A Corpus for Analyzing Text Reuse by People of Different Groups Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2015 Waqas Arshad Cheema, Fahad Najib, Shakil Ahmed, Syed Husnain Bukhari, Abdul Sittar, and Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Department of Computer Science, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. waqascheema06@gmail.com, choudharyfahad@gmail.com, shakil.ahmed@ciitlahore.edu.pk, husnain.syed@live.com, abdulsittar72@gmail.com, adeelnawab@ciitlahore.edu.pk Abstract Plagiarism; an un-attributed reuse of text, is very significant problem specifically for higher education institutions. Consequently, a number of auto- mated plagiarism detection system have been developed to cater this problem. The comparison of these automated plagiarism detection systems is difficult sue to problem in collecting real cases of plagiarism by students / scholars. This paper describes development of corpus containing simulated cases of plagiarism by the people having different level of writing skills. This corpus will be a very valuable addition in the set of evaluation resources presently available for comparison of plagiarism detection systems. 1 Introduction The un-acknowledged reuse of information is generally known as plagiarism [9]. Pla- giarism is acknowledged as a significant & increasing problem in higher education [7] [11] [20] [12] [5]. Resultantly, plagiarism & its detection has recently received much attention [1] [8] [21] and higher education institutions are now using automated systems to detect plagiarism in students’ / scholars’ work. Numerous approaches for plagiarism detection are available [2] [19]. However, one of the barriers preventing a comparison among techniques is the lack of a standardised evaluation resource. This corpus will be a valuable addition to the set of existing corpora for the pla- giarism detection task. This corpus, (1) can be used for comparison & evaluation of different techniques for plagiarism detection, (2) will help in further research in the field, (3) will be very helpful in understanding the strategies used by students / scholars when they plagiarise. The aim of this corpus collection is to investigate how text is reused by students / scholars while writing an article, and to determine whether algorithms can be dis- covered to detect and quantify such reuse automatically. It is hoped that results will generalise beyond the text reuse & plagiarism in academia and provide broader insights into the nature of text derivation and paraphrase; but the selected scenario provides an ideal initial case study, and one with considerable potential practical application. 2 Related Work There can be three types of plagiarism in a benchmark corpus; (1) artificially plagia- rised documents (automatically generated), (2) simulated (manually created plagiarised documents by humans to simulate plagiarism), and (3) real cases of plagiarism [17]. The construction of a benchmark corpus containing real cases of plagiarism is difficult due to confidentiality issues [4]. The research community constructed corpora contain- ing artificial examples of plagiarism [18], simulated examples of plagiarism [3], and the corpora containing both simulated and artificial cases of plagiarism [17]. A number of corpora have been constructed for evaluation of state of the art tech- niques for plagiarism detection. An outstanding effort for developing plagiarism cor- pora is the PAN International Competitions on Plagiarism Detection1 . A series of eval- uation labs have been held on plagiarism detection as part of the CLEF conferences2 . A number of benchmark corpora generated as an outcome of this series of competi- tions [18] [17] [14] [16] [15]. Both mono-lingual and cross-lingual examples of pla- giarism are present in these corpora, 90% of these are mono-lingual, and remaining 10% are cross-lingual. The distribution of plagiarised and non-plagiarised examples is uniform i.e 50% documents in each corpora are plagiarised, and remaining 50% are non-plagiarised. The plagiarised documents are created using different techniques: (1) artificial (automatically generated documents, which are further categorised into none, low and high), (2) simulated (plagiarised documents were written by humans to simu- late plagiarism), (3) cyclic translation (original text in English language was translated into different languages using automated tools and then translated back to English) and (4) summarization (the original text was summarised to create plagiarised text). There is variation in length of plagiarism cases from short passages to very long passages. The mono-lingual plagiarism cases are written in English language. The Short Answer Corpus [3] contains examples of simulated plagiarism. The Short Answer Corpus was created by asking participants to answer the five questions on dif- ferent topics from Computer Science domain. In