=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1442/paper_4 |storemode=property |title=An Ontology for Collaborative Tasks in Multi-agent Systems |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1442/paper_4.pdf |volume=Vol-1442 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ontobras/SchmidtBMV15 }} ==An Ontology for Collaborative Tasks in Multi-agent Systems== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1442/paper_4.pdf
 An Ontology for Collaborative Tasks in Multi-agent Systems
    Daniela Schmidt 1 , Rafael H. Bordini 1 , Felipe Meneguzzi 1 , Renata Vieira 1
                   Postgraduate Program in Computer Science
                        School of Informatics (FACIN)
         Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS

    Abstract. This paper proposes an ontology for task representation and infer-
    ence. The ontology was developed to support reasoning about tasks, such as
    task recognition and relocation. Our proposal is formalized in OWL (Web On-
    tology Language) and SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language). We show one
    scenario to exemplify reasoning situations based on the axioms and rules of our
    ontology. This knowledge-level representation of tasks can be explored to sup-
    port reasoning about activities for groups of people. The knowledge asserted
    and inferred in the ontology is useful in multi-agent systems to enhance agent
    coordination and collaboration through reasoning over tasks. An evaluation of
    the proposed ontology is presented.

1. Introduction
Ontology and agent-based technologies have received significant attention, but little fo-
cus has been given in their integrated use [Hadzic et al. 2009a]. Ontologies allow the
sharing of common knowledge among people and software agents. For multi-agent sys-
tems (MAS) development, ontologies are key for the common understanding and reuse of
domain knowledge.
         Our work aims to integrate an ontology that represents collaborative tasks with a
multi-agent framework to enable queries and inferences about shared tasks. It provides
knowledge about tasks for the execution of plan recognition, and for the negotiation and
relocation of tasks. In this paper, we describe our task ontology in detail, as well as
its integration in a multi-agent system. Based on the proposed ontology, we present an
application in health care which consists of a family group that takes care of an elderly
person. The elderly needs constant monitoring to perform his daily tasks, so it is necessary
that the group collaborates in the distribution of tasks related to his care.
        The paper is organized as follow: Section 2 introduces main aspects of ontologies,
and technological alternatives for their representation such as OWL and SWRL. Section
3 describes related work. Next, in Section 4 we present our proposed ontology. Sec-
tion 5 presents the ontology evaluation. Section 6 shows some final remarks and future
directions to extend our proposed ontology.

2. Ontology
Ontology was originally the philosophical study of reality to define which things exists
and what we can say about them. In computer science, ontology is defined as an “explicit
specification of a conceptualization” [Gruber 1993]. A conceptualization stands for an
abstract model of some world aspect that specifies properties of important concepts and
relationships. Therefore, ontologies are knowledge representation structures composed
of concepts, properties, individuals, relationships and axioms. A concept (or class) is a
collection of objects that share specific restrictions, similarities or common properties. A
property expresses relationships between concepts. An individual (instance, object, or
fact) represents an element of a concept; a relationship instantiates a property to relate
two individuals; and an axiom (or rule) imposes constraints on the values of concepts
or individuals normally using logic languages (which can be used to check ontological
consistency or to infer new knowledge).
         Nowadays there are prominent ontology languages, such as OWL (Web Ontology
Language) [Bechhofer et al. 2004], which is a semantic web standard formalism to ex-
plicitly represent the meaning of terms and the relationships between those terms. OWL
is a language for processing web information that became a W3C recommendation in
2004 [Bechhofer et al. 2004]. Ontologies empowers the execution of semantic reason-
ers, such as Pellet [Sirin et al. 2007]. Semantic reasoners provide the functionalities of
consistency checking, concept satisfiability and classification [Sirin et al. 2007]. In other
words, reasoners infer logical consequences from a set of axioms, which in the current
technology can be done, for example, through the application of the rules coded in SWRL
(Semantic Web Rule Language) [Horrocks et al. 2004].
        Ontologies and rules are established paradigms in knowledge modeling that can
be used together. SWRL is a rule extension of OWL that adheres to the open-world
paradigm [Horrocks et al. 2004]. SWRL adds to the OWL’s expressiveness by allowing
the modeling of certain axioms which lie outside the capability of OWL; including an
abstract syntax for Horn-like rules in ontologies. The rules are defined as an implication
between an antecedent (body) and a consequent (head). The intended meaning can be
read as: whenever the conditions specified in the antecedent hold, then the conditions
specified in the consequent must also hold (be true). A SWRL rule [Horrocks et al. 2004]
has the form of antecedent ⇒ consequent where both antecedent and consequent are
conjunctions of atoms written as a1 ∧ ... ∧ an. Variables are prefixed with a question
mark (e.g., ?x), and an atom may be unary (e.g., a class expression) or binary (e.g., an
object property), and arguments in atoms can be individuals or data values. In this syntax,
a rule asserting that the composition of parent and brother properties implies the uncle
property can be written as [Horrocks et al. 2004]: parent(?x, ?y) ∧ brother(?y, ?z) ⇒
uncle(?x, ?z).
        This section provided a background on ontology technologies employed in this
work. Our proposal is formalized in OWL and SWRL, and applies the semantic reasoner
Pellet [Sirin et al. 2007] for executing inferences over the modeled concepts, properties,
individuals, axioms and rules. Next, we present previous approaches to task ontologies.

