=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1433/dc_1 |storemode=property |title=Dynamic Programming on Tree Decompositions using Binary Decision Diagrams: Research Summary |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1433/dc_1.pdf |volume=Vol-1433 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/iclp/Charwat15 }} ==Dynamic Programming on Tree Decompositions using Binary Decision Diagrams: Research Summary== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1433/dc_1.pdf
Technical Communications of ICLP 2015. Copyright with the Authors.                         1

 Dynamic Programming on Tree Decompositions
      using Binary Decision Diagrams:
             Research Summary
                                GÜNTHER CHARWAT
                         TU Wien, Institute of Information Systems
                          Favoritenstraße 9, 1040 Wien, Austria
                          (e-mail: gcharwat@dbai.tuwien.ac.at)

                       submitted 29 April 2015; accepted 5 June 2015

Dynamic programming (DP) on tree decompositions is a well studied approach for solving
hard problems efficiently. State-of-the-art implementations usually rely on tables for stor-
ing information, and algorithms specify how the tuples are manipulated during traversal
of the decomposition. However, a major bottleneck of such table-based algorithms is rel-
atively high memory consumption. The goal of the doctoral thesis herein discussed is to
mitigate performance and memory shortcomings of such algorithms. The idea is to replace
tables with an efficient data structure that no longer requires to enumerate intermediate
results explicitly during the computation. To this end, Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs)
and related concepts are studied with respect to their applicability in this setting. Besides
native support for efficient storage, from a conceptual point of view BDDs give rise to an
alternative approach of how DP algorithms are specified. Instead of tuple-based manipu-
lation operations, the algorithms are specified on a logical level, where sets of models can
be conjointly updated. The goal of the thesis is to provide a general tool-set for problems
that can be solved efficiently via DP on tree decompositions.

KEYWORDS: Logic, Dynamic Programming, Fixed Parameter Tractability, Binary De-
cision Diagram, Algorithm Design

                   1 Introduction and Problem Description
For problems that are known to be intractable, one approach is to exploit structural
properties of the given input. An important parameter of graph-based instances is
“tree-width”, which, roughly speaking, measures the tree-likeness of the input. Tree-
width is defined on so-called tree decompositions (Robertson and Seymour 1984),
where the instance is split into smaller parts, thereby taking into account its struc-
ture. The problem at hand can then be solved by dynamic programming (DP).
Many problems are fixed-parameter tractable (fpt) with respect to tree-width, that
is, they are solvable in time f (k) · nO(1) where k is the tree-width, n is the input
size and f is some computable function. Note that here the explosion in run-time
is confined to k instead of the input size. Courcelle showed that every problem that
2                                     G. Charwat

is definable in monadic second-order logic (MSO) is fixed-parameter tractable with
respect to tree-width (Courcelle 1990). There, the problem is solved via translation
to a finite tree automaton (FTA). However, the algorithms resulting from such an
“MSO-to-FTA” translation are oftentimes impractical due to large constants (Nie-
dermeier 2006). One approach to overcome this problem is to develop dedicated
DP algorithms (see, e.g., (Groër et al. 2012; Chimani et al. 2012; Charwat et al.
2015)). Such algorithms typically rely on tables for storing information. However,
in practice such implementations usually impose a large memory footprint.

Problem Statement: Although there has been a lot of effort to put Courcelle’s Theo-
rem into practice, there is still a gap between problems that are fpt w.r.t. tree-width
and implementations that can exploit these results sufficiently in a practical set-
ting. In my doctoral thesis, the challenge is to develop an alternative approach for
dynamic programming on tree decompositions. To this end, the idea is to replace
tables with a data structure that has undergone decades of research and that was
developed in particular to be memory efficient, namely Binary Decision Diagrams
(BDDs) (Bryant 1986). A BDD is a data structure where Boolean functions are
represented compactly in form of a directed acyclic graph. Using BDDs gives rise
to a new way of specifying DP algorithms where it is no longer required to manipu-
late single tuples (i.e., intermediate solutions) of the tables directly, but, instead, to
apply Boolean function manipulations where sets of models are changed conjointly.
One question that arises is how this can be done efficiently, and another one is
whether and how all MSO-definable problems can be specified using this paradigm.
   Overall, the challenges to be tackled are to 1) develop a general approach for
logic-based formalizations of DP algorithms, and to 2) put these theoretical results
into practice by providing a BDD-based DP software framework that mitigates large
memory requirements oftentimes observed in state-of-the-art implementations.

