=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1438/paper4 |storemode=property |title=Inspection Mechanisms for Community-based Content Discovery in Microblogs |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1438/paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-1438 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/recsys/TintarevKHO15 }} ==Inspection Mechanisms for Community-based Content Discovery in Microblogs== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1438/paper4.pdf
       Inspection Mechanisms for Community-based Content
                     Discovery in Microblogs
              Nava Tintarev                                        Byungkyu Kang                              Tobias Höllerer
          University of Aberdeen                              Dept. of Computer Science                  Dept. of Computer Science
              Aberdeen, UK                                     University of California                   University of California
         nava.tintarev@gmail.com                                 Santa Barbara, USA                        Santa Barbara, USA
                                                                 bkang@cs.ucsb.edu                           holl@cs.ucsb.edu
                                                                  John O’Donovan
                                                              Dept. of Computer Science
                                                               University of California
                                                                Santa Barbara, USA

ABSTRACT                                                                           Recommender systems address the challenges of finding ‘hid-
This paper presents a formative evaluation of an interface for                     den gems’ which are tailored to individuals from a very wide
inspecting microblog content. This novel interface introduces                      selection. Implemented well, they hold the key to helping
filters by communities, and network structure, as well as rank-                    users discover items that are both unexpected and relevant,
ing of tweets. It aims to improving content discovery, while                       while helping catalog holders sell a wider range of items [3].
maintaining content relevance and sense of user control. Par-
                                                                                   In trying to help users make such discoveries, recommender
ticipants in the US and the UK interacted with the interface
                                                                                   systems walk a thin line between a) making unexpected but
in semi-structured interviews. In two iterations of the same
                                                                                   risky recommendations (increasing the chances of irrelevant
study (n=4, n=8), we found that the interface gave users a
                                                                                   recommendations), and on the other hand b) over-tailoring
sense of control. Users asked for an active selection of com-
                                                                                   (resulting in unsurprising recommendations). Over-tailoring
munities, and a more fine-grained functionality for saving in-
                                                                                   can also result in filter bubbles [15], whereby users do not
dividual ‘favorite’ users. Users also highlighted unanticipated
                                                                                   get exposed to items outside their existing interests. For cur-
uses of the interface such as iteratively discovering new com-
                                                                                   rent events, such as content in microblogs, personalization
munities to follow, and organizing events. Informed by these
                                                                                   algorithms may narrow what we know, and surround us with
studies, we propose improvements and a mock-up for an in-
                                                                                   information that supports what we already believe. This can
terface to be used for future larger scale experiments for ex-
                                                                                   result in polarization of views, especially as we have a ten-
ploring microblog content.
                                                                                   dency to self-filter [2].
Author Keywords
                                                                                   This paper address these issues by supporting controlled fil-
Microblogs, visualization, communities, explanations,
                                                                                   tering of microblog content. It introduces a novel visualiza-
interfaces, content discovery
                                                                                   tion which supports filtering by allowing a user to control: a)
ACM Classification Keywords                                                        which communities influence their feed b) the network struc-
H.5.m. Information Interfaces and Presentation (e.g. HCI):                         ture relating to these communities and c) different ways of
Miscellaneous                                                                      ranking tweets. This visualization is evaluated in two iter-
                                                                                   ations of a qualitative study that assesses the value of such
INTRODUCTION                                                                       controls, as well as the concrete implementation choices ap-
Filtering of streaming data such as microblog content is in-                       plied. We also discuss the ways these filters and controls are
evitable, even if it is done by showing the most recent content                    perceived by users, and how they envision that they would
as restricted by screen-size. However our live timelines do                        use them. We conclude with describing our next steps.
often get tailored to us, without transparency or a sense of
control. Getting the selection of the content right is a delicate                  BACKGROUND
                                                                                   Inspectability and Control in Recommender Systems
                                                                                   In the domain of recommender systems there is a grow-
                                                                                   ing acceptance and interest in user-centered evaluations [12].
