=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1430/paper8 |storemode=property |title=Machine-assisted Cyber Threat Analysis Using Conceptual Knowledge Discovery |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1430/paper8.pdf |volume=Vol-1430 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ijcai/BarrereBCRAABSN15 }} ==Machine-assisted Cyber Threat Analysis Using Conceptual Knowledge Discovery== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1430/paper8.pdf
    Machine-assisted Cyber Threat Analysis using
         Conceptual Knowledge Discovery
                              – Position Paper –

Martı́n Barrère?1,5 , Gustavo Betarte1 , Victor Codocedo2 , Marcelo Rodrı́guez1 ,
Hernán Astudillo3 , Marcelo Aliquintuy3 , Javier Baliosian1 , Rémi Badonnel2 ,
Olivier Festor2 , Carlos Raniery Paula dos Santos4 , Jéferson Campos Nobre4 ,
           Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville4 , and Amedeo Napoli2
          InCo, Facultad de Ingenierı́a, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
                          LORIA/INRIA/CNRS - Nancy, France
              Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Marı́a, Valparaı́so, Chile
        Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
                              Imperial College London, UK

        Abstract. Over the last years, computer networks have evolved into
        highly dynamic and interconnected environments, involving multiple het-
        erogeneous devices and providing a myriad of services on top of them.
        This complex landscape has made it extremely difficult for security ad-
        ministrators to keep accurate and be effective in protecting their systems
        against cyber threats. In this paper, we describe our vision and scientific
        posture on how artificial intelligence techniques and a smart use of se-
        curity knowledge may assist system administrators in better defending
        their networks. To that end, we put forward a research roadmap involv-
        ing three complimentary axes, namely, (I) the use of FCA-based mecha-
        nisms for managing configuration vulnerabilities, (II) the exploitation of
        knowledge representation techniques for automated security reasoning,
        and (III) the design of a cyber threat intelligence mechanism as a CKDD
        process. Then, we describe a machine-assisted process for cyber threat
        analysis which provides a holistic perspective of how these three research
        axes are integrated together.

1     Introduction

The goal of this paper is to introduce some novel applications of formal concept
analysis [13], knowledge discovery in databases and, in a broader sense, artifi-
cial intelligence techniques to support security analysis of computer networks
and systems. Computer networks are very dynamic environments composed by
diverse entities which, on a daily basis, hold thousands of virtual activities. Ad-
ditionally, they often require configuration changes to satisfy existing or new
operational requirements (e.g. new services, upgrading existing versions, replac-
ing faulty hardware). Such dynamicity highly increases the complexity of security
management. Even if automated tools help to simplify security tasks there is a
    mbarrere@fing.edu.uy, m.barrere@imperial.ac.uk
need for advanced and flexible solutions able to assist security analysts in better
understanding what is happening inside their networks.
    The research work we put forward is being developed in the context of the
AKD (Autonomic Knowledge Discovery) project [7], a research collaboration
effort involving five teams with different expertises. We have identified several
key aspects in which the use of artificial intelligence techniques, and particularly
formal concept analysis (FCA), can quickly improve on the current state of
affairs for processes and tasks in the field of computer and network security. We
describe how we envision an adaptation of the conceptual knowledge discovery
on databases (CKDD) machinery to provide support in developing scientifically
grounded techniques for the domain of cyber threat intelligence. In particular,
we are concerned with vulnerability management and cyber threat analysis. We
also motivate the benefits of using ontology engineering methods and tools to
improve the state of the art of security-oriented automated reasoning.
    The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 points out the
scientific challenges of the research that is being developed in the context of the
AKD project. Section 3 motivates three different research fields in which artificial
intelligence techniques can be used to provide machine-assisted support to the
domain of cyber security. Section 4 describes a cyber threat analysis process
aimed at detecting and recognizing security threats within computer systems
and points out how and where the techniques previously discussed apply. Finally,
Section 5 concludes and summarizes research perspectives.

