Normalizing Resource Identifiers using Lexicons in the Global Change Information System Linking Earth Science Identifiers, Concepts, and Communities Brian Duggan14 Curt Tilmes2 Steven Aulenbach14 Robert E. Wolfe12 Justin C. Goldstein14 Gerald Manipon3 1 2 US Global Change Research Program NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 1717 Pennsylvania Ave NW 8800 Greenbelt Rd Washington, DC 20006 Greenbelt, MD 20771 3 4 NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory University Corporation for Atmospheric Research 4800 Oak Grove Dr P.O. Box 3000 Pasadena, CA 91011 Boulder, CO 80307 ABSTRACT pings of them to identifiers used colloquially within various Earth Science informatics involves collaboration between mul- earth science communities of practice. tiple groups of people with diverse specializations and goals, often using variations in terminology to refer to common re- Keywords sources. The uniformity of the resource identifiers often does Linked Data, URI, Co-reference not cross organizational boundaries. Because of this, perma- nent, widely used, unambiguous identifiers for resources are elusive. We examine real world cases of changing and incon- 1. INTRODUCTION sistent identifiers which inherently work against persistence 1.1 Background and uniformity. We also present a solution which mediates The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) was factors in these situations; namely the creation of lexicons: established in 1989 by Presidential Initiative and mandated mappings of sets of terms to URIs which are curated within by the U.S. Congress in the Global Change Research Act the Global Change Information System (GCIS). (GCRA) of 1990 to “assist the Nation and the world to un- derstand, assess, predict, and respond to human-induced We discuss aspects of the GCIS which facilitate the use and natural processes of global change.”[1] The USGCRP of lexicons: an information model which disambiguates re- has recently sponsored the creation of the Global Change sources, a RESTful API which provides metadata through Information System (GCIS) to better coordinate and inte- content-negotiation, and a strategy for long term curation of grate the use of federal information products on changes in URIs, including mechanisms for handling changes to URIs the global environment and the implications of those changes and variations in terms used by different communities while for society. providing persistent URIs and preserving relationships be- tween resources. In May, 2014, the USGCRP released the Third National Climate Assessment (NCA3). This 800 page document, au- We provide working definitions of terms, contexts, and lex- thored by 300 people, each of which are affiliated with mul- icons, and relate them to the practical challenges of disam- tiple organizations, has 30 chapters, 161 findings, 290 fig- biguation and curation. We also discuss the mechanisms em- ures and 3,395 references. The references refer to publica- ployed and architecture of the GCIS, and how these choices tions, including government reports, peer-reviewed scientific facilitate representation of persistent identifiers and map- journal articles, and books. The publications are often sup- ported by datasets that could be based on observations, mea- surements, processed or derived data, or model projections. Model projection datasets are created by runs of models constrained by scenarios. Observations and measurements are taken using instruments on platforms. The information in the NCA3 provided a starting point for the contents of Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). the GCIS. The GCIS information model includes represen- WWW2015 Workshop Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2015) tations of reports, chapters, findings, figures, people, orga- This material was developed with federal support through the U.S. Global Change Research Program under National Science Foundation contract no. nizations, references, publications, platforms, instruments, NSFDACS13C1421. models and scenarios. The GCIS was used to support the CEOS production of the report and the dissemination of the web version of the report. NASA/CNES Joint Mission 1.2 Motivation CrossRef NASA/JPL Instrument A key design goal of the GCIS was to disambiguate and identify distinct resources, and provide references to sources NASA Archive Dataset of information. Other goals included: supporting scientific traceability and reproducibility, facilitating the creation of Journal Article reports such as the NCA3, providing a scalable backend for NOAA rich web versions of the NCA3 and other reports, providing Graphic an API for other types of applications, providing the abil- /platform/jason-1 USGCRP ity to run structured queries about disparate types of earth Report /instrument/poseidon-2 science information, and facilitating the discovery and repre- sentation of connections between earth science information /dataset/nasa-podaac-mrg-altmr managed by