                                                                                   For example, [9] argues for a framework that takes a user-
                                                                                   centric approach to recommender system evaluation, beyond
                                                                                   the scope of recommendation accuracy. Along the same vein,
                                                                                   it has also been recognized that many recommender systems
ACM Recommender Systems 2015, Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision
Making for Recommender Systems (IntRS15), Vienna, Austria. Copyright held by the   function as black boxes, providing no transparency into the
working of the recommendation process, nor offering any ad-        The second intuition is that the intersection of groups may be
ditional information to accompany the recommendations be-          particularly fortuitous for the discovery of new content. This
yond the recommendations themselves [6].                           is informed by exploitation of cross-domain model inspira-
                                                                   tion as a means for serendipitous recommendations, e.g., [1].
To address this issue, explanations can be given to improve
the transparency and control of recommender systems. Re-
search on textual explanations in recommender systems to           VISUALIZATION
date has been evaluated in wide range of domains (varying          In this study, we designed a web-based visualization that al-
from movies [18] to financial advice [4]). Increasingly, there     lows users to experience the recommender system we pro-
has also been a blurring between recommendation and search,        pose (see Figure 1). The first two columns represent “groups”
making use of information visualization. For example, [19]         (communities) and “people” (users), allow us to filter ‘tweets’
has looked at how interaction visualization can be used to im-     in the third column by both of these ‘facets’. The system sup-
prove the effectiveness and probability of item selection when     ports therefore support a faceted navigation, with the third
users are able to explore and interrelate multiple entities –      column representing the resulting information. In addition,
i.e. items bookmarked by users, recommendations and tags.          the system supports Pivoting (or set-oriented browsing), in
Similarly [16] found that in addition to receiving transpar-       that it allows users to navigate the search space by starting
ent and accurate item recommendations, users gained infor-         from a set of instances (by selecting which groups they would
mation about their peers, and about the underlying algorithm       like to follow).
through interaction with a network visualization.                  The rational for the visualization follows several intuitions
                                                                   with regards to exploring novel and relevant content in social
Inspectability and Control in Microblogs                           network, as outlined in the section in related work.
In order to better deal with the vast amounts of user-generated
                                                                   The first is that people can find relevant content in the inter-
content in microblogs, a number of recommender systems re-
                                                                   section between multiple communities. In the visualization
searchers have studied user experiences through systems that
                                                                   this is represented by the selection of up to three communi-
provide transparency of and control over recommendation al-
                                                                   ties to which a user belongs, and color blending to indicate
gorithms. Due to the brevity of microblog messages, many
                                                                   people and content that represents this type of overlap. An-
systems provide summary of events or trending topics with
                                                                   other intuition is that weak ties, or friends of friends, are also
detailed explanations [11]. This unique aspect of microblogs
                                                                   good candidates for content discovery. In this visualization
makes both inspectability and control of recommender algo-
                                                                   they are represented as two hops in a network structure. Con-
rithms particularly important, since they help users to more
                                                                   sequently we included a slider which included 0-hops (do not
efficiently and effectively deal with fine-grained data. For
                                                                   consider this community), 1-hop (include people who follow
example, experimental evidence to argue that inspectability
                                                                   a given community), 2-hops (include people who follow peo-
and control improve recommendation systems is presented
                                                                   ple in a given community).
for microblogs in [16], via a commuter traffic analysis ex-
periment, and more generally in [8] using music preference         Finally, the ranking of tweets according to a) relevance to a
data in their TasteWeights system.                                 user compared to b) popularity and c) time is also likely to
                                                                   help users find relevant and unexpected content compared to
Community-based Content Discovery                                  tweets only ordered by time.
