=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1435/paper4 |storemode=property |title=The Role of Negative Results for Choosing an Evaluation Approach – A Recommender Systems Case Study |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1435/NoISE2015_paper_4.pdf |volume=Vol-1435 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/esws/HeitmannH15 }} ==The Role of Negative Results for Choosing an Evaluation Approach – A Recommender Systems Case Study== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1435/NoISE2015_paper_4.pdf
 The Role of Negative Results for Choosing an
Evaluation Approach – A Recommender Systems
                 Case Study

                      Benjamin Heitmann and Conor Hayes

                             INSIGHT @ NUI Galway
                       National University of Ireland, Galway
                                 Galway, Ireland

      Abstract. We describe a case study, which shows how important neg-
      ative results are in uncovering biased evaluation methodologies. Our re-
      search question is how to compare a recommender algorithm that uses
      an RDF graph to a recommendation algorithm that uses rating data.
      Our case study uses DBpedia 3.8 and the MovieLens 100k data set. We
      show that the most popular evaluation protocol in the recommender sys-
      tems literature is biased towards evaluating collaborative filtering (CF)
      algorithms, as it uses the “rating prediction” task. Based on the negative
      results of this first experiment, we find an alternative evaluation task, the
      “top-k recommendation” task. While this task is harder to perform, our
      positive results show that it is a much better fit, which is not biased to-
      wards either CF or our graph-based algorithm. The second set of results
      are statistically significant (Wilcoxon rank sum test, p < 0.01).

1   Introduction
Personalisation has come to be an expected feature for many user facing web
sites. This includes e-commerce sites such as Amazon [1], media discovery sites
like Netflix [2], as well as social networking sites like Facebook.
    Linked Open Data (LOD) and the Semantic Web strive to enable “smarter”
and personalised user experiences, as described by Tim Berners-Lee et al. in the
original vision statement [3]. Therefore, exploiting RDF and Linked Data for
recommender systems has naturally become an active area of research. Notable
examples include e.g. the work of Middleton et al. [4], Passant [5] and Di Noia et
al. [6].
    However, personalisation approaches based on RDF data need to be compared
to the vast body of existing research on personalisation. Recommender systems
have been a widely explored research topic since the early 90’s, when the Grou-
pLens project [7] produced one of the first recommender systems in order to filter
net news from the usenet.
    More importantly, in order to be comparable to the state of the art, RDF-
based recommendation algorithms have to be compared to the best perform-
ing, existing recommendation algorithms. This requires adapting existing gold-
standard data sets and evaluation protocols, in order to answer the following
research question:
Research question: How can a recommendation algorithm that uses an RDF
   graph be compared to a recommendation algorithm that uses rating data?

    In this paper, we present a case study which shows how important nega-
tive results are in uncovering biased evaluation methodologies. As we will show,
the most well established evaluation methodology in the area of recommender
systems is inherently biased towards a very specific and narrow evaluation task
called “rating prediction”. This makes it very difficult to compare novel recom-
mendation algorithms to the state of the art, if the novel algorithm can be used
for personalisation but not for performing this very narrowly defined evaluation
    As part of this paper, we analyse the prevalent evaluation approach for eval-
uating recommender algorithms and we present the negative results of our evalu-
ation. These results showed that the so-called “rating prediction task” cannot be
used for evaluating our personalisation approach. We follow this by describing an
alternative experiment protocol using the “top-k recommendation” task and our
positive results. In addition, we discuss why our chosen evaluation task is harder
to perform correctly than the established “rating prediction task”.
    The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 introduces background in the area
of recommender algorithms. We also analyse the two most common evaluation
tasks and compare their difficulty. Section 3 provides a high-level overview of our
SemStim algorithm. Section 4 lists the data sets we used for our evaluations, while
Section 5 lists the recommendation algorithms used for comparison with SemStim.
Section 6 describes the failed evaluation using the rating prediction task. Then
Section 7 describes the evaluation protocol and results of the successful evaluation
using the top-k recommendation task. We conclude the paper in Section 8 and
describe the lessons we learned from the two experiments.

