|title=Using the Hint Factory to Compare Model-Based Tutoring Systems
==Using the Hint Factory to Compare Model-Based Tutoring Systems==
Using the Hint Factory to Compare Model-Based Tutoring Systems Collin Lynch Thomas W. Price North Carolina State North Carolina State University University 890 Oval Drive 890 Oval Drive Raleigh, NC 27695 Raleigh, NC 27695 cflynch@ncsu.edu twprice@ncsu.edu Min Chi Tiffany Barnes North Carolina State North Carolina State University University 890 Oval Drive 890 Oval Drive Raleigh, NC 27695 Raleigh, NC 27695 mchi@ncsu.edu tmbarnes@ncsu.edu ABSTRACT Model-based tutoring systems are based upon classical ex- Model-based tutoring systems are driven by an abstract do- pert systems, which represent relevant domain knowledge main model and solver that is used for solution validation via static rule bases or sets of constraints [9]. These knowl- and student guidance. Such models are robust but costly edge bases are generally designed by domain experts or with to produce and are not always adaptive to specific students’ their active involvement. They are then paired with classical needs. Data-driven methods such as the Hint Factory are search algorithms or heuristic satisfaction algorithms to au- comparatively cheaper and can be used to generate indi- tomatically solve domain problems, identify errors in student vidualized hints without a complete domain model. In this solutions, and to provide pedagogical guidance. The goal of paper we explore the application of data-driven hint analy- the design process is to produce expert models that give the sis of the type used in the Hint Factory to existing model- same procedural advice as a human expert. Classical model- based systems. We present an analysis of two probability based tutors have been quite successful in field trials, with tutors Andes and Pyrenees. The former allows for flexible systems such as the ACT Programming Tutor helping stu- problem-solving while the latter scaffolds students’ solution dents achieve almost two standard deviations higher than path. We argue that the state-space analysis can be used to those receiving conventional instruction [5]. better understand students’ problem-solving strategies and can be used to highlight the impact of different design de- Data-driven hint generation methods such as those used in cisions. We also demonstrate the potential for data-driven Hint Factory [17] take a different approach. Rather than us- hint generation across systems. ing a strong domain model to generate a-priori advice, data- driven systems examine prior student solution attempts to identify likely paths and common errors. This prior data 1. INTRODUCTION can then be used to provide guidance by directing students Developers of model-based tutoring systems draw on do- towards successful paths and away from likely pitfalls. In main experts to develop ideal models for student guidance. contrast to the expert systems approach, these models are Studies of such systems have traditionally been focused on primarily guided not by what experts consider to be ideal their overall impact on students’ performance and not on the but by what students do. students’ user-system interaction. The Hint Factory, by con- trast, takes a data-driven approach to extract advice based Model-based systems such as Andes [18] are advantageous upon students’ problem solving paths. In this paper we will as they can provide appropriate procedural guidance to stu- apply the Hint Factory analytically to evaluate the impact dents at any point in the process. Such models can also be of user interface changes and solution constraints between designed to reinforce key meta-cognitive concepts and ex- two closely-related tutoring systems for probability. plicit solution strategies [4]. They can also scale up rapidly to include new problems or even new domain concepts which can be incorporated into the existing system and will be available to all future users. Rich domain models, however, are comparatively expensive to construct and require the long-term involvement of domain experts to design and eval- uate them. Data-driven methods for generating feedback, by contrast, require much lower initial investment and can readily adapt to individual student behaviors. Systems such as the Hint Factory are designed to extract solutions from prior student data, to evaluate the quality of those solutions, and to com- pile solution-specific hints [17]. While this avoids the need for a strong domain model, it is limited to the space of so- lutions explored by prior students. In order to incorporate new problems or concepts it is necessary to collect additional data. Additionally, such methods are not generally designed to incorporate or reinforce higher-level solution strategies. We believe that both of these approaches have inherent ad- vantages and are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Our goal in this paper is to explore what potential data-driven methods have to inform and augment model-based systems. We argue that data-driven methods can be used to: (1) evaluate the differences between closely-related systems; (2) assess the impact of specific design decisions made in those Figure 1: The Andes user interface showing the systems for user behaviors; and (3) evaluate the potential ap- problem statement window with workspace on the plication of data-driven hint generation across systems. To upper left hand side, the variable and equation win- that end we will survey relevant prior work on model-based dows on the right hand side, and the dialogue win- and data-driven tutoring. We will describe two closely- dow on the lower left. related tutoring systems