Serendipity is defined as the act of unexpectedly encountering
                                                                   Structure and Interaction
something fortunate. In the domain of recommender systems,
one definition has been the extent to which recommended            Figure 3 shows a snapshot of the interactive visualization
items are both useful and surprising to a user [7]. This pa-       used in the study. Information is presented in three columns.
per investigates how exploration can be supported in a way         From left to right, these are: group/community, people and
                                                                   tweet columns. Users can interact with entities in any of these
that improves serendipity.
                                                                   three columns to highlight associations to entities in other
The intuitions guiding the studies in this paper are based on      columns. In the people and tweet columns, entities are clus-
findings in the area of social recommendations, that is based      tered and colored based on community associations. In the
on people’s relationships in online social networks (e.g., [13])   first column, we visualize a set of communities (also referred
in addition to more classical recommendation algorithms.           to as groups), which by design, may have some membership
                                                                   and content overlapping. Within this column, each entity has
The first intuition is that weak rather than strong ties are im-
                                                                   a widget to control network distance from that entity. This
portant for content discovery. This intuition is informed by
                                                                   enables the user to specify how that entity contributes users
the findings of the cohesive power of weak ties in social net-
                                                                   and content to the other columns. In particular, sliders were
works, and that some information producers are more influ-         used for control in Study 1 and radio buttons in Study 2.
ential than others in terms of bridging communities and con-
tent [5]. Results in the area of social-based explanations also    In the second column, a ranked list of users related to each
suggest that mentioning which friend(s) influence a recom-         community is visualized. These users serve as sources for in-
mendation can be beneficial (e.g, [17, 20]). In this case, we      formation recommened in the third column, but the visualiza-
support exploring immediate connections or friends, as well        tion also supports analysis of the connectivity of these users
as friends-of-friends.                                             across communities in addition to the content they distribute.
                                  Figure 1. Visualization of the recommendation system used in the study 1.
The third column shows the recommended tweets which are                   structure, and ranking of tweets) considered useful for par-
by default filtered and ordered according to recency. A user              ticipants? b) is the way they are implemented useful? c) do
can change the ranking algorithm for this column to either                these controls give users a sense of control? d) do participants
popularity or relevance.                                                  use the controls in the way that we envisaged? The version of
                                                                          the system used for this study can be found online2 .
Color Scheme
Selecting appropriate color scheme is one of the important as-            Participants
pects to consider in user interface design. We examined dif-              4 participants were recruited from research staff at computer
ferent sets of colors and carefully selected three major colors           science department at a UK university. Their ages ranged
that represent each group on the first column. They have been             from 23-51. They all had twitter accounts, but their experi-
selected among the most popular color palettes on Adobe                   ence with twitter ranged from inactive to highly experienced
Color website1 . These colors are tested under grayscale con-             (including the use of twitter management and analytics appli-
dition.                                                                   cations). 1 was female, and 3 male. They all had a native
                                                                          or fluent level of English language skills. Participants varied
Materials                                                                 from PhD students, post-doctoral fellows to teaching staff.
The materials for the experiment were abstracted: people
were given random names of both genders, tweets were short                One of the participants had done research with visualizations
lines from a short Latin text (“Lorem Ipsum. . . ”), resulting in         and twitter, the other three had no experience with either.
a total of 229 tweets. When participants interacted with the              None knew Latin (one had taken Latin course, but professed
system, a random subset of 12 tweets was presented. The top               a very rudimentary level of knowledge).
4 of these tweets included a retweet, to visually increase the
similarity with a twitter feed, and was applied consistently              Procedure
across adaptations.                                                       Participants took part in individual semi-structured inter-
                                                                          views, following a user test plan3 . Following the collection
STUDY 1                                                                   of basic demographic data, participants were given a brief in-
This section describes a formative study conducted to eval-               troduction to the system. The various interface components
uate the proposed visualization. We used a layered evalua-                were verbally introduced without interacting with the system.
tion approach [14], focusing on the decision of an adaptation             Participants were then given several simple tasks such as in-
and how it was applied (in contrast to which data was col-                cluding people who are connected to other people for a given
lected or how it was analyzed). Participants took part in semi-           community, or ranking tweets by relevance (rather than time).
structured interviews, in order to evaluate the user experience           Following each interaction participants were asked how the
(following the guiding scenarios of [10]). More concretely                tweets had changed, if new ones had been added, or if tweets
this study aimed to answer the following questions: a) are the            had disappeared. The tasks given were:
three introduced controls (selection of communities, network              • Go to the system online. What are your first impressions?
