=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1437/ipamin2015_submission_9 |storemode=property |title=Patent Analysis for Organization based on Patent Evolution Model |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1437/ipamin2015_paper9.pdf |volume=Vol-1437 }} ==Patent Analysis for Organization based on Patent Evolution Model== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1437/ipamin2015_paper9.pdf
           Patent Analysis for Organization based on Patent
                            Evolution Model
            Yunji Jang                                     Jangwon Gim                                       Jinpyo Lee
          KISTI, UST                                            KISTI                                         KAIST
 Korea Institute of Science and                    Korea Institute of Science and                    Korea Advanced Institute
 Technology Information, KISTI                     Technology Information, KISTI                    of Science and Technology,
   University of Science and                          Daejeon, South Korea                                     KISTI
      Technology, UST                                  jangwon@kisti.re.kr                             Daejeon, South Korea
    Daejeon, South Korea                                                                           jinpyo.lee@cs.kaist.ac.kr
                                  Do-Heon Jung                                   Hanmin Jung
                                       KISTI                                         KISTI
                          Korea Institute of Science and                Korea Institute of Science and
                          Technology Information, KISTI                 Technology Information, KISTI
                             Daejeon, South Korea                          Daejeon, South Korea
                                heon@kisti.re.kr                                jhm@kisti.re.kr

