=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1436/Paper12 |storemode=property |title=The C@merata Task at MediaEval 2015: Natural Language Queries on Classical Music Scores |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1436/Paper12.pdf |volume=Vol-1436 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/mediaeval/SutcliffeFRHL15 }} ==The C@merata Task at MediaEval 2015: Natural Language Queries on Classical Music Scores== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1436/Paper12.pdf
 The C@merata Task at MediaEval 2015: Natural Language
          Queries on Classical Music Scores
           Richard Sutcliffe                                   Chris Fox                               Deane L. Root
            School of CSEE                                 School of CSEE                            Department of Music
           University of Essex                            University of Essex                       University of Pittsburgh
            Colchester, UK                                 Colchester, UK                            Pittsburgh, PA, USA
         rsutcl@essex.ac.uk                             foxcj@essex.ac.uk                           dlr@pitt.edu
                   Eduard Hovy                                                              Richard Lewis
               Language Technologies Institute                                       Department of Computing
                 Carnegie-Mellon University                                       Goldsmiths, University of London
                    Pittsburgh, PA, USA                                                    London, UK
                       hovy@cmu.edu                                                richard.lewis@gold.ac.uk
This was the second year of the C@merata task [16,1] which
relates natural language processing to music information retrieval.
Participants each build a system which takes as input a query and
a music score and produces as output one or more matching
passages in the score. This year, questions were more difficult and
scores were more complex. Participants were the same as last year
and once again CLAS was the best with a Beat F-Score of 0.620.

     The C@merata task is a kind of Question Answering
[13,17,2,12,18] combined with Music Information Retrieval [5,6].
The input is a phrase such as ‘dotted minim F#4’ together with a
score in MusicXML [11] and the output is a list of one or more
passages in the score each containing such a minim.
     There are three main applications for C@merata-type
systems. First, we have observed in Grove and elsewhere
[7,14,3,8,10] that musicological analyses make references to
musical passages. For example, consider ‘cellos and basses lead       Q: dotted minim F#4
us into the shadows while the upper strings accompany with            A: [ 3/4, 1, 65:1-65:3 ]
gently throbbing harmonies’ [8, p17]. This refers to a passage in     Q: F4 crotchet in the oboe
Beethoven’s First Symphony, but where exactly?                        A: [ 3/4, 2, 64:3-64:4 ]
     Second, experts may wish to find a specific passage based on     Q: minim A2 in 3/4 time
a possibly vague description, for example, ‘the Wagner coda from      A: [ 3/4, 1, 62:2-62:3 ], [ 3/4, 1, 64:2-64:3 ]
the 7th symphony of Bruckner’.                                        Q: chord D2 E5 G5 in bars 54-58
     Third, students of music who are unsure what an ‘interrupted     A: [ 3/4, 2, 57:1-57:1 ]
cadence’ is could benefit from a system which could find              Q: quavers F3 A3 followed by crotchet A4 in the violin
examples such as ‘The trumpet shall sound’ from Handel’s              A: [ 3/4, 1, 57:2-57:3 ]
Messiah. These three applications motivate our work.                  Q: four quavers in the violin against a minim in the bass clef
                                                                      A: [ 3/4, 1, 62:2-62:3 ], [ 3/4, 1, 64:2-64:3 ]
1. APPROACH                                                           Figure 1. Extract from Bach BWV 1047 Andante with sample
                                                                                          questions and answers
1.1 The C@merata Task
                                                                      up to nineteen staves and from a few bars up to a hundred or
      Participants are given 200 questions and twenty scores in
                                                                      more. Query types were different from 2014 (Table 1) and
MusicXML, ten questions on each score. The task is to find one
                                                                      consisted of eight base types which could have certain
or more answer passages for each question. Suppose the query is
                                                                      qualifications. Some were similar to last year (‘D4 minim’) while
‘dotted minim F#4’ against the Andante of BWV 1047 (Figure 1).
                                                                      others were more complex (‘quavers F4 E4 in the oboe followed
An answer passage is [ 3/4, 1, 65:1-65:3 ]. This means time
                                                                      by quavers E2 G#2 in the bass clef’).
signature 3/4, measuring in crotchets, passage starts before the
first crotchet in bar 65 and ends after the third crotchet.           1.2 Evaluation Metrics
      The twenty scores were chosen from Baroque, Classical and
                                                                           A passage is beat-correct if it starts in the correct bar at the
Romantic composers. They ranged in complexity from one stave
                                                                      correct beat and it ends at the correct bar at the correct beat. Beat
                                                                      Precision (BP) is the number of beat-correct passages returned by
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).                             a system, in answer to a question, divided by the number of
MediaEval 2015 Workshop, September 14-15, 2015, Wurzen, Germany.      passages (correct or incorrect) returned. Similarly, Beat Recall
(BR) is the number of beat-correct passages returned by a system
divided by the total number of answer passages known to exist.                           Table 2. C@merata Participants
Beat F-Score (BF) is the harmonic mean of BP and BR.
     A passage is measure-correct if it starts in the correct bar             Runtag           Leader       Affiliation      Country
not necessarily at the correct beat and it ends at the correct bar not         CLAS        Stephen Wan       CSIRO           Australia
necessarily at the correct beat. Measure Precision (MP) is the                                             De Montfort
number of measure-correct passages returned by a system divided               DMUN          Tom Collins                         England
by the number of passages (correct or incorrect) returned.                                  Donncha Ó      University of
Measure Recall (MR) is the number of measure-correct passages                 OMDN                                              Ireland
                                                                                             Maidín         Limerick
returned by a system divided by the total number of answer                                                  Thane NK
passages known to exist. Measure F-Score (MF) is the harmonic                  TNKG         Nikhil Kini                          India
mean of MP and MR.
                                                                               UNLP        Kartik Asooja NUI Galway             Ireland
     Table 1. Distribution of Query Types with Examples
                                                                                         Table 3. Results by Participant
        Type           No                  Example
                                                                                Run       BP      BR      BF      MP       MR      MF
      1_melod          40 D4 minim; eighth note in measure 9
                           trill on a quaver A; G# in the Cello               CLAS01     0.604 0.636 0.620 0.639 0.673 0.656
 1_melod qualified         part in measures 29-39; sixteenth note             DMUN01 0.311 0.739          0.438 0.332 0.788 0.467
 by perf, instr, clef, 40 C# in the left hand; half note E3 in
      time, key            2/2; sixteenth note G in G minor in                DMUN02 0.242 0.739          0.365 0.265 0.809 0.399
                           measures 1-5                                       DMUN03 0.294 0.739          0.421 0.316 0.794 0.452
                           F# E G F# A; Do Mi Do Sol Do Mi
                                                                              OMDN01 0.817 0.175          0.288 0.817 0.175 0.288
                           Sol Do in bars 1-20; twenty
      n_melod          20
                           semiquavers; five note melody in bars              TNKG01     0.061 0.488 0.108 0.073 0.586 0.129
                           two staccato quarter notes in the
                                                                              UNLP01     0.126 0.430 0.195 0.149 0.508 0.230
                           Violin 1; crotchet, crotchet rest,                Maximum 0.817 0.739          0.620 0.817 0.809 0.656
                           crotchet rest, crotchet, crotchet rest,
 n_melod qualified                                                           Minimum 0.061 0.175          0.108 0.073 0.175 0.129
                           crotchet, crotchet, crotchet, crotchet,
 by perf, instr, clef, 20
                           crotchet in the Timpani; melodic                              0.351 0.564 0.348 0.370 0.619 0.375
      time, key                                                               Average
                           octave leap in the bass clef in
                           measures 70-80; G4 B4 E5 in 3/4;
                           rising G minor arpeggio
  1_harm possibly          eighth note chord Bb, C, E; chord of D        2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
 qualified by perf,        minor in measures 109-110; harmonic                Five groups from four countries participated, exactly the
                       20                                                same as in 2014 (Table 2). The results are shown in Table 3.
  instr, clef, time,       minor sixth in the Violas; dotted
          key              minim chord in the left hand                  These were lower than last year but once again CLAS was the best
                           monophonic passage; homophony in              with BF 0.620. This was a great achievement as the questions
        texture         6 measures 1-14; polyphony in measures           were generally much harder this year and there were fewer ‘easy’
                           10-14; Alberti bass in measures 0-4           questions such as ‘crotchet F’ to boost the figures.
                           quavers F4 E4 in the oboe followed by              Participants generally updated and adapted their 2014
                           quavers E2 G#2 in the bass clef;              systems. Almost all worked in Python using music21 [4] and parts
  follow possibly          quarter note minor third followed by          of the Baseline System from last year [15]. DMUN converted
 qualified on either       eighth note unison; C followed by             scores from MusicXML [11] to Kern [9] in order to use their pre-
  or both sides by 40 mordent Bb; chord C4 G4 C5 E5 then                 existing tools in Lisp. OMDN used their own tools in C++. Only
  perf, instr, clef,       a quaver; three eighth notes in the           basic NLP was used. Typically, a query was first scanned looking
      time, key            Violin I followed by twelve sixteenth         for terms (down bow → down_bow). Some adopted a QA
                           notes in the Violin II in measures 87-        approach and assigned each query to a pre-defined type, each with
                           92                                            its method of solution. Others parsed the concepts and converted
   synch possibly          four eighth notes against a half note;        them to a structured representaton. Some varied the representation
 qualified in either       crotchet D3 on the word “je” against a        of the score according to the question, e.g. using music21 chordify
  or both parts by 14 minim D2; four staccato quavers in the             for cadence questions. As the amount of data to be searched per
  perf, instr, clef,       Violoncello against a minim chord             query was not large (just one score) no one used any inverted
      time, key            Ab3 C4 F4 in the Harpsichord                  indexing of the music data.
          All          200                                               3. CONCLUSIONS
                                                                              This was the second year, and much was learned by
1.3 Gold Standard Queries                                                participants and organisers alike. All were once again able to
      200 questions were prepared according to a carefully crafted       produce a working system. Questions were more complex this
distribution of query types (Table 1). Answers were identified in        year and results were lower in consequence. Future campaigns
the scores and checked by two further experts. The data was used         may bring use closer to the examples given in the introduction.
to create the Gold Standard for evaluating results automatically.
                                                                 [9] Huron, D. (1997). Humdrum and Kern: Selective Feature
4. REFERENCES                                                        Encoding. In ‘Beyond MIDI’, ed. E. Selfridge-Field (p375-
[1] C@merata (2015). http://csee.essex.ac.uk/camerata/               401). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
[2] CLEF (2015). http://www.clef-initiative.eu/.                 [10] Kirkpatrick, R. (1953). Domenico Scarlatti. Princeton, NJ:
[3] Cooke, D. (1995). Bruckner, (Joseph) Anton. In S. Sadie           Princeton University Press.
    (ed), New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians,           [11] MusicXML (2015). http://www.musicxml.com/.
    Volume 3, Section 7. Music (p362-366). London, UK:
                                                                 [12] NTCIR (2015). http://research.nii.ac.jp/ntcir/index-en.html.
                                                                 [13] Peñas, A., Magnini, B., Forner, P., Sutcliffe, R., Rodrigo, A.,
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                                                                      & Giampiccolo, D. (2012). Question Answering at the Cross-
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