                                    2 Background
In this section we introduce tree decompositions, give a short review on dynamic
programming (DP) on this data structure and introduce a special format of Binary
Decision Diagrams (BDDs), namely Reduced Ordered BDDs (ROBDDs).

                             2.1 Tree Decompositions
Tree decompositions form the underlying basis for our dynamic programming algo-
Definition 1 ((Robertson and Seymour 1984))
A tree decomposition of a graph G = (V, E) is a pair (T , X ) where T = (VT , ET )
is a (rooted) tree and X : VT → 2V is a function that assigns to each node t ∈ VT
a bag Xt ⊆ V such that: 1) t∈VT Xt = V ; 2) {x, y} ∈ E ⇒ ∃t ∈ VT : {x, y} ⊆ Xt ;
and 3) x ∈ Xt0 ∧ x ∈ Xt00 ∧ t000 ∈ path(t0 , t00 ) ⇒ x ∈ Xt000 .
   The width w of the decomposition is max t∈VT |Xt | − 1. The tree-width k of a
graph is the minimum width over all its tree decompositions.
                       DP on Tree Decompositions using BDDs                        3

                  G:    a     b     c       T:          b, c

                                                 a, b          b, c, d
                              d     e
                                                               c, d, e

         Fig. 1. Example graph G and a possible tree decomposition T of G.

   The first condition states that every vertex of the original graph has to appear
in at least one bag of the tree decomposition, the second condition guarantees that
adjacent vertices appear together in some bag, and finally nodes whose bags contain
the same vertex are connected. Figure 1 depicts an example graph G and a possible
tree decomposition T of width 2. This tree decomposition is optimal w.r.t. width,
i.e., the width corresponds to the tree-width of G.

           2.2 Dynamic Programming on Tree Decompositions
Dynamic programming (DP) on tree decompositions follows a general pattern of
how the solution is constructed:

  1. For an input graph G, construct a tree decomposition T . It is well-known that
     obtaining an optimal decomposition (with respect to width) is NP-hard (Arn-
     borg et al. 1987), but there are heuristics that provide a “good” decomposition
     in polynomial time (Dermaku et al. 2008; Bodlaender and Koster 2010).
  2. Traverse T in post-order and at each node t ∈ VT compute partial solutions
     to the problem. Here, only information computed in the child node(s) of t
     and the subgraph of G induced by the vertices contained in bag Xt are to be
  3. At the root node of T , due to the properties of tree decompositions, we
     know that the whole instances was taken into account. Typically, for decision
     problems (e.g., satisfiability, credulous, or skeptical reasoning) the result is
     directly available at the root node. For enumeration tasks the tree is traversed
     a second time (now in pre-order) and the partial solutions are combined in
     order to obtain the complete solutions.

  Usually, intermediate results (obtained in step 2 of the algorithm) are stored in
tables where each row explicitly represents a single partial solution. In case the
problem at hand is fpt w.r.t. tree-width k, the size of each table is bounded by a
polynomial of k.

                         2.3 Binary Decision Diagrams
Herein, we elaborate on an approach where the memory required for storing partial
solutions is reduced by using an implicit representation. In our approach, a special
type of Binary Decision Diagrams (introduced by (Lee 1959) and refined by (Akers
1978)), so called Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (ROBDDs) (Bryant
1986), serve as the data structure.
4                                                  G. Charwat

                      B:                  a                  Bred :       a

                                b1                 b2                             b

                           c1        c2       c3        c4            c

                                 >            ⊥                       >       ⊥

     Fig. 2. OBBD and ROBBD of formula (a ∧ b ∧ c) ∨ (a ∧ ¬b ∧ c) ∨ (¬a ∧ b ∧ c).