independent organizations. … /dataset/nasa-podaac-int-altmeter /article/10.1080/01490419.2010 The GCIS has been implemented as a RESTful API, whose endpoints are URIs which are part of a knowledge base for- /report/nca3/chapter/2/figure/26 malized by an ontology and distributed using a SPARQL /report/nca3 endpoint to a triple store. The API supports content ne- gotiation, and the HTML representations form a navigable web site. Figure 1: Organizations, Contexts, Identifiers: Past and Projected Changes to Global Sea Level Rise Fig- 1.3 Lexicons ure in the Third National Climate Assessment This paper focuses on the concept of lexicons and the pro- cesses and techniques involved in the creation and main- tenance of mappings from persistent URIs to pre-existing Various phrases have been used to describe this problem: the Earth Science identifiers. In particular, we discuss chal- co-reference problem, the identity problem, disambiguation, lenges and techniques for dealing with colloquial identifiers and more. We chose the phrase “normalization” following (terms) which are often specific to communities of practice. its usage with relational databases and character encodings. We also discuss our techniques for maintaining long term persistent identifiers, and working with changing or incon- 3. EXAMPLES sistent terms. 3.1 Traceability 2. RELATED WORK Figure 2.26 of the Third National Climate Assessment1 de- picts Past and Projected Changes to Global Sea Level Rise The general problem of disambiguation of resources has been (see figure 1). A sequence of resolvable URIs within GCIS known for some time, dating back at least to Leibnitz’s for- traces this figure to a journal article which used a dataset mulation of the Identity of Indiscernibles in 1686 [5]. which used another dataset, which was captured by an in- strument on a platform. Each step in this sequence has a In 2006, the WWW’s Technical Architecture Group addressed permanent URI within GCIS, but also refers to identifiers issues surrounding identification and URIs by distinguishing outside of GCIS; the journal article has a DOI managed by between resources and information resources. An HTTP re- a publisher and resolvable using CrossRef, the first dataset quest for a resource can return a 303 (“See Other”) response has a URL managed by scientists, the second dataset has an which directs a user to an information resource [10]. The identifier managed by a NASA Data Archive, the instrument former in general does not have a representation which can and platform have identifiers created by the Committee on be transmitted over HTTP, whereas the latter does. Earth Observing Satellites (CEOS). While all these organi- zations do provide machine-readable versions of their data, As noted in [3], a service which provides sufficiently descrip- the identifiers are often curated independently. However, tive information about resources can provide disambiguation within each organization, there are terms which unambigu- services. ously identify a particular resource. [8] describes some of the difficulties of using automated tech- niques to discover equivalent identifiers. Despite these diffi- 3.2 Identification culties, various sophisticated attempts have been made, such In some situations, there may be intentional uses of different as [11] and [12]. Besides automatic classification, an alter- names by different organizations. For instance, the “SAC- native technique has been the creation of a declarative lan- D/Aquarius” mission may also be called “Scientific Applica- guage for resolving identifier ambiguities [4]. tion Satellite-D” Once there are unambiguous URIs, if these can be mapped between RDF datasets, the mapping forms a “linkset” [2] SAC-D/Aquarius is a cooperative international which can be distributed, harvested and used. The repre- mission between CONAE (Comisión Nacional de sentation of linksets can be further refined with careful use 1 of “owl:sameAs” [6] and other relationships. 2/figure/26 Actividades Espaciales), Argentina, and NASA, Definition 1. We define a term to be a sequence of char- USA. NASA uses the term [SAC-D/Aquarius] for acters from the Universal Character Set (UCS) which is used the mission [..] At CONAE, which provides the as an identifier for a resource by a group of people. spacecraft, the mission is referred to as Scientific Application Satellite-D [..] [9] The linked data glossary [7] defines a “term” using the notion of a controlled vocabulary, and also defines a controlled vo- This is a clear case in which two different communities re- cabulary using the notion of a term. We explicitly make use fer to the same resource differently. Such differences can of Unicode characters in order to avoid circular definitions propagate from narrative descriptions into identifiers found like this. in serializations of information. When this happens, tech- niques for reconciling the identifiers become necessary. Within the GCIS, terms are encoded in UTF-8 and