
extract our seeds segmenting the documents by sentences and computing the
cosine and dice similarities between them. We used a tf-idf-like weighting scheme
where sentences are consider documents as follows:

                           tf (t, s) = f (t, s) ,                                  (1)
                         isf (t, D) = log                     ,                    (2)
                                           |{s ∈ D : t ∈ s}|
                            w (t, s) = tf (t, s) × isf (t, D) ,                    (3)

   In Fig. 1, each dot represents a seed in the comparison of two documents
that contain plagiarism cases with random obfuscation; a darker color indicates
a greater degree of similarity between the two sentences.

2.2    Extension
Given the set of seeds S, defined as the pairs (i, j) of similar sentences, the task of
the extension stage is to form larger text fragments that are similar between two
Fig. 1. Seeds representation: similarity between sentences of the suspicious document
and the source document

documents. For this, the sentences i are joint into maximal contiguous fragments
of the suspicious document and sentences j into maximal contiguous fragments
of the source document, so that those large fragments be still similar.
     The extension stage is divide into two recursive procedures: (1) Clustering
and (2) Validation. In the clustering step we first cluster the seeds according to
a distance maxgap looking only to the suspicious side and then we divide these
clusters alternating sides. The validation step consist in assessing the quality of
resulting clusters from the clustering step. The quality is given by the cosine sim-
ilarity from the text fragments on each document represented by a cluster and
the amount of seeds in it. If the similarity in a cluster is less than a given thresh-
old th validation, it goes to the clustering stage using a distance of maxgap − 1
and up to maxgap least. In the case a cluster has less than minsize seeds, then
it is discarded.
     We measured the similarity between text fragments Fsusp and Fsrc computing
the cosine between theirs vectors. The vector representation of the fragments is
done adding together the vectors corresponding to all sentences of Fsusp and
Fsrc respectively.
                                                                           
                                                     X              X
               similarity (Fsusp , Fsrc ) = cos              v,            v    (4)
                                                    v∈Fsusp        v∈Fsrc

   Following with the example from Fig. 1 the expected result and output from
our extension method is shown in Fig. 2.
   The output of the Extension stage is a set of pairs of similar text fragments
{(Fsusp , Fsrc ) , . . . }. The diagram of the extension algorithm is shown in Fig. 3.
      Fig. 2. Clusters and corresponding fragments representing plagiarism cases

2.3    Filtering
Given the set {(Fsusp , Fsrc ) , . . . } of plagiarism cases, the task of the filtering
stage is to improve precision (at the expense of recall) by removing some “bad”
plagiarism cases. We did the filtering in two stages: first, we resolved overlapping
fragments; then, we removed too short fragments (in what follows we only refer
to fragments that represent plagiarism cases, not to arbitrary fragments of the

                                                               0      0
Resolving overlapping cases. We call two plagiarism cases Fsusp , Fsrc
    00      00
                                              0         00
and Fsusp , Fsrc overlapping if the fragments Fsusp and Fsusp share (in the
suspicious document) at least one sentence. We assume that the same source
fragment can be used several times in a suspicious document, but not vice versa:
each sentence can be plagiarized from only one source and thus can only be-
long to one plagiarism case. To simplify things, instead of re-assigning only the
overlapping parts, we simply discarded whole cases that overlapped with other
cases. Specifically, we used the following algorithm:

 1. While exists a case P (“pivot”) that overlaps with some other case
    (a) Denote Ψ (P ) be the set of cases Q 6= P overlapping with P
    (b) For each Q ∈ Ψ (P ), compute the quality qQ (P ) and qP (Q); see (5)
    (c) Find the maximum value among all obtained qy (x)
    (d) Discard all cases in Ψ (P ) ∪ {P } except the found x

   In our implementation, at the first step we always used the first case from the
beginning of the suspicious document. We compute the quality function qy (x) of
the case x with respect to an overlapping case y as follows. The overlapping cases

                                Seeds (i, j)

                              Clustering by i

                              Clustering by j
                                                                                 (1) Clustering

             no                    No new


                                 Cluster ≥                    no
  maxgroup                                                           discard
     by 1

                                         yes                                     (2) Validation

        no                      sim(F1 , F2 )
                                  > th3?