1                                                                         2
 https://color.adobe.com/explore/most-popular/                                http://goo.gl/krOvuJ
?time=all                                                                     https://goo.gl/3KpH9z
• Select one of three communities that you are a member of        Results
  and reflect your interests (if user can not think of any tell   Are the introduced controls (communities, network structure,
  them to think of conferences that they attend). Have a look     and ranking of tweets) considered useful by participants?
  at the tweets that are recommended to you.                      The scores given to the various controls was generally high (5
• Add tweets (1 hop) for a second community of your choice        or above). There were three exceptions. Participant3 did not
  from the above.                                                 find tweet ranking by relevance and popularity useful at all.
                                                                  Participant4 gave low scores to the hop control for network
• Is there any relevant tweet from this second community          structure, and the links, but this was due to the way they were
  you did not see before? Are there any that have disap-          implemented, and is discussed below.
                                                                  Is the way they are implemented useful?
• The tweets are currently ranked by time, change this to         All the participants noted that the interface was simple and
  rank the tweets by popularity.                                  clean, and had a good first impression. Participant4 noted
                                                                  that it would be well suited for a mobile interface.
• Are there now any tweets you did not see before? Are there      • Hop control All of the participants found it difficult to
  any that have disappeared?                                        understand the control for the network structure. When
• Now, change who you get your tweets from to include peo-          thinking aloud, several said that pulling the slider further
  ple who are linked to (2 hops) people that attend your first      to the right would increase the number of tweets on a cer-
  community. You may want to remove the second commu-               tain topic, rather than widen the network (which potentially
  nity for this too.                                                would dilute the focus of the tweets).
                                                                  • Community selection Participant1 wanted to ‘activate’ a
• How about now, are there now any tweets you did not see
                                                                    community by selecting its box. This seems more intuitive
  before? Are there any that have disappeared?
                                                                    than selecting 0 hops for the communities they did not want
Following the interaction with the system, participants took        to follow.
part in an exit interview where they were asked about their
perceived control of the system, the usefulness of various        • People In addition to filtering on community structure and
functionalities, and how they would use them for exploration.       inclusion, several participants wanted a finer grain control
More concretely the questions asked included                        of which users were included in the selection of tweets.
                                                                    Some users wanted to activate users somehow, by either
• How did it feel? What was your impression? (Positive              adding them to favorites at the top of the person list, or
  impressions? Negative impressions?)                               activating through selection. These participants felt that
                                                                    this should influence the ranking of tweets.
• Would you have liked more training on how to interact with
  the visualization before you got started?                       • Tweets Participants felt that tweets belonging to the same
                                                                    community should not only have the same color, but be
• How helpful did you find the following functionalities (1-7,      grouped together. Participant3 (experienced twitter user)
  unhelpful to helpful), and how could they be improved?            felt that ranking of tweets by any other measure than re-
                                                                    cency (time) was not useful.
     – Tweets organized by community;
     – Changing how the tweets are ordered/ranked                 • Links Participant3 found the links and colors between the
                                                                    columns inconsistent. The relationship between the first
     – Changing who I get tweets from (0,1,2 hops)                  two columns used links, whereas the relationship between
     – Being able to interact with the system to specify dif-       the second two columns used colors.
       ferent preferences
                                                                  • Color-interleaving Participant1 mistook the color-
     – The links between different parts of the interface (peo-     interleaving to imply significance, as they varied in hue.
       ple, groups, tweets).                                        However, the other participants interpreted this correctly
                                                                    although did ask if the interpretation was correct.