Definition 2
An Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (OBDD) is a rooted, connected, directed
acyclic graph B = (VB , AB ) where VB = VT ∪ VN and AB = A> ∪ A⊥ . We have:
1. Terminal nodes > and/or ⊥ in VT .
2. Nonterminal nodes v ∈ VN where v is a Boolean variable.
3. Each v ∈ VN has exactly one outgoing arc in A> and one in A⊥ .
4. For every path from the root to a terminal node, each variable occurs at most
once and in the same order (i.e., we have a strict total order over the variables).
In Reduced OBDDs (ROBDDs) the following reduction rules are applied:
• Isomorphic nodes are merged into a single node with several incoming edges.
• Nodes v ∈ VN where both outgoing arcs reach the same node v 0 ∈ VB are removed.
   Given an OBDD B, propositional variables VN and an assignment A to VN , the
corresponding path in B is the unique path from the root node to a terminal node,
such that for every v ∈ VN it includes the outgoing arc in A> (A⊥ ) iff A gets assigned
true (false) for v. A is a satisfying assignment of the function represented by B iff
the path ends in >. In the following we specify BDDs by giving the function in form
of a logic formula. Figure 2 shows an OBBD B and the corresponding ROBBD Bred
for the Boolean formula (a ∧ b ∧ c) ∨ (a ∧ ¬b ∧ c) ∨ (¬a ∧ b ∧ c). Nodes c1 , c2 and
c3 represent the same variable c and have arcs to the same terminal nodes. Hence,
these isomorphic nodes are merged to a single node c. Then, both outgoing arcs of
b1 reach c, and b1 is removed. Furthermore c4 is removed, resulting in Bred .
   BDDs support standard logic operators (e.g., ∧, ∨, ¬, ↔, . . . ), existential quan-
tification (∃V B for V ⊆ VN ) as well as restriction and renaming of variables (B[v/·]
where · ∈ {>, ⊥, v 0 } for v ∈ VN ). The size of ROBDDs is, in the worst case, expo-
nential, i.e., bounded by O(2|VB | ) and heavily depends on the variable ordering. It
was shown that finding an optimal ordering is NP-complete (Bollig and Wegener
1996). However, there are good heuristics available (e.g., (Rudell 1993)) and, in
practice, BDDs are oftentimes exponentially smaller (Friedman and Supowit 1987).

                                      3 Literature Review
Dynamic programming on tree decompositions has been studied in many prob-
lem domains such as belief revision (Pichler et al. 2009), answer-set program-
ming (Morak et al. 2011) or abstract argumentation (Dvořák et al. 2012) (for a
general overview, see, e.g., (Niedermeier 2006)).
                     DP on Tree Decompositions using BDDs                           5

   There exist several tools that put these theoretical results into practice. The D-
FLAT system (Abseher et al. 2014) combines DP with answer-set programming
(ASP). Here, the user specifies the DP algorithm in form of an answer-set program
which is executed at each node of the decomposition, thereby defining the DP algo-
rithm explicitly. Furthermore, the tool SEQUOIA (Kneis et al. 2011) implements
a game-theoretic approach where the problem is represented as a monadic second-
order (MSO) formula. The instance is decomposed and the DP algorithm automati-
cally generated and executed. Additionally, some problem-specific implementations
like dynASP (Morak et al. 2011) (for ASP solving) and dynPARTIX (Charwat and
Dvořák 2012) (for the area of abstract argumentation) are available. However, these
systems are either designed as tools for prototypical DP implementations, are not
easily extensible to new application areas or suffer from high memory demands for
storing partial solutions during the computation. The latter problem has been ad-
dressed, e.g., by proposing heuristics (Betzler et al. 2006) or reducing the number
of simultaneously stored tables (Aspvall et al. 2000).
   BDDs are a well-established concept used, e.g., in model-checking (Mȩski et al.
2014), planning (Kissmann and Hoffmann 2014) and software verification (Beyer
and Stahlbauer 2014). In recent research the effectiveness of exploiting tree-width by
applying decomposition techniques in combination with decision diagrams is stud-
ied. In the area of knowledge compilation, so-called “Tree-of-BDDs” (Subbarayan
2005; Fargier and Marquis 2009) are constructed in an offline phase from a given
CNF, and queried in the online phase to answer questions on this data structure
in linear time. Furthermore, Algebraic Decision Diagrams (ADDs) (Bahar et al.
1997), a concept closely related to BDDs, are used for compiling Bayesian net-
works in such a way that the structure of the network can be exploited in order
to compute inference efficiently (Chavira and Darwiche 2007). Combining DP and
decision diagrams has been proven well-suited also for Constraint Optimization
Problems (COPs) (Sachenbacher and Williams 2005). The key idea is to employ
ADDs to store the set of possible solutions, and the branch-and-bound algorithm
is executed on a decomposition of the COP instance. In (Boutaleb et al. 2006),
this idea was shown to be superior to earlier approaches by additionally applying
(no)good recording during computation.
   Furthermore, in (Hooker 2013) “classical” (i.e., without tree decompositions)
serial as well as non-serial dynamic programming in combination with decision
diagrams is studied for optimization problems.