and data collected from them. We will then present a series of analyses using state-based meth- ods and discuss the conclusions that we drew from them. is associated with a pre-compiled solution graph that defines the set of possible solutions and problem-solving steps. The 2. BACKGROUND system uses a principle-driven automated problem solver to compile these graphs and to identify the complete solution 2.1 Model-Based Tutoring paths. The solver is designed to implement the Target Vari- Model-based tutoring systems take a classical expert-systems able Strategy (TVS), a backward-chaining problem solving approach to tutoring. They are typically based upon a strategy that proceeds from a goal variable (in this case strong domain model composed of declarative rules and facts the answer to the problem) via principle applications to the representing domain principles and problem-solving actions given information. The TVS was designed with the help of coupled with an automatic problem solver. This knowledge domain experts and guides solvers to define basic solution base is used to structure domain knowledge, define individ- information (e.g. given variables) and then to proceed from ual problems, evaluate candidate solutions, and to provide the goal variable and use principles to define it in terms of student guidance. Novices typically interact with the system the given variables. through problem solving with the system providing solution validation, automatic feedback, pedagogical guidance, and Students working with Andes use a multi-modal user inter- additional problem-solving tasks. The Sherlock 2 system, for face to write equations, define variables and engage in other example, was designed to teach avionics technicians about atomic problem-solving steps. A screenshot of the Andes UI appropriate diagnostic procedures [11]. The system relies on can be seen in Figure 1. Andes allows students to solve prob- a domain model that represents the avionics devices being lems flexibly, completing steps in any order so long as they tested, the behavior of the test equipment, and rules about are valid [20]. A step is considered to be valid if it matches expert diagnostic methods. Sherlock 2 uses these models one or more entries in the saved solution paths and all nec- to pose dynamic challenges to problem solvers, to simulate essary prerequisites have been completed. Invalid steps are responses to their actions, and to provide solution guidance. marked in red, but no other immediate feedback is given. Andes does not force students to delete or fix incorrect en- Andes [19, 18, 20] and Pyrenees [4] are closely-related model- tries as they do not affect the solution process. In addi- driven ITSs in the domains of physics and probability. They tion to validating entries, the Andes system also uses the were originally developed at the University of Pittsburgh un- precompiled solution graphs to provide procedural guidance der the Direction of Dr. Kurt VanLehn. Like other model- (next-step-help). When students request help, the system based systems, they rely on a rule-based domain model and will map their work to the saved solution paths. It will then automatic problem solvers that treat the domain rules as select the most complete solution and prompt them to work problem-solving steps. They distinguish between higher- on the next available step. level domain concepts such as Bayes’ Rule, and atomic steps such as variable definitions. Principles are defined by a cen- One of the original goals of the Andes system was to de- tral equation (e.g. p(A|B) = (p(B|A) ∗ p(A))/p(B)) and velop a tutor that operated as an “intelligent worksheet.” encapsulate a set of atomic problem-solving steps such as The system was designed to give students the freedom to writing the equation and defining the variables within it. solve problems in any order and to apply their preferred solution strategy. The system extends this freedom by al- The systems are designed to function as homework-helpers, lowing invalid steps in an otherwise valid solution and by with students logging into the system and being assigned or allowing students to make additional correct steps that do selecting one of a set of predefined problems. Each problem not advance the solution state or are drawn from multiple state of a student’s partial solution at some point during the problem solving process, and each edge represents an action that takes the student from one state to another. A complete solution is represented as a path from the initial state to a goal state. Each state in the interaction network is assigned a weight via a value-iteration algorithm. A new student re- questing a hint is matched to a previously observed state and given context-sensitive advice. If, for example, the student is working on a problem that requires Bayes’ Rule and has al- ready defined p(A), p(B), and p(B|A) then the Hint Factory would first prompt them to consider defining p(A|B), then it would point them to Bayes Rule, before finally showing them the equation p(A|B) = (p(B|A) ∗ p(A))/p(B). These hints are incorporated into existing tutoring systems Figure 2: The Pyrenees user interface showing the in the form of a lookup table that provides state-specific problem statement at the top, the variable and equa- advice. When a user asks for help the tutor will match their tion lists on the left, and the tutor interaction win- current state to an index state in the lookup table and will dow with calculator on the lower right. prompt them to take the action that will lead them to the highest value neighboring state. If their current state is not found then the tutor will look for a known prior