=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1440/paper4 |storemode=property |title=Multiple Constraint Acquisition |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1440/Paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-1440 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ijcai/ArcangioliL15 }} ==Multiple Constraint Acquisition == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1440/Paper4.pdf
                                       Multiple Constraint Acquisition ∗

                                          Robin Arcangioli, Nadjib Lazaar
                                       LIRMM, University of Montpellier, France

                          Abstract                                  says yes, Q UACQ reduces the search space by removing all
                                                                    constraints violated by the positive example. In the case of
     Q UACQ is a constraint acquisition system that as-             a negative example, Q UACQ focuses onto one, and only one,
     sists a non-expert user to model her problem as a              constraint of the target network in a number of queries log-
     constraint network by classifying (partial) exam-              arithmic in the size of the example. This key component of
     ples as positive or negative. For each negative ex-            Q UACQ allows it to always converge on the target set of con-
     ample, Q UACQ focuses onto a constraint of the tar-            straints in a polynomial number of queries. However, even
     get network. The drawback is that the user may                 that good theoretical bound can be hard to put in practice.
     need to answer a great number of such examples to              For instance, Q UACQ requires the user to classify more than
     learn all the constraints. In this paper, we provide           9000 examples to get the complete Sudoku model.
     a new approach that is able to learn a maximum                    An example can be classified as negative because of more
     number of constraints violated by a given negative             than one violated target constraint. In this paper, we extend
     example. Finally we give an experimental evalua-               the approach used in Q UACQ to make constraint acquisition
     tion that shows that our approach improves the state           more efficient in practice by learning, not only one constraint
     of the art.                                                    on a negative example, but a maximum number of constraints
                                                                    violated by this negative example. Inspired by the work on
1   Introduction                                                    enumerating infeasibility called MUS (Minimal Unsatisfia-
                                                                    bility Subsets) in SAT [Liffiton and Sakallah, 2008], we pro-
Constraint programming is a powerful paradigm for model-            pose an algorithm that computes all minimal scopes of target
ing and solving combinatorial problems. However, it has long        constraints violated by a given negative example.
been recognized that expressing a combinatorial problem as a
constraint network requires significant expertise in constraint     2   Background
programming [Freuder, 1999]. To alleviate this issue, several
techniques have been proposed to acquire a constraint net-          The constraint acquisition process can be seen as an interplay
work. For example, the matchmaker agent [Freuder and Wal-           between the user and the learner. For that, user and learner
lace, 2002] interactively asks the user to provide one of the       need to share a same vocabulary to communicate. We sup-
constraints of the target problem each time the system pro-         pose this vocabulary is a set of n variables X and a domain
poses an incorrect (negative) solution. In [Beldiceanu and Si-      D = {D(x1 ), . . . , D(xn )}, where D(xi ) ⊂ Z is the finite set
monis, 2012], Beldiceanu and Simonis have proposed M OD -           of values for xi . A constraint cY is defined as a pair where
EL S EEKER , a system devoted to problems with regular struc-
                                                                    Y is a subset of variables of X, called the constraint scope,
tures, like matrix models. Based on examples of solutions           and c is a relation over D of arity |Y |. A constraint network
and non-solutions provided by the user, C ONACQ.1 [Bessiere         is a set C of constraints on the vocabulary (X, D). An as-
et al., 2005] learns a set of constraints that correctly classi-    signment eY on a set of variables Y ⊆ X is rejected by a
fies all the examples given so far. As an active learning ver-      constraint cS if S ⊆ Y and the projection eS of eY on the
sion, C ONACQ.2 [Bessiere et al., 2007] proposes examples to        variables in S is not in cS . An assignment on X is a solution
the user to classify (i.e., membership queries). In [Shcheko-       of C if and only if it is not rejected by any constraint in C.
tykhin and Friedrich, 2009], the approach used in C ONACQ.2         sol(C) represents the set of solutions of C.
has been extended to allow the user to provide arguments as            In addition to the vocabulary, the learner owns a language
constraints to converge more rapidly.                               Γ of relations from which it can build constraints on specified
   Q UACQ is a recent active learner system that is able to         sets of variables. Adapting terms from machine learning, the
ask the user to classify partial queries [Bessiere et al., 2013].   constraint bias, denoted by B, is a set of constraints built
Q UACQ iteratively computes membership queries. If the user         from the constraint language Γ on the vocabulary (X, D)
                                                                    from which the learner builds the constraint network. For-
     This work has been funded by the EU project ICON (FP7-         mally speaking, B = {cS | (S ⊆ X) ∧ (c ∈ Γ)}. A concept
284715) and the JCJC INS2I 2015 project APOSTROP.                   is a Boolean function over DX = Πxi ∈X D(xi ), that is, a
map that assigns to each example e ∈ DX a value in {0, 1}.           Algorithme 1 : M ULTI ACQ- Multiple acquisition via par-
We call target concept the concept fT that returns 1 for e           tial queries.