                   4 Goal and Current Status of Research
                           4.1 Goal of the Research
The goal of the thesis is to develop a new methodology for DP on tree decomposi-
tions. The following tasks are to be considered:
  1. Sets-of-models based DP algorithms: One goal is to develop a general approach
     where DP algorithms on tree decompositions can be specified on a logical level
     in form of Boolean formula manipulations, such that they can be handled
6                                    G. Charwat

       efficiently and transparently by the underlying BDD data structure. Based on
       this, alternative algorithm design patterns shall be developed and analyzed.
    2. Study of expressiveness: An important question to answer is whether and
       how different types of problems (e.g., decision or optimization problems) can
       be addressed. Furthermore, it shall be elaborated how problems of different
       (classical) complexity can be handled, in particular NP-complete problems
       and problems that are hard for the second level of the polynomial hierarchy.
       Ultimately, it would be desirable to prove whether all MSO-definable problems
       can be modeled using our approach such that the resulting algorithms run in
       fpt time (w.r.t. tree-width).
    3. Implementation: From a practical perspective, the goal is to develop a system
       that combines BDDs with DP on tree decompositions. This tool should rely
       on existing software (HTDECOMP (Dermaku et al. 2008) for obtaining the
       decomposition, D-FLAT (Abseher et al. 2014) for handling the program flow
       and CUDD (Somenzi 2012) for BDD management).
    4. Empirical evaluation: It is expected that the new approach of combining
       BDDs with DP results in much lower memory requirements than previous
       attempts. Within the thesis, the memory demands as well as the run-time
       performance is compared to existing decomposition-based systems, and also
       to “direct” implementations that are not based on such decompositions. Of
       particular interest is a comparison on real-world instances that exhibit small
       tree-width (such as, e.g., provided in (Batagelj and Mrvar 2006; Langer 2012;
       Bliem 2012)). Furthermore, the influence of the variable ordering within the
       BDDs on the run-time performance shall be studied.
  Overall, the goal is to develop a method that combines DP on tree decompositions
with BDDs and to give a clear picture on the applicability of this approach in

                             4.2 Status of Research
In recent work (see (Charwat and Woltran 2015)) we accomplished to formalize our
approach for NP-complete decision problems. The applied methodology is feasible
for problems that are fpt w.r.t. tree-width k, but can also be applied to problems
that are not fpt. However, there the run-time complexity is no longer polynomial
in the size of the input (for a fixed k). We studied several problems that impose
different challenges on our algorithm design, namely 3-Colorability, Boolean
Satisfiability, Directed Dominating Set and Hamiltonian Cycle.
   Here, we briefly illustrate how the simplest problem, 3-Colorability (“Given
a graph G, is G 3-colorable?”), can be solved using our approach. We assume that
the tree decomposition T = (VT , ET ) of G = (V, E) is normalized, meaning that
each node t ∈ VT is of one of the following types: (l) leaf node: t has no children;
(i) introduction node: t has exactly one child node t0 with Xt0 ∪ {u} = Xt where
u is the introduced vertex; (r) removal node: t has exactly one child node t0 with
Xt0 = Xt ∪ {u} where u is the removed vertex; and (j) join node: t has exactly two
child nodes t0 and t00 with Xt = Xt0 = Xt00 .
                                           DP on Tree Decompositions using BDDs                                                                               7

                                                                                               5000                                                  10
                                                                     Solved                                  Memory
                                                                                               4000          Time                                    8


                                                                                                                                                         Memory (GB)
                                                                                  Time (sec)
                                                                                               3000          D-FLAT EDM                              6

                                                                                                             dynBDD EDM
                                                                                               2000                                                  4

                                                                                               1000                                                  2

                                                                                                 0                                                   0

                                                                                                      0    20   40     60 80 100         130   160

              dynBDD EDM D-FLAT EDM    dynBDD LDM      SEQUOIA   D-FLAT LDM                                           Instances solved

            Fig. 3. 3-Colorability: Benchmark comparison with available TD-based systems.

    Let the set of colors C = {r, g, b}. For all c ∈ C and x ∈ V , the truth value
 of variable cx denotes whether vertex x gets assigned color c. The algorithm now
 works as follows. We traverse T in post-order. At each node t ∈ VT we compute the
 BDD Bt∗ based on the node type ∗ ∈ {l, i, r, j}. Additionally, we take into account
 the BDDs Bt0 and Bt00 of the child nodes (if any), and the subgraph of G that is
 induced by the vertices in Xt . Here, we denote by Et the edges contained in the
 induced subgraph. The BDD manipulation operations are given as follows:

