=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1433/tc_74 |storemode=property |title=A Logical Approach to Working with Biological Databases |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1433/tc_74.pdf |volume=Vol-1433 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/iclp/AngelopoulosG15 }} ==A Logical Approach to Working with Biological Databases== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1433/tc_74.pdf
Technical Communications of ICLP 2015. Copyright with the Authors.                         1

    A logical approach to working with biological
                                   Nicos Angelopoulos
              Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College, London, UK

                                    Georgios Giamas
              Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College, London, UK

                       submitted 29 April 2015; accepted 5 June 2015


It has been argued before that Prolog is a strong candidate for research and code develop-
ment in bioinformatics and computational biology. This position has been based on both
the intrinsic strengths of Prolog and recent advances in its technologies. Here we strengthen
the case for the deployment and penetration of Prolog into bioinformatics, by introduc-
ing bio db, a comprehensive and extensible system for working with biological data. We
focus on databases that translate between biological products and product-to-product
interactions, the latter of which can be visualised as graphs. This library allows easy ac-
cess to high quality data in two formats: as Prolog fact files and as SQLite databases.
On-demand downloading of prepacked data files in these two formats is supported in all
operating system architectures as well as reconstruction from latest data files from the
curated databases. The methods used to deliver the data are transparent to the user and
the data are delivered in he familiar format of Prolog facts.

                                    1 Introduction
Prolog’s traditional playground is that of knowledge representation and AI appli-
cations on crisp, logical inference and search. In addition to being a research tool
in these areas, Prolog implementations have been developing to full fledged general
purpose programming environments. These developments have start shaping a role
for logic programming in a variety of new areas.
   Bioinformatics has been been the meeting point of a number of influences since
its emergence as a field of study. Being on the intersection of biology, statistics and
computing, it has meant that a multitude of languages, systems and paradigms
has been developed and utilised for bioinformatics research. One of the strongest
contestants in this field comes from the statistics community in the shape of the
R (R Core Team, 2014) language and its Bioconductor (Gentleman et al., 2004)
bioinformatics suite. The strength of these statistical tools is on providing a versatile
platform that can incorporate a menagerie of paradigms and programming styles.
   Bridges between Prolog systems and R exist in two forms: (a) running the R
executable session and communicating with it via the standard i/o streams, and
2                          N. Angelopoulos & G. Giamas

(b) connecting to an R shared library and exchange data and invoke functions via
a C language based interface. The former approach is suitable for working with R
code that depends on the executable’s running environment. An example of a session
based approach is r session (Angelopoulos, 2013). An example of a shared library
approach is Real, (Angelopoulos et al., 2013), which is suitable for communicating
large volumes of data between Prolog and R.
   Using an interface to R would be one way to access biological databases via pack-
ages such as org.Hs.eg.db (Carlson, 2014). However, this approach would increase
reliance to R and create a further layer of complications. Here, we take a logical ap-
proach to incorporating biological knowledge. With the advances in modern Prolog
systems in database integration (Canisius et al., 2013; Wielemaker, 2014) and in-
dexing technologies (Santos Costa and Vaz, 2013; Morales and Hermenegildo, 2014)
working with big data within Prolog is set to become an important application area
for Prolog.
   In this paper we describe the capabilities and design structure of an extensible
library for working with and managing biological databases. Distinctive features
of the package include: on-demand downloading of prepacked databases, ability to
download and reconstruct databases from primary sources, single entry interface
for accessing databases in 2 underlying serving mechanisms. Our library focuses
on Homo sapiens databases and uses high-quality curated databases. Furthermore,
it works on 2 Prolog systems, SWI-Prolog (Wielemaker et al., 2012) and YAP
Prolog (Costa et al., 2012). Although our current implementation only supports
SQLite databases due to their zero-configuration approach, it can be easily extended
to other relational database systems. The intuitiveness of bio db along with its
relational design principles make it a natural way for handling biological databases
in logic programming.
   There are alternative ways to view this kind of data which depend on more
evolved technologies Mungall (2009); Vassiliadis et al. (2009). The strengths of
our approach in contrast are its intuitiveness, simplicity and the closeness of the
produced data to the way the data are stored in the source databases.
   The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents the
datasets readily available and the main mechanisms for using them. Section 3 de-
scribes the facilities for building the available datasets ab initio and how to incor-
porate new datasets. Section 4 shows some experimental results and example usage
regarding the available datasets. Finally, Section 5 holds the concluding remarks.