2   Scientific challenges

Vulnerabilities, understood as program flaws or configurations errors, are used
by attackers to bypass the security policies of computer systems. Therefore,
vulnerability management mechanisms constitute an essential component of any
system intended to be protected. During the last decades, strong research efforts
as well as dozens of security tools have been proposed for dealing with security
vulnerabilities [5]. However, current security solutions still seem to work under
certain boundaries that prevent them to act intelligently and flexibly, i.e. strictly
sticked to the available security information in order to analyze, report and
eventually remediate found problems.
     In addition to this inflexibility, remediating vulnerabilities is already a com-
plex problem and despite the great advances made in this area, remediation tasks
are reactive by nature and they can be hard to perform due to costly activities
and performance degradation issues. They may also generate consistency con-
flicts with other system policies. Therefore, our scientific posture in this context
is that instead of detecting vulnerable states and then applying several correc-
tive actions, it would be better to anticipate and avoid these vulnerable states in
the first place. This objective constitutes a challenging problem. Firstly, mech-
anisms for understanding the behavior and dynamics of the system are needed.
Secondly, sometimes vulnerabilities are not known, so techniques for analyzing
the available knowledge and extracting measures that might allow the system to
make decisions are essential.
    The aforementioned security challenge gets more complex when considered
in dynamic networked scenarios. The accelerated growth of highly heterogeneous
and interconnected computer networks has severely increased the complexity of
network management. This phenomenon has naturally affected network security
where traditional solutions seem unable to cope with this evolving and chang-
ing landscape. The main problem is that even when current security techniques
may enable high levels of automation, they might fail to achieve their purpose
when certain aspects of a managed environment slightly change. We need to pro-
vide systems with mechanisms to understand, reason about, and anticipate the
surrounding environment. In light of this, we firmly believe that an advanced,
flexible, and clever management of security knowledge constitutes one of the
key factors to take security solutions to the next level. Our vision is that, in-
dependently of the nature of an automated solution (automatically assisting an
administrator or automatically making security decisions), the ability to intelli-
gently manage knowledge is essential.
    In the broad sense of knowledge management, several scientific areas within
the artificial intelligence domain can contribute to achieve our vision. In this
work, we identify domains such as formal concept analysis (FCA), ontological
engineering, information retrieval (IR), case-based reasoning (CBR), and con-
ceptual knowledge discovery on databases (CKDD), as sound scientific areas
that may support a new level of smart cyber security solutions. Fig. 1 illustrates
our research strategy for the short, medium and long term.

                                    II. Improving security
   I. Enriching vulnerability       knowledge    represen-       III. Enhancing cyber
   management techniques        →   tation for automated     →   threat     intelligence
   with FCA                         reasoning                    mechanisms

            Fig. 1: Research strategy for the short, medium and long term

    In the short term (I), our objective is to understand to what extent FCA can
enrich and advance the state of the art of vulnerability management techniques.
Vulnerability management can be usually seen as the cyclical process of assessing
and remediating vulnerabilities. Anticipation techniques are not considered in
the classical definition, although the concept of foreseeing future vulnerabilities
perfectly fits the vision of flexible and adaptive systems. Therefore, the idea is
to begin solving basic problems within the sub-area of vulnerability assessment
and progress towards FCA-based mechanisms for anticipating and remediating
security vulnerabilities. We understand that a clever use of available knowledge
requires a formal and robust underlying machinery that allows systems to pro-
cess, reason, extract, and extrapolate information and knowledge among other
features. In the medium term (II), we aim at investigating the link between
current security standard efforts such as the STIX language [3] and knowledge
representation methods such as security ontologies. The results of this research
activity may provide a robust support to intelligently deal with security issues.
In the long term (III), the objective is to integrate the results and experience
obtained in (I) and (II) to develop novel approaches to deal with cyber secu-
rity threats supported by KDD-based techniques. In the following section, we
explain in detail each one of these stages, their impact and importance, and how
we envision their development.