3. Related Work
This section describes previous work that use ontologies for activity representation and
recognition. Activity modeling in ontologies consists in defining formal semantics for
human tasks by means of the operators in ontological languages. Then, ontological rea-
soning can be used to recognize that the user is performing a certain activity starting
from some facts (e.g., sensor data, location of persons and objects, properties of actors
involved) [Riboni and Bettini 2011b].
         Smith et al. [Smith et al. 2011] propose an ontology containing rules to reason
about task characteristics to enable an effective coordination of activities. To implement
such mechanism, agents need to reason and communicate about activities, resources and
their properties. The semantics for the coordination mechanisms are given by rules coded
in an ontology. The idea is to enable agents to reason about the relationships of their
activities with the activities of other agents [Smith et al. 2011].
         The OWL-T ontology [Tran and Tsuji 2007] was designed to allow the formal
and semantic specification of tasks using a high-level knowledge abstraction. The Task
class is the central concept in OWL-T, and can be hierarchically decomposed into simple
or complex tasks. According to Tran and Tsuji [Tran and Tsuji 2007], an example of
complex task is planning a trip, that requires the sub-tasks of book flight, book hotel and
rent car.
        Riboni and Bettini [Riboni and Bettini 2011a] propose an ontology of activities
for task representation that combines ontological reasoning with statistical inference to
enable activity recognition. Their solution uses statistical inference on raw data retrieved
from body-worn sensors (e.g., accelerometers) to predict the most probable activities.
Then, symbolic reasoning refines the results of statistical inference by selecting the set
of possible activities performed by a user based on the context. The ActivO (ontology
for activity recognition) contains a set of activities, as well as context data that can be
useful to recognize them. The set of activities and context data defined in ActivO is
non-exhaustive, but it is claimed that it can be used to model many pervasive computing
        The work on [Chen et al. 2012] introduces a knowledge-driven approach to ac-
tivity recognition and inferencing based on multi-sensor data streams in smart homes.
The ontology represents the correlated domains of smart homes contexts and Activities
of Daily Living (ADL). For example, the task of brushing teeth normally takes place in
the bathroom twice a day and usually involves using toothpaste, toothbrush and water,
which is the context for this activity. Contextual information is obtained by sensors that
are linked to physical and conceptual entities such as objects, locations, and states. In
addition to the ontology of contexts, an ontology for activity recognition was created to
model an activity hierarchy in which each class denotes an ADL type. ADL ontologies
can be viewed as activity models that establish links between activities and contextual
        Garcia et al. [Garcia et al. 2013] propose one approach based on ontologies to
solve problems related with resource sharing in pervasive environments. The ontological
model is composed by a set of ontologies that represent the elements involved in a collab-
orative environment. Ontologies refers to types of managed resources (human, physical
and virtual) and other characteristics such as environment and organizational aspects. This
set of ontologies is part of RAMS architecture (Resource Availability Management Ser-
vice). According to the authors, a set of ontologies is better than one unique ontology and
these proposed ontologies can be extend by adding new concepts.
        Bae [Bae 2014] presents and approach to activities of daily living (ADL) recog-
nition called RADL (Recognizing Activities of Daily Living). RADL is a system that
                  Table 1. Comparing the domains of related ontologies