if and only if e is a solution of the problem the user has in
                                                                    1 CL ← ∅
mind. In a constraint programming context, the target con-
                                                                    2 while true do
cept is represented by a target network denoted by CT .
   A membership query ASK(e) is a classification question           3      if sol(CL ) = ∅ then return “collapse”
asked to the user, where e is a complete assignment in DX .         4      choose e in DX accepted by CL and rejected by B
The answer to ASK(e) is “yes” if and only if e ∈ sol(CT ).          5      if e = nil then return “convergence on CL ”
A partial query ASK(eY ), with Y ⊆ X, is a classification           6      else
question asked to the user, where eY is a partial assignment in     7           M N Ses ← ∅
DY = Πxi ∈Y D(xi ). A set of constraints C accepts a partial        8           findAllScopes (e, X)
assignment eY if and only if there does not exist any con-          9           foreach Y ∈ M N Ses do
straint c ∈ C rejecting eY . The answer to ASK(eY ) is “yes”       10               cY ← findC(e, Y )
if and only if CT accepts eY . A classified assignment eY is       11               if cY = nil then return “collapse”
called a positive or negative example depending on whether         12               else CL ← CL ∪ {cY }
ASK(eY ) is “yes” or “no”. For any assignment eY on Y ,
κB (eY ) denotes the set of all constraints in B rejecting eY .
   We now define convergence, which is the constraint acqui-       Y ∈ M N Ses represents the scope of a violated constraint
sition problem we are interested in. We are given a set E of       that must be learned. The function findC is called for each
(partial) examples labelled by the user as positive or negative.   computed MNS (line 10). It takes as parameter the negative
We say that a constraint network C agrees with E if C ac-          example e and an MNS. For each MNS, it returns a constraint
cepts all the examples labelled as positive in E and does not      from CT with the given MNS that rejects e. We do not give
accept those labelled as negative. The learning process has        the code of findC function since it is implemented as it ap-
converged on the learned network CL ⊆ B if CL agrees with          pear in [Bessiere et al., 2013]. If no constraint is returned
E and for every other network C 0 ⊆ B agreeing with E, we          (line 11), this is a second condition for collapsing as we could
have sol(C 0 ) = sol(CL ). If there does not exist any CL ⊆ B      not find in the bias B a constraint rejecting the according neg-
such that CL agrees with E, we say that we have collapsed.         ative example. Otherwise, the constraint returned by findC
This happens when CT 6⊆ B.                                         is added to the learned network CL (line 12).
   Finally, we introduce the notion of Minimal No Scope,
                                                                   3.2   Description of the function findAllScopes
noted MNS, which is similar to the notion of MUS (Minimal
Unsatisfiable Subset) in SAT [Liffiton and Sakallah, 2008].
Definition 1 (Minimal No Scope). Given a negative example           Function 1 : findAllScopes (e, Y ) : boolean
e, an MNS is a subset of variables U ⊆ X s.t. ASK(eU ) =             Output : The set M N Ses contains all MNS of e
no and ∀xi ∈ U : ASK(eU \xi ) = yes.
                                                                   1  if Y ∈ M N Ses then return f alse
3     Multiple constraint acquisition approach                     2  if κB (eY ) = ∅ then return true
                                                                    3 if @M ∈ M N Ses : M ⊂ Y ∧ ASK(eY ) = yes then
In this section, we propose M ULTI ACQ for Multiple Acqui-          4      B ← B \ κB (eY )
sition. M ULTI ACQ takes as input a bias B on a vocabulary          5      return true
(X,D) and returns a constraint network CL equivalent to the         6 isM N S ← true
target network CT by asking (partial) queries. The main dif-        7 P ← subSets(Y, |Y | − 1)
ference between Q UACQ [Bessiere et al., 2013] and M ULTI -         8 foreach Pi ∈ P do
ACQ is the fact that Q UACQ learns and focuses on one con-          9      isM N S ← findAllScopes(Pi , e) ∧ isM N S
straint each time we have a negative example, where M ULTI -
                                                                   10 if isM N S then M N Ses ← M N Ses ∪ {Y }
ACQ tries to learn more than one explanation (constraint) of
                                                                   11 return f alse
why the user classifies a given example as negative.

