=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1418/paper6 |storemode=property |title=BP-MaaS: A Runtime Compliance-Monitoring System for Business Processes |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1418/paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-1418 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/bpm/BarnawiAESAS15 }} ==BP-MaaS: A Runtime Compliance-Monitoring System for Business Processes== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1418/paper6.pdf
    BP-MaaS: A Runtime Compliance-Monitoring
          System for Business Processes

        Ahmed Barnawi1 , Ahmed Awad2 , Amal Elgammal2 , Radwa Elshawi3 ,
                    Abduallah Almalaise1 , and Sherif Sakr4
        King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia {ambarnawi,aalmalaise}@kau.edu.sa
               Cairo University, Egypt {a.gaafar,a.elgammal}@fci-cu.edu.eg
                 Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, Saudi Arabia
            King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Saudi Arabia
                          University of New South Wales, Australia


Today’s enterprises demand a high degree of compliance in their business pro-
cesses to meet diverse regulations and legislations. Several industrial studies have
shown that compliance management is a daunting task, and organizations are
still struggling and spending billions of dollars annually to ensure and prove their
compliance. In this demonstration, we present, BP-MaaS (Business Process
Monitoring-as-a-Service), a runtime business process compliance-monitoring
framework which incorporates a wide range of expressive high-level compliance
patterns for the abstract specification of runtime constraints. The framework
provides the end-users with a friendly interface for modeling their compliance
monitoring rules. Compliance monitoring is achieved by means of anti-patterns,
a novel evaluation approach that is independent of any underlying technology.
The applicability, feasibility and utility of BP-MaaS is validated by applying the
approach on two real-life large-scale case studies in the banking domain.

1        Overview
Compliance monitoring at process execution time is of crucial importance and
it complements the design-time checking with techniques to detect violations
that are hard or even infeasible to address at the earlier stages of the process
lifecycle. For example, time span constraints between tasks can only be checked
at runtime, as time-related information is usually not available during prior
phases. In this demonstration, we present, BP-MaaS, a runtime business process
compliance-monitoring framework which adopts a rich and wide set of compli-
ance patterns for the abstract specification of monitoring requirements, spanning
the four structural facets of BPs; i.e. control flow, data, employed resources and
    Copyright c 2015 for this paper by its authors. Copying permitted for private and
    academic purposes
timing constraints [1], [2]. The monitoring evaluation approach is based on the
notion of anti-patterns [1], a novel evaluation technique that operates by contin-
uously monitoring process execution events and looking for sequences of events
or lack of events that may indicate that a violation has occurred or possible to
occur in the future. These violation scenarios are denoted as anti-patterns. The
main features/functionalities provided by BP-MaaS are:
  – a graphical compliance requirements builder that implements the compliance
    patterns in an intuitive and user-freindly manner, and enables process de-
    signers to build pattern-based expressions in a drag-and-drop fashion
  – a mapping scheme that automatically maps graphical pattern-based expres-
    sions, stored as XML, into the underlying formalisms of the complex event
    processing backend engine
  – a novel monitoring evaluation approach based on the notion of anti-patterns
  – a monitoring dashboard, which provides updated information about viola-
    tions in process instances, the rule/pattern that has been violated and con-
    textual information of the sequence of events that yields to the violation to
    facilitate its prevention/resolution
    As a proof-of-concept of one possible realization of the anti-patterns moni-
toring approach, we have implemented BP-MaaS by using Complex Event Pro-
cessing (CEP) technology [3], and applied the approach on two large-scale case
studies in the banking domain. The first case study is borrowed from the EU-
funded project COMPAS, which has been provided by COMPAS industrial part-
ners, and addresses the loan approval business scenario. While the second case
study is concerned with anti-money laundering, which has been developed in
the Governance, Risk and Compliance Technology Centre (GRCTC) as a part
of a large-scale project which is funded by the Irish government. The evaluation
study [1, 2] has revealed that our approach is sufficiently expressive to capture a
wide range of real-life compliance requirements with full support of 70% of the
requirements being considered [1].

2     Architecture and Implementation
Fig. 1 illustrates the architecture of the BP-MaaS framework which consists of
the following main components:
Compliance Repository. This is a central repository that stores and main-
    tains business process and compliance-related specifics, where business and
    compliance concepts are semantically aligned.
Compliance Rule Editor. This editor provides a graphical representation of
    the compliance patterns, where Compliance patterns are defined as high-level
    abstractions of frequently used compliance requirements, which help non-
    technical users to abstractly represent desired properties and constraints [2].
    COMPAS: http://www.compas-ict.eu
    PriceWaterHouseCoopers the Netherlands (http://www.pwc.nl/) and Thales Service
    France (https://www.thalesgroup.com/)
    GRCTC: http://www.grctc.com/
      Fig. 1. BP-MaaS architecture represented as a UML component diagram

