Analysis of User-generated Content for Improving YouTube Video Recommendation ∗ Michele Galli, Davide Feltoni Gurini, Fabio Gasparetti , Alessandro Micarelli, Giuseppe Sansonetti Roma Tre University Via della Vasca Navale 79 - Rome, 00146 Italy {michele.galli,feltoni,gaspare,micarel,gsansone} ABSTRACT Everyday video-sharing websites such as YouTube collect large amounts of new multimedia resources. Comments left by viewers often provide valuable information to describe sentiments, opinions and tastes of users. For this reason, we propose a novel re-ranking approach that takes into consid- eration that information in order to provide better recom- mendations of related videos. Early experiments indicate an improvement in the recommendation performance. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.3.3 [Information Search and Retrieval]: [Information Filtering] Keywords Figure 1: The YouTube website with metadata and Recommender systems, Web 2.0, YouTube recommended videos highlighted. 1. INTRODUCTION YouTube is the world’s most popular web video commu- views and ratings) and the similarities of the videos with nity used by 1 billions unique users world wide each month1 . the history of videos watched by the user are combined to Four billions of videos are viewed per day, with 100 hours of rank the candidate resources. A trade-off between relevance new ones uploaded every minute. Sifting through this large and diversity across categories builds up the related video repository of multimedia resources poses unique challenges list Lid = (l1 , l2 , . . . , ln ). As a result, the user-generated for the user. comments that are shown below the video are not taken The YouTube user interface provides, given the current into consideration. Although these user interactions are of- video lid , a list of recommendations as shown in Fig. 1. ten short and noisy, they have the chance to represent valu- YouTube selects those recommendations based on an algo- able information about user interests, tastes and, more in rithm that considers signals from a variety of sources in- general, debate topics about the videos. cluding the user’s favorite, watched and liked videos [4]. Related video lists can host a large number of suggestions, These signals are combined for ranking the list of related i.e., up to 40. Our hypothesis is that two videos may be videos compiled by monitoring what other people usually related if they give rise to similar reactions and sentiments watch next. By exploring this related-video graph, a can- from viewers. This sort of implicit relationship between mul- didate list is built. Characteristics about the videos (e.g., timedia resources might improve the original YouTube rank- ing in a way that better matches the user expectations. In ∗Contact author email: this paper we propose a re-ranking method that, for each 1 (Ac- video, generates a new ordered list of videos proposed by cessed: 2 July 2015) the YouTube traditional recommender. 2. THE PROPOSED VIDEO RECOMMEN- DATION Given the lid video, the YouTube Data API2 allows us to retrieve up to 1000 comments Clid = {c1 , c2 , · · · }.The API provides us also the top 25 related videos. We filter too short Copyright is held by the author(s). 2 RecSys 2015 Poster Proceedings, September 16-20, 2015, Vienna, Austria. (Accessed: 2 July . 2015) comments and the ones with obscene or profane language. nDCG of 0.829 while the proposed approach reaches 0.858 A Bayesian classifier trained on a subset of spam comments with an improvement of 3.51% (p-value<0.05). help us to filter out the less relevant content. A keyword-based approach [2] identifies the words that 4. RELATED WORKS express a sentiment, assigning them a score in [0, 1] to each To the best of our knowledge, our work makes the first at- of the following dimensions: positivity, negativity, and ob- tempt to analyze user comments in the video recommenda- jectivity. In particular, given a comment ci ∈ Clid we sum tion domain. Shmueli et al. [6] analyze users’ co-commenting up all the positivity scores and then subtract the negativity patterns for predicting, for a given user, suitable news stories ones. The obtained normalized real value is encoded in a that she likely comment on. A similar approach is focused categorical feature by linearly discretizing it to 5 intervals on the news recommendation by Messenger and Whittle [5]. so that each comment is assigned to one of the following Sergiu et al. [3] explore the effectiveness of comments and classes: very positive, positive, neutral, negative, very neg- other social signals for the video retrieval task, that is, when ative. Those classes are also the five dimensions of a vector a user query must be elaborated. space model, where the sentiment vector: −− → (ss) 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK vlid = (v1,id , v2,id , v3,id , v4,id , v5,id ) (1) Whereas the obtained benefits in the re-rank of YouTube is calculated by summing up the occurrences of the very pos- related videos is limited, the statistical significance of find- itive classes for the dimension v1,id , positive occurrences for ings let us think that a textual comment mining approach v2,id , neutral occurrences for v3,id , and so forth. The same should be considered for future investigations. Much of the procedure is followed for each video lj ∈ Lid by analyzing computation can be implemented offline, while the basic co- the set of comments associated with lj . We obtain n vectors sine similarity calculus has limited complexity. −− → (ss) vlj that can be compared by means of a cosine similarity More experiments are undergoing to better understand −−→ the relationship between the kinds of opinions and senti- (ss) ments expressed by the users and the categories of the videos. measure with vlid . The related video lj will thus have a (ss) By collecting a large training dataset, it is possible to dy- sentiment-based similarity rid,j ∈ [0, 1]. namically assign different weights to the three parameters A second step extracts named entities (e.g., persons, lo- of Eq. 2. Temporal dimension is a further element to con- cations) and nouns from each comment by means of the sider [1]. There are many videos for which YouTube is not Stanford Named-entity recognizer and Part-of-Speech tag- able to compute a reliable set of related videos due to the ger, respectively. As with the previous procedure, two vec- −(ne) −→ −− −→ scarcity of user activities. It is interesting to understand (pos) (y) tors, vlj and vlj , are obtained for each video lj in Lid if the proposed approach can be successfully implemented by summing up the contribution of the different comments. even for new videos that have collected a right number of −(ne) −→ −−−→ (pos) comments, partially addressing the data-sparsity issue due The two vectors vlid and vlid are also computed. The to the scarcity of user activity records. dimensions of the vectors are distinct named entities and nouns that appear in the analyzed user-generated data. A (ne) (pos) cosine similarity measure assigns the scores rid,j and rid,j 6. REFERENCES [1] G. Arru, D. Feltoni Gurini, F. Gasparetti, A. Micarelli, between lid and lj videos, respectively, for the named entity and G. Sansonetti. Signal-based user recommendation and noun comparisons. on twitter. 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