3     Research roadmap
3.1     Enriching vulnerability management techniques with FCA
One of the main objectives of our research is the study of vulnerability an-
ticipation mechanisms from the perspective of FCA. Usually, a vulnerability is
considered as a combination of conditions that if observed on a target system, the
security problem described by such vulnerability is present on that system [5].
Each condition in turn is understood as the state that should be observed on a
specific object. When the object under analysis exhibits the specified state, the
condition is said to be true on that system. In this context, a vulnerability is a
logical combination of conditions and therefore, identifying known vulnerabilities
implies the evaluation of logical predicates over computer system states. In brief,
we characterize vulnerabilities and system states by the properties they present.
From a technical perspective, the OVAL language [2] maintained by MITRE [1],
is a standard XML-based security language which permits the treatment and
exchange of this type of vulnerability descriptions in a machine-readable man-
                                                                                       V :True
                                                                c1 ∨ ¬c2 ∨ c3 ∨ c4               c1 ∨ ¬c3

            V1 :     c1 ∧ c2
                                                         V2 : c1 ∧ (c2 ∨ c3 )                (c1 ∧ c2 ) ∨ ¬c3
            V2 : c1 ∧ (c2 ∨ c3 )
            V3 : ¬c2 ∨ c3 ∨ c4
            V4 :       ¬c3                             V1 : c1 ∧ c2             V3 : ¬c2 ∨ c3 ∨ c4              V4 : ¬c3
    Table 1: Vulnerabilities as logical             Table 2: Semi-lattice representation
                  formulæ                                 of the vulnerability set

    As an example, let us consider Table 1 depicting four vulnerabilities V =
{V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 } as logical formulæ, where ∧, ∨, ¬ represent the logical connectors
AN D, OR, N OT respectively, and C = {c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 } are four system conditions
(e.g. “port 80 is open”, “httpd server is up”, “firewall is off”, etc.). A system
state s is defined as a set of conditions ci ∈ C such that ci is true on s. Therefore,
the process of vulnerability assessment over a system state s can be defined as

                                 vulnerable   ∃Vi ∈ V, s.t.Vi (s) = true
                   f (s) =
                                 saf e        otherwise
    A system state s is considered vulnerable if there exists at least one vulner-
ability that evaluates to true when taking the values from the system for the
involved conditions, and safe otherwise. For example, considering s = {c1 , c3 },
it can be observed that f (s) = vulnerable since V2 (s) = V3 (s) = true.
    From the perspective of FCA [13] and particularly, using the formalization
of Logical Concept Analysis (LCA) [12], this can be formalized as follows. Let V
be a set of vulnerability labels associated to formulæ in the logic L with ∧, ∨, ¬
denoting the logical operators and atoms A containing a set of system conditions
ci ∈ C. A vulnerability label v ∈ V is associated to a formula in L through the
mapping function δ(v) ∈ L.
    Let us define the logical context K = (V, (L, ), δ) with the following deriva-
tion operators for a subset of vulnerabilities A ⊆ V and a formula d ∈ L:
                   A =       δ(v)     d = {v ∈ V | δ(v)  d}

    For any two vulnerabilities labels v1 , v2 ∈ V , we have that v1  v2 ⇐⇒
v1 ∨ v2 = v2 denotes that v1 is a model of v2 . A pair (A, d) is a formal concept if
and only if A = d and d = A. It can be shown that the derivation operators
generate a Galois connection between the power set ℘(V ) of vulnerability labels
and the set of formulæ L and thus, a concept lattice can be obtained from the
logical context K. Within our approach, such a concept lattice generates the
search space for vulnerability assessment and correction.
    Analogously to the Boolean model of Information Retrieval [15], we can
use the concept lattice to classify the system state s and search for exact or
partial answers, i.e. vulnerabilities which affect or may affect the system. For
instance, the semi-lattice illustrated in Table 2 can be used to understand that
if a system is affected by vulnerabilities V 2 and V 3, then it may be also affected
by vulnerability V 1. In particular, the formula labeled by v satisfies a formula
d in some context K if and only if the concept labeled with v is below the
concept labeled with d in the concept lattice of K [11]. Additionally, using the
classification algorithm inspired in case-based reasoning presented in [9], it is
easy to show that the assessment process becomes a search in the hierarchy
generated by the semi-lattice, i.e. the assessment has a sub-linear complexity.
    Vulnerability remediation on the other hand consists in changing the right
properties of a system (ci ∈ C) to bring it into a safe state. This is an explosive
combinatorial problem [4]. However, we believe that a concept lattice can be
useful to guide the search for corrective actions that do not lead to new vul-
nerable states. Furthermore, there might be no solution in some cases, so an
interesting approach would be to approximate safe solutions by weighting the
impact of vulnerabilities using scoring languages such as CVSS (Common Vul-
nerability Scoring System) [10]. Lastly, our final goal is to understand to what
extent FCA can contribute to the process of anticipating vulnerabilities, which
basically consists in predicting potential vulnerable states due to changes in the
system. Considering known vulnerabilities, a concept lattice can be used as an
approximation map to avoid unsafe configuration changes. Extrapolation and
pattern detection mechanisms are also worth to be explored though ontologi-
cal engineering and data mining techniques might better suit such objectives as
discussed in the following section.