poten- tially normalized with Normalization Form C (NFC). We 3.3 Synchronization note that W3C recommendations for string matching are still evolving [13]. Organizations in the domain of Earth Science distribute data, metadata, and information using a variety of serial- izations and interfaces, including: 4.2 Communities of Practice Within communities of practice, terms are created and used ECHO 10 NASA Earth Observing System as part of the activities and communication between mem- (EOS) Clearing House (ECHO) bers of the community. Because of this, disambiguation ISO 19115 Geographic Information Meta- of terms across communities is a secondary consideration. data Within a community, a resource can be identified clearly FGDC Federal Geographic Data Com- when it is being referenced in a manner which is consistent mittee Content Standard for Dig- with other similar resources. With this in mind, we group ital Geospatial Metadata together terms using the type of resource. DIF Directory Interchange Format, NASA’s Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Definition 2. We define a context to be a set of terms used DCAT W3C Data Catalog Vocabulary to identify resources of the same type. OAI-PMH Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting CSV, JSON, YAML Miscellaneous Serializations In example 3.1, ”mission” and ”instrument” are contexts. Information conveyed varies by the standard and by the im- We then define a lexicon by putting together the contexts. plementation. Despite these differences, the defining charac- teristics of resources generally remain consistent across rep- resentations. This enables a subset of information to be Definition 3. We define a lexicon to be a set of contexts brought into the GCIS for the purpose of identification and used by a particular community. disambiguation. In other words, when deciding what to har- vest from other sources, a critical question is: does this piece of information help to distinguish this resource from other Returning to example 3.1, the CEOS lexicon uses ”Mission” similar resources? and ”Instrument” contexts to group together terms. 3.4 Communities 4.3 GCIDs Science teams working on remote sensing missions produce As previously noted, entities in the GCIS are identified uniquely scientific data and send them to data archives. A primary using a URI. The URI for a particular entity is called a GCIS concern of archives is to maintain the fidelity of the science Identifier, or GCID. data as they are received. Because of this division of respon- sibilities, it’s not clear which community would be better suited to take on the task of harmonizing identifiers across Definition 4. The GCID is the URI for an entity in the data producers. Instead differences in choices of identifiers Global Change Information System. may be passed on to end users of the data. Note that any GCID can be used in SPARQL queries, and 4. CONCEPTS can also be resolved using the GCIS as an endpoint and 4.1 Terms as Identifiers using content-negotiation. Issues surrounding characters, case folding, encoding, and strings are often omitted when resources are identified in One organization’s “instrument” may be another one’s “sen- narrative situations. This creates ambiguities in represen- sor“. One organization’s “platform” may be another one’s “mission” or a third one’s “source”. We use lexicons to rep- tations and postpones normalization issues. This motivates resent the way NASA’s Physical Oceanography Active Data our definition of the word “term” which is based on the Uni- Archive Center (PODAAC), ECHO, GCMD and CEOS all versal Character Set (UCS). refer to the same resource: Lexicon | Context | Term | GCID (*) 5.2 System Architecture ------------------------------------------------------- The GCIS architecture incorporates elements of relational podaac | Source | JASON-1 | /platform/jason-1 and semantic systems: cascading updates, referential in- ceos | MissionId | 286 | /platform/jason-1 gcmd | prefLabel | JASON-1 | /platform/jason-1 tegrity, strict type checking and other well-established fea- echo | ShortName | JASON-1 | /platform/jason-1 tures of relational databases are all valuable in maintaining podaac | Sensor | POSEIDON-2 | /instrument/poseidon-2 the quality of the URIs and their relationships. ceos | InstrumentId | 182 | /instrument/poseidon-2 HTTP requests to the GCIS RESTful interface are handled (*) under by querying this relational database. The database contains See also: simple explicit tables for resources that use natural identi- fiers as primary keys. JSON structures are formed using the 4.4 Linksets names of the columns as names of the keys in the JSON When a term is an identifier which is part of another triple objects. There is also a generic table which may be thought store, we can use ”owl:sameAs” to connect the two identifiers of as a parent table for many of the tables (i.e. using table and form a linkset. We treat dbpedia as a lexicon with a inheritance). single context (”resource”). An application of this is writ- ing a federated SPARQL query to compare crowdsourced Relationships between resources are stored in one of two information in dbpedia (or wikidata) to authoritative infor- ways: 1. Foreign keys between base tables. 