=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1431/paper8 |storemode=property |title=Timeout Interaction and Migration in Distributed Systems |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1431/paper8.pdf |volume=Vol-1431 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/vecos/Ciobanu15 }} ==Timeout Interaction and Migration in Distributed Systems== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1431/paper8.pdf
                Timeout Interaction and Migration
                    in Distributed Systems

                                                 Gabriel Ciobanu
                            Romanian Academy, Institute of Computer Science, Iaşi, Romania

The complexity of distributed systems is increasing,           action does not happen before this deadline, the
and so they require appropriate formalisms and                 process gives up and switches its operation to an
techniques for their specificatio and verification             alternative process. E.g., a timer ∆5 associated to
Since these distributed systems grow more complex              an output action a∆5 !hvi makes the channel available
and more powerful, it is important to fin scaling              for communication only for a period of 5 time units.
formal methods for both specificatio and verifi                Considering suitable data sets including a set Loc
cation. Successful formalisms for specificatio and             of locations, a set Chan of communication channels
verificatio of certain distributed systems are given           and a set Id of process identifier , the syntax of
by networks of timed automata and by Petri nets;               T I M O is presented in Table 1.
however, these formalisms are not easily scalable,
a reason why we look for compositional specificatio            Using T I M O , we can specify and analyse complex
and verificatio techniques. In terms of specification          timing systems in a new and intuitive way. Aiming
a process calculus would solve the compositional               to bridge the gap between the existing theoretical
issue. Moreover, in distributed systems coordination           approach of process calculi and forthcoming realistic
is given by time scheduling, access to resources,              programming languages for distributed systems,
and interaction among processes. When modelling                T I M O represents in several aspects a prototyping
distributed systems it is useful to have an explicit           language for multi-agent systems featuring mobility
notion of location, local clocks, explicit migration and       and local interaction. Starting with a firs version
resource management.                                           proposed in Ciobanu and Koutny (2008), several
                                                               variants were developed during the last years. We
We have introduced in Ciobanu and Koutny (2008)                mention here the access permissions given by a type
a rather simple and expressive formalism called                system in perT I M O Ciobanu and Koutny (2011a),
T I M O as a simplifie version of timed distributed            as well as a probabilistic extension pT I M O Ciobanu
π-calculus Ciobanu and Prisacariu (2006) which                 and Rotaru (2013). Inspired by T I M O , a fl xible
is an extension of distributed π-calculus Hennessy             software platform was introduced in Ciobanu and
(2007). T I M O is a process calculus with explicit            Juravle (2009, 2012) to support the specificatio
migration allowing the use of timers for controlling           of agents allowing timed migration in a distributed
process mobility and interaction. Migration involves           environment.
several explicit locations. Each location has a local
clock, modelling distributed systems in a more                 In terms of verification interesting properties de-
accurate way. Timing constraints for migration allow           scribed by T I M O regarding could be analysed and
to specify a temporal timeout after which a process            checked. The properties of distributed systems de-
must move to another location. Two processes may               scribed by T I M O refer to process migration, time con-
communicate only if they are present at the same               straints, bounded liveness and optimal reachability
location. A timer denoted by ∆3 associated to a                Aman et. all (2012); Ciobanu and Koutny (2011b).
migration action go∆3 work indicates that the process          A verificatio tool called T I M O@PAT Ciobanu and
moves to location work after at most 3 time units.             Zheng (2013) was developed by using Process
It is also possible to indicate a deadline for a               Analysis Toolkit (PAT), an extensible platform for
communication over a channel; if a communication               model checkers. A formal relationship between
                          P    ::=   a∆lt !h~v i then P else P ′ p                    (output)
                                     a∆lt ?(~u:X)~ then P else P ′ p                     (input)
                                     go ∆lt
                                             l then P p                                 (move)
                                     P | P′ p                                         (parallel)
                                     0p                                          (termination)
                                     id(~v )                                        (definition
                                     sP                                               (stalling)
                          L    ::=   l[[P ]]                                Located Processes
                          N    ::=   L p L|N                                        Networks
                                                 Table 1: T I M O Syntax.

rT I M O and timed automata presented in Aman and                Ciobanu, G. and Koutny, M. (2008) Modelling and
Ciobanu (2013) allows the use of model checking                    Verificatio of Timed Interaction and Migration.
capabilities provided by the well-known verificatio                In Fiadeiro, J.L., Inverardi, P. (Eds.) FASE 2008,
tool U PPAAL . A probabilistic temporal logic called               Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4961, 215–
PLTM was introduced in Ciobanu and Rotaru (2013)                   229.
to verify complex probabilistic properties making
explicit reference to specifi locations, temporal con-           Ciobanu, G. and Koutny, M. (2011) Timed Migration
straints over local clocks and multisets of actions.               and Interaction With Access Permissions. In
                                                                   Butler, M., Schulte, W. (eds.) FM 2011, Lecture
                                                                   Notes in Computer Science 6664, 293–307.
Acknowledgements. The work was supported by
a grant of the Romanian National Authority for                   Ciobanu, G. and Koutny, M. (2011) Timed Mobility
Scientifi Research, project PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-                   in Process Algebra and Petri nets. The Journal of
0919.                                                              Logic and Algebraic Programming 80(7), 377–391.
                                                                 Ciobanu, G. and Prisacariu, C. (2006) Timers for
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