               2 A logical approach to big biological datasets
Data from biological experiments and data codifying biological knowledge have
seen a sharp increase in the last decades due to the ever increasing number of high
throughput techniques and the explosion in the number of researchers working on
these areas. Here we will concentrate on two main categories of databases although
the methodologies employed can be readily applied to any database, biological or
  The first category of databases we consider is that of mapping biological products
                         Working with biological databases                          3

           Pairwise maps
           Database      Abbv.      Description

           HGNC           hgnc      HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
           NCBI/entrez    entz      Nat. Center for Biot. Inf.
           Uniprot        unip      Universal Protein Resource
           GO             gont      Gene Ontology

            Interactions database

           String         string    protein-protein interactions

             Table 1. Supported biological databases and data sources.

and nomenclatures. A prime example in this area is the mapping genes to a unique
gene names. Due to the decentralised way gene names are assigned, particularly in
the early years of biological research before standardisation efforts took place, each
gene is usually known by a number of different names, this is an example of an
many-to-one mapping, from synonyms to unique gene name. Mapping proteins to
genes is also many-to-one, but in this case because a single gene can be transcribed
to a number of proteins. Many-to-many maps can be used to define membership
to multiple sets. Maps are conveniently and efficiently implemented as Prolog facts
of arity 2. The efficiency derives from first argument indexing (Warren, 1983; Aı̈t-
Kaci, 1991). When bi-directional translation is required, fact databases that reverse
the order of the arguments are constructed.
   A summary of the databases supported are shown in Table 1. Here we give a brief
description of the databases included in bio db. HGNC (Gray et al., 2015), is our
primary gene naming data source. It is a curated and well cross referenced resource
that is held at EBI. Each gene is assigned a unique incremental integer identifier
and each current identifier is mapped to a unique symbol which is the short name
for each gene. Example of symbols are: LMTK3, EGFR and BRC1. We will use
hgnc to refer to both the database and the unique integer identifier field of the
database. Symbols are shorted to symb. As can be seen in Figure 1 HGNC database
entries play a central role in bio db. The HGNC identifier connects to protein and
gene resources, and Symbol connects to gene ontology terms and other naming
conventions (previously-known-as and synonyms). The data populating many of
the relation in Figure 1 come from the HGNC database which contains curated and
submitted data from the other databases.
   The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) makes available a
large number of datasets (NCBI Resource Coordinators, 2013). Here we only incor-
porate their unique gene identifier. This is often referred to as gene id and was for
many years the main way to uniquely refer to genes. Including this ensures that a
number of tools and services can be used via translation of any of the other protein
and gene fields to gene ids (here shortened to entz which is a reference to NCBI’s
Entrez on-line tool that uses gene identifiers as a gateway to its services).
4                               N. Angelopoulos & G. Giamas

                        ●                                              HGNC
                                                         ENTreZ        NCBI/Entrez
                                  GONTerm                ●             UNIPROT
                                  ●                                    GO

                                            ●   SYMBol


                                                             HGNC           ENSGene


                                PREVious symbol

                                                         ●                  ●
                                                          UNIProtein        ENSProtein

    Fig. 1. Mapping predicates connect vertices of the displayed graph. The legend shows
    the database from which the field for each argument in the predicates is drawn from.

   Uniprot (The UniProt Consortium, 2015) is a curated and well established data-
base of proteins and related information. The relation between proteins and genes
is a many to one correspondence. Each protein is transcribed from a single gene but
each gene can be transcribed to more than one protein. Many biological databases
record information at the protein level as this is the level at which physical interac-
tions take place. Uniprot contains two parts, a curated resource where each protein
is known to be transcribed from a specific gene and a non-curated part where not all
information is complete. As our approach is gene-centric we incorporate all those
proteins from both curated and non-curated parts that have an association to a
   Gene ontology (GO) (The Gene Ontology Consortium, 2000) provides a con-
trolled vocabulary to describe biological knowledge. It has 3 main sections: biolog-
ical process, molecular function and cellular component. The basic representation
unit in GO are its GO terms. They are connected in a web of referential relations.
Each term, in addition to its relative position to other terms, contains a number
of genes which are involved in the process characterised by the term. Here we con-
centrate on this membership, which defines a many to many relation. Each term
contains a number of genes and each gene can potential belong to a number of
                                                          Working with biological databases                                                                5