3.2   Improving security knowledge representation for automated

Several vocabularies have been proposed in the context of cyber security. Some of
the most important ones are: Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX),
Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Clasification (CAPEC), Common
Vulnerability and Exposures (CVE), Cyber Observables eXpression (CybOX),
Malware Attribute Enumeration and Characterization (MAEC) and Common
Weakness Enumeration (CWE) [24]. Most of these vocabularies were defined by
particular organizations, like MITRE and NIST, to facilitate the exchange of
information regarding vulnerabilities, security issues and attack descriptions.
    The benefits of introducing vocabularies are plenty and well-known. They
establish a common language that can be used by different organizations to de-
scribe the same concepts and provide a framework for documentation allowing
the structured and systematized creation of a body of knowledge. Vocabularies
have proven not only be relevant for humans, but for autonomous agents in sev-
eral applications as well. At the syntactic level, they enable different systems to
communicate in a common pre-defined structured manner. At the semantic level,
vocabularies have played a major role in the last decade allowing autonomous
agents to reason about the information within a dataset. For example, let us
consider a security analyst looking through different databases for a malware
that could affect a given system. A malware is a very generic term used to iden-
tify a piece of software specially designed to violate the security integrity of a
computer system. Thus, the search task can be very difficult given that there
are several types of malware, namely trojan horses, spywares, backdoors, worms,
among others. Instead, a vocabulary could easily integrate these descriptions by
stating that trojan horses, spywares, backdoors and worms are types of mal-
ware. An autonomous agent can profit from the vocabulary by automatically
inferring that an object catalogued as a “trojan horse” is relevant for the search
of “malware”.
    In the semantic web, vocabularies are usually supported by ontologies, a
meta-model to provide a structured description of the concepts in a given do-
main [21]. Ontologies can provide different levels of description, namely at the
entity level, at the relational level and at the instance level. The entity level
describes the concepts that compose a given domain (Malware, Trojan Horse,
Spyware) and their attributes (Malware has name, Trojan Horse has target os,
etc.). The relational level describes relations among concepts (Trojan is a type of
Malware, Trojan Horse has target operating system Windows, etc.) and their at-
tributes (is a type of is a non-symmetric, transitive relation). Finally, the in-
stance level describes the relations between instances, their types (trojan1 is a
Trojan), and their attributes (trojan1 has name “Zeus”). Furthermore, ontolo-
gies support a similar level of inference as first-order logic through its logical
formalism called description logics.
    Several research communities have undertaken the task of formalizing their
domain knowledge with vocabularies. and many of them have moved forward to-
wards describing their vocabularies through ontology definitions. For example,
in [8] an ontology learning approach is proposed for the astronomical domain.
In [14] the authors propose an ontology to document software architecture de-
cisions providing an automated annotation process over software design docu-
ments. In [22], the authors propose a knowledge discovery process to build and
populate an ontology for the cultural heritage domain using a relational database
schema. Extensive reviews on ontology learning and construction using formal
concept analysis can be found in [18, 20, 23].
    As mentioned before, the domain of cyber security has already acknowledged
the benefits of defining common vocabularies. Furthermore, initial steps have
been taken towards building a comprehensive ontology definition which inte-
grates the different vocabularies within the domain. In [24], the authors describe
the process through which they manually crafted a domain ontology with the
goal of supporting security analysts in the task of detecting cyber threats. This
work is indeed a big step forward, however we are confident that the use of state
of the art ontology learning techniques, particularly formal concept analysis, can
greatly improve the quality of an ontology for cyber security. For instance, tech-
niques like ontology alignment [23] can overcome overlapping issues in current
vocabularies for cyber security, a fact that is oversought in [24]. The great poten-
tial for automatically building description logic knowledge bases using FCA [8,
20] would allow to further extend the support provided to security analysts in a
more dynamic environment, a major drawback in manual approaches for ontol-
ogy building. Finally, the definition of a domain ontology for cyber security is
a necessary condition to support more advanced data mining techniques. In our
project, this represents a milestone that would enable us to provide security an-
alysts with advanced features for threat detection such as integrated search from
multiple repositories [16], partial matching based on case-based reasoning [9], or
document annotation [14].