                       Fig. 3. Diagram of the extension algorithm

       x      x
                               y      y
x = Fsusp  , Fsrc   and y = Fsusp   , Fsrc   are pairs of corresponding fragments.
          x         y                                x
Let O = Fsusp  ∩ Fsusp  be the overlap and N = Fsusp     /O be the non-overlapping
part. Then the quality
           qy (x) = simFsrc
                          x  (O) + 1 − simFsrc  x  (O) × simFsrcx (N ) ,       (5)

where sim is a non-symmetric similarity of a fragment Fsusp (in the suspicious
document) to a reference fragment Fsrc (in the source document):

                                          1        X
                  simFsrc (Fsusp ) =                        max (cos (s, r)) .              (6)
                                       |Fsusp |             r∈Fsrc
   Formula (5) combines the similarity of the overlapping part and of the non-
overlapping part of suspicious fragment to the source counterpart.

Removing small cases. We also discard the plagiarism cases that relate too
small fragments: if either suspicious or source fragment of a case has the length
in characters less than minplaglen, then the case is discarded.

2.4   Adaptive behavior

At the PAN competition, the methods are evaluated on a corpus that contain
plagiarism cases created using four different types of obfuscation: none, random,
translation and summary. In the training dataset we have the option to test
our approaches in sub-corpus divided according the type of obfuscation used to
create the plagiarism cases. We observed that the optimal parameters of our
method are different to detect such diverse types of obfuscated plagiarism cases.
Therefore, we introduced three alternative paths and decided which output to
use according to the type of obfuscation we are likely dealing with in each specific
document pair.
   The final set up of our approach is shown in Fig. 4. After initial preprocessing
and seeding steps, we follow two separate path with different maxgap values: one
value (maxgap summary) that we found to be best for the summary obfuscation
sub-corpus and one that was best for the other three corpora (maxgap). After
we obtain the plagiarism cases using these two different settings, we applied
a verbatim detector method to the non-summary approach resulting in three
possible results. We named these results as: Verbatim plagiarism cases (cases
V), summary plagiarism cases (cases S) and other plagiarism cases (cases O).

Verbatim detector The verbatim detection method is based on the Longest
Common Substring (LCS) algorithm. We modify the LCS algorithm in order
to use words instead of characters and to find every single common sequence of
words above a certain threshold measured in characters (th verbatim).

Output selector The decision of which of the three outputs (cases V, cases S
and cases O) report as the final result of our approach follows a decision cascade
where the verbatim plagiarism cases have priority, them summary and finally
other cases. All three possible outputs are mutually exclusive.
    If there is at least one Verbatim case, the pair of documents is consider as
a none obfuscation pair and the Verbatim output is reported. If none Verbatim
cases were reported, we decide whether cases S are likely to represent summary
obfuscation or not, judging by the relative length of the suggested suspicious
fragments with respect to the source fragments. Specifically, the decision is made
based on the variables srclen and susplen , which correspond to the total length
of all passages, in characters, in the source document and the suspicious docu-
ment, respectively: when susplen is much smaller than srclen , then we are likely
    Suspicious document                                    Source document

        Preprocessing                                       Preprocessing



         Extension                                             Extension
          maxgap                                            maxgap summary

          Filtering                                             Filtering
      cases O                    cases V                     cases S


                                 Plagiarism cases

                        Fig. 4. Diagram of the final approach

dealing with summary obfuscation. If both, Verbatim and Summary cases where
discarded then the reported output is Other plagiarism cases.
    In table Table 1 we show the final setting of the parameters used in our

                            Table 1. Parameters settings

                      Parameter Value Parameter        Value
                      minsentlen      3  maxgap summary 24
                      th cos        0.30 maxgap least    0
                      th dice       0.33 minsize         1
                      th validation 0.34 minplaglen     150
                      maxgap          4  th verbatim    256