2     Background and related work
In this Section we introduce the background which is required to understand
how recommender algorithms are evaluated and compared. We first introduce
the basic components of all recommender systems. Then we describe the three
most important types of recommender algorithms, their data requirements and
their limitations. Then we list notable related work on RDF-based recommender
systems. This is followed by our analysis of the two main evaluation protocols and
their accompanying performance metrics for evaluating recommender algorithms.
We close this section with a comparison of the difficulty of these two evaluation

2.1   Recommender Systems
Personalised recommendations have proven themselves to greatly enhance the
user experience of searching, exploring and finding new and interesting content.
In the domain of e-commerce, recommender systems have the potential to sup-
port and improve the quality of customer decisions by reducing the information
overload facing consumers as well as the complexity of online searches [8]. In
addition, e-commerce web sites benefit from recommender systems by converting
browsers into buyers, increasing the average order size and improving consumer
    Recommender systems require three components to provide recommenda-
tions [10]: (1) background data which is the information the system has before the
recommendation process begins, (2) input data, which is the information provided
about the user in order to make a recommendation, and (3) the recommendation
algorithm which operates on background and input data in order to provide rec-
ommendations for a user. The recommendation algorithm families which are most
frequently used are (1) collaborative filtering, (2) content-based filtering and (3)
hybrid filtering approaches, according to [11].

Collaborative filtering (CF) aggregates feedback for items from different users
   and uses similarities between users or items to provide recommendations. The
   input data consists of a user profile providing ratings for one or more items.
   CF uses the background data to calculate the pair-wise similarity between all
   items or all users, and then uses the input data to recommend similar users
   or items. CF algorithms have reached a high maturity and are currently used
   by most major e-commerce vendors. The main limitation is the cold-start
   problem, as providing recommendations without ratings is not possible for
   new users, new items or very sparse rating matrices.
Content-based filtering (CBF) uses features of the items as the background
   data for the recommendation. These can either be directly derived from the
   content, e.g. keywords from text or tempo of the music piece, or derived from
   the meta-data of the items, e.g. author, title and genre. The input data needs
   to describe the user preferences in terms of content features. The main limi-
   tation is that the data about content features needs to be of very high quality
   (e.g. error-free and consistent) in order to provide good recommendations.
Hybrid filtering algorithms (Hybrid) combine two or more recommenda-
   tion algorithms to provide better results with fewer of the drawbacks of an
   individual algorithm. This can be done e.g. by combining the scores of several
   algorithms with weights or chaining algorithms into a cascade [10].

   Most commonly, CF is combined with a content-based algorithm in order to
mitigate the shortcomings of both approaches. As an example, both Netflix [2]
and Amazon.com [1] use CF and several content-based algorithms as part of their
personalisation approach.

2.2   Related work on RDF-based recommender systems

We use Linked Data from DBpedia for personalisation. Previous research on using
Semantic Web technologies for single-domain personalisation includes Middleton
et al. [4], who introduce the concept of ontology-based user profiling and person-
alisation with the use case of scientific literature search. Passant [5] presents a
music recommender system which uses Linked Data from DBpedia for its graph-
based similarity measure called Linked Data Semantic Distance (LDSD).
2.3   Experiment protocols for evaluating recommender systems

In the absence of an online experiment with users, an offline evaluation of a
recommender system, is always an approximate model of the user’s response to
the recommendation algorithm [12]. As with any model, it has implicit biases.
    Most early recommendation research tended to view offline evaluation as just
a rating prediction task or a classification task. The goal was to fill in the missing
values in a sparsely filled user-item rating matrix. Thus, the main evaluation
measure has been based on measures of rating prediction error such as Mean
Average Error (MAE) and Round Mean Square Error (RMSE).
    While the rating prediction task is still a core evaluation task in recommender
research, it has been supplemented by the top-k recommendation task [13], which
involves ranking a subset of recommendable items (e.g. from the test user profile)
to produce a result set of the top-k items predicted to be of interest to the user.
Typical measures are precision@k, recall@k and F1@k. The goal of the system is
to suggest k items of interest, rather than predict ratings for all M unrated items
in the inventory of the recommender system, with k  M .
    While these two evaluation tasks provide different perspectives, both are still
based on the notion of prediction of item rating, and in the case of the top-k
recommendation task, ranking based on those predicted ratings.
    The top-k recommendation task is the more universal task: Any algorithm
capable of predicting item ratings can be used to rank those items, so both eval-
uation tasks are applicable. However, there are algorithms which only rank items
without predicting ratings. For those algorithms, only the top-k recommendation
task is applicable.
    Any new algorithm that cannot be tested using variants of these two ap-
proaches will struggle to be accepted by the RecSys community. Furthermore,
any algorithm whose computational model is not based on rating prediction may
also struggle to be compared with baseline approaches that produce rating pre-