 Ontology                     Scope                         Main Concepts
 Coordination                 Tasks and their posi-         Activity,     interdependence
 ontology                     tive/negative relationships   types, agent, resource, op-
 [Smith et al. 2011]          to enable agent coordina-     erational relationship, and
                              tion.                         coordination rule.
 OWL-T                        Business processes using      Task (divided into simple
 [Tran and Tsuji 2007]        high-level abstraction.       and composite), input, out-
                                                            put, pre/post conditions, pref-
                                                            erences, effects.
 ActivO                     Concepts to help in activ-      Activity, artifact, communi-
 [Riboni and Bettini 2011a] ity recognition, specially      cationRoute, person, symbol-
                            in the health care field.       icLocation, timeExtend.
 SH        and        ADL Daily-living activities in        Activity, actor, location, re-
 [Chen et al. 2012]         the smart home domain.          source, environment, entities,
                                                            duration, goal, effects, condi-
                                                            tions, time.
 RAMS                         Represent actions that        Process, activity, group, role,
 [Garcia et al. 2013]         users can execute about       calendar, time interval, human
                              resources.                    resource.
 RADL [Bae 2014]              Represent activities of       Person, activity, location,
                              daily living related to       device, device status, sensor,
                              elderly person in a smart     sensor status, service, daily
                              home environment.             life service, message service,
                                                            safety service.

detects and monitors ADL’s standards for smart homes equipped with sensors. RADL is
exemplified in a smart home scenario where one elderly person lives alone. The ontol-
ogy proposed by the author is able to reason about ADL’s standards and provide semantic
discovery of locations, devices, activities and other relevant information. The ontology
is divided in three parts. The first represents concepts about daily life services like: air
conditioner on or off and open or closed window for instance. The second represents
safety services like: fire alarm activated. And the third part represent messages services
like: sleeping message, wake up message and so on are described.
        As we see, semantic representations of tasks through ontologies are starting to
appear as promising research directions. These representations enable agents to reason
about tasks, for example, to implement activity recognition approaches. In Table 1 we
compare the related work presented in Section 3, highlighting the main concepts of each
ontology. In our proposed ontology, we reused the most common concepts in the domain
(as highlighted in bold in Table 1). We then included new aspects to those found in previ-
ous works, since our focus was on the representation of tasks performed collaboratively
(to be presented in the next section). No previous work was found with such orientation.
4. Proposed Task Ontology
This section presents our proposed ontology, the integration of our ontology in the multi-
agent system and its application. The goal is to represent the knowledge of where and
when the tasks might occur, who is responsible for them and what are the tasks particular-
ities. Based on this ontology representation, we may use logical rules and apply semantic
reasoners to infer new knowledge about tasks that may be useful for agent programmers
willing to implement task reasoning mechanisms, such as techniques of task recognition,
task negotiation and task relocation.
        The Task is the main concept in the ontology; it represents an activity that is
executed by one or more people. We can also say that the execution of a Task may happen
in a particular location and time, and normally involves an object. Therefore, the main
and most generic concepts of the proposed task ontology are: Task, Person, Location,
Object, TimeInterval and TaskPurpose (see Figure 1 a)).

     a)                                                Person                                                             b)


                            purpose                            Task                                            Location





                                                                                              o bj



               Concepts       TimeInterval                                                              Object

          Figure 1. a) Task ontology main concepts. b) Taxonomy of task concepts

       Collaborative tasks may have restrictions as to who can execute them, when and
where they occur. Then, to address these issues our ontology specialized the task concept
(according to Figure 1 b)). In our ontology, the concepts were defined based on restric-
tions and other logical characteristics related to collaborative tasks. For example, the
CompositeTask concept is equivalent to a task that has sub-task. This concept definition
used the existential quantifier, as follows:

                                        CompositeT ask ≡ ∃has-subtask.T ask

       The RestrictedTask concept is subdivided in three kinds of restrictions that are
presented bellow:
        RestrictedAgent: in this case, the concepts can be used to define features that
agents or people may to perform certain tasks. In our ontology there are three concepts
to specify restrictions regarding agents. They are: (i) the concept AdultTask restricts the
tasks that may be performed only by adults, like driving a car, for instance. (ii) the con-
cept CarerTask restricts the tasks that may be performed only by carers, (iii) the concept
FamilyMemberTask that represents tasks that can only be performed by family members.
The setting of restrictions on concepts specified above is as follows:
                        AdultT ask ≡ ∀can-be-executed-by.Adult
                       CarerT ask ≡ ∀can-be-executed-by.Carer
            F amilyM emberT ask ≡ ∀can-be-executed-by.F amilyM ember

        Note that the restrictions regarding agent may vary according to the application,
in the case of our application carer and family members are types of agents, but in other
applications these types may differ. More details on the application is described in the
        RestrictedLocation: a task can be classified according to the location where it oc-
curs. To represent these restrictions the concepts RestrictedStartingLocation and Restrict-
edEndingLocation were included. One task instance belongs to any of these concepts if it
has the property possible-starting-location or possible-ending-location respectively. This
definition is specified as follows:

        RestrictedStartingLocation ≡ ∃possible-starting-location.Location
         RestrictedEndingLocation ≡ ∃possible-ending-location.Location

        RestrictedTime: similar to the location constraints, a task can have time restric-
tions. The concepts RestrictedStartingTime and RestrictedEndingTime are used when a
task has restrictions regarding the start or end time of it execution (a physiotherapy ses-
sion, for instance). A task instance is classified as RestrictedTime if it has any restrictions
through the properties has-beginning or has-end respectively.
         In addition to the specializations and restrictions, our task ontology allows agents
to negotiate about relocation of tasks. To provide this information, the concept Task has
the sub-concept RelocatableTask whose function is to describe the possibilities of reloca-
tion in terms of time and responsible for the execution of a task.
        RelocatableTask: this concept describes the relocation task possibilities. It is di-
vided in two sub-concepts called RelocatableResponsible and RelocatableTime. The first
refers to a task instance which has the property can-be-relocated-to. Rules in SWRL
were created to define who is able to perform each task. For instance, some tasks can
be executed only by adults. Already, the temporal relocation can occurs when one task
instance is not RestrictedTime. The following we define the concept RelocatableRespon-
sible and the rules in SWRL that allow inferences instances of people for that a task can
be relocated.

               RelocatableResponsible ≡ ∃can-be-relocated-to.P erson
                T ask(?x) ∧ P erson(?y) ⇒ can-be-relocated-to(?x, ?y)
              AdultT ask(?x) ∧ Adult(?y) ⇒ can-be-relocated-to(?x, ?y)

       Furthermore, a Task may contain restrictions based on locations where it can hap-
pen, what objects are related, and so on (see Figure 1). These aspects are addressed below.
        The Location concept represents physical places where Task instances happens.
                  Table 2. Domain and range of task ontology properties
                    Domain         Object Property       Range
                    Task           has-subtask           Task
                    Task           is-part-of            Task
                    Task           can-be-execute-by     Person
                    Task           can-be-relocated-to   Person
                    Task           has-feature           Feature
                    Task           has-object            Object
                    Task           has-task-purpose      TaskPurpose
                    Task           occurs-in             Location
                    Task           is-schedule-to        TimeInterval
                    Person         can-execute-task      Task
                    Person         is-at                 Location
                    Object         has-location          Location
                    Object         is-used-for           Task
                    Patient        has-carer             CarerGroup
                    CarerGroup     carer-of              Patient

Location has two sub-concepts to differentiate between internal and external locations.
The relationship of the task concept and location is given by the property occurs-in.
        The Person concept represents the group of people.The relationship between Task
and Person occurs through the property can-be-executed-by. In order to specialize the
ontology according to the application, the person concept has two sub-concepts called
CarerGroup and Patient. The first is divided into Carer and FamilyMember. Instances of
carer group are responsible to take care of patient instances. To provide this relationship,
we create the object property has-carer (see following).

                          P atient ≡ ∃has-carer.CarerGroup

        The Object concept represents the objects involved in the task execution. The
TaskPurpose concept represents the specialization of tasks (e.g. entertainment, hygiene,
etc.). The relationship between this concept and the Task concept occurs through the
property has-task-purpose.
        The TimeInterval concept includes information about temporal restrictions. This
concept is related to task concept through of the property is-schedule-to. TimeInterval has
three sub-concepts called ClosedInterval, LeftClosedInterval and RightClosedInterval. A
task instance is classified with restricted time according to follow rules.