3.1    Description of M ULTI ACQ                                   The recursive function findAllScopes (see function 1)
M ULTI ACQ (see algorithm 1) starts by initializing the CL         takes as input a complete example e and a subset of variables
network to the empty set (line 1). If CL is unsatisfiable (line    Y (X for the first call). The function starts by checking if
3), the acquisition process will reach a collapse state. At line   the subset Y is already reported as an MNS (line 1). If this
4, we compute a complete assignment e satisfying the cur-          occurs, we return f alse. As we assume that the bias is ex-
rent learned network CL and violating at least a constraint in     pressive enough to learn CT , when κB (eY ) = ∅ (i.e. there
B. If such an example does not exist (line 5), then all the        is no violated constraint in B to learn on Y ), it implies the
constraints in B are implied by CL , and we have converged.        fact that ASK(eY ) = yes and we return true (line 2). As
Otherwise, we call the function findAllScopes on the ex-           a third check (line 3), we verify if we have not reported a
ample e (line 8). If e is a positive example, the bias B will      subset of Y as an MNS. If that is the case, we are sure that
be reduced. However, when e is negative, findAllScopes             ASK(eY ) = no and we get into the main part of the al-
will compute a set of MNS (i.e., the set M N Ses). Each            gorithm. If not, at line 3, we ask the user to classify the
(partial) example eY . If it is positive, we remove from B                 findAllScopes is called on all the subsets of X of size
all the constraints rejecting eY and we return true (lines 4-              |X| − 1. As M ⊆ X is an MNS of e, ASK(eM ) = no
5). If ASK(eY ) = no, this means that there is an MNS                      and so ∀Y ⊆ X\M : ASK(eM ∪Y ) = no (Lemma
in Y and in what follows, we try to report it. For that, we                2). Hence, any call of findAllScopes on a superset
compute all subsets of Y of size |Y | − 1 (line 7) and we                  of M will behave exactly as on X. That is, by recur-
recall findAllScopes on each subset. If any sub-call to                    rence, there will be a call of findAllScopes on M . By
findAllScopes returns false, the boolean isM N S will be                   assumption, M is an MNS and for any subset M 0 we
set to f alse, which means that Y itself is not an MNS (line               have ASK(eM 0 ) = yes (def.1). Thus, M is added to
11). Otherwise, when all the sub-calls of findAllScopes on                 M N Ses by findAllScopes as an MNS at line 10.
Y subsets return true, this means that Y is an MNS (line 10).              ii) We have a complete positive assignment eX
Notice that the returned boolean corresponds to the classifi-              (ASK(eX ) = yes). Here, findAllScopes is called
cation of the partial example eY (positive or negative).                   only once and only on X. That is, the third condition at
                                                                           line 3 is satisfied and findAllScopes returns true with
3.3   Analysis                                                             M N Ses = ∅.
We analyze the soundness and completeness of
findAllScopes. We also give a complexity study of
M ULTI ACQ in terms of queries it can ask of the user.                Theorem 2. Given a bias B built from a language Γ of
                                                                      bounded arity constraints, and a target network CT , M UL -
Lemma 1. If ASK(eY ) = yes then for any Y 0 ⊆ Y we have               TI ACQ uses O(|CT | · (|X| + |Γ|) + |B|) queries to prove
ASK(eY 0 ) = yes.                                                     convergence on the target network or to collapse.
Proof. Assume that ASK(eY ) = yes. Hence, there exists                Proof. i) We will show first that the maximal number of
no constraint from CT violated by eY . For any Y 0 subset of              queries asked by findAllScopes is bounded above by
Y , the projection eY 0 also does not violate any CT constraint           |CT | · (|X| − 1) + |B|.
(i.e., ASK(eY 0 ) = yes).