   Fig. 2 illustrates the set of compliance patterns which are supported by the
   BP-MaaS framework. For a detailed description of the compliance patterns,
   we refer the reader to [1]. The visual editor component has been implemented
   as a plugin on top of the Oryx editor. The lower-most layer of Fig. 3 repre-
   sents a screenshot of the visual rule editor representing the typical segrega-
   tion of duties compliance constraint [1] which mandates that two activities
   cannot be performed by the same roles or actors in order to minimize the
   possibility of fraud.
Statement Manager. This module is responsible for automatically compiling
   the visually modelled compliance rule into a set of statements/queries based
   on the defined mapping scheme. For BP-MaaS, we are considering Event
   Processing Language (EPL) queries of the ESPER framework [5]. In this
   context, streams replace tables as the source of data with events replacing
   rows as the basic unit of data. Listing 1 shows an example of automatically
   generated EPL statement for the absence anti-pattern. The absence pattern
   requires that a specific activity not to be executed within a specific scope of
   the process execution [1]. Generated EPL queries are sent to the compliance
   monitoring component.
   INSERT i nt o R u l e V i o l a t i o n E v e n t ( p r o c e s s I D , Message , RuleID , RuleType )
   SELECT s . P r o c e s s I D , ’ Event { A n t e c e d e n t } ( { TaskName } ) o c c u r r e d l e s s than
    { MinOccurs } w i t h i n { S c o p e S t a r t } ( { s t } ) and { ScopeEnd } ( { s e } ) i n t h e
    p r o c e s s i n s t a n c e ’ , ’ { RuleID } ’ , ’ { R u l e P a t t e r n } ’
    e v e r y ( s = { S c o p e S t a r t } ( c a s t ( s . Task , s t r i n g )= ’ { s t } ’ )
   −>(e = { ScopeEnd } ( c a s t ( e . Task , s t r i n g )= ’ { s e } ’ , P r o c e s s I D=s . P r o c e s s I D )
    ) ) ] as s c o p e
   WHERE { MinOccurs}>( s e l e c t count ( ∗ ) from{ A n t e c e d e n t } . win : k e e p a l l ( ) as T
   WHERE c a s t (T . Task , s t r i n g )= ’ {TaskName} ’ and
    (T . TimeStamp between s c o p e . s . TimeStamp and s c o p e . e . TimeStamp ) )

Listing 1 . EPL statement to detect below-min-occurrences absence anti-

                      Event          0..1                   Compliance Patterns

                          Atomic                                Composite                   Resource
                          Patterns                               Patterns                   Patterns

              Order Patterns                                       Occurrence                          PerformedBy
             Wit h Absence
             Time Span
             Al ert Time Span
                                                                                Absence                Segregation
             isBefore                                                                                    OfDuty

                                                                                Existence                OfDuty
             Sequence            Precedence               Response          Multiplici ty
           isNex t              isOneToOne            isOneToOne

  Fig. 2. The set of compliance patterns supported by the BP-MaaS framework [1]

Business Process Editor and Execution Engine. Provides the end users
   with a user-friendly modelling environment where the users can model their
   business process using the standard BPMN 2.0 language. We employ the
   open source BPM platform Activiti as a realization of this component where
   the user can model and enact business processes. We also did an extension
   of the Activiti engine to allow emitting process execution events to our com-
   pliance monitoring engine.
Compliance Monitoring Engine. The open source complex event processing
   platform ESPER is responsible for continuously evaluating the generated
   statements from the ’Statement Manager‘ over the stream of events, which
   is received from the BP execution engine. The engine triggers the execu-
   tion of the compliance actions for any detected violations of the compliance
   rules. Compliance recovery actions are defined as meta-data for each defined
   rule. Our choice of Esper is mainly because it provides an environment for
   developing applications that can process large volumes of incoming mes-
   sages or events, regardless of whether the incoming messages are historical
   or real-time in nature. It also supports filtering and analyzing of events in
   various ways, and responds to conditions of interest. In addition, ESPER
   shows acceptable performance as it is able to handle about 120, 000 events
   per second [4,5] making it scalable to handle process execution environments
   with numerous process instances.
Monitoring Dashboard. The dashboard is a user-friendly interface that en-
   ables the end-user to monitor the stream of events and manipulate (e.g.,
   adding, removing, activating, deactivating) the set of registered compliance
   rules in addition to being able to receive the notifications about the detected
   non-compliance instances. Fig. 3 shows screenshots of the developed dash-
   board, which has been implemented using Microsoft C# .Net technology.

                           Fig. 3. BP-MaaS System Screenshots.

3     Demonstration Scenario
In our demo, we are presenting the implementation of the BP-Maas System.
In particular, we are showing the scenario where we model a compliance rule
using the graphical rule editor (Fig. 3). Then, the modeled rule is registered
to the compliance monitoring component. This is followed by showing how the
dashboard is updated with information about the newly registered rule. The loan
approval BP from the EU COMPAS project is used for monitoring its execution
steps. When the execution events start to arrive at the monitoring component
and a violation scenario is detected, we show how the dashboard is updated with
information about the instance(s) violating a specific rule.

This work was supported by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology
(KACST) project 11-INF1991-03.
1. A. Awad, A. Barnawi, A. Algammal, A. Almalaise, R. Elshawi, and S. Sakr. Runtime
   Detection of Business Process Compliance Violations: An Approach based on Anti
   Patterns. In SAC, 2015.
2. A. Elgammal, O. Turetken, W.-J. van den Heuvel, and M. Papazoglou. Formalizing
   and applying compliance patterns for business process compliance. Software and
   Systems Modeling, 2014.
3. O. Etzion and P. Niblett. Event processing in action. Manning, 2010.
4. A. Mathew. Benchmarking of complex event processing engine- esper, 2014.
5. V. Mijovic and S. Vranes. A survey and Evaluation of CEP Tools. In YUINFO,

    Video demonstration of BP-MaaS is available on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRdZKsOi5x4