            ClosedInterval ≡ ∃has-beginning.string ∧ ∃has-end.string
                    Lef tClosedInterval ≡ ∃has-beginning.string
                       RightClosedInterval ≡ ∃has-end.string

       The relationship between the concepts occurs through of properties. In Table 2 we
present the main properties of our proposed ontology.

4.1. Ontology Integration in the Multi-agent System
The task ontology is part of a multi-agent framework and allows queries and inferences
about tasks in a multi-agent environment. It provides knowledge to plan recognitions
and task negotiation and relocation. Figure 2 shows a view of the application of our
ontology in the multi-agent framework (more details about the framework and the ar-
tifact which allows agents to interact with ontologies can be found in our other papers
[Freitas et al. 2015], [Panisson et al. 2015]).

           Figure 2. Application of task ontology in the multi-agent framework

        The Plan Library (1) can be created by instances and restrictions of tasks modeling
in the ontology. Consider a plan called prepare-meal. In the ontology, there is a instance
of CompositeTask called prepare-meal. This instance is classified as a top-level plan in
the plan library and is decomposed with the sub-tasks instances like: prepare-breakfast,
prepare-lunch and so on. The hierarchy between the top-level plan and the sub tasks
occurs through the has-subtask property that allows differentiate between sequence or
decomposition. In Figure 3 we show a plan makes by ontology instances.

                               Figure 3. Plan prepare-meal

         The Plan Recognition (2) module is responsible to recognize the agent plans.
For this, we used a plan recognizer developed by Avrahami-Zilberbrand and Kaminka
[Avrahami-Zilberbrand and Kaminka 2005]. The plans are based on the structure speci-
fied in the plan library that was generated from the ontology. In this context, ontology’s
role is to provide subsidies for the construction of plans and a set of features that help the
plan recognizer to identify what task is running, if it will fail or if the plan needs to start
a process of negotiation.
         The Negotiation (3) module performs queries in the ontology to verify two types
of information. (i) when agents need to know if a task is relocatable temporally and (ii)
when agents need to know if a task can be relocated to another member of the group. In
the first case, it is checked if the task instance belongs to the concept RelocatableTime,
if the answer is positive, the task can be relocated temporarily. In the second case, the
agent asks the ontology if one task instance has the property can-be-relocated-to. This
property relates a task instance that can be relocated to other group members who are able
to execute it. In this case, the application proceeds to relocation between the members
related to the task. The existence of this property takes into account constraints such as
tasks that can be performed only by adults, for example.

4.2. Task Ontology Application
According to Bae [Bae 2014], recognition and monitoring of daily activities can provide
important opportunities for applications whose focus is the care of the elderly. Moreover,
according to the author, the correct way to represent knowledge in household, including
behavioral rules systems, is through concepts and information modeled in ontologies. In
the other words, ontologies provide readable and understandable knowledge for machine
and perform an important role in knowledge representation, sharing and data manage-
ment, information retrieval, among others. Computational agent-based systems are used
to support distributed computing, dynamic information retrieval, automated discovery of
services, etc. Therefore, ontologies and agent-based systems are two different but com-
plementary technologies where the ontology is responsible for providing knowledge to the
system while the agents provide dynamism that the system needs [Hadzic et al. 2009b].
        Our application corresponds to a family group with an elderly man living alone
called Joao. He has health problems and needs constant monitoring to perform their daily
tasks. Joao has two children called Paulo and Stefano. Paulo lives next door with his wife
Jane and their two children (Pedro 12 years old and Maria 14 years old). Stefano lives in
the same city, but about 10 kms away from Joao’s house. To help with daily tasks, Joao
has two professional carers that help him (one for the day and another at night). Joao has
a routine of activities that includes walk in the park, physiotherapy, stimulation activities
(memory games, for instance), as well as feeding and medicines at specific time. The
group’s tasks are related with the care of the elderly. Whereas the elderly needs to follow
up full-time, then, the group established a routine tasks that starts when the elderly wakes
up and extend across the rest of the day. Thus the ontology is designed to represent all
aspects of the tasks of daily living (ADL) of elderly and its relationship with the other
members of the group.
       Each application will require a specific instantiation, we instantiate a health care
group. In Figure 4 it is possible to see one instance of task concept and their inferences.
This instance is the same demonstrated in the plan library (Figure 3). In this example,
you can see the specialization of the Task concept, as the relationship that it has with
the concepts Person (through the property can-be-executed-by) and Location (occurs-
in). One of inferences refers to the type CompositeTask that occurs because the concept
                    Figure 4. Instance of task concept (prepare-meal)