2.4   Comparison of difficulty between evaluation tasks

For both evaluation tasks, each user profile is split into a training part and a test
part. Then the training part is used to train the recommender. This is where the
similarities end.
    For the rating prediction task, a small number of items is withheld from the
training profile to form the test profile. This is called the “hold-out”, and it is
usually very small. Common values for the hold-out range from 1 to 5. A hold-
out of 10 is already considered to be big, c.f. [14]. The recommender system then
has the task to compute ratings for all items in the test profile, without knowing
the ground truth. However, the items for which to compute the rating prediction
are provided.
    For the top-k recommendation task, the recommender algorithm has to pro-
vide a list of recommendations selecting from all unrated items in the system. The
algorithm does not know anything about the items in the test profile. In addition,
usual values for the hold-out are provided as a percentage of the full user profile,
with values between 10% and 20% [12]. The overlap between recommendations
and test profile is then used to compute precision and recall.
    In comparison, the top-k recommendation task is much more difficult to per-
form than the rating prediction task for the same dataset. The recommender
system has a smaller amount of ratings in the training profile, as the hold-out is
bigger for the top-k recommendation task. In addition, the recommender has no
data from the test profile for the top-k recommendation task. In comparison, for
the rating prediction task, all the items in the test profile are known to the algo-
rithm, only their rating is withheld. As a result, the magnitude of e.g. precision
and recall will generally be lower for the same algorithm and the same data set
when using the top-k recommendation task, as compared to the rating prediction

3   High-level overview of the SemStim algorithm
Our SemStim algorithm is an enhanced version of spreading activation (SA) as
described by Crestani in [15]. SA enables finding related entities in a semantic
network in a fuzzy way without using reasoning, while still being deterministic
and taking the semantics of the network into account. SemStim extends basic
SA, by adding (1) targeted activation, which allows us to describe the target item
set of the personalisation, and (2) constraints to control the algorithm duration.
Due to the space constraints of this paper, we will only describe the intuition
of the algorithm. The formal description of the algorithm can be found in [16],
Chapter 4.

Algorithm intuition SemStim is an iterative algorithm. For SemStim, a domain
is any set of items represented by vertices in a semantic network, such as an RDF
graph. The input of the algorithm are the vertices in the user profile from the
source domain. Each of these vertices will spread an amount of activation to
his direct neighbors in the very first iteration. Whenever an unactivated vertex
has accumulated more activation then the global threshold, it becomes activated.
In each subsequent iteration, all vertices which became activated in the current
iteration spread an amount of activation to their neighbours. This in turn might
lead to other vertices becoming newly activated, which will spread activation in
the following iteration.
    When target number of vertices from the target domain have become acti-
vated, the algorithm terminates. The output of the algorithm, are the activated
vertices from the target domain. They are returned as recommendations, ranked
by their activation level. Vertices which are not from the target or source do-
main, can become activated as well. These vertices allow traversing the parts of
the graph which indirectly connect the source and target domain.

4   Data sets
In both our experiments we use rating data from MovieLens to provide the train-
ing and test profiles, as well as DBpedia 3.8 to provide the background knowledge
for the SemStim algorithm.
Rating data from MovieLens: For the single-domain accuracy experiment,
   we use the 100k ratings MovieLens1 data set. It contains 100,000 ratings
   between 1 and 5, from 943 users on 1,682 movies, where each user has rated
   at least 20 movies. The links between MovieLens and DBpedia were created
   automatically by string matching. In cases without a match, it was manually
   added. This has resulted in 98% coverage (37 movies missing out of 1,682).
Background knowledge from DBpedia: In order to provide recommenda-
   tions with SemStim, we use a subset of DBpedia 3.8 with 67 million edges
   and 11 million vertices, which includes all article categories, disambiguation
   links, instance types, mapping-based properties, transitive redirects, cate-
   gories, and entity types. This represents all available data on edges between
   vertices on DBpedia. The data contains 72,000 movies.