• Do you think these functionalities would help you find new
  and relevant information you would not find otherwise?          Do these controls give users a sense of control?
  How would you use them to do this?                              All of the participants felt that the interface improved their
                                                                  control over their tweets. They also consistently agreed that
• Does the filtering give you a sense of what you might be        they would be missing some content, and that they were not in
  missing, or does it hide information that you need?             complete control, but that they were happy with the balance
                                                                  in the trade-off.
• Did you feel like you had control over which information
  was presented to you?                                           However, Participant3 felt that they wanted to be able to scroll
                                                                  through all of their tweets, especially because they did not
• Would you liked to have had any controls that are not           have the finer grained control of which individuals appeared
  present in this interface?                                      in their feed.
                                                                             Figure 4. Analysis of subjective results in exit interviews for the two
Figure 2. Plot showing correlation between participant age and reported      studies. Error bars show standard error.
importance of “Being able to interact with the system to specify different
                                                                             interface can be seen in Figure 3, with annotations to high-
                                                                             light each improvement. The version of the system used for
Do participants use the controls in the way that we envisaged?               this study can be found online4 .
All of the participants completed the simple tasks given to
them. They all stated that they would find new and relevant                  Participants
content using the interface, although the highly experience                  8 participants were recruited from research staff at computer
twitter user felt they already find novel content using tools                science department at a US university. Their ages ranged
such as TweetDeck. When asked how they would you use the                     from 20 to 45. 5 participants were female and 3 were male.
functionalities to find new and relevant information, partici-               Participants varied from PhD students, post-doctoral fellows
pants suggested two uses we had not initially considered:                    to teaching staff in computer science, engineering, media-arts
Organizing events Participant3 felt that the groups could be                 and physics. They all had a native or fluent level of English
defined by other characteristics rather than membership of                   language skills. 6 of the participants had Twitter accounts,
a community, such as geographic location. This participant                   and one person had done research with Twitter data in the
suggested that they would use this functionality to identify                 past. 5 had done research with visualization. As with Study1,
and coordinate groups of people when organizing events on                    no participants knew Latin.
the topics they were interested in.
Discover new groups Participant2 was confident that they                     As in Study1, participants took part in individual semi-
would find new relevant communities when looking at the in-                  structured interviews. Studies were conducted in a computer
tersection of existing communities that they follow. This par-               science lab on campus using two notebook computers. The
ticipant listed three music bands that they listen to and would              participant interacted with the UI on one, and the experi-
follow on twitter. They would use the system to discover new                 menter/interviewer took notes on the other. On average, stud-
bands, and would then add them as a new group as a ”seed”                    ies lasted 35 minutes (min 28 minutes, max 43 minutes).
for further discovery.
Other suggestions                                                            Results
Participants suggested several features they would expect in                 In this section, we revisit questions from Study1 and add ad-
an interface that was integrated with twitter. For example,                  ditional comments and discussion based on the new partici-
they would want to be able to view the profiles (or at least,                pants interacting with the improved UI in Study2. Figure 4
the first 50 characters) of the people they are receiving tweets             shows a comparison of participants’ opinions on the differ-
from. Others wanted to be able to reply to tweets directly                   ent features of the system between Study1 (N=4) and Study2
from the feed. Another suggestion was to introduce separate                  (N=8), along with the combined score (N=12). We note that
columns for different communities. This may be related to                    the combined score is based on two slightly different UI de-
the request by other users to be able to group tweets by com-                signs, and it is only used as a rough estimate of the overall
munity.                                                                      group evaluation.
                                                                             Are the introduced controls (communities, network structure,
                                                                             and ranking of tweets) considered useful by participants?