CompositeTask is equivalent to a task that has sub-tasks (the explanation about why the
reasoner infers the CompositeTask concept can be visualized in Figure 4).

5. Task Ontology Evaluation
We evaluated the task ontology with the group of people that used the ontology as a
resource for the Multi-Agent application development. Our goal was to identify if the
ontology was considered suitable for their needs in the development. The subjects were:
two phd candidates, two masters candidates and one developer. The evaluation consisted
of a set of open and closed questions. The closed questions are based on the Likert
scale of five points, regarding the following points: Q1: Do you consider the concepts
represented in the ontology relevant for the collaborative multi-agent application?; Q2:
Do you consider the terminology adequate?; Q3: Do you consider that the ontology
provides subsidies for the negotiation process?; Q4: Do you consider that the ontology
representation is adequate for the plan library generation?. Table 3 presents the answers.
All participants considered it relevant and the terminology was evaluated as adequated.
Similarly, the ontology was considered efficient to provide information for negotiation
and to the plan library modelling.
       In the open questions, the participants could suggest changes in the task concepts
(Q5), none was suggested. The next questions (Q6 and Q7), ask about advantages and
disadvantages of using ontologies in multi-agent systems. Regarding the advantages they
mentioned: (i) possibility of knowledge reuse; (ii) applications development become in-
dependent of the domain which may vary according to the ontology and; (iii) inferences
of new knowledge. Regarding the disadvantages they mentioned: (i) performance of the
application and (ii) the developer needs to know about ontologies.
                         Table 3. Evaluation of proposed ontology
                         Question 1         Question 2    Question 3     Question 4
       Strongly Agree    4                  4             3              3
       Agree             1                  0             1              2
       Undecided         0                  1             1              0
       Disagree          0                  0             0              0
       Strongly Disagree 0                  0             0              0

        According to the answers, we consider our ontology adequate for the representa-
tion of collaborative tasks in multi-agent systems. Issues regarding performance still must
be investigated.

6. Final Remarks
This paper presented a new task ontology, based on an extensive literature review of how
ontologies are being used as semantic models for task representation and reasoning. We
explained how the concepts, properties, and rules were defined in our ontology, and then
we exemplified the kind of inference processes that it allows. We have shown how the
model allows for knowledge inference about tasks that may be used in the coordination
of activities in groups of agents.
        The full version of our ontology consists of 34 concepts, 31 object properties, 4
date properties and 73 instances. It allows for different inferences as (i) classification
tasks into simple and composite, (ii) classification tasks that can be performed only by
adults, (iii) relocation responsible, (iv) time constraints, (v) classify people as adults or
not, among others.
        This work is part of a greater research project involving various AI techniques
such as MAS development, plan recognition, negotiation, among others. Our focus is the
representation of collaborative tasks to provide the required knowledge to other modules
developed in the project (more details about the project can be found in our other papers
[Freitas et al. 2015], [Panisson et al. 2015]). The ontology was modeled with a level of
abstraction that allows it to be reused by other applications whose focus is the represen-
tation of collaborative tasks.
        The ontology was instantiated allowing reasoning and querying. After we evalu-
ated the ontology by means of a questionnaire that was answered by developers that used
the ontology as a source of knowledge for their modules. As future work, we intend to
expand the instantiation of tasks to new scenarios of family care and reuse the ontology
in the development of other group applications.

Part of the results presented in this paper were obtained through research on a project titled
“Semantic and Multi-Agent Technologies for Group Interaction”, sponsored by Samsung
Eletrônica da Amazônia Ltda. under the terms of Brazilian federal law No. 8.248/91.

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