With the rapid progress in science and technology in recent times,
new research fields are being discovered and studied each day and
                                                                     1. INTRODUCTION
                                                                     With the rapid progress in science and technology in recent times,
numerous research findings are being published and presented.
                                                                     new research fields are being discovered and studied each day and
Considering this, organizations from various countries have been
                                                                     numerous research findings are being published and presented. In
investing considerable effort to bring about internal and external
                                                                     several countries including South Korea, USA, and Japan,
changes in their organizations. In fact, at many organizations,
                                                                     policies for strengthening the protection of intellectual property
studies are being carried out to derive meaningful results by
                                                                     are being implemented. Moreover, the number of patent
analyzing research outcomes. Thus, in this paper we propose an
                                                                     applications for research results has also increased [1].
evolution model through analysis of the patent titles from one
                                                                     Considering this, organizations from various countries have been
specific institution. First, we classified the keyword of title
                                                                     investing considerable effort to bring about internal and external
according to properties of keyword and then defined the relation
                                                                     changes in their organizations. In other words, organizations
case of patent. After, we suggest the evolution model of relation
                                                                     believe that they may not be able to survive in today’s competitive
based on timeline and applied to the actual data. It can predict
                                                                     market without innovation, and therefore, much effort is being
keyword of future patent by applying to actual data.
                                                                     invested in that direction [2]. In fact, at many organizations,
                                                                     studies are being carried out to derive meaningful results by
                                                                     analyzing research outcomes [3,4]. In general, among the research
Categories and Subject Descriptors                                   outcomes, patent data is a type of research outcome that can be
H.4 [Information Systems Applications]: Data Mining                  used as an indicator for measuring the technological and
I.6: [Simulation and Modeling]: Model Validation and Analysis        innovative competency of an organization. Patents are not only
                                                                     essential from the standpoint of copyrighting and publishing of
General Terms                                                        research and development, but also for aiding future research and
Theory                                                               development plans [5].
                                                                     Patent data consist of title, technology implementation details,
Keywords                                                             technology category code, citation information, and owner
Patent Data, Patent Analysis, Patent Keyword, Patent Evolution,      information. Analyzing such patent information is very important
Organization Patent                                                  because it can help in interpreting the changes in the technology,
                                                                     trends, level, and commercial value. Patent analysis includes
                                                                     various kinds of analysis such as frequency analysis, share
 Copyright © 2015 for the individual papers by the papers'           analysis, time-series analysis, citation analysis, and rights analysis.
 authors.Copying permitted for private and academic purposes.        Time-series analysis and two-dimensional analysis, in particular,
 This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.            are more common [6].
 Published at Ceur-ws.org Proceedings of the Second
 International Workshop on Patent Mining and its Applications
 (IPAMIN). May 27–28, 2015, Beijing, China.
                                                                       2.1. Title Refinement
                  Table 1. Types of patent analysis
                                                                       The refining patent title stage is performed prior to the extraction
     Theme                             Details                         of meaningful keywords such as goal and approach. In this stage,
   Frequency             Filed country, Inventor, Applicant,           unnecessary words are removed from the patent title. On the basis
    Analysis                 Technology Classification ..              of blank spaces, the patent title is divided. Considering the
                         Filed country, Inventor, Applicant,           statistical numbers of divided words, they are removed step by
 Share Analysis       Technology analysis, Detailed technical          step.
                                  classification ..
                   Application rate analytics , National analysis,     2.2. Patent Representation
  Time Series          Inventor analysis, Applicant analysis,
                                                                       To observe the keyword concept-based evolution process for a
   Analysis        Technical analysis, New applications analysis,
                                                                       certain organization, the words from the refined titles are
                              New inventor analysis ..
                                                                       classified into Approach, Goal Object, and Goal Predicate. Goal
                        Inventor correlation map, Applicant            represents keywords that indicate the purpose of the patent's
                   correlation map, Technical correlation map ..       invention. Since the title of a patent is the name of the invention, a
    Citation          Citation relation analysis , Core patent         goal keyword, which is the target technology, is always present.
    Analysis                         analysis ..                       Based on the type of Patent, Approach keywords are sometimes
     Rights           Patent family map ..                             present, which are keywords that describe the core technology
    Analysis                                                           used to develop the goal technology. In this study, a dictionary
                                                                       was built for classifying keywords into Approach and Goal. The
Several studies have attempted to analyze the characteristics of       classified Approach and Goal keywords are tagged as object and
companies based on the citation relationship of patents, for           predicate through a prebuilt morpheme analyzer. When the
example, the number of research projects that attempt to               morpheme analysis is completed, a relation network is drawn to
determine the technological strategy of a competing company            map the relation types between Approach, Goal Object, and Goal
through citation relationship has been on the rise [7-10].             Predicate.
These studies analyze a company based on the information of the        2.3. Relation Type Definition
patents the companies have applied for; however, to the best of
our knowledge, no study has performed a time-series analysis of        All types were defined for the types of relations for patent
patent data yet. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a patent         expressions between two or more patent titles. The relations
evolution model based on time-series analysis. Furthermore,            defined in this paper refer to cases in which one or more keywords
unlike previous papers, in this paper, we only analyze the title,      overlap among three keywords that are separated into Approach,
among the many patent data, as a patent title can adequately serve     Goal Object, and Goal Predicate.
as representative information about a patent.

In this study, we analyze the evolution process of a patent title in
four stages. Figure 1 shows procedure of patent analysis. First,
after removing the useless, meaningless words from a patent title,
the remaining words, keywords, which represent the purpose of
the patent and the patent's core technology, are extracted. Next,
while drawing a relation network to map the relation type between
the extracted keywords, the evolution of relation types is
examined by applying time-series analysis.