The first study identified several limitations of the system,                The scores shown in Figure 4 range between 5.58 and 6.87 for
which were addressed for a second iteration of evaluation.                   Study2, shown in the middle column of each group, an aver-
Improvements included: a) using buttons rather than a slider                 age of approximately one point on the 7 point scale. Com-
to control the number of hops; b) sorting people by group                    pared to Study1, the interface modifications appear to have
affinity, e.g. greenGroup people were listed at the top, rather              had a positive impact on user experience with the system.
than mixed throughout the list; c) identifying how many peo-
ple were filtered (i.e. “Showing 12 of 1307”). The improved                      http://penguinkang.com/intRS/
Figure 3. Improved visualization design used in the main user study. Annotation (A) shows changes to the number-of-hops selection. (B) shows the
number of filtered users interactively in the form “m of n”, and (C) shows connectivity-based clustering and associated coloring of nodes in the “People”
While this is a promising side result, the purpose of the study                    a weighting mechanism, and all understood that it sourced
was to provide a formative evaluation of the interface.                            users from n-hops farther away in the Twitter network.
Participants reported the best score for the feature to organize                • Community selection Most participants commented that
Tweets by community, which is a core contribution of the sys-                     community selection and analysis was a strong point of the
tem. This is encouraging feedback as the authors are design-                      system. Suggested communities included musical artists,
ing a larger-scale quantitative evaluation with this as a central                 pet fan clubs, and conferences or meetings.
feature. The features that elicited the lowest scores were the
hop-distance selector and the edge visualizations between the                   • People A few participants reported having trouble un-
columns.                                                                          derstanding the coloring and community-based group-
                                                                                  ing/clustering in this column. All participants understood
Participants also reported that they liked the ability to change                  the data flow correctly by the end of the sessions, but this
how Tweets were ordered and ranked through the interface.                         feature took longer than others for them to master. The
One participants commented that “I can’t do this in Face-                         main cited reason for this was that the colors – added to dis-
book or Twitter – this is great!”. Support for expressing real-                   tinguish the groups, were too similar, as mentioned above.
time preferences through interactive interface components                         Two participants mentioned that it would be useful to select
met with strong positive feedback, with all users reporting                       or weight people of interest.
a sense of increased control over the information feed.
                                                                                • Tweets Two participants suggested that a ranking score
                                                                                  would be useful to distinguish between tweets in the right
Is the way they are implemented useful?                                           column. Participants also requested that when a change is
Similarly to Study1 study, all participants commented that the                    made in the system, the source of that change’s effect on
interface was clean and well organized. One participant com-                      the list should be visualized. Our proposed solution to this
plained that it was too complex and could benefit from having                     is shown in Figure 5 as a ranking source indicator for each
less data. 50% of the participants pointed out an issue with                      tweet.
the node-coloring in column 2, shown in Figure 3. Note that
this figure needs to be viewed in color to see the true effect                  • Links Participants were slightly dissatisfied with how links
(see link to system above).                                                       were shown in the system. Three people commented that
                                                                                  links should be shown across all columns when a particular
• Hop control Some participants did not realize that the 0                        group is selected in the left column, or when any other node
  position essentially turned the group node off. There were                      is selected, to visually communicate the associations of that
  also multiple comments that when hop control was set to 0,                      node. Other participants commented that the on-demand
  showing the nodes opaquely was not a good design choice.                        design was a good idea to avoid cluttering the view.
  One participant explicitly mentioned that it would be better
  to remove these nodes completely, noting that the visual ef-                  • Color-interleaving Half of the users complained that this
  fect of setting the hop-control to 0 would be much shorter.                     was too subtle and needed to be made more explicit. This
  Unlike Study1, no participants confused the hop slider with                     has been addressed through the use of colored icons next
  to people to signal group memberships. The color palette         selection to include an option for 0-hops, thereby disabling
  has also been changed to make clearer distinction between        the node.