order to create non-plagiarised and pla- giarised documents, each participant answered each of the five questions only once. The each answer consists of 200-300 words. All the documents (answers to the questions) in this corpus were manually (simulated) created. This corpus contains total 100 docu- ments, 95 of which are suspicious documents and 5 documents are source Wikipedia3 articles. Out of 95 suspicious documents, 57 documents are plagiarised with different levels of rewrite (near copy = 19, light revision = 19 and heavy revision = 19) and remaining 38 documents are non-plagiarised. Plagiarism is not acceptable type of text reuse, but there are other forms of text reuse that are acceptable, for example reuse of news agency text by newspapers. The METER corpus4 [6] is another benchmark corpus, which was mainly built for the study of text reuse in journalism. However, this corpus can also be used for the evaluation of plagiarism detection systems. The METER corpus contains total 1,716 documents, 1 http://pan.webis.de/ Last visited: 02-06-2015 2 http://clef2015.clef-initiative.eu/CLEF2015/ Last visited: 02-06-2015 3 http://www.wikipedia.org/ 4 http://nlp.shef.ac.uk/meter/ Last visited: 18-03-2015 771 documents are Press Association (PA) articles and the remaining 945 documents are news stories published by nine different British newspapers. Each news story (sus- picious document) was manually examined to access level of text reuse, and based on the amount of text reused from the PA article (potential source document) classified at document level as: (1) Wholly Derived (301 news stories), (2) Partially Derived (438 news stories), and (3) Non-derived (206 news stories). All of the above mentioned corpora contains documents with different levels of rewrite. They lack in categorisation of documents on the basis of writer (having certain level of writing skills) of document. To the best of our knowledge, no standard evalu- ation resource is available for study the variation in text rewritten by groups of people having different writing skills. 3 Corpus Creation Process 3.1 Fragment Generation Previous studies have shown that detecting paraphrased plagiarism is a difficult task and an open challenge [10] [14]. The proposed corpus aims to collect paraphrased examples of plagiarism from participants i.e. collection contains simulated cases of plagiarism. In previous studies, simulated examples are generated from university students [3] or by paying workers on Amazon Mechanical Turk [13]. However, none of these con- tain paraphrased examples of plagiarism generated by different groups of people. This study aims to collect paraphrased examples of plagiarism from different groups. We selected following four groups: i. Undergrad in progress: The students of undergrad program, who have not written final year project report. ii. Undergrad: The people, who have completed undergrad, and they have written report for their final year project. This group also includes the students of Masters program, who have written report for their final year prject of undergrad program but they have not written their Master’s thesis. iii. Masters: The group of people, who have completed master degree, and have writ- ten masters thesis. This group also includes the students of PhD program, who have written their masters thesis but they have not written their PhD thesis. iv. PhD: The group of people, who have completed their PhD degree. Another important point is that participants were asked to selected text of their own research area i.e. in which they have sound knowledge and experience. Because to efficiently paraphrase a text one mush have the domain knowledge. The participants were asked to generate paraphrased plagiarism examples with different amount of text because people may have variation in the amount of text reused for plagiarism. The three variants were: small, medium and large. Documents were collected from domains including (1) Technology, (2) Life Sci- ences, and (3) Humanities. The abbreviations used in xml annotation files are (1) tech- nology, (2) life_sciences, and (3) humanities respectively for each domain. Total 250 pairs of text fragments collected from all the four groups of people. Table 1 shows detailed statistics of the text fragment pairs. Table 1. Statistics of source-suspicious text fragment pairs in the corpus Fragment Size Groups of people (Characters) undergrad-in-progress undergrad masters phd small (<=500) 18 95 6 30 medium (<=1000) 15 51 5 9 large (>1000) 10 7 4 0 3.2 Document Collection After generating source-plagiarised fragment pairs, we collected 500 document pairs from Wikipedia5 , and Project Gutenberg6 on the same topics that were used in fragment pairs. 