                                                                                       Database                3e+06

                                                                                          gont                                                 Database
                                                                                          hgnc                                                    string
                                                                                          unip                 2e+06



                 0                                                                                             0e+00

                      ensg   ensp   entz   gont   hgnc     prev   symb   syno   unip                                   gene          protein
                                                  Field                                                                       Edge

Fig. 2. Populations of the main fields in the supported databases. Each bar corresponds
to a field in one of the databases. Colours correspond to databases from which the field
was drawn from. In the LHS are the fields associated with maps and in the RHS are the
String DB edges. The height correspond to number of items in each case and the two plots
are drawn in different scales

   String (Szklarczyk et al., 2015) is a comprehensive protein-protein interactions
database that incorporates a large number of interactions present in one of a large
number of species. Here we concentrate on the 4850628 interactions in String that
pertain to human proteins (Figure 2). When mapped to symbols these form 1936162
interactions. This database collates information on each protein-protein interaction
from a variety of sources such as experimental and algorithmically predicted along
with publication information for papers that refer to specific links. In addition, an
overall integer score in (0, 1000) is provided. The closer to 1000 this score is, the
more confident the curators are that this is a real physical interaction between two
proteins. Bio db models interactions of proteins and genes as weighed graph edges
using the overall score as the weight for each edge.

                                                                  3 Data management
In bio db the native representation of the biological knowledge described above is
as Prolog facts. The library presents those facts to the programmer as a unifying
level of abstraction. Beneath this, there are two mechanisms via which the data are
delivered to the predicates: (a) Prolog fact files and (b) SQLite databases.

                                                                  3.1 Predicate naming
An example of a map predicate is
                      map_hgnc_hgnc_symb( Hgnc, Symb ).
The predicate translates between HGNC identifiers and HGNC symbols. The pred-
icate name consists of 4 components, the first of which determines the type of data,
6                          N. Angelopoulos & G. Giamas

which in this case is a map. The second component, hgnc corresponds to the source
database and the third component, also hgnc, identifies the first argument of the
map to be the unique identifier field for that database (here a positive integer start-
ing at 1 and with no gaps. The last part of the predicate name corresponds to the
second argument, which here is the unique Symbol assigned to a gene by HGNC.
In the current version of bio db, all tokens in map predicate names are 4 charac-
ters long. The abbreviations for the database component are shown in the second
column of Table 1 whereas the abbreviations for the database fields are the cap-
italised parts of vertice’s names of Figure 1. The following interaction shows how
the predicate can be used to find the symbol of a gene given its HGNC identifier.
      ?- map_hgnc_hgnc_symb( 19295, Symb ).
      Symb = ’LMTK3’.

                           3.2 Data serving methods
There are two mechanisms via which the library’s data predicates can be stored
and served. One is as plain Prolog fact files, and the other is via SQLite databases
as implemented in the proSQLite Prolog library (Canisius et al., 2013). The former
requires in-memory loading for serving, thus it requires more memory and time
for loading irrespective of the fact that a particular interaction with the predicate
may not require the whole data set. The benefits of Prolog facts is that there are
extremely fast particularly when requests for data instantiate the first argument of
their call. Memory itself is in our experience not a particular limitation as computer
memory is readily available in bioinformatic settings and SWI-Prolog along with
most modern Prolog systems are well tuned to dealing with such data.
  The time taken when loading everything to memory is a more severe limitation
particularly in development settings where the data needs to be loaded a number
of times in short space of time. It might thus be desirable to use SQLite during
development and testing and Prolog for when big time consuming searches are
required. One additional considerations is that the fact that the Prolog facts are
stored in plain text files which can be helpful when debugging. Switching between
the mechanisms for serving the files is done via a simple call to a predicate,
      bio_db_interface( ?Interface ).
All data predicates loaded after such a call will be following the interface method
dictated by Interface. The following example shows how the interface is switched
from the default prolog to prosqlite.
      ?- debug( bio_db ).