                                                                                          Figure 2. Patent relation types

                                                                       Figure 2 shows the relation types that can be derived on the basis
                                                                       of Approach, Goal Object, and Goal Predicate. A circle indicates
                                                                       an Approach, a triangle indicates a Goal Object, and a diamond
                                                                       indicates a Goal Predicate. Figure 2-1) indicates one patent type.
                                                                       Figure 2-2) relation type is X-type. X- type is a case involving
                                                                       several Approaches and several Goal Predicates mapped to one
                                                                       Goal Object. Figure 2-3) relation type is Y- type. The Y- type is a
                                                                       case involving several Approaches mapped to a Goal Object and
                                                                       Goal Predicate pair. Figure 2-4) relation type is inverted Y- type.
                                                                       The inverted Y-type is a case of several Goal Predicates mapped
                                                                       to an Approach and Goal Object pair. Figure 2-5) relation type is
                                                                       V- type. In the V-type, several Goal Objects and several
            Figure 1. Patent analytics model Procedure                 Approaches are mapped to one Goal Predicate. Figure 2-6)
                                                                       relation type is inverted V-type. In the fifth inverted V-type,
several Goal Objects and Predicates are mapped to one Approach.                    Table 2. Semantic stopword dictionaries
The ◇ type is a case involving several Goal Objects mapped to an
Approach and Goal Predicate pair. Finally Figure 2-8) refers to             Semantic Stopword                   General Stopword
the Double X type having the several approaches, Goal Object,               System and Method                       Optimum
and Goal Predicate. X type of relationship types can also have
resulted in multiple forms, but we studied only Double X type of           Apparatus and method                     Effective
relationship type.
                                                                            Method and System                            For
2.4. Evolution Model Definition                                            System and Apparatus                      About
In this section, a definition is provided for the evolution model.              Framework                           Included
The evolution model is made using the characteristics of relation
types based on the time-series data of a certain organization.                    System                                 At
Figure 3 shows a model that can evolve according to the relation
                                                                                       :                                  :
type. As an example of an evolvable model, “A type can evolve to
B type” refers to a case where the condition of B type is satisfied
when A type and B type are combined. In other words, when A                       Table 3. Distinguishing word dictionaries
type and B type are combined , it should be B type.
                                                                         A-G Distinguishing word           A-G Distinguishing word
                                                                                 Based on                            Applied
                                                                                   Based                             Through
                                                                                   Using                                 By
                                                                                  Centered                        According to

                                                                      Table 3 used is a terminology dictionary for classifying Approach
                                                                      and Goal. After classifying Approach and Goal, the remaining
                                                                      words are processed as useless words. In fact, the words of
                                                                      Korean are more than English word. So Table 3 is smaller than
                                                                      Korean dictionaries.
                    Figure 3. Evolution model
                                                                      3.3. Statistics
                                                                      The statistics produced when applying the unnecessary word
All relation types can evolve into the type of each one. Ø and I      dictionary for 82 cases are shown. Goal Object and Goal Predicate
relation types can be evolved into all relative types. In addition,   were extracted in all 82 cases, and Approach was extracted in only
all relation types can evolve into all relative types. However, Y     44 cases. We made the statistics about the relation type and
and can evolve into the X relation types.                             evolution model. Table 4 shows the cumulative statistics of
                                                                      relation cases from 2005 to 2013. The X-type type appeared most,
3. EXPERIMENT                                                         followed by V-type.

3.1. Data Set                                                                          Table 4. Statistics of relation type

