=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1441/recsys2015_poster5 |storemode=property |title= |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1441/recsys2015_poster5.pdf |volume=Vol-1441 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/recsys/TacchiniMVS15 }} ==== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1441/recsys2015_poster5.pdf
      Do you have a Pop face? Here is a Pop song.
Using profile pictures to mitigate the cold-start problem in
              Music Recommender Systems
    Eugenio Tacchini                      Ramon Morros                    Veronica Vilaplana                    Enrique Sañoso
   Università Cattolica di            Universitat Politècnica de        Universitat Politècnica de Universitat Politècnica de
         Piacenza                            Catalunya                          Catalunya                 Catalunya
 eugenio.tacchini@unicatt.it          ramon.morros@upc.edu             veronica.vilaplana@upc.edu enriquesv19@gmail.com

ABSTRACT                                                                 We focus just on the new user problem in the music domain,
When a new user registers to a recommender system service, the           assuming we do not have any information about user preferences
system does not know her taste and cannot propose meaningful             and relying exclusively on her profile picture. To our knowledge,
suggestions (cold-start problem). This preliminary work attempts         there is no work that has attempted to use profile pictures to guess
to mitigate the cold-start problem using the profile picture of the      preferences. This method is not proposed as a substitution for
user as a sole information, following the intuition that a               existing approaches; it can be used when the RS does not have
correspondence may exist between the pictures that people use to         information about a user and can be combined with other methods
represent themselves and their taste. We proved that, at least in        in order to increase the accuracy in a cold-start situation.
the small music community we used for our experiments, our
method can improve the precision of both a classifier and a Top-N        3. METHODOLOGY
music recommender system in a cold-start condition.                      3.1 Background, goals and method
                                                                         Our dataset comes from Last.FM: through the Last.fm APIs we
Categories and Subject Descriptors                                       can retrieve users' profile pictures and listening logs. Last.FM also
H.3.3 [Information Search and Retrieval]                                 allows users to create and join Groups; a group is a place where
                                                                         people talk about a topic, in particular, there are groups related to
Keywords                                                                 music genres e.g. the Pop group or the Jazz group. We assumed
Top-N recommendations, cold-start, evaluation, pictures.                 that a user joins a group if she is interested in that specific genre.
                                                                         Our experiments have been performed with users belonging to
1. INTRODUCTION                                                          three quite different genre groups: Pop, Black Metal and Jazz (P,
One of the limits of Collaborative Filtering (CF) Recommender            M and J). The three genres traditionally have a different audience:
Systems (RSs) is the "cold start problem": when a new user               their fans tend to have not only a different music taste but also
registers to a RS, the system does not know her taste and cannot         different styles so we thought that a dataset coming from M, P and
propose meaningful suggestions until the user provides some              J was a good starting point to test our intuition. We retrieved for
feedback. Nowadays it is very common to provide a profile                each user her profile picture and listening logs, we built a
picture when we register to a Web site (including web-based              playcount matrix M(n,m) (n=3,000 users, m=48,868 artists) and
RSs), furthermore in many cases users register using Social              for each user-artist pair we stored the number of times that user
Network accounts, which allows in turn to access their profile           listened to that artist. The users dataset, together with some details
pictures. This work analyzes users’ profile pictures to provide          and examples, has been released here [5]. Starting from M(n,m)
hints about their musical taste and thus provide better                  we built a preferences binary matrix P(n,m) that represents, for
recommendations since the registration, without additional input.        each user, the artists she liked. P was computed using an approach
                                                                         similar to the one used in [6]; we assumed a user liked an artist if
                                                                         she listened to the artist more than five times.
The cold-start problem hides two different subproblems: the new          We used the dataset for two different goals. The first one was a
user problem (users need to rate some items before getting               classification problem: given the profile picture of a user (without
meaningful suggestions) and the new item problem (items need to          other information) and the information related to all the other
be rated by some users before being suggested). For the new user         users (profile pictures and groups they belong to), can we predict
problem, a solution is to fill the missing ratings with default          to which group the user belongs to (M, P or J)? To guess the
values such as, for each item, the average rating received by other      group a user belongs to, we used a k-nearest neighbors (kNN)
users [1]. Other approaches involve the segmentation of the users        approach. The nearest neighbors of a user in this context were the
in homogeneous classes and the suggestion of items suitable for a        ones having the most similar profile pictures (see section 3.2). The
specific class. Some classification criteria in literature are: data     prediction was based on the groups the picture-neighbors
coming from questionnaires and demographic data [2,3]. An                belonged to: if most of the picture-neighbors of user Ux belonged
alternative approach [4] relies on the detection of communities          to M, we predicted Ux belonged to M as well.
through Social Networks analysis: for a new user, the RS suggests
                                                                         The second goal was related to a Top-N recommendation problem
the items typically liked by the community she belongs to.