3.3   Enhancing cyber threat intelligence mechanisms
The traditional approaches for cyber security, which have mainly focused on
understanding and addressing vulnerabilities in computer systems, are still nec-
essary but not longer sufficient enough. Effective defense against current and fu-
ture threats requires a deep understanding of the behavior, capability and intent
of the adversary. Threat environments have evolved from widespread disruptive
activity to more targeted, lower-profile multi-stage attacks aiming at achieving
specific tactical objectives and establishing a persistent foothold into the threat-
ened organization. This is what is called an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT).
The nature of APTs requires for more proactive defense strategies in contrast to
the traditional reactive cyber security approach. To be proactive, defenders need
to move beyond traditional incident response methodologies and techniques. It is
necessary to stop the adversary before he can exploit the security weaknesses of
the system. In the cyber domain, cyber intelligence is the understanding of the
adversary capabilities, actions and intent. According to [19]: Cyber intelligence
seeks to understand and characterize things like: what sort of attack actions have
occurred and are likely to occur; how can these actions be detected and recognized;
how can they be mitigated; who are the relevant threat actors; what are they try-
ing to achieve; what are their capabilities, in the form of tactics, techniques and
procedures (TTP) they have leveraged over time and are likely to leverage in the
future; what sort of vulnerabilities, misconfigurations or weaknesses are likely to
target; what actions have they taken in the past; etc.
    One important objective of our research is to develop techniques and tools for
providing assistance to accomplish different cyber threat intelligence procedures.
In particular, we are focused on processes aiming at leveraging capacities for
threat environment identification (type of attack, from where, how) and early
detection of vulnerability exploitation attempts. We also aim at the generation
and enrichment of (semantically structured) knowledge repositories, preferably
in a way that is decoupled from the specifics of a particular technology for
conducting threat analysis and correlation.
    For a threat analysis tool to be useful in practice, two features are crucial:
i) the model used in the analysis must be able to automatically integrate formal
vulnerability specifications from the bug-reporting community and formal attack
scenarios from the cyber security concerned community; ii) it is desirable for the
analysis to be able to scale to complex networks involving numerous machines
and devices. As a more ambitious goal, we aim at developing a prototype of an
engine, in the spirit of MulVAL [17], able to consume low-level alerts (e.g. taken
from OVAL scanning activities) and produce high-level attack predictions based
on the scenario under analysis.

4   A machine-assisted approach for cyber threat analysis

In this section we put forward a cyber threat analysis process aimed at detecting
and/or recognizing (potential) security attacks. We explain the most relevant
procedures involved in the analysis and point out how and where automated
support can be provided using the techniques discussed in sections 3.1, 3.2 and
3.3. The cyber threat analysis process, depicted in Fig. 2, embodies procedures
that give support to the key phases of the search of compromise: derivation of
threat indicators, collection of evidence, evaluation of the results and decision.
In what follows we explain the process in further detail.
 1. The process begins at step 1 with a security analyst providing information
    about some identified threat or anomaly, and characteristics of the target
    system. This information constitutes the initial seed for the cyber threat
    analysis, and might specify for instance, a compromise involving a suspicious
    file found on a Linux system. The involved information shall be represented
    using the STIX language, in particular using the notion of indicator of com-
                     Fig. 2: Cyber threat analysis overview

