=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1440/paper8 |storemode=property |title=An Adaptive Technique for Weighting Multiple Factors in Followee Recommendation Algorithms |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1440/Paper8.pdf |volume=Vol-1440 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ijcai/TommaselG15a }} ==An Adaptive Technique for Weighting Multiple Factors in Followee Recommendation Algorithms == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1440/Paper8.pdf
             An Adaptive Technique for Weighting Multiple Factors in Followee
                              Recommendation Algorithms
                                         Antonela Tommasel and Daniela Godoy
                            ISISTAN Research Institute, CONICET-UNCPBA, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina

                              Abstract                                Then, percentages are used as the similarity weights that will
   The accurate suggestion of interesting friends arises as a         be further updated according to user preferences.
crucial issue in recommendation systems. This work argues             Updating Factor Weights. The computed weights are used for
that the criteria for recommending friends (or followees) needs       assessing the similarity between each potential followee and
to be adapted and combined according to each user’s prefer-           the target user in the recommendation process. The target user
ences. A technique is proposed for adapting such criteria to the      is presented with the set of most similar potential followees.
characteristics of previously selected followees. Experimental        For each accepted followee, i.e. each potential followee the
evaluation showed that the technique improved the precision           target user has accepted or manifested interest in, weights are
of static weighting strategies. Results highlighted the import-       updated to reflect the new interests of the target user.
ance of adapting to changes in user preferences over time.            Ranking Recommended Followees.In standard similarity-
1   Introduction                                                      based algorithms, as all recommended candidates are similar
   Online social networks have an important place in the life         to the target user, they are likely to be similar to each other.
of millions of users who actively use them for finding new            Thus, such algorithms will never uncover certain items, which
friends. The decision to start following other users simul-           although less similar to the target user, are also important [Hur-
taneously attends to several reasons, which might differ for          ley and Zhang, 2011]. Consequently, it would be desirable to
each individual user. Thus, understanding how users select            include novel or diverse items in the recommended list. Nov-
followees emerges as a key design factor of strategies to per-        elty could be introduced to similarity-based algorithms aiming
sonalise recommendations. Interestingly, most followee selec-         at balancing both, the relevance of candidate followees (i.e.
tion approaches are only based on equally important and in-           its similarity to the target user) and the diversity of recom-
dependent factors, disregarding how users’ interests can affect       mendations. Novelty can be measured in terms of the degree
the followee selection. This work argues that followee recom-         to which is unusual regarding the target user normal interests
mendation criteria needs to be personalised according to users’       (i.e. the previously selected followees). It can be computed
                                                                                         abs(Similarity(u,i)−Similarity(u,p f ))
preferences. A technique is proposed for adapting such cri-               ∑
                                                                      as i∈ f ollowees(u) | f ollowees(u)|                       , where u represents the
teria to each user considering the characteristics of previously      target user, p f represents the potential followee, f ollowees(u) rep-
selected followees.                                                   resents the previously selected users of u and Similarity is the
2   Related Work                                                      overall similarity. If previously selected followees are similar
   Several approaches have proposed to suggest interesting            to the target user, and the new potential followee is dissimilar
users in social networks based on a unique and independ-              to the target user, he/she will also be dissimilar to previously
ent factor [Golder and Yardi, 2010; Hannon et al., 2010].             selected followees. The higher the absolute differences, the
Approaches that combine several factors assume that they              higher the dissimilarity, and thus the novelty introduced. Con-
are equally important to each user by averaging or multiply-          sequently, the novelty of a potential followee can be assessed
ing them [Armentano et al., 2011]. Closely related to this            without computing the actual dissimilarity between the poten-
work, Agarwal and Bharadwaj [2013], and Garcia and Amatri-            tial followee and each previously selected followee.
ain [2010] personalised factors’ weights. However, unlike the            Finally, the potential followees are ranked by considering
technique proposed by this work, changes over time in user            the linear combination of relevance and novelty. The weight
preferences were not considered for adapting the weights.             of the novelty is computed as the percentage of the previously
3   An Adaptive Technique for Personalising Fol-                      selected followees for whom the novelty score was higher than
    lowee Recommendation                                              a pre-defined threshold. Similarly, the weight of the relevance
    The technique suggests a list of interesting followees by         is computed as the percentage of the previously selected fol-
optimally combining different recommendation factors. The             lowees for whom novelty was lower than the threshold. Both
combination is particular to each user as it is based on his/her      weights are updated as previously described.
preferences reflected on previously selected followees.               4    Experimental Evaluation
Computing Factor Weights.The overall similarity between                  This section presents the experimental evaluation performed
users u and v (Similarity(u,v)) can be defined as a linear com-       to assess the effectiveness of the proposed technique.