                                                                   Demographics Analysis
Do these features give users a sense of control?                   A brief analysis of demographics and responses showed an
In keeping with Study1, all of the participants felt that the      interesting correlation between participant age and the per-
interface improved their control over their tweets. They also      ceived importance of specifying preferences on-the-fly in the
consistently agreed that they would be missing some content,       user interface. Figure 2 shows a plot with the Likert-scale
and that they were not in complete control, but that they were     responses for the dynamic preferences shown on the Y-axis
happy with the balance in the trade-off. Similar to the Study1,    and participant age shown on the X-axis. The data follows a
two participants suggested use of scrolling or similar mecha-      negative linear trend, with younger participants specifying a
nism to view filtered-out tweets in case they wanted to.           higher perceived importance of specifying preferences.
                                                                   CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
Do participants use the features in the way that we envisaged?
                                                                   In this paper we evaluated a visualization which allowed users
Generally, participants reported that they would find the sys-     to explore and filter microblog content for communities to
tem useful for discovering new content and exploring com-          which they belong. The ability to organize Tweets by com-
munity structure in the domains that they chose (music, con-       munity, the core contribution of the visualization, was rated
ferences, pet fan clubs etc.). In particular, they felt that       the most highly. Users also stated that the interface gave them
real-time preference feedback, community selection and al-         enough control over their content, even if they felt some in-
gorithm selection (time, relevance or popularity) gave them a      formation would inevitably be hidden – the trade-off was con-
good sense of control. Many commented that such features           sidered acceptable. We also found several unexpected uses of
would be useful on everyday social media streams such as in        the system. For example two separate participants, in differ-
Twitter and Facebook.                                              ent experimental settings (one in the UK and one in the US)
Participants suggested similar uses of the controls as in          applied the interface (theoretically) as a network traversal and
Study1. Many suggested using the system for organizing             discovery tool for music. Figure 5 introduces an improved
events and advertising across relevant communities, and for        mock-up with a number of changes. In addition to these im-
discovering new groups. Echoing the comments of Study1,            provements, we are planning larger-scale quantitative evalua-
one participant mentioned that they would like to use the sys-     tions. One of these will explore the use of community-based
tem for exploring a broader network of musical artists. They       filters, and the other controls introduced in this paper, on ex-
described selection of three fan club communities as in our        isting twitter feeds.
experimental setup, but went on to describe iteratively re-
placing them with new nodes that were discovered on the            ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
right column, thereby applying the interface (theoretically)       This research has been carried out within the project Scrutable Autonomous Systems

as a network traversal and discovery tool. This is an example      (SAsSY), funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, grant

of a reported use that was not in our design. Another partici-     ref. EP/J012084/1. This work was also partially supported by the U.S. Army Research

pant proposed to use the system to analyze which community         Laboratory under Cooperative Agreement No. W911NF-09-2-0053; The views and

produced the most popular content on Twitter, by using the         conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be inter-

popularity ranking algorithm and traversing the edge connec-       preted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of ARL, NSF, or

tions back to the groups.                                          the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute
                                                                   reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation here on.
Other suggestions
Participants suggested a variety of ways to improve the in-
                                                                    1. André, P., m.c. schraefel, Teevan, J., and Dumais, S. T.
terface. These included addition of multimedia content to
                                                                       Discovery is never by chance: Designing for
the tweet column, and visually distinguishing retweets (com-
                                                                       (un)serendipity. In CC (2009).
pared to original tweets) by color. Participants also suggested
creating visually distinct colorings for blended color groups,      2. Bakshy, E., Messing, S., and Adamic, L. A. Exposure to
and displaying links to all group memberships upon clicking            ideologically diverse news and opinion on facebook.
a user node (rather than upon hover). Another request was              Science 348 (2015), 1130–1132.
for an indication of how much data has been filtered in all         3. Castells, P., Hurley, N., and Vargas, S. Recommender
the columns (currently only for the people column). Partici-           Systems Handbook (second ed). (in press), ch. Novelty
pants also suggested measuring the usefulness of the system            and Diversity in Recommender Systems.
for getting an overview of a new community or topic. Several
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