LIMSI at MediaEval 2015: Person Discovery in Broadcast TV Task Johann Poignant, Hervé Bredin, Claude Barras LIMSI - CNRS - Rue John Von Neumann, Orsay, France. ABSTRACT Constrained Components Baseline clustering This paper describes the algorithm tested by the LIMSI team in the MediaEval 2015 Person Discovery in Broadcast Speech turns TV Task. For this task we used an audio/video diariza- Segmentation x x tion process constrained by names written on screen. These Similarity x names are used to both identify clusters and prevent the fu- Diarization x sion of two clusters with different co-occurring names. This Face method obtained 83.1% of EwMAP tuned on the out-domain Detection & Tracking x x development corpus. Similarity x Diarization Speaking face 1. INTRODUCTION Mapping x x We present the approach of the LIMSI team to the Person Source of names Discovery in Broadcast TV Task at MediaEval 2015. To Written names [3] x x address this task we had to return the names of people who Pronounced names [2, 1] can be both seen as well as heard in a selection of shots in a collection of videos. The list of people is not known a priori Table 1: Sub-component provided used by fusions and their names must be discovered in an unsupervised way from media content using text overlay or speech transcripts. For further details about the task, dataset and metrics the we propagate the speaker identities on the co-occurring face reader can refer to the task description [4]. tracks based on the speech turns/face tracks mapping. We first detail the fusion system baseline provided to all participants (we are both organizer and participant). Then, we describe the constrained multi-modal clustering. Finally, we compare the results obtained. 2. MULTI-MODAL FUSION We propose two different approaches to address the task. They only rely on metadata provided to all participants (see Table 1). Only written names are used as source of identity. In addition to speech turn segmentation and face detection Figure 1: Baseline fusion system overview and tracking, the baseline relies on the provided speaker diarization and speaking face mapping. The constrained clustering relies on the similarity matrices (for speaker and 2.2 Constrained multi-modal clustering face) to process its own clustering. Figure 2 shows a global overview of our method. We first combined the mono-modal similarity matrix and the 2.1 Baseline speaking face mapping into a large multi-modal matrix us- From the written names and the speaker diarization, we ing weights α and β to give more or less importance to a used the “Direct Speech Turn Tagging” method described given modality. In parallel, written names are used to iden- in [5] to identify speaker: we first tagged speech turns with tify co-occurring face tracks and speech turns. co-occurring written name. Then, on the remaining un- Then, we perform an agglomerative clustering on the multi- named speech turns, we find the one-to-one mapping that modal matrix to merge all face tracks and speech turns of maximizes the co-occurrence duration between speaker clus- a same person into a unique cluster. This process is con- ters and written names (see [5] for more details). Finally, strained by avoiding the fusion of clusters named differently. The two parameters α and β advance or delay the merge of components of a modality relatively to others during the ag- Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). glomerative clustering process, while the stopping criterion MediaEval 2015 Workshop Sept. 14-15, 2015, Wurzen, Germany is chosen to maximize the target metrics (here the EwMAP). Run EwMAP(%) MAP(%) C(%) Face tracks Speech turns Baseline 78.35 78.64 92.71 Const. clus. 01-jul-15 83.13 83.46 93.19 Const. clus. 08-jul-15 84.56 84.89 94.11 Oracle propagation 96.84 96.84 97.25 Speech turns mono-show Face tracks Face tracks Speech turns Oracle propagation mapping Similarity 97.83 97.83 97.83 Similarity cross-show ×α ×β ×(1- α) Table 2: Results on the out-domain development set. For the second deadline (July 8th), we tuned these parameters with the evaluation proposed via the leaderboard (computed every six hours on a subset of the test set). We can see only a little improvement between them, showing that our method generalizes well. To determine the scope for further progress we used an or- Written names acle capable of recognizing a speaking face as soon as his/her written name is correctly extracted by the OCR module. In Multimodal the mono-show case, the name must be written in the same Similarity Matrix video. In the cross-show case, the name can be written in any video of the corpus. Since our own approach only uses Name co-occurring Multi-modal mono-show propagation, these oracle experiments show it is with face tracks Constrained clustering possible to earn up to 1% of MAP using cross-show propa- and speech turns gation approaches. Named clusters In Table 3 we report the mean precision and recall over all queries. Compared to the baseline, the constraints on the Figure 2: Constrained clustering overview clustering process allows to have a lower stopping criterion (therefore to have bigger clusters and hence to improve the recall), while keeping very good clusters purity (see the pre- A complete description of this method can be found in [6]. cision in Table 3). The high precision of our constraint clus- tering made the choice of the confidence score (used to rank 2.3 Speaking face selection and confidence shots in the computation of the MAP) not really important. The last part is common for the two fusions. For each per- The tuning of the three parameters on an in-domain corpus son who speaks and appears in a shot (following the shot seg- improves recall by 1.3% and decreases precision by 0.8%. In mentation provided to all participants), we compute a con- practice, α was reduced for the July 8th (in-domain tuning), fidence score. This score is based on the temporal distance therefore speech turns clustering was delayed (with respect between the speaking face and its closest written name. This to face tracks clustering) between July 1st (out-domain) and confidence equals to: July 8th (in-domain tuning).   1 + d if the speaking face co-occurs Run Precision(%) Recall(%) confidence = with the written name  1/δ Baseline 79.1 74.8 otherwise Const. clus. 01-jul-15 98.5 82.9 where d is the co-occurrence duration and δ is the duration Const. clus. 08-jul-15 97.7 84.2 of the gap between the face track (or speech turn) and the written name. Table 3: Mean precision and recall 3. RESULTS In Table 2, we report the EwMAP, the MAP and the 4. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS Correctness (denoted by C ) obtained by the baseline and This paper presented our approach and results at the Me- the constrained clustering tuned on an out-domain corpus diaEval Person Discovery in Broadcast TV task. The pro- (for the first deadline: 01-jul-15) and on an in-domain corpus cess used an audio/video diarization constrained by written (second deadline: 08-jul-15). names on screen. This source of identities is used to both The baseline does not take into account the similarity identify clusters and avoid wrong merges during the agglom- between face and does not benefit from the knowledge of erative clustering process. written names during the diarization process. In addition For future works we will improve the distance between to these 2 additional information, our second method opti- speech turns, try other clustering methods and cross-show mizes the stopping criterion of the clustering based on the propagation. target metric (EwMAP) while the diarization of the baseline is tuned to maximize the classical DER. Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the French For the first deadline (July 1st) we tuned the parameters National Agency for Research under grant ANR-12-CHRI- α and β and the stopping criterion of the clustering process 0006-01 (CAMOMILE project). 5. REFERENCES [1] M. Dinarelli and S. Rosset. Models Cascade for Tree-Structured Named Entity Detection. In IJCNLP, 2011. [2] L. Lamel, S. Courcinous, J. Despres, J. Gauvain, Y. Josse, K. Kilgour, F. Kraft, V.-B. Le, H. Ney, M. Nussbaum-Thom, I. Oparin, T. Schlippe, R. Schlëter, T. Schultz, T. F. da Silva, S. Stüker, M. Sundermeyer, B. Vieru, N. Vu, A. Waibel, and C. Woehrling. 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