bination of the similarity for each followee recommendation           Factors for Followee Recommendation. Although the
factor (simi (u,v)) and its corresponding weights (αi ) as follows:   presented technique could be applied to any arbitrary number
∑ni=1 αi ∗simi (u,v). As recommendation systems aim to find the       of recommending factors, this work focuses in the two main
most similar potential followees, factors’ weights (αi ) should       followee recommendation factors: topology and content.
accurately capture user preferences. Thus, they are defined by           Topology. Most link prediction algorithms are based on net-
considering the characteristics of the previously selected fol-       work topology. The number of common followees is one of the
lowees. Followees are assumed to be chosen by a determined            most common metrics applied to Twitter network. It can be
factor if their similarity with the target user for such factor is
higher than a pre-defined threshold. The preference of users          defined as |ΓΓout
                                                                                    out (x)∩Γout (y)|
                                                                                        (x)∪Γout (y) , where x and y are nodes (i.e. users),
regarding each factor is computed as the percentage of fol-           kx is the degree of node x, and Γ(x), Γout (x) and Γin (x) are the set
lowees for whom the similarity is higher than the threshold.          of neighbours, followees and followers of x , respectively.
                                                         Figure 1: Comparison of Precision Results
   Content. The interest of a user can be characterised                              Regarding the proposed technique, the adaptive-no-novelty
by profiles based not only on the information they create                         achieved the worst results. As a result, although the combin-
and publish (publishing profile), but also on the informa-                        ation of weights is adapted to each user, it is not sufficient
tion they consume (reading profile), for example the retweets.                    for further improving results. Also, it can be inferred that al-
The publishing profile of user u j is built by considering                        though users have a particular preference for a certain type of
all of the user tweets (tweets(u j )), which can be defined as:                   followees, they also select followees that do not exactly match
pub−pro f ile(u j )=tweets(u j ). The reading profile of a user u j can           such preferences. Consequently, the search and ranking of
be defined as: read−pro f ileRT (u j )=tweetsRT (uk ) ∀k∈ f ollowees(u j ). The   users should not be only guided by similarity, but also by nov-
similarity between the reading profile of a user and the pub-                     elty. Adding novelty (adaptive) improved the best baseline. As
lishing profile of their potential followees is assessed using the                the figure shows, the adaptive alternative was able to achieve
cosine similarity.                                                                an optimal precision after 26 weights updates. These results
Experimental Settings.To evaluate the performance of the                          evidenced the importance of recommending both similar and
proposed technique, potential followees were ranked and the                       novel followees. Finally, it is also shown the precision stability
top-N users were selected. For each user, their actual fol-                       once the preferences of users are learned and adapted.
lowees and a equal proportion of randomly selected non-                              Regarding the differences between the weights predicted by
followees were added to the pool of potential followees to be                     the technique, and the real preferences of the target users),
recommended. To simulate the actual behaviour of target users                     the absolute differences were below 0.1 for the 76% of target
over time, actual followees were added to the pool of potential                   users, highlighting the usefulness of the proposed technique
followees in the same order in which the user started following                   not only for adequately capturing users’ interests, but also for
them.                                                                             adapting to the changes in user preferences over time.
   The proposed technique (adaptive) was compared against                            In summary, precision of recommendations can be im-
three static baselines: pure-topology, pure-content and half-                     proved when considering an adaptive technique for defining
topology-content. Additionally, adaptive was compared to a                        the weights of the recommendation factors. Results emphas-
version that ignores the novelty factor: adaptive-no-novelty.                     ised the importance of adapting the relevance or weights of
   The quality of recommendations was evaluated by selecting                      the factors to changes in user preferences over time, and also
a ranked sub-set of the potential followees and computing the                     considering diversity in followee recommendations.
overall precision immediately after the weights were updated.                     5   Conclusions
As there is no explicit feedback from target users available, the                    This work proposed a technique for adapting the followee
evaluation assumes that items that were not originally part of                    selection criteria to the decisions of each particular user re-
the followee set are uninteresting for the user. This assumption                  garding the characteristics of his/her previously selected fol-
might not be completely accurate as recommended users might                       lowees. Experimental evaluation showed that the proposed
not be selected simply because the user was unaware of them.                      technique helped to improve precision results regarding static
As a result, precision might be underestimated.                                   weighting strategies. Furthermore, results highlighted the im-
   The pool of potential followees comprised 20 users, out of                     portance of adapting to the changes of the user preferences
which 10 were recommended to the user. Factors’ weights                           over time.
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   1 https://api.twitter.com