2. Relationships mation from CEOS. This can belp improve the quality of between two entries in the generic table, via a mapping table, the data in both places. which may be annotated with a semantic relationship. Triples are generated data from the tables to fill in text 5. IMPLEMENTATION templates which output turtle. The turtle is parsed and 5.1 Lexicon Interface used to populate a triple store. The triple store is rebuilt weekly; there are no incremental updates. 5.1.1 Creating, Updating Creating a lexicon involves several steps: 5.3 Terms When new terms appear, they are captured in the GCIS. 1. Identifying a distinct set of terms. Scripts run periodically and pull information from various 2. Choosing a context. sources. The mechanism for assimilating new terms is to 3. Choosing an existing lexicon or adding a new lexicon. provide operators with notifications of unmatched terms; op- 4. Associating the terms with GCIDs. erators then manually associate the new terms with GCIS resources. An example of performing step 3 in an HTTP transaction Example 1. A new satellite achieves orbit. The informa- follows; in this example we are associating “Aqua” a term tion in CEOS reflects this new information. It is pulled into used by CEOS, with the GCID “/platform/aqua” and the GCIS, and a new entry is created. A new default GCIS context “Mission”: identifier is created from a descriptive field (but it may be updated, as described below). The relational database is PUT /lexicon/ceos/Mission/Aqua populated with information that reflects that data source. Host: Since no term yet exists for this in the ceos lexicon, a new Content-Type: application/json one is created which maps the term used by CEOS to the newly created identifier in the GCIS. { "gcid" : "/platform/aqua" } Example 2. An instrument on a spacecraft begins to pro- duce new data. A science team processes the data and sends An alternative interface is available which allows the terms them to an archive. The archive makes the data available. and context to be sent in the payload, rather than the URI. In this case, a new term has been created, and it must be matched to a GCID manually. The new data is ingested, no match occurs. An operator notices this and manually 5.1.2 Querying associates the new term with an existing GCID. Looking up a term using a lexicon involves sending a GET request for an IRI containing the context and the term, and Example 3. Two organizations use different terms for one receiving a status code of 303 and a Location header, to satellite. Both organizations distribute data collected by an indicate the corresponding GCIS URI, if one exists. instrument on board the satellite. In this case, there are two lexicons, one for each organization, and each one has a context which has terms which map to the same GCID. Request: GET /lexicon/ceos/Mission/Aqua HTTP/1.1 Host: 5.4 URIs Response: 5.4.1 Creation 303 See Other URIs are formed using primary keys in the relational database. Location: /platform/aqua The values of the columns comprising the primary key are assembled along with the name of the table, into a URI of data sources. Another future improvement is to provide which corresponds to a row of data in a table. The repre- useful user interfaces for scalable human disambiguation. sentation of a resource may involve joining to other related tables. 7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to the various people and organizations who have 5.4.2 Persistence contributed to the GCIS and the development of its infor- When the value of a primary key column is changed, a cas- mation model, including Andrew Buddenberg and the Tech- cading foreign key update will change the values in any re- nical Support Unit at NOAA’s National Climatic Data Cen- lated tables. Also, triggers will change the columns in the ter, Xiaogang Ma and the group at the RPI’s Tetherless generic (parent) table. Because the templates are based on World Constellation, and the University Corporation for At- information in the database, these changes will automat- mospheric Research. ically propagate to the semantic representation of the re- source. 8. REFERENCES [1] U.S. Public Law 101-606(11/16/90) 104 Stat. Also, for any changes, a note is written to an audit table 3096-3104, 1990 Global Change Research Act of 1990 which contains the old identifier and the new one. [2] Z. Akar, T. G. Halaç, O. Dikenelli, and E. E. Ekinci. Querying the web of interlinked datasets using VOID When the GCIS receives a request for a resource that does descriptions. 2012. not exist, it first checks the above audit log. If an entry exists [3] D. Booth. URIs and the myth of resource identity. 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