                                                                            – Let us start with tablethe number of queries asked
Lemma 2. If ASK(eY ) = no then for any Y 0 ⊇ Y we have                         by findAllScopes and classified as negative by
ASK(eY 0 ) = no.                                                               the user. Given an MNS M ⊂ X, we need to ask at
                                                                               most |X| − 1 queries that are classified as negative
Proof. Assume that ASK(eY ) = no. Hence, there exists                          by the user. That is, knowing that findAllScopes
at least one constraint from CT violated by eY . For any Y 0                   uses a depth first search, we need to ask queries
superset of Y , eY 0 also violates at least the constraint violated            at each level from the root (i.e., |X|) to the node
by eY (i.e., ASK(eY 0 ) = no).                                                 M . Since all visited sets contain M , the queries
                                                                               are classified as negative. Here, the worst case
   Given a bias B and a target network CT , we say that CT                     is when |M | = 1 where we will have |X| − 1
is learnable if it is representable by B. Thus, ASK(eY ) =                     negative queries. Then, the use of Lemma 2 at
no ⇒ κB (eY ) 6= ∅ , which is equivalent to κB (eY ) = ∅ ⇒                     line 1 and 3 ensures the fact that we will never
ASK(eY ) = yes.                                                                ask a query on a superset of M . With the fact that
Theorem 1. Given any bias B and any target network CT                          the total number of MNS is bounded by |CT |, we
representable by B, the findAllScopes function is sound                        can say that the total number of negative queries
and complete.                                                                  asked by findAllScopes is bounded above by
                                                                               |CT | · (|X| − 1).
Proof. (Sketch.)
  • Soundness : Assume that we have a set of variables                       – Let us now see the number of queries asked
    X = {x1 , . . . , xn } and a complete assignment eX .                      by findAllScopes and classified as positive
    We show that any subset Y = {xj , . . . , xk } added to                    by the user. This number is bounded above by
    M N Ses by findAllScopes is an MNS. If Y is added                          |B|. Let us take two subsets Y and Y 0 where
    to M N Ses (line 10), this means that ASK(eY ) = no                        κB (eY 0 ) ⊆ κB (eY ). If an ask on Y is classified
    and the isM N S = true. As isM N S = true, it means                        as positive, we remove κB (eY ) from B (line 4)
    that all sub-calls of findAllScopes (line 9) on Y sub-                     and therefore eY 0 will be classified as positive
    sets of size |Y | − 1 return true. Hence, as we sup-                       without a query where κB (eY 0 ) becomes empty
    posed the bias B to be expressive enough, ∀Y 0 ⊂ Y                         (line 2). The worst case is when we remove, at
    of |Y | − 1 size, we have ASK(eY 0 ) = yes and knowing                     each time, one constraint from B (|κB (eY )| = 1)
    that ASK(eY ) = no imply that Y is an MNS (def. 1).                        and therefore findAllScopes asks |B| queries
  • Completeness : Assume that we have a set of variables                      classified as positive.
    X = {x1 , . . . , xn } :
    i) We have a complete negative assignment eX                           As has been shown, the maximal number of queries
    (ASK(eX ) = no) with an MNS M = {xj , . . . , xk }.                    asked by the findAllScopes function is bounded
    The three conditions at lines 1, 2 and 3 are not sat-                  above by |CT | · (|X| − 1) + |B|.
    isfied (ASK(eX ) = no and κB (eX ) 6= ∅). Then,
    ii) findC function uses O(|Γ|) queries to return a con-                                    Table 1 displays a comparative performance of M ULTI -
        straint from CT [Bessiere et al., 2013] and therefore                               ACQ and Q UACQ. We report the size |CL | of the learned
        O(|CT | · |Γ|) queries to return all the constraints.                               network, the total number of queries #q, the average size q̄
                                                                                            of all queries, the number of complete (resp. partial) negative
   From i) and ii), the total number of queries asked by M UL -                             queries #qc− (resp. #qp− ), and the average time Tmns (resp.
TI ACQ to converge to the target network is bounded above by                                Tq ) needed to compute an MNS (resp. a query) in seconds.
|CT | · (|X| − 1) + |B| + |CT | · |Γ|.                                                         If we compare our M ULTI ACQ to Q UACQ, the main ob-
                                                                                            servation is that the use of findAllScopes to find all MNS
                                                                                            of a negative example reduces significantly the number of
   Before addressing our experimental evaluation, it is im-                                 queries required for convergence. For 4-queens instance and
portant to stress here that Q UACQ converges on a constraint                                using M ULTI ACQ we reduce the number of queries by 44%.
of the target network in a logarithmic number of queries                                    Here, M ULTI ACQ needs only 7 complete negative examples
[Bessiere et al., 2013]. Whereas M ULTI ACQ converges on                                    to learn 12 constraints that are equivalent to the target net-
a set of constraints of the target network but on a linear num-                             work. Whereas Q UACQ needs twice as many negatives (14
ber of queries in the size of the example. However, we believe                              examples) to converge to the target network.
that M ULTI ACQ can be more efficient than Q UACQ in prac-                                     Let us take Golomb rulers instance. Here the gain in terms
tice.                                                                                       of queries is of 31%. The same observation can be made on
                                                                                            the number of complete (partial) negative examples. How-
                                                                                            ever, the time needed to compute a query is twice the time
4                          Experimental results                                             needed by Q UACQ (0.54s instead of 0.20s).