3.3 Generating Text Alignment Corpus The proposed corpus contains total 1000 documents (500 source documents, and 500 suspicious documents). Out of these 500 document pairs, 250 pairs are plagiarised, and remaining 250 document pairs are non-plagiarised. The 250 plagiarised pairs were cre- ated by inserting text fragments into documents. Only one source-plagiarised fragment pair was inserted into one source-suspicious document pair. The source-plagiarised fragment pairs belonging to Technology domain were inserted into source-suspicious documents belonging to same domain i.e Technology, and similarly source-plagiarised fragment pairs from other domains were inserted into source-suspicious document pairs which belonged to the same domain. Table 2 presents the domain vise statistics of frag- ment pairs in the corpus. Table 2. Domain vise Statistics of source-suspicious text fragment pairs in the corpus Groups of people Domain undergrad-in-progress undergrad masters phd Technology 6 126 15 39 Humanities 22 12 0 0 Life Sciences 15 15 0 0 3.4 Participation / Representatives To collect corpus while ensuring authenticity and least dependencies on the contribu- tors, three types of contributors were selected for our study: (1) family, (2) colleagues and friends and (3) university students. Note that all the contributors were volunteers, and were not paid for the purpose of data collection. 5 http://www.wikipedia.org/ 6 http://www.gutenberg.org/ 4 Peer Review In this section we will review the other participant’s corpora. We are reviewing only those corpora which are completely in English i.e. both the source and suspicious doc- uments are in English, as it is not possible for us to review the corpora in the other unfamiliar languages. We randomly observed some of the document pairs of the en- tire corpus and reported our observations. Alvi15’s corpus constitute of obfuscation strategies: ‘non plagiarized’, ‘human retelling’, ‘synonym replacement’ and ‘character substitution’. In ‘non plagiarized’ class, we couldn’t find any matching pairs at all, as it supposed to be. In ‘human retelling’ class, the inserted text in the source document has been paraphrased in the suspicious document. In ‘synonym replacement’ category, most of the words in the inserted text buffer have been replaced by their synonyms. In ‘character substitution’, the character we found substituted mostly is ‘the’ has been replaced by ‘thy’ at some points in the corpus. Mohtaj15’s corpus compromise of obfus- cation strategies: ‘non plagiarized’, ‘no-obfuscation’, ‘random obfuscation’, and ‘sim- ulated obfuscation’. In ‘non plagiarized’ class, we couldn’t find any matching strings. In ‘no-obfuscation’, string buffers has been inserted into the documents pairs with no obfuscation i.e. the inserted text is exactly same in both the source and suspicious docu- ments. In ‘random obfuscation’, the text has been randomly obfuscated i.e. the words of the matched string has been reordered randomly and makes no sense grammatically and has no meaning. In ‘simulated obfuscation’, the text that has been inserted randomly in the documents pairs has been paraphrased. Palkovskii15’s corpus consist of obfusca- tion strategies: ‘non plagiarized’, ‘no-obfuscation’, ‘random obfuscation’, ‘translation obfuscation’ and ‘summary obfuscation’. In ‘non plagiarized’ class, again we couldn’t find any matching text in the observed pairs. Again in ‘no-obfuscation’, buffers has been inserted into the documents pairs with no obfuscation i.e. no change in text at all. Sim- ilarly in ‘random obfuscation’, the text has been randomly obfuscated i.e. the words of the matched string has been reordered randomly and makes no sense grammatically and has no meaning. In ‘summary obfuscation’, the source document is basically the short summary of the suspicious document. In "translation obfuscation", the inserted text has been paraphrased in the suspicious document. Overall we find all the three corpora error free and true in realism. 5 Conclusion This paper explained the construction of a new corpus for text reuse & plagiarism de- tection research. This corpus contains examples of simulated plagiarism, and has been created manually. Our corpus is available to others for evaluation of techniques de- veloped for plagiarism & text reuse detection. The corpus allows much more deeper analysis of different strategies used by people having different level of education. In future, we plan to gather more document pairs to increase the size of the corpus. Also we will apply & evaluate different techniques using this corpus for text reuse & plagiarism detection. Acknowledgements We thank all the volunteers for their contribution in corpus construction. References 1. Boisvert, R.F., Irwin, M.J.: Plagiarism on the rise. Communications of the ACM 49(6), 23–24 (2006) 2. Clough, P.: Plagiarism in natural and programming languages: an overview of current tools and technologies. Research Memoranda: CS-00-05, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK pp. 1–31 (2000) 3. 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