   promise. One such indicator allows to specify the different types of objects
   that can be found on a computing system/network such as ports, processes,
   threads, files, etc. Additionally, an indicator may capture metadata for the
   involved objects as well as logical relations between them thus providing
   further information to security analysts.
2. Once the seed has been provided, a search of compromise is performed at
   step 2. To that end, the threat finder component queries a database con-
   taining machine-readable descriptions of known threats specified in a formal
   language such as STIX. Only those cyber threats which are found to be re-
   lated with the provided information are considered for subsequent analysis.
3. The retrieved threat descriptions are then used at step 3 by the evidence
   collector component to gather all the relevant information from the target
   system in order to decide whether the latter is compromised by at least one
   of the identified related cyber threats. The process of information gathering
   involves, for instance, collecting the list of open ports or running processes
   in the system. Standard languages such as OVAL provide great support for
   evidence specification and automated collection procedures [6].
4. The collected evidence is then evaluated by the threat analyzer component
   at step 4 in order to determine the level of compromise of the system. A
   target system may be considered compromised by a specific cyber threat if
   it presents a combination of objects (threat indicator ) which are commonly
   found on infected systems. The threat analyzer decides whether the collected
   evidence is sufficient enough to indicate that the target system has been
   compromised or conversely whether more knowledge is needed to diagnose
   its status. In the first case, the process moves to step 6 where the informa-
   tion about the detected cyber threats is provided to the security analyst.
   Otherwise, the process continues at step 5 where a semantic machinery is
   used to derive new indicators that may lead to cyber threats not previously
 5. In the case that none of the spotted cyber threats are found on the sys-
    tem, a derivation process is triggered at step 5 in order to select new cyber
    threats that were not analyzed before. This new selection is performed by
    deriving threats related to the relevant evidence found on the system while
    gathering information in the previous stage. Derivation mechanisms may
    vary according to the available information and context, and they consti-
    tute a key objective within this research work. The FCA-based technique
    described in Section 3.1 may provide a map for finding vulnerable configu-
    rations close to the current system state. Additionally, two sub-components
    may semantically guide the search for new related threats. As discussed in
    Section 3.2, a security ontology may relax strict descriptions making context
    awareness procedures more flexible, i.e. security information that is not ex-
    plicitly encoded a priori can be derived by considering semantic associations.
    Data mining techniques on the other hand may provide the ability to ex-
    trapolate information and extract security patterns thus increasing detection
    capabilities even more. The process of derivation (step 5), threat identifica-
    tion (step 2), collection (step 3) and analysis (step 4) shall be repeated until
    a conclusion or a stop condition is reached.
 6. The outcome of a finished search process may be either that the system
    appears to be compromised or not enough evidence has been found to de-
    termine its compromise status. In any case, the process informs about the
    tested cyber threats as well as the evidence found on the system at step 6
    in order to assist the security analyst to proceed with the analysis.

    Open discussion. The selection of information and techniques for inferring
and discovering new knowledge might be assisted by a human being, the security
analyst in this case, thus following a methodology closer to CKDD. However,
interesting research questions arise from this scenario. One of them is to what
extent can we automate the whole process and let a security solution to make
decisions for us? Going one step further we pose the question of autonomic so-
lutions where self-adaptive and self-governed approaches come into scene. Our
vision is that to achieve any of these objectives, a clever knowledge manage-
ment is essential. In that context, we believe that FCA and CKDD may highly
contribute to accomplish such goal.

5   Conclusions and perspectives
In this paper we have motivated and explained how different artificial intelligence
techniques, in particular FCA and CKDD, can be used to enhance the state of
the art of machine-assisted cyber security analysis. In addition to the objectives
depicted in our research roadmap, we also target the construction of an experi-
mental testbed for emulating hostile and unsafe environments. This can provide
the ability to deploy implementation prototypes and anticipation solutions in
order to evaluate the feasibility, scalability and accuracy of our approach. We
have already experimented with a preliminary version of a tool that provides
mechanical support for conducting the cyber threat analysis process described
in section 4. We are convinced that the extension of the tool with mechanisms
that make use of conceptual knowledge discovery techniques will greatly improve
the accuracy and efficiency of the process.


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