We made some experiments to evaluate the performance of                                        The Sudoku instance is quite interesting where the problem
our M ULTI ACQ algorithm and its findAllScopes function.                                    is expressed on 81 variables and we have to learn a network
Our tests were conducted on an Intel Core 2 Duo E4400                                       equivalent to 810 6= constraints. Despite of the fact that our
2x2.0GHz with 2.0GB of RAM. We first present the bench-                                     algorithm learns more constraints to converge than the basic
mark problems we used for our experiments.                                                  Q UACQ (810 instead of 622), M ULTI ACQ needs 60% less
N-queens. (prob054 in [Gent and Walsh, 1999]) The problem                                   queries than Q UACQ to converge. Here, M ULTI ACQ needs
is to place n queens on a n × n chessboard so that none can                                 only one complete negative example to learn the whole net-
attack each other. The target network is encoded with n vari-                               work, where Q UACQ needs 622 complete negative examples.
ables corresponding to the n queens, and binary constraints.                                Another result relates to the average size of queries. Here,
For our experiments, we selected the 4-queens instance with                                 q̄ = 3.5 is significantly smaller than the number of vari-
a CT of 18 constraints (6 constraints 6= on rows and 12 con-                                ables (i.e., 81 variables) and the average size for Q UACQ (i.e.,
straints N otInDiagonal, 6 for each direction) and a bias of                                37.61). This is an interesting result where short queries are
108 constraints.                                                                            probably easier to answer by the user. These good results in
Golomb Rulers. (prob006 in [Gent and Walsh, 1999]) The                                      terms of queries are somewhat to the detriment of time where
problem is to find a ruler where the distance between any two                               using M ULTI ACQ, we need more than 0.38s to compute a
marks is different from that between any other two marks.                                   query (instead of 0.20s using Q UACQ).
The target network is encoded with n variables correspond-
ing to the n marks, and constraints of varying arity. For our                               5   Conclusion
experiments, we selected the 8-marks ruler instance with a                                  We have proposed a new approach to make constraint acqui-
CT of 385 constraints and a bias of 798 constraints.                                        sition more efficient in practice by learning a maximum num-
Sudoku. We used the Sudoku logic puzzle with 9 × 9 grid.                                    ber of constraints from a negative example. As a constraint
The grid must be filled with numbers from 1 to 9 in such a                                  acquisition system, Q UACQ focuses on the scope of one tar-
way that all the rows, all the columns and the 9 non overlap-                               get constraint each time we give it a negative example. We
ping 3 × 3 squares contain the numbers 1 to 9. The target                                   have proposed M ULTI ACQ with a findAllScopes function
network of the Sudoku has 81 variables with domains of size                                 that aims to report all minimal scopes (MNS) of violated con-
9 and 810 binary 6= constraints on rows, columns and squares.                               straints. We have experimentally evaluated the benefit of our
We use a bias of 6480 binary constraints.                                                   approach on some benchmark problems. The results show
                                                                                            that i) M ULTI ACQ dramatically improves the basic Q UACQ
                            Algorithm    |CL |   #q      q̄     #qc−   #qp−   Tmns   Tq     in terms of number of queries ii) the queries are often much
                                                                                            shorter than membership queries, so are easier to handle for
    Sudoku Golomb Queens

                            Q UACQ        14     104    2.64     14     77    0.06   0.01
                            M ULTI ACQ    12      58    2.41     7      37    0.04   0.01
                                                                                            the user iii) and M ULTI ACQ could be time-consuming. An
                                                                                            interesting direction would be to use a dichotomic search of
                            Q UACQ        95     976    4.78     95    847    2.20   0.21   MNS and the use of cutoffs during search in order to obtain a
                            M ULTI ACQ   146     666    4.69     53    498    2.18   0.54   good tradeoff (#queries/time).
                            Q UACQ       622     9732   37.61   622    8003   3.15   0.20
                            M ULTI ACQ   810     3821   3.50     1     1380   1.77   0.38

                                     Table 1: M ULTI ACQ vs Q UACQ
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