                                                                         in a cold-start situation: a user Ux has just subscribed to a RS
                                                                         service and we want to suggest N artists. If we do not know
                                                                         anything about her taste we will end up suggesting random artists
 Copyright is held by the author(s). RecSys 2015 Poster Proceedings,
                                                                         or the most popular artists. Given the profile picture of Ux and the
 September 16-20, 2015, Austria, Vienna
                                                                         profile pictures and preferences (P) of all the other users, can we
provide to Ux a meaningful Top-N artists recommendation list? To         those artists. Fig. 1 (bottom) shows the results: the random
exploit the information from the user's picture, we mimicked a CF        approach performs very poorly (precision 0.003). On our
user-based technique using, as a similarity measure between two          FaceBasedRecommender method, as expected for a kNN
users, the similarity between their profile pictures. Given a user       approach, the precision increases as k increases and at some point
Ux, we selected her k nearest picture-neighbors, we computed the         starts decreasing until it reaches the value of SuggestPopular. At k
list of the N most appreciated artists by the picture-neighborhood       = 250 reaches its maximum: 0.2883, overcoming the precision
and we suggested them to Ux.                                             provided by SuggestPopular by 10.01%.
                                                                         This preliminary work shows that profile pictures can be used to
3.2 Image analysis                                                       mitigate the cold-start problem. Our hypothesis have been tested
Visual inspection of several profile pictures shows that the content     with both a classification and a Top-N recommendation
of the pictures is very heterogeneous. Some people use pictures of       experiment. As future work, we will explore ways to explicitly
their faces, while other use images of objects, places, logos,           model correlations between musical taste and pictures using
cartoons, etc. However, we expect that users with similar musical        KCCA [8]. Another line of research will be improving the
tastes select profile images that are related in some way.               description of the image content by combining color and texture
To compute image similarities, images can be described using             information using Bag of Features [9] based on color SIFT
different types of visual information such as color, texture, shape      descriptors. Also, we will make experiments with more users,
of objects or similar characteristics. The MPEG-7 Visual Standard        from different genre groups.
[7] specifies several content-based descriptors which can be used
to efficiently identify, filter or browse images or video. The
experiments have been performed using several MPEG7 image
descriptors [7] (Dominant Colors, Color Layout, Color Structure
and Edge Histogram). For space reasons we only present results
obtained with Color Structure (CS), the best performing one. CS
captures information about both color content and spatial
arrangement of this color content. It is a histogram counting the
number of times a color is present in a windowed neighborhood,
as this window progresses over the image rows and columns. This
enables it to distinguish, for example, between an image in which
pixels of each color are distributed uniformly and an image in
which the same colors occur in the same proportions, but are
located in distinct blocks. The matching function used to compare
the CS of two images is the L1 metric. We then convert distance
into similarity multiplying distance values by -1.

To evaluate our method we used a leave-one-out approach. In the                Figure 1: Classification and recommendation precision
classification experiment, for each of the n users, we alternatively
hid the group she belonged to and we tried to predict it according       5. REFERENCES
to her picture-neighbors. Fig. 1 (top) shows the results of the          [1] Ricci, F. et al. (2011). Recommender systems handbook.
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neighbors). Our method (FaceBasedClassifier) already overcomes           [2] Park, S.T. et al. Pairwise preference regression for cold-start
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k=281 where the precision is 0.467 (46.70% correct predictions);             Recommender system. 2009.
since M, P and J were composed by the same number of users, we
assume, for RandomClassifier, a precision of 0.333; therefore our        [3] Lika, B. et al. (2014). Facing the cold start problem in
method overcomes RandomClassifier, at k=281, by 40.24%.                      recommender systems. Expert Systems with
                                                                             Applications, 41(4), 2065-2073.
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