                                             ^           ^                                        ^
                                Btl =                             ¬(cx ∧ cy ) ∧                           (rx ∨ gx ∨ bx )∧
                                            c∈C {x,y}∈Et                                         x∈Xt
                                                        ¬(rx ∧ gx ) ∧ ¬(rx ∧ bx ) ∧ ¬(gx ∧ bx )
                                                       ^         ^
                                Bti =Bt0 ∧                                    ¬(cx ∧ cu ) ∧ (ru ∨ gu ∨ bu )∧
                                                       c∈C {x,u}∈Et
                                           ¬(ru ∧ gu ) ∧ ¬(ru ∧ bu ) ∧ ¬(gu ∧ bu )
                                Btr =∃ru gu bu [Bt0 ]                                                     Btj = Bt0 ∧ Bt00

    For a graph to be 3-colorable we have to guarantee that adjacent vertices do
 not have the same color and that every vertex gets assigned exactly one color.
 Intuitively, Btl and Bti are constructed by adding the respective constraints for in-
 troduced vertices. In Btr , due to the definition of tree decompositions, we know that
 all constraints related to removed vertex u were already taken into account. Hence,
 we can abstract away the variables associated with u, thereby keeping the size of
 the BDD bound by the width of the decomposition. In join nodes, Btj combines the
 intermediate results obtained in the child nodes of the decomposition. At the root
 node r of T (where we impose Xr = ∅) we have that either Br = > or Br = ⊥,
 representing the solution to our problem.
    We call the approach illustrated above early decision method (EDM), meaning
 that information is incorporated into the BDD as soon as it becomes available (i.e.,
 during introduction of vertices). In (Charwat and Woltran 2015) we developed an
 alternative algorithm design pattern, called late decision method (LDM). In contrast
 to EDM, here the BDDs are updated just before a vertex is removed from a bag.
    All problems mentioned above were implemented in both the EDM and LDM
 variants, and compared to TD-based systems in a preliminary empirical evaluation.
8                                    G. Charwat

Results for 3-Colorability are shown in Figure 3 (for details and further results,
see (Charwat and Woltran 2015)). The benchmark set contained 252 (randomly
generated) instances consisting of 10 up to 1000 vertices. The obtained tree decom-
positions exhibited a width between 1 and 944. The figure on the left illustrates
the number of solved instances, as well as the overall number of observed time-
outs (limited to 10 minutes) and memouts (limited to 4GB). SEQUOIA reports
“error” whenever the system-internal pre-check determines that the given instance
is not solvable. The accumulated runtime and memory requirements over all in-
stances that were solved by the two best-performing systems is given in the right
figure. In total, dynBDD (using EDM) required approximately 18% less time and
47% less memory than D-FLAT (EDM). Our experiments suggest that EDM is
better-suited for unsatisfiable instances since conflicts can be detected earlier dur-
ing the computation. However, LDM usually yields smaller BDDs and results in less
computational effort. Furthermore, from a developer’s perspective, we obtain more
concise algorithm specifications. Overall, benchmark results are very promising for
all problems considered so far, both with respect to reduced memory requirements
and run-time.

                 5 Open Issues and Expected Achievements

The performance of BDDs heavily depends on the applied variable ordering. An
open question is how this ordering can be optimized in our context, e.g., by taking
the ordering of the vertices in the tree decomposition into account. Furthermore,
from a practical perspective, also debugging and visualization possibilities that may
support an algorithm developer are under investigation. It is desirable to develop
further algorithm design pattern (besides EDM and LDM) and to study their impli-
cations on the run-time performance. Additionally, our approach natively supports
parallel problem solving (over decomposition branches), which would be a comple-
mentary approach to recent developments on parallel BDD implementations (van
Dijk et al. 2013; Lovato et al. 2014). Additionally, it would be interesting to de-
velop problem-specific optimizations for our TD-based algorithms and compare
their performance to standard (non-DP) implementations (e.g., for Hamiltonian
Cycle (Gebser et al. 2014; Soh et al. 2014)).
   Regarding expressiveness, we are interested in optimization problems. Here, al-
ternative types of decision diagrams (DDs), such as Algebraic DDs (Bahar et al.
1997), Edge-valued BDDs (Lai and Sastry 1992) and Multi-valued DDs (Kam et al.
1998) may be appropriate. Most importantly, we want to study our approach in the
context of problems that are hard for the second level of the polynomial hierarchy.
Here, a challenge to be faced is that each partial solution get associated with a set
of so-called counter candidates, that witness whether a partial solution is valid (see,
e.g., (Dvořák et al. 2012)). Here, an open issue is how such sets of counter candi-
dates can be represented in BDDs. Ultimately we want to provide a BDD-based
tool-set for various intractable problems, such that they can be solved in fpt time
within our approach.
                     DP on Tree Decompositions using BDDs                           9

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