3   Experimental Results
We trained our system using the corpus provided for PAN 2014 competition
and using the performance measures introduced in [11]. We compared this ap-
proach to our previous one in all of the sub-corpus and measurements. We tested
our system in the PAN 2014 training corpus using the TIRA platform [4]. As
observed in Table 2 the performance in the none obfuscated sub-corpus was in-
creased dramatically because of the new verbatim detector. We also observed
a increased in the summary obfuscated sub-corpus because of the new parame-
ters settings. These improvement came without affecting significantly the other
sub-corpus and hence, the final result was increased as well.

Table 2. Comparison between our result from PAN2015 and PAN2014 approaches on
PAN 2014 training corpus

                    PAN 2015 approach                  PAN 2014 approach
              Plagdet Recall Precision Granul.   Plagdet Recall Precision Granul.
  None        0.9812 0.9761 0.9933 1.0048        0.8938 0.9782 0.8228 1.0000
  Random      0.8847 0.8699 0.8999 1.0000        0.8886 0.8581 0.9213 1.0000
  Translation 0.8792 0.9128 0.8481 1.0000        0.8839 0.8902 0.8777 1.0000
  Summary     0.6304 0.4862 0.9739 1.0404        0.5772 0.4247 0.9941 1.0434
  Entire      0.9025 0.8937 0.9164 1.0036        0.8773 0.8799 0.8774 1.0021

    The results showed that recall is the measure where we excel but need to
improve the precision of the model by identifying and adjusting to other types of
obfuscation rather than just summary and verbatim obfuscation. Regarding the
system runtime, even our goal is not aiming at efficiency, our software performed
in an average level.
    In Table 3 we present a comparison between our approach and 2014 partici-
pants showing a remarkable improvement.

 Table 3. Our approach compared to the PAN 2014 Official results reported in [9]

       Team               PlagDet    Recall Precision Granularity Runtime
       Sanchez-Perez15     0.9010    0.8957 0.9125      1.0046        –
       Sanchez-Perez14     0.8781    0.8790 0.8816      1.0034    00:25:35
       Oberreuter          0.8693    0.8577 0.8859      1.0036    00:05:31
       Palkovskii          0.8680    0.8263 0.9222      1.0058    01:10:04
       Glinos              0.8593    0.7933 0.9625      1.0169    00:23:13
       Shrestha            0.8440    0.8378 0.8590      1.0070    69:51:15
       R. Torrejón        0.8295    0.7690 0.9042      1.0027    00:00:42
       Gross               0.8264    0.7662 0.9327      1.0251    00:03:00
       Kong                0.8216    0.8074 0.8400      1.0030    00:05:26
       Abnar               0.6722    0.6116 0.7733      1.0224    01:27:00
       Alvi                0.6595    0.5506 0.9337      1.0711    00:04:57
       Baseline            0.4219    0.3422 0.9293      1.2747    00:30:30
       Gillam              0.2830    0.1684 0.8863      1.0000    00:00:55
4     Conclusions and Future Work

We have described our approach to the task of text alignment in the context
of PAN 2015 competition showing great improvement. The additions from our
previous work are the verbatim detector, applying clustering recursively and
optimization of parameters. We also tested other methods to detect paraphrase
but need further improvement and testing, and given the resources available at
PAN so far, it is not possible.
    In our future work, we plan to use linguistically motivated methods to ad-
dress possible paraphrase obfuscation [2] and test it on the P4P corpus.2 We also
plan to build a meta-classifier that would guess which obfuscation type of plagia-
rism case we deal with at each moment and dynamically adjust the parameters.
Finally, we plan to apply concept-based models for similarity and paraphrase
detection [6–8].

Acknowledgements Work done under partial support of FP7-PEOPLE-2010-
IRSES: Web Information Quality – Evaluation Initiative (WIQ-EI) European
Commission project 269180, Government of Mexico (SNI, CONACYT), and In-
stituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico (SIP 20144274, 20150028, BEIFI, COFAA).


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