=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1441/recsys2015_poster8 |storemode=property |title=How to Interpret Implicit User Feedback? |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1441/recsys2015_poster8.pdf |volume=Vol-1441 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/recsys/PeskaV15 }} ==How to Interpret Implicit User Feedback?== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1441/recsys2015_poster8.pdf
                       How to Interpret Implicit User Feedback?
                                                  Ladislav Peska, Peter Vojtas
                              Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague

ABSTRACT                                                               combine RBTs e.g. [7]. Our current research switched towards
Our research is focused on interpreting user preference from           correct interpretation of RBT values as the first step towards
his/her implicit behavior. There are many types of relevant behav-     learning user preference. We can track several similar approaches
ior e.g. time on page, scrolling, clickstream etc. which we will       in the literature e.g. [1] comparing implicit signals with explicit
further denote as Relevant Behavior Types (RBT). RBT s varies          user rating on an open-web user study, [8] categorizing several
both in quality and incidence and thus we might need different         user activities as positive or negative feedback on an online music
approaches to process them. In this early work we focus on how         service, RSS feed recommender analyzing implicit reading-related
to derive user preference from each RBT separately. We selected        user actions [3] or using normalized item level dwell time as
number of common indicators, design two novel e-commerce               relevance measure [9]. However to our best knowledge, there are
specific RBT interpreting methods and conducted series of off-         no approach in the literature focusing on interpreting RBTs in
line experiments. After the off-line evaluation an A/B test on the     small e-commerce and thus our set of RBTs and methods for their
real-world users of a travel agency was conducted comparing best       interpretation based on purchasing behavior are rather unique.
off-line method with simple binary feedback. The experiments,          2. IMPLICIT PREFERENCE INDICATORS
although preliminary, showed importance of considering multiple        Virtually any observable user behavior can serve as implicit feed-
RBTs together.                                                         back. The majority of user behavior consists of separated user
                                                                       actions (mouse click, typing, scrolling event etc.). Although it is
Categories and Subject Descriptors                                     possible to consider these actions as a stream, we opted for aggre-
H.3.3 [Information Systems]: Information Search and Retrieval -
                                                                       gating the same type of behavior while user visits particular
Information Filtering
                                                                       webpage. Thus the Relevant Behavior Types (RBTs) are integer
General Terms                                                          variables containing volumes of each type of action aggregated
                                                                       throughout user’s visit of the webpage. So far we considered only
Measurement, Human Factors, Experimentation.
                                                                       several basic types of behavior as shown in Table 1, however we
Keywords                                                               plan to use the full scope of the RBT collecting component [5] in
Implicit Feedback, Recommender Systems, User preference                the future work. Note that not all RBTs are triggered for all visits.
                                                                        Table 1: Considered RBTs. Coverage column describes for how
1. INTRODUCTION                                                              many visits we have also information from this RBT.
Recommender Systems have been widely studied in the last two
                                                                       RBT                      Triggered event                Coverage
decades. They successfully complement search engines or on-site
catalogues on video streaming services, book databases1, e-            Pageview                JavaScript Load()                 99%
commerce2 etc. Although the recommender systems are relatively         Mouse                JavaScript MouseOver()               44%
widespread nowadays, we focus on yet neglected domain: rec-            Scroll                  JavaScript Scroll()               49%
ommending on small e-commerce websites without dominant                Time                 Total time spent on page             69%
position on the market. Among the most sewer challenges of this        Purchase              Object was purchased                0.5%
domain is users’ disloyalty and high ratio between number of
objects and users. This disqualifies otherwise successful Collabo-
rative Filtering (CF) methods as they stuck in persistent cold-start
                                                                       3. PREFERENCE LEARNING METHODS
                                                                       The key research question of this poster is to learn dependence
problem [4]. Another related challenge is the scarcity of explicit
                                                                       between values of each RBTs and user preference . It is possible
feedback. Due to users disloyalty and absence of incentives to do
                                                                       to use simple binary model like “all visited objects are equally
so, users generally do not provide explicit feedback in small e-
                                                                       preferred” or simple numeric model with linear dependence be-
commerce websites. Our only option is to focus on implicit user
                                                                       tween the value of RBT and user preference [2]. We added two
feedback. Unlike e.g. Hu et al. [2], we focus on multiple behavior
                                                                       collaborative approaches specific for the e-commerce domain,
types relevant for user preference (e.g. time on page, scrolling,
                                                                       considering other users purchasing behavior.