5     Algorithms for comparison

We compare SemStim to two collaborative filtering algorithms, as well as two
graph-based algorithms.

Collaborative filtering (CFknn50): We implemented a k-nearest neighbor
   user-based collaborative filtering algorithm from Herlocker et al. [14] with
   neighborhood size of 50. Cosine distance is used to calculate the pairwise
   similarity between users. For the rating prediction, we use the weighted av-
   erage of deviations from the mean item rating in the neighbourhood of the
   active user. We used the same parameters as described in Herlocker et al. [14].
   We verified the correctness of our implementation, by replicating the results
   published by Herlocker et al. [14] and by Cremonesi et al. [13].
SVD++ is a state of the art collaborative filtering algorithm, which is based
   on matrix factorisation. It is first described by Koren et al. [17]. We use the
   implementation of SVD++ which is provided by the GraphLab collaborative
   filtering toolkit2 . GraphLab was originally developed at Carnegie Mellon Uni-
   versity. We use the same parameters for SVD++ as in Cremonesi et al. [13],
   e.g. we use SVD++ with 200 latent factors.
Random movie selection (Random) This is a worst-case baseline. It recom-
   mends a set of random movies, which are unknown to the user.
Linked Data Semantic Distance (LDSD) LDSD is a state-of-the-art seman-
   tic similarity, presented by Passant [5]. LDSD provides a distance metric be-
   tween entities of a semantic graph. It is motivated by the assumption that
   two resources are more related if they are the only ones sharing a particular
   property. Given a user profile with start nodes, LDSD returns the top-k most
   similar nodes, as determined by counting the number of direct and indirect
   links which are shared between each of the start nodes, and any 1st or 2nd
   degree neighbors from the target domain.
Set-based breadth first search (SetBFS) SetBFS is a baseline graph algo-
   rithm. It is a modified breadth first search, which starts from the set of nodes
      in the user profile, and stops when any k nodes from the target domain have
      been found.

6     Evaluation using the rating prediction task
As stated in the introduction, our main research question, is how to compare
SemStim to state of the art recommender algorithms, such as CF. Therefore we
first evaluated the SemStim algorithm using the rating prediction task.

6.1     Experiment protocol
We use the following experiment protocol for our rating prediction experiment:
Type of experiment: Off-line experiment without user involvement.
Data set: MovieLens 100k ratings data set, with user profiles in which movies
   are associated with ratings.
Split of train-/test-data: We used a hold-out of 10 randomly selected items,
   so 10 items are in the test profile, the rest of the items go into the training
N-fold cross-validation: If the split between train- and test-data is performed
   randomly, then n splits can be done in order to run the experiment n times.
   We used 5-fold cross validation.

6.2     Performance metrics
In the test phase, usually the following performance metrics are used to compare
the ratings of the recommendation algorithm to the ratings in the ground truth:
Root-mean-square error (RMSE) Given the vector of original ratings and
  the vector of predictions, RMSE is the square root of the average squared
  distance between the rating and prediction for each item of the test data.
Mean absolute error (MAE) Given the vector of original ratings and the vec-
  tor of predictions, MAE is the average of the absolute difference between the
  rating and prediction for each item from the test data.
Normalised discounted cumulative gain (nDCG) compares the ranking of
  the recommendation algorithm to the original ranking. It applies a heavier
  penalty to wrongly high ranked items, thus reflection the tendency of users to
  react negatively to irrelevant results at the top of a recommendation list. As
  the results are normalised, results can be compared between recommendation
  lists of different lengths and between results of different algorithms.
    However, in order to compare CF and SemStim, we can only make use of
nDCG. SemStim effectively performs a graph-search on a semantic network. Sem-
Stim starts with the items in the user profile and terminates when it has found
the required number of items in the target domain. Due to this mode of operation,
SemStim is not very well suited for the rating prediction task, as this basically
requires starting from the items in the test profile. In addition, SemStim does not
take ratings into account. However, an overlap between the recommendations and
the test profile can be determined. So while MAE and RMSE are not well suited
to evaluate SemStim, we can use nDCG to compare CF and SemStim.
6.3   Results
                          SemStim                 9.5%
                          Collaborative Filtering 94%
    The results show that SemStim performs significantly worse than CF. The per-
formance of SemStim is so low compared to CF, that one possible interpretation
is that the rating prediction evaluation task is a bad mismatch for the SemStim
approach. In other words, it is possible that the popular evaluation protocol us-
ing the rating prediction task is biased towards CF, so that algorithms which are
not optimised for the rating prediction task will have a worse performance when
compared to CF.