      ?- bio_db_interface( Iface ).
      Iface = prolog.

      ?- map_hgnc_symb_hgnc( ’LMTK3’, Hgnc ).
                         Working with biological databases                           7

      % Loading prolog db: .../maps/hgnc/map_hgnc_symb_hgnc.pl
      Hgnc = 19295.

      ?- bio_db_interface( prosqlite ).
      % Setting bio_db_interface prolog_flag, to: prosqlite

      ?- map_hgnc_prev_symb( Prev, Symb ).
      % Loading prosqlite db: .../map_hgnc_prev_symb.sqlite
      Prev = ’A1BG-AS’,
      Symb = ’A1BG-AS1’;
      Prev = ’A1BGAS’,
      Symb = ’A1BG-AS1’ ;
      Prev = ’A1BG-AS’,
      Symb = ’A1BG-AS1’...

                           3.3 Downloading datasets
The library comes with placeholder code for each supported database table. On
first call the relevant datafile is downloaded from the web-server and consulted on-
the-fly after the place-holding code is removed. In each new interactive invocation,
hot-swapping and then consulting of the relevant and data file will make the data
available as facts. The facts are served transparently to the user by the two different
technologies detailed above.
   The downloading of non-installed datasets occurs automatically and transpar-
ently to the user. This is triggered by a call to the corresponding data predicate
and the actual call is served within the same interaction as demonstrated below
   ?- debug( bio_db ).

   ?- map_hgnc_symb_hgnc( ’LMTK3’, Hgnc ).
   % prolog DB:table hgnc:map_hgnc_symb_hgnc/2 is not installed,
                             do you want to download (Y/n) ?
   % Trying to get: url_file(.../map_hgnc_symb_hgnc.pl,
   % Loading prolog db: .../hgnc/map_hgnc_symb_hgnc.pl
   Hgnc = 19295.

  The data files are stored in a directory organised in maps and graphs reflecting the
two main type of information supported. Within these two sub directories data are
organised as per database of origin. The root of this filestore organisation defaults
to the data directory of the library or can be set via an environment variable or by
using the set prolog flag/2 predicate.
  The default location for storing data files is at the level of an SWI-Prolog pack
8                           N. Angelopoulos & G. Giamas

        GO term        GO name                                        population

        GO:0003674     molecular function                             764
        GO:0004674     protein serine/threonine kinase activity       340
        GO:0004713     protein tyrosine kinase activity               89
        GO:0005524     ATP binding                                    1488
        GO:0005575     cellular component                             497
        GO:0006468     protein phosphorylation                        557
        GO:0010923     negative regulation of phosphatase activity    53
        GO:0016021     integral component of membrane                 200
        GO:0018108     peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation              131

Table 2. Gene ontology terms and associated GO term names for LMTK3. Third
               column shows the total of genes in the GO term

located at pack(bio db repo). Alternatively to loading each file piecemeal, users
can download the data with a single download as a pack via
     ?- pack_instal( bio_db_repo ).
  Each dataset contains a set of house keeping information that show among other
things the date the set was downloaded and built.
map_hgnc_hgnc_symb_info(date, date(2015, 4, 28)).
map_hgnc_hgnc_symb_info(map_type, map_type(1, 1)).
map_hgnc_hgnc_symb_info(unique_lengths, c(43592, 43592, 43592)).
map_hgnc_hgnc_symb_info(header, row(’HGNC ID’, ’Approved Symbol’)

                     3.4 Reconstruction and new datasets
The Prolog scripts used to download and convert the data are given in the library
source code. The overall work-flow normally is as follows: (a) download a remote
file to a local date-stamped file, (b) read the downloaded file, (c) produce bio db
outputs, and (d) move or link files from downloads directory to loadables directory.
These scripts can be used to reconstruct the datasets in different time points to
those provided by bio db repo, thus affording more autonomy to the users.