purchases etc.), which will hopefully provide better user under-
standing and thus better recommendations than a single type of         Binary user preference is defined as        for all visited objects.
feedback. In our previous works we focused on deriving negative        Direct preference normalization is a user-wise linear normaliza-
preference from implicit feedback [6] or various approaches to         tion of each indicator into the [0,1] interval. This approach is
                                                                       similar to [2]. For user u and type t, the preference based on type
    Amazon.com                                                         Purchase-based approaches considers whether other users with
                                                                       similar values of RBTs purchased the object or not and computes
Copyright is held by the author(s). RecSys 2015 Poster Proceedings,    purchase rate PR. The approaches differ in definition of neighbor-
September 16-20, 2015, Austria, Vienna.                                hood ε for RBT values:
     KNN: use K nearest neighbor visits to compute PR. K is            The KNN has peak performance around ε=0.7 for all RBTs except
      defined as ε * total number of all visits                         scrolling.
     Distance: use all visits from interval [(1-ε) * val(RBT), (1+ε)
      * val(RBT)]
                                                                        4.2 A/B testing
The PR is then computed as:                                         ,   After the off-line evaluation we selected 3 methods for on-line
where #purch is volume of purchases from defined ε neighbor-            testing: Binary user preference as baseline, average of direct
hood, #all_purch is volume of all purchases in the dataset. Intui-      normalization of all RBTs and average of best resulting methods
tively PR for KNN represents ratio between mass of purchases in         for each RBT according to Table 2. The recommendations were
current interval and expected one for uniform distribution. Finally     computed via VSM algorithm and we opted for the number of
we use PR in sigmoid function to smoothly normalize user rating         click throughs (CT) as target metric. The evaluation was carried
                                                                        out in June 2015 with in total over 2900 users randomly assigned
into [0,1] interval:                       .
                                                                        to one of the preference learning methods.
The hypothesis behind purchase-based approaches is that pur-
                                                                                      Table 3: Results of on-line evaluation
chase is the only RBT with “guaranteed” effect on user prefer-
ence, so if users evaluate other objects similarly, then although                 Binary Direct norm. Best according to Table 2
they did not purchase them, they still probably like them. Another       CT             208              232                       213
reason for this approach is that although we can expect that higher      Users          971              979                       976
value of each RBT implicates higher preference, the exact de-           The on-line experiments are not conclusive yet, but it seems that
pendence is unknown. Purchasee-based approaches allow us to             direct normalization outperforms other methods. We will further
derive non-linear parametric dependence between the value of            experiment with other settings and definitions of purchase-based
RBT and expected user preference . On the other hand in this            approaches in the future work. Our current working hypothesis is
approach we neglect different behavior patterns for different users     to use exact values instead of ε expressions.
as well as various cognitive demands to evaluate different objects.
We would like to perform user clustering of more loyal users with       5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK
enough feedback in the future work.                                     In this poster, our aim was to design novel methods to infer user
                                                                        preference from relevant behavior types and to determine optimal
4. EVALUATION                                                           approaches to handle different RBTs. The purchase-based meth-
4.1 Off-line Evaluation                                                 ods succeeded in off-line experiments, however further tuning and
                                                                        enhanced on-line evaluation is necessary. Also incorporation of
In the first phase of evaluation we compared various RBT inter-
                                                                        various aggregation methods is in our future work.
pretation methods on a travel agency dataset. As we did not con-
sider any specific method for aggregating RBTs, we opted for            Acknowledgements: The work on this paper was supported by
pairwise comparison of purchased and non-purchased objects for          the grant SVV-2015-260222, GAUK-126313 and P46.
each user. For each (strictly rated) pair and each indicator prefer-
ence we state that this pair is correctly ordered, if the indicator     REFERENCES
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