7     Evaluation using the top-k recommendation task
The first experiment revealed that an evaluation using the rating prediction task
is a mismatch for our proposed algorithm. So we went looking for another exper-
iment protocol which would allow us to compare these two algorithms on equal
terms, without any inherent bias for one of the two approaches.
    We have adapted our experiment protocol for the top-k recommendation task
from Cremonesi et al. [13], which is the most cited evaluation protocol based
on this task. Cremonesi et al. propose an experiment protocol that allows using
accuracy metrics such as precision and recall for evaluating rating predictions.
The main idea is to form a test profile for each user by random sampling of the
most positive ratings of the user, and then mixing them with a large number of
random unrated movies. In this test profile, the originally highly ranked items are
labelled as belonging to the “positive” class, while the random unrated movies are
labelled as belonging to the “negative” class. The remaining part of the original
user profile forms the training profile.
    Labelling the items in the test profile allows evaluating the performance of
each recommendation algorithm in the same way as a binary classifier. Each rec-
ommendation algorithm ranks all of the items in the test profile. The parameter
of k determines the cut-off point for the ranked list of recommendations. The
top-k items in the ranked list of recommendations are then used to determine
the number of “true positives”. E.g. when evaluating the top-15 recommendations
for a specific user and algorithm, if the first 15 items which are recommended in-
clude 3 items labelled as “positive”, then the algorithm has recommended 3 “true
positives” and 12 “false positives”.
    Please note, that the classification labels for the items in the test profile are
always withheld from the recommendation algorithms.

7.1   Experiment protocol
For our specific experiment, we generate the training and test profile from the
full MovieLens 100k rating data set as follows: First we sample 10% of each
MovieLens user profile into a probe set P . The remaining 90% of the data set
form the training profile M . We then construct the test profile T as follows:
1. We take all highly rated items (all 4 and 5 star ratings) from the probe set
   P of a user, labeled as belonging to the positive class. The mean number of
   highly rated items per user is 6.48.
2. Then we add random, unrated items for each user, labeled as belonging to the
   negative class, so that each user profile in P contains 200 items. The resulting
   user profiles contain 96% items from the negative class on average. Cremonesi
   suggests a sample size of 1.4% for the probe set, however this resulted in just
   2 highly rated items per user profile on average, so we increased the sample
   size to 10%, which results in 6.48 highly rated items per user on average.

    We then generate a ranked list of recommendations for each of the different
    It is important to note that all algorithms have access to the same training
data. However, while CF uses positive and negative ratings to find the neigh-
bourhood of a user, the graph algorithms are each essentially implementing a
similarity based approach to find similar items. Therefore the graph algorithms
only use positive preferences to make recommendations.
    We generate a ranked list of recommendations for each of the different algo-
rithms as follows:

SemStim: The DBpedia URIs of all positively rated movies (4 and 5 stars) in
   the training profile M of the active user are used as the set P of start nodes
   for SemStim. The target domain D is the set of DBpedia URIs for all movies
   in the test profile T of the active user. The target domain only includes items
   from the test profile of the active user. When the algorithm terminates, we
   rank the activated nodes from the test profile by their activation value in
   descending order and return the ranked list.
Linked Data Semantic Distance (LDSD): Given the training profile M and
   the test profile T for the active user, we determine the minimum LDSD
   distance for all positively rated items from the test profile to any item in
   the training profile: ∀tj ∈ T : LDSD(tj ) = minmi ∈M LDSDc (mi , tj ). We
   then rank all the items from the test profile by their smallest distance to the
   training profile, in ascending order, and return this ranked list.
Set-based Breadth First Search (SetBFS): For each user, SetBFS starts
   from the positively rated items in the training profile M of the active user,
   and terminates when 20 nodes from the test profile T have been found in
   the DBpedia network. The nodes are then ranked in the same order in which
   SetBFS found them in the network, and the ranked list is returned.
SVD++ and Collaborative Filtering (CFknn): First a model is generated
   for both algorithms, by using all ratings in the training profiles of all users
   in the data set. Then for each user, ratings are predicted for each item in
   the test profile of the active user. The test profile items are then ranked in
   descending order by their predicted rating, and one ranked list for each of
   both algorithms is returned.
Random selection (Random): The Random algorithm returns 20 random
   items from the test profile of the active user.

