=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1391/Preface2015 |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/Preface2015.pdf |volume=Vol-1391 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1391/Preface2015.pdf

The CLEF 2015 conference is the sixteenth edition of the popular CLEF campaign and
workshop series which has run since 2000 contributing to the systematic evaluation of
multilingual and multimodal information access systems, primarily through
experimentation on shared tasks. In 2010 CLEF was launched in a new format, as a
conference with research presentations, panels, poster and demo sessions and
laboratory evaluation workshops. These are proposed and operated by groups of
organizers volunteering their time and effort to define, promote, administrate and run
an evaluation activity.

Eight laboratories were selected and run during CLEF 2015. To identify the best
proposals, besides well-established criteria from previous years' editions of CLEF such
as topical relevance, novelty, potential impact on future world affairs, likely number of
participants, and the quality of the organizing consortium. This year we further
stressed the connection to real-life usage scenarios and we tried to avoid as much as
possible overlaps among labs in order to promote synergies and integration. This was
possible also thanks to a new activity introduced in 2013, which is a lab organizers and
proposers meeting co-located with the European Conference on Information Retrieval
(ECIR), held in Vienna on March 31st 2015 and supported by the ELIAS network1.

CLEF has been always backed by European projects which complement the incredible
amount of volunteering work performed by Lab Organizers and the CLEF community
with the resources needed for its necessary central coordination, in a similar manner
to the other major international evaluation initiatives as TREC, NTCIR, FIRE and
MediaEval. Since 2014, the organisation of CLEF no longer has direct support from
European projects and working to transform itself into a self-sustainable activity. This
is being made possible thanks to the establishment in late 2013 of the CLEF
Association, a no profit legal entity, which, through the support of its members,
ensures the resources needed to smoothly run and coordinate CLEF.

The Labs at CLEF 2015, building on previous experience, demonstrate the maturity of
the CLEF evaluation environment via the incorporation of new tasks, new and larger
data sets, new ways of evaluation or more languages. Details of the individual Labs are
described by the Lab organizers in these proceedings, here we just provide brief
comment on each one.

CLEFeHealth: CLEFeHealth explores scenarios which aim to ease patients and nurses
understanding and accessing of eHealth information. The goals of the lab are to
develop processing methods and resources in a multilingual setting to enrich difficult-
to-understand eHealth texts, and provide valuable documentation. The lab contains
two tasks: Information Extraction from Clinical Data (with two subtasks: Clinical
speech recognition and Named entity recognition from clinical narratives in European
languages) and User-centered Health Information Retrieval (with two subtasks:
Monolingual IR and Multilingual IR).

ImageCLEF: In 2015, ImageCLEF organized four main tasks (Image Annotation, Medical
Classification, Medical Clustering, Liver CT Annotation) with a global objective of
benchmarking automatic annotation and indexing of images. The tasks tackle different
aspects of the annotation problem and are aimed at supporting and promoting
cutting-edge research addressing the key challenges in the field:

Life CLEF: The LifeCLEF lab continues image-based plant identification task which was
has originally run within ImageCLEF since 2011, with the same tasks of last year
(BirdCLEF, PlantCLEF and FishCLEF). However, the LifeCLEF tasks radically enlarges the
evaluated challenge towards multimodal data by (i) considering birds and fish in
addition to plants, (ii) considering audio and video content in addition to images, (iii)
scaling-up the evaluation data to hundreds of thousands of life media records and
thousands of living species.

LL4IR - Living Labs for IR: CLEF 2015 sees the first edition of this new lab, which
features one task (Product search and web search). The main goal of the Lab is to
provide a benchmarking platform for researchers to evaluate their ranking systems in
a live setting with real users in their natural task environments. The lab acts as a proxy
between commercial organizations (live environments) and lab participants
(experimental systems), facilitates data exchange, and makes comparison between
the participating systems.

NEWSREEL – News Recommendation Evaluation Lab: CLEF 2015 is the second
iteration of this lab. Participants can: a) develop news recommendation algorithms
and b) have them tested by millions of users over the period of a few weeks in a living
lab. NEWSREEL provides two tasks designed to address the challenge of real-time
news recommendation: Benchmark News Recommendations in a Living Lab and
Benchmarking News Recommendations in a Simulated Environment.
PAN – Uncovering Plagiarism, Authorship and Social Software Misuse: This is the
12th edition of the PAN lab on evaluation of uncovering plagiarism, authorship, and
social software misuse. PAN offers three tasks at CLEF 2015 with new evaluation
resources consisting of large-scale corpora, performance measures, and web services
that allow for meaningful evaluations. The main goal is to provide for sustainable and
reproducible evaluations, to get a clear view of the capabilities of state-of-the-art-
algorithms. The tasks are: Plagiarism Detection, Author Identification, Author Profiling.

QA – Question answering: In the current general scenario for the CLEF QA Track, the
starting point is always a Natural Language question. However, answering some
questions may need to query Linked Data (especially if aggregations or logical
inferences are required); whereas some questions may need textual inferences and
querying free-text. Answering some queries may need both. The tasks are: QALD
(Question Answering over Linked Data), Entrance Exams (Questions from reading
tests), BioASQ (Large-Scale Biomedical Semantic Indexing), and BioASQ (Biomedical
Question answering).

SBS – Social Book Search: The Social Book Search Lab was previously part of the INEX
evaluation benchmark (since 2007). Real-world information needs are generally
complex, yet almost all research focuses instead on either relatively simple search
based on queries or recommendation based on profiles. The goal of the Social Book
Search Lab is to investigate techniques to support users in complex book search tasks
that involve more than just a query and results list. SBS runs two tasks: Suggestion
Track and Interactive Track.
We would like to thank the members of CLEF-LOC (the CLEF Lab Organization
Committee) for their thoughtful and elaborate contributions to assessing the proposals
during the selection process:

Donna Harman, National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), USA

Carol Peters, ISTI, National Council of Research (CNR), Italy

Marteen de Rijke, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Jacques Savoy, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

William Webber, William Webber Consulting, Australia

Last but not least without the important and tireless effort of the enthusiastic and
creative proposal authors, the organizers of the selected labs, the colleagues and
friends involved in running them, and the participants who contribute their time to
making the labs and workshops a success, the CLEF labs would not be possible.
Thank you all very much!

July 2015

                                                      Gareth J. F. Jones and Eric San Juan
                                                                               Lab Chairs

                                                       Linda Cappellato and Nicola Ferro
                                                                   Working Notes Editors