The data set was composed of 82 patents of the Computer                          Base       X       Y               V          Λ   ◇
Intelligence Lab of Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Information (KISTI) from 2005 to 2013. At first we started 99            2005      1         0      0       0        0         0   0
data but 17 titles having parallel structures were discarded.            2006      0         1      0       0        0         0   0
3.2. User Defined Dictionaries                                           2007      1         1      0       0        1         0   0
As explained in the overall process stage, a process involving           2008      3         1      0       0        0         0   0
analysis and tagging of a sentence structure was performed. Based
                                                                         2009      2         3      0       0        1         1   0
on the patent title set, several word dictionaries were built.
Modeling was performed to identify similar results through               2010      2         4      1       1        4         2   0
cognitive analysis. Tables 2 and 3 is a dictionary to translate
Korean to English. Table 2 shows the part of dictionary used for         2011      2         4      2       1        5         3   1
refining useless words.                                                  2012      3         5      3       1        5         3   1
                                                                         2013      3         6      3       1        5         3   1
                                                                         Sum       3         6      3       1        5         3   1
                Table 5. Statistics of evolution model
            I      I     X     X     XX     Y     Ø      Ø     Ø
           →       →     →     →     →      →     →      →     →
           XX      X     X     XX    XX     XX    I      V     Y
   2005     0       0     0     0     0      0     1     0      0
   2006     0       1     0     0     0      0     0     0      0
   2007     0       0     0     1     0      0     1     0      0
   2008     0       0     0     0     0      0     2     0      0
   2009     1       1     0     0     1      0     2     1      0
   2010     0       1     0     1     3      0     1     0      1
   2011     0       0     2     1     0      1     0     0      0
                                                                                   Figure 5. Evolution model in KISTI
   2012     0       1     1     0     1      0     1     0      0
   2013     0       0     0     0     1      0     0     0      0
   Sum      1       4     3     3     6      1     8     1      1    The Evolution Model which can be discovered in KISTI patent
                                                                     among 30 Evolution Model is 9. The numbers in Figure 5 is the
Table 5 is statistics of evolution model. It was the most abundant   probability to go in the direction of the arrow. I type, Y type , V
to evolve into the Ø types from I type. This evolution case means    type are evolved from the O type. The probability of evolving into
new patent is indicated in KISTI.                                    I types is 0.8, the probability of evolving into Y and V types are
                                                                     0.1. The types which can be evolved from I type are X and XX
3.4. Result                                                          type. The probability of evolving into X type is 0.8 and the
                                                                     probability of evolving into XX type is 0.2. The types which can
In this section, we compare the actual results with the evolution    be evolved from X types are X types and XX type. And each
model proposed in this paper.                                        probability is 0.5. The XX type is only type which can be evolved
                                                                     from Y type and XX type evolves into XX type. The inversed Y
                                                                     type, Λ type and ◇ type of evolution model are not observed in
                                                                     KISTI patent. By predicting the future evolution type KISTI
                                                                     patent based on this result, it can be extract keywords that match
                                                                     the type of evolution. For example, when the patent evolves into
                                                                     the patent of X types from I type, we can predict that KISTI will
                                                                     research about Goal Object.

                                                                     4. CONCLUSIONS
                                                                     In this paper, we proposed the patent evolution model through the
                                                                     patent title analysis of the specified affiliation. We presented the
                                                                     new possibility by studying the Korean title which was not active
                                                                     in the existing research. We removed the stop words at the patent
                                                                     title of the specified affiliation and we separated the Approach,
                                                                     Goal Object, and Goal Predicate. By using separated three
                                                                     keywords, we drew the connection network in the patent title
                                                                     based on time series. It defined the types of relationships that may
           Figure 4. Relation network of KISTI patent                appear between the patent through the network connection in a
                                                                     given year. And then we can know the relation case of
                                                                     organization based on the result of test.
Figure 4 shows the final relation network of Approach, Goal
Object, and Goal Predicate for 2013. The network was drawn by        Patent analysis systems and related methods currently rely on
NodeXL [11]. The evolution of relation types was examined by         basic visualization techniques and patent maps, such as bar graph,
drawing the relation network for patent titles keywords of 2005 to   pie chart, separate table, and bubble diagram. Relation types
2013, as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4 shows the evolution model       between patents and an evolution model of relations were
produced from the KISTI patents. Figure 5 shows the evolution        proposed only using the titles of patents.
model produced from the KISTI patents.                               In a follow-up study, we plan to perform the same analysis for a
                                                                     different organization, and compare it with the evolution result of
                                                                     this study; further, we plan to examine the expandability of the
                                                                     proposed model. In particular, we aim to further develop the
                                                                     proposed patent evolution model so that it can be applied to
                                                                     patent titles of other countries in addition to those of South Korea.
                                                                     Furthermore, we expect to use it in convergence technology
                                                                     prediction by predicting a relation type, in which a patent relation
                                                                     of certain relation type will evolve, through the evolution model.
                                                                     international conference on Communities and technologies, pp.
                                                                     255-264, 2009.
This work was supported by the IT R&D program of MSIP/IITP.
[B010-15-0353, High performance database solution development
for Integrated big data monitoring and Analytics]

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