                  ●                                                                                                                                                       ●
        0.2           ●                                                                  CFknn                                                                       ●●         CFknn
                          ●                                                            ● LDSD                                                             ●●                   ● LDSD

                              ●●                                                                                                                   ●●

                                                                                         Random                                                                                 Random
                                         ●●●                                             SemStim                                              ●●                                SemStim
                                                                     ●●●●●               SetBFS                                          ●●                                     SetBFS
                                                                                         SVD++          0.1                                                                     SVD++
        0.0                                                                                             0.0
              0                5          10                    15                20                          0                 5              10          15             20
                                            K                                                                                                    K

                                    (a) Precision@k                                                                                       (b) Recall@k


                                                                                  ●●                                                     ● LDSD

                                                                             ●●                                                           Random
                                                                         ●                                                                SemStim
                                                         0.05        ●

                                                                0                 5          10                   15                20

                                                                                       (c) F1-score@k

Fig. 1: Accuracy results for the single-domain top-k recommendation experiment,
which is described in Section 7. MovieLens 100k rating data is used as source and
target domain. Error bars show the 95% confidence interval.

7.2                   Performance metrics
We determine precision, recall and F1-score for each algorithm and each user,
by determining the number of true positives in each set of recommendations
using the withheld classification labels. #true-positives@k refers to the number
of items labelled as belonging to the “positive” class, among the first k items of
the ranked list of recommendations. #true-positives-in-user-test-profile refers to
the total number of items in the test profile of the active user, which belong to
the “positive” class.
                                                             precision@k =                                                                                                              (1)
                                          recall@k =                                                                                                                                    (2)
                                                                                        #precision@k · #recall@k
                                                F1-score@k = 2                                                                                                                          (3)
                                                                                        #precision@k + #recall@k

7.3                   Results
The results in Figure 1 show that when using the top-k recommendation task
on MovieLens data, SemStim outperforms the other algorithms. SemStim can
provide top-k recommendations, which are more accurate than the results of
the baseline algorithms, including collaborative filtering. SemStim dominates the
performance results for all three metrics of precision, recall and F1-score.
    However, the differences between the performance of SemStim and the CF al-
gorithms are not too big, which suggests that the evaluation task is a good match
for both algorithm types, without being biased for either of both approaches.
    The results for SemStim are statistically significant for values of k > 5
(Wilcoxon rank sum test, p < 0.01). All algorithms show a trend of decreas-
ing precision with growing k, except for CFknn. We believe that the increasing
precision@k of CFknn is due to the low average number of true positives in the
test profiles of the users. Our experiment protocol adds a large number of random
items to the test profiles (up to 200 items).

8   Conclusions

In this paper we have presented a case study which shows how important negative
results are in choosing an evaluation approach.
    We learned that the performance of an algorithm for one evaluation task does
not have to correlate with the performance of the same algorithm for another
evaluation task. Notably, Cremonesi at al. in [13] found that algorithms such
as CF which are optimised for minimising RMSE do not necessarily perform as
expected in terms of the top-k recommendation task.
    We also learned that sometimes a research community can request comparing
an apple to an orange. In our case, we had to compare our approach to the
CF algorithm as a baseline, because all other recommender algorithms have been
compared to CF. We ultimately managed to compare the two approaches, however
we had to use an evaluation task which is harder to perform than the established
rating prediction task, as the magnitude of e.g. precision and recall is smaller
than for the same algorithm and same data set when using the rating prediction
task (if the rating prediction task is applicable to the algorithm).
    In summary, the negative results in the first experiment were very important,
as they suggested a mismatch between the most established evaluation task and
the proposed algorithm. This in turn, lead us to find a better evaluation protocol
and evaluation task.
    Acknowledgements: This publication has emanated from research supported
in part by a research grant from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under Grant
Number SFI/12/RC/2289 (Insight).


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