                                     4 Examples
Gene ontology terms are routinely used in the analysis of biological data, particu-
larly functional analysis of target lists. For instance from a list of genes differentially
expressed in an set of microarray experiments, GO term over-representation seeks
to identify GO terms in which members of the differential list are present in numbers
more than expected by random selection (Falcon and Gentleman, 2007).
   Here we will look into the GO terms of the LMTK3 tyrosine kinase (Giamas
et al., 2011). The following code shows how to produce the GO terms, their names
and their populations, which are shown in Table 2.
                            Working with biological databases                                                                9


                                         CYP11A1 ●                            ●
                                                                                                     ●   GPX1
                          DCUN1D3 ●
                                                                                     ●                          ●   MYC
                     PTPRC ●
                                     CCL7                 ERCC6
                                                                                         PRKDC                  ●   TRIM13
                                                CDS1●                                ●
                                                                              ●              ●   XRCC4
                GATA3 ●        ●
                            CXCL10              ●                                                               ●   TIGAR
                                                                                             ●   XRCC2
                      BAX ●                     TP73 ●

                            BAK1 ●                    ●               ●                  ●                 ●   BCL2
                                                TP63                                     BRCA2

                                            ●                                                    ●   APOBEC1
                                                          ●                   ●
                                                    SOD2                      PML

Fig. 3. Gene ontology term GO:0010332: response to gamma radiation. Edges are provided
by the String database. The width and darkness of edge colour signify higher belief in the
interaction being a real protein-protein interaction

      lmtk3_go :-
         map_gont_symb_gont( ’LMTK3’, Gont ),
         findall( Symb, map_gont_gont_symb(Gont,Symb), Symbs ),
         map_gont_gont_gonm( Gont, Gonm ),
         sort( Symbs, Oymbs ),
         length( Oymbs, Len ),

      ?- lmtk3_go.

  As a second example we combine GO terms with String interactions. For a given
GO term we can construct a weighted graph reflecting the interactions from the
String database. This is build by first mapping an input GO term to the list of
symbols it contains and then collecting all edges amongst these symbols that have
a weight that exceeds that of a provided limit. The graph in Figure 3 shows such a
graph for term GO:0010332 for a minimum weight of 500.
10                         N. Angelopoulos & G. Giamas

         findall( Symb, map_gont_gont_symb(Gont,Symb), Symbs ),
         findall( Symb1-Symb2:W, (
                               Lim < W
                                       Graph ).

      ?- go_term_graph( ’GO:0010332’, 500, W ).

                                  4.1 Availability
The software described in this paper is available as an easy to install library for the
SWI-Prolog system. Installation can be done within the system with a single call

      ?- pack_install( bio_db ).

This will only install the library source code but not the datasets. These will be
downloaded on demand and transparently to the user upon the first call to a pred-
   All but one dataset, which have been excluded due to its size, can be also uploaded
proactively with a single call,

      ?- pack_install( bio_db_repo ).

                                  5 Conclusions
We have argued that Prolog is a powerful language for building bioinformatics
pipelines and that its role can be of crucial importance as biological data is in-
creasingly needed to be viewed as knowledge both in the contexts of analysis and
that of statistical inference or machine learning. Prolog’s knowledge representation
credentials are highly relevant in this context.
   We presented a library that is easily installed from within SWI-Prolog (Wiele-
maker et al., 2008). This library presents a convenient and intuitive way for working
with biological data. All available data have been sourced from high quality and
wherever possible curated databases. The emphasis of our approach is to provide
easy of use, via automatically downloading datasets and using code hot-swapping,
as well as flexibility by de-coupling data from code and allowing transparent ways
of only downloading the necessary datasets.
   There are alternative ways to view this kind of data which depend on more
evolved technologies Mungall (2009); Vassiliadis et al. (2009). The strengths of
our approach in contrast are its intuitiveness, simplicity and the closeness of the
produced data to the way the data are stored in the source databases. Current
work on the library includes extending to other databases and particularly the
                        Working with biological databases                        11

Reactome database (Croft et al., 2014), as well as to other database interfaces such
as ODBC. Prolog is well suited for research and code development in the areas
of bioinformatics and computational biology. The code presented here, can play a
strong role in promoting Prolog in these areas.

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