=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1438/paper9 |storemode=property |title=Interaction Design in a Mobile Food Recommender System |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1438/paper9.pdf |volume=Vol-1438 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/recsys/ElahiGRFBM15 }} ==Interaction Design in a Mobile Food Recommender System== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1438/paper9.pdf
Interaction Design in a Mobile Food Recommender System

                   Mehdi Elahi                           Mouzhi Ge                      Francesco Ricci
            Politecnico di Milano, Italy              Free University of                 Free University of
            mehdi.elahi@polimi.it                    Bozen-Bolzano, Italy               Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
                                                   mouzhi.ge@unibz.it                    fricci@unibz.it
                   Ignacio                         Shlomo Berkovsky                      Massimo David
              Fernández-Tobías                         CSIRO, Australia                  Free University of
           Universidad Autónoma de shlomo.berkovsky@csiro.au    Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
                Madrid, Spain                               david.massimo@stud-inf.unibz.it

ABSTRACT                                                         18, 20, 4, 11]. There is a broad spectrum of available in-
One of the most important steps in building a recommender        formation about food, such as recipe data and cooking in-
system is the interaction design process, which defines how      structions. Thus, some applications and websites already
the recommender system interacts with a user. It also shapes     provide support functions allowing users to browse recipes
the experience the user gets, from the point she registers       and related information. However, most applications only
and provides her preferences to the system, to the point         offer generic and non-personalized recipe catalogue browsing
she receives recommendations generated by the system. A          support, without tailoring it to the tastes and preferences of
proper interaction design may improve user experience and        individual users.
hence may result in higher usability of the system, as well         User preference elicitation is a fundamental and necessary
as, in higher satisfaction.                                      step to go beyond this generic support and generate person-
   In this paper, we focus on the interaction design of a mo-    alized recipe recommendations. More importantly than in
bile food recommender system that, through a novel interac-      other application domains, such as movies or books, recipe
tion process, elicits users’ long-term and short-term prefer-    recommendations should not only be based on user’s long-
ences for recipes. User’s long-term preferences are captured     term tastes, but also fit their ephemeral preferences, such as
by asking the user to rate and tag familiar recipes, while for   the available ingredients or current cooking constraints.
collecting the short-term preferences, the user is asked to         In this paper we address this problem by proposing a pref-
select the ingredients she would like to include in the recipe   erence elicitation approach for food recommender systems
to be prepared. Based on the combined exploitation of both       that obtains user preferences through a novel and effective
types of preferences, a set of personalized recommendations      interaction design. First, it exploits an integrated Active
is generated. We conducted a user study measuring the us-        Learning algorithm [5, 6] for selecting the recipes to rate
ability of the proposed interaction. The results of the study    and tag that are estimated to be the most useful for the rec-
show that the majority of users rates the quality of the rec-    ommender. The active learning algorithm scores a recipe ac-
ommendations high and the system achieves usability scores       cording to its predicted its rating (using transformed matrix
above the standard benchmark.                                    of user-recipe) and then selects the highest scoring recipes.
                                                                 This reveals the users’ long-term preferences, i.e., what they
                                                                 usually like to eat or cook. Second, when requested to gener-
1.   INTRODUCTION                                                ate recommendations, the system acquires short-term pref-
   Recommender systems are decision support tools that proac-    erences referring to ingredients the user wants to cook or to
tively identify and suggest items, which are expected to be      include in the meal. The acquired preferences are used by a
interesting for the users. Recommendations are based on          Matrix Factorization (MF) rating prediction model designed
the users’ previous interactions with the system and the ex-     to take into account both tags and ratings [11, 13, 7].
plicitly provided users’ preferences [15]. One important and        In a real user study, we evaluated the proposed prefer-
new application domain for recommender systems is food.          ence elicitation interaction and observed that the users have
This application has recently drawn much attention in the        scored the usability of the system between “good” and “ex-
research community due to its potential to improve eating        cellent” and assessed the presented recommendations, which
behaviour of users and positively influencing their lives [8,    are generated on the basis of the elicited preferences, to be
                                                                 of high quality.
                                                                    Thus, the main contributions of our paper are: (a) a novel
                                                                 interaction design that is used to elicit long-term (general)
                                                                 and short-term (session-based) user preferences; and (b) an
                                                                 effective preference elicitation method that exploits active
                                                                 learning in the food recommendation domain.

     Figure 1: (a) user instructions, (b) browsing food categories, and (c) selecting eaten or cooked recipes.

2.    RELATED WORK                                                building a real-world recommender system. To address this
  Several recommender systems for the food domain have            limitation, this paper focuses on the interaction design, mainly
recently been developed [9, 18, 19, 20]. For example, Freyne      for the preference elicitation: long-term and session-based.
and Berkovsky [9] proposed a food recommender that, through
an easy-to-use interface, elicits user preferences and provides   3.   USER-RECOMMENDER INTERACTION
personalized recommendations Their system transferred the
recipe ratings collected by the system to ingredient ratings         We designed a complete human-computer interaction for
and then aggregated the ratings of the ingredients used in a      collecting user preferences, in the form of recipe ratings and
recipe to generate rating predictions.                            tags [4]. An Android-based prototype was developed, in or-
  Elahi et al. [4] proposed a food recommendation model           der to implement this interaction. The first step is a general
that combines the predicted value of a recipe along differ-       preference elicitation, aimed at collecting the long-term (sta-
ent dimensions (user food preferences, nutritional indicators,    ble) user preferences, i.e., what she generally likes to cook
and ingredients costs) to compute a single utility measure        (or eat). This step includes two stages: (1) the system asks
of a recipe. The goal is to consider factors influencing the      the user to specify the recipes she cooks at home and, (2) the
user’s food decisions in order to produce more useful and         user assigns ratings and tags to the recipes she experienced.
valuable recommendations. In a follow-up work [11], the au-          Upon logging in the system, the user can browse the full
thors conducted an offline evaluation of the rating prediction    catalogue of recipes and mark those that she has eaten be-
algorithm, which extends MF by using, in addition to rat-         fore (see Figure 1). Users can navigate through the recipe
ings, the users’ tags assigned to recipes. It was shown that      categories and sub-categories in order to find the desired
this additional source of information about the user pref-        recipe, e.g., ‘Beef’ → ‘Roasted Beef’ → ‘Roasted Beef with
erences allowed the proposed method to outperform other           Salad’. Inside each category there is a list of recipes mapped
state-of-the-art algorithms, e.g., those proposed in [10].        to this category. When the user finds one of them she can
  In general, the user’s preferences that are collected and       mark it as ‘Eaten’or ‘Cooked’ by clicking the check box.
used by a recommender can be either long-term (general               After that, a selection of the recipes that the user marked
preferences) or short-term (session-based and ephemeral).         as eaten or cooked, is presented to the user for rating and
While obtaining both preference types is crucial, many rec-       tagging. This allows the system to acquire knowledge about
ommender systems do not distinguish between the two. In           the general user preferences. However, the system also needs
fact, there are few studies that taken this consideration into    to deeper explore the user’s preferences and it presents addi-
account. Ricci and Nguyen proposed in [14] a mobile rec-          tional recipes for the user to rate and tag. These are found
ommender system in travel domain, which elicits both gen-         by predicting what the user might have eaten, but did not
eral long-term preferences (e.g., explicitly defined by users)    mark in the first step. In order to find such recipes, we use
and short-term preferences in the form of critiques express-      active learning. For this, the rating dataset is transformed
ing more detailed session-based preferences. More recently,       into a binary format indicating only whether the user rated
short term preferences were found to depend on the rec-           an item: null entries are mapped to 0, and not null entries
ommendation context and many context-aware approaches             to 1. Then, using a factor model, predictions are computed
have been proposed to better suit the needs of the users [1].     for all the values mapped to 0, and for each user the items
  It is worth noting that RSs research often focused on the       with the highest prediction are shown to the user [5, 6].
improvement of the prediction model, by assuming that the            Figure 2-a shows the rating and tagging interface. This
preference elicitation process is completed. Hence, they          interface uses the classical 5-star Likert scale. The users
ignore the complete user-system interaction, required for         are also requested to “explain” the core motivations for their
                                                                  ratings by assigning tags to recipes. Users can either tag a
Figure 2: (a) general preference elicitation, (b) session-based preference elicitation, and (c) recommendation.

recipe with the suggested tags or add their own tags. At the
recommendation time, session-specific preference are elicited
(see Figure 2-b). The user enters the core ingredient she
wants to include in the recipe. This is done by selecting
a keyword from the list of suggestions derived from food
ingredients and popular tags assigned by other users.
   Then, the recommendations leverage both types of the col-
lected user preferences, long-term and session-specific. The
long term preferences are exploited by a custom MF rating
prediction model [13], which uses the tagging information
                                                                                    Figure 3: SUS results.
[7]. Each user is associated with a vector that models her
latent features and each recipe is modeled by a vector that
contains its latent features. Then, the rating of a user for       mark value is 68, which is the average SUS score computed
an item is predicted by computing the inner product of the         over 500 usability studies [16].
user and item vectors. To exploit the short-term model,               In our experiment 20 subjects used the system and com-
the system post-filters the recommendations according to           pleted the questionnaire. They were either computer science
the current user preferences. The recipes with the high-           researchers or non-academic people. 60% of subjects were
est rating are presented to the user one by one. When the          male and 40% were female, the age range was 23 to 50, and
user selects a recommended recipe, the system presents the         the ethnical background varied across the subjects (Italy,
required ingredients and detailed cooking instructions (see        France, USA, Germany, China, and more).
Figure 2-c).                                                          We first present the perceived recommendation quality re-
                                                                   sults. The survey measures the recommendation quality us-
4.   USER STUDY                                                    ing 7 questions on a Likert scale from 0 to 4, where 4 is
                                                                   the highest score. Thus, the maximum overall quality score
   The main goal of the evaluation was to assess whether the
                                                                   is 28. The average perceived recommendation quality score
system can effectively assist users in finding recipes that suit
                                                                   across the 20 subjects was 19 and the median was 19 (see
their preferences. For the user study, we designed a usage
                                                                   [3] for more details on the calculation). We observed that
scenario a task that was formulated as follows: “You want to
                                                                   the maximal recommendation quality score was 26, and the
avoid everyday routine meals. You can use this application
                                                                   minimal was 12. Thus, we can conclude that, on average,
to discover new recipes that suit your taste”.
                                                                   the users agreed that the recommendations were well-chosen
   The users were asked to use the mobile application and
                                                                   and suited their preferences.
complete a questionnaire referring to two performance in-
                                                                      For the SUS usability score, we observed that for 75% of
dicators: perceived quality of recommendations quality and
                                                                   subjects the SUS score was higher than the 68 point bench-
system usability. The first part of the questionnaire mea-
                                                                   mark (see Figure 3). The system achieved overall average
sured the level of user satisfaction with the recommenda-
                                                                   SUS score of 75.50 and the median was 73.75, which is well
tions. We used a validated instrument based on a set of
                                                                   above the benchmark. We observed that the minimal us-
questions developed by Knijnenburg et al. [12]. The second
                                                                   ability score of 55, and the maximal was 95. According to
part of the questionnaire aimed at collecting the users’ im-
                                                                   these results we can conclude that the system usability was
pression of the usability of the system. Here, we exploited
                                                                   considered between “good” and “excellent” [2].
the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire [17]. The
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