=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1436/Paper42 |storemode=property |title=Imcube @ MediaEval 2015 Placing Task: Hierarchical Approach for Geo-referencing Large-Scale Datasets |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1436/Paper42.pdf |volume=Vol-1436 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/mediaeval/KelmSG15 }} ==Imcube @ MediaEval 2015 Placing Task: Hierarchical Approach for Geo-referencing Large-Scale Datasets== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1436/Paper42.pdf
      Imcube @ MediaEval 2015 Placing Task: A Hierarchical
        Approach for Geo-referencing Large-Scale Datasets

                              Pascal Kelm, Sebastian Schmiedeke, and Lutz Goldmann
                                                              Imcube Labs GmbH
                                                                Berlin, Germany
                                          {kelm, schmiedeke, goldmann}@imcube.de

ABSTRACT                                                                     The hierarchy provided contains 221,458 leaf nodes (locations)
This paper describes Imcube’s geo-referencing approach, experi-           that are spread across 253 countries. Below the second level (Coun-
ments, and results at the MediaEval 2015 Placing Task benchmark.          try  State) we segment the states into 360 × 180 regions accord-
This task requires to develop techniques to automatically annotate        ing to the meridians and parallels. We also apply a smaller grid
Flickr photos and videos with their geolocation (latitude and longi-      of segments with half the spatial dimensions to increase the accu-
tude) in two individual subtasks. A hierarchical approach combin-         racy and to minimize the computational cost. Each geo-referenced
ing textual, visual and optional routing information is employed.         training image is assigned to its corresponding grid cell at the low-
The results show that for 24% of the images (local-based task) and        est level [3]. For each layer of the hierarchy a ranking model is used
for 96% of the images (mobile-based task) the error of the esti-          to iteratively assign a test image to the most likely spatial segment.
mated location is below city level (10 km).                                  Due to the large size of the dataset and the limited processing
                                                                          time, we did not apply a hierarchical language model approach with
                                                                          multiple modalities [3] but adopted a textual re-ranking model. The
1.    INTRODUCTION                                                        vocabulary of the spatial locations includes stemmed1 words from
   The MediaEval Placing Task 2015 [1] requires that participants         the tags, titles and descriptions. The text similarity function used
use systems to automatically estimate the location of Flickr pho-         is BM25 [4] as implemented by Lucene2 . The best results for tex-
tos and videos using any or all of metadata, visual/ audio content,       tual similarity computations were achieved with a training set com-
and/or user information.                                                  posed of both image and video meta data, regardless of the kind of
   This year the task introduces two new sub-tasks: The locale-           test query.
based sub-task addresses the prediction of missing locations for             The visual similarity relies on a wide spectrum of visual fea-
individual images in an entity-centred way by choosing a location         tures to describe the color and texture characteristics of the video
from a given ground truth hierarchy. The mobile-based sub-task            key frames and photos. These image descriptions are pooled for
addresses predicting missing locations within a sequence of photos        each leaf node in the different hierarchy level using the mean and
shot by a travelling photographer.                                        median value of each descriptor. A kd-tree that contains all appro-
   Similar to the Placing Task 2014, the training set (4,672,382 pho-     priate segments is built for each descriptor in each leaf node. This
tos & 22,767 videos) and test sets (931,573 photos & 18,316 videos)       procedure speeds up the following search because only a portion of
were sampled from the YFCC100M [6] data set. One important dif-           data is needed to be computed for nearest neighbour search.
ference to the past editions is that this year the distances between         Starting at the top of the hierarchy the nodes of the current level
the predicted and the ground truth geographic coordinates are eval-       are ranked according to their distance to the test image. The overall
uated using Karney’s formula [2], which is based on the assumption        distance is obtained by fusing the textual and the visual distances
that the shape of the Earth is an oblate spheroid.                        using weighted summation. These weights differ in both fusion
   In this paper, we present an approach that combines different          experiments as described in results section. Then the node with the
textual and visual descriptors by applying a hierarchical scheme to       lowest distance becomes the most likely location at the given level
merge information obtained from several ranked lists.                     of granularity. By iteratively traversing the hierarchy the method
                                                                          determines the leaf node that has the highest similarity to the test
                                                                          image and returns the corresponding geolocation.
  This section describes the different methods created to solve the       2.2    Mobile-based Sub-task
challenges of the locale-based and mobile-based sub-tasks.                   For this task, we pursue a similar approach as described in sec-
                                                                          tion 2.1 but without the hierarchical layer model and with addi-
2.1    Local-based Sub-task                                               tional routing information.
   The proposed approach is composed of different steps: (i) hi-             We use OpenStreetMap3 to find the shortest route between two
erarchical clustering of the provided training set by latitude and        photos that have associated geographic coordinates. Tracks with
longitude, (ii) visual and textual feature extraction, (iii) generation   a distance smaller than 2 km are routed by pedestrian navigation,
of ranked lists, (iv) re-ranking and (v) estimation of the location for   larger tracks are routed by car navigation, respectively. The results
each test item.
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).                                   http://lucene.apache.org/core/
MediaEval 2015 Workshop, Sept. 14-15, 2015, Wurzen, Germany                 http://www.openstreetmap.org/
                                               Table 1: Results locale-based sub-task.
                Distance           Textual               Visual                  Fusion1                    Fusion2
                             #Items Percentage #Items Percentage #Items Percentage                    #Items Percentage
                0.001 km       678      0.07 %        0        0.00 %       277       0.03 %           1669      0.18 %
                0.01 km       1906      0.20 %        3        0.00 %       1030      0.11 %           4549      0.48 %
                0.1 km       17437      1.84 %        10       0.00 %      11372      1.20 %           31980     3.37 %
                1 km         81274      8.56 %       150       0.02 %      53172      5.60 %          117491    12.37 %
                10 km        200103    21.07 %      1676       0.18 %     133321      14.04 %         224080    23.59 %
                100 km       352851    37.15 %      5121       0.54 %     275985      29.05 %         353357    37.20 %
                1000 km      658519    69.33 %     52002       5.47 %     634327      66.78 %         658519    69.33 %
                10000 km     927620    97.66 %    708993      74.64 %     927121      97.60 %         927620    97.66 %

                                                Table 2: Results mobile-based sub-task.
                 Distance            Routing               Visual            Weighted Visual               Textual
                               #Items Percentage #Items Percentage #Items Percentage                 #Items Percentage
                 0.001 km         2       0.02 %        4        0.04 %       3       0.03 %           20       0.21 %
                 0.01 km         81       0.84 %       138       1.43 %      128      1.32 %          244       2.52 %
                 0.1 km         1593     16.47 %      1949      20.14 %     1957     20.23 %          1952     20.18 %
                 1 km           6501     67.19 %      7014      72.50 %     7026     72.62 %          6959     71.93 %
                 10 km          9171     94.79 %      9274      95.86 %     9276     95.88 %          9280     95.92 %
                 100 km         9659     99.83 %      9671     99.96 %      9670     99.95 %          9670     99.95 %
                 1000 km        9674     99.99 %      9675     100.00 %     9675    100.00 %          9675    100.00 %
                 10000 km       9675    100.00 %      9675     100.00 %     9675    100.00 %          9675    100.00 %

of the routing run are predicted linearly in travel time to be a lo-   tion of the textual model is used. This combination results in more
cation on these tracks. For test images, which do not have both        accurate results, since visual feature are not able to solve ambigu-
chronological neighbours, the neighbouring route segment is ex-        ities in large scale (i.e. , most cityscapes look similar). The results
trapolating while considering their distance in time. The other runs   show that fusing visual and textual information on finer levels (Fu-
use additionally textual and visual features to determine the most     sion1) improves the performance for error margins between range
similar image along the track.                                         between 10 m and 100 km.
   The visual similarity is determined as described in [5]. Densely
sampled local features (pairwise averaged DCT coefficients) are        3.2    Mobile-based Sub-task
represented as a histogram quantised by vector quantisation (a clus-      Table 2 shows the results obtained with our four runs (routing,
terless bag-of-visual-words approach) [5]. As similarity metric be-    visual, weighted visual, and textual) described in section 2.2. Gen-
tween training images and the image to be geo-tagged, histogram        erally, the use of textual and visual features improves the location
intersection of their BoW representation is applied. The two visual    performance compared to only using interpolation along routes.
runs differ in the assignment of coordinates: the visual run assigns   Since most of the routes are quite short, improvements are mainly
the coordinates of the visually most similar image from the train-     made at smaller error margins. For the margin of error below 1 m
ing data, the weighted visual run calculates the coordinates as the    the textual approach outperforms all other approaches by a factor of
centroid of all training images weighted by their visual similarity.   10. The different runs reach a similar effectiveness with increased
   The textual run uses the same textual similarity as the location    error margins. The weighted visual similarity approach (Weighted
task, but the training images are restricted to be located within a    Visual) predicts slightly more accurate locations within a range of
corridor of 0.001 degree along the estimated routes.                   100 m to 1 km. For error margins above 10 km all runs produce
                                                                       similar results. A closer look at the location errors of the individual
3.    RESULTS                                                          images shows that the textual and visual approaches perform very
                                                                       differently which suggests that a suitable fusion approach may fur-
3.1    Local-based Sub-task                                            ther improve the results.
   Table 1 shows the accuracies of selected error margins for the
different textual and visual runs. Based on the experience from the    4.    CONCLUSION
previous years we expect the textual run to perform better than the       The results of the local-based sub-task show that the best perfor-
visual run due to the visual ambiguity at coarser levels. The re-      mance can be achieved with a multimodal fusion approach that uses
sults clearly show that the visual only approach has low accuracy      textual information on coarser levels and the combination of visual
in all error margins when compared to the textual only approach.       and textual information in finer ones. The results of the mobile-
For combining the textual and visual information we have tested        based sub-task show that the use of visual and textual information
two different fusion models. We design a set of two fusion ex-         beside routing information improves the location estimation. The
periments to combine textual and visual features. Our first fusion     low correlation of the localization errors of the different approaches
model (Fusion1) combines the estimations of textual and visual         suggests that more advanced fusion approaches will lead to better
models equally on each hierarchy level. The second fusion model        results. Another interesting direction to improve the accuracy of
(Fusion2) only combines these estimations on the finest three hi-      the visual approach for both sub-tasks is by using local features to
erarchy levels. On the coarsest hierarchy levels, only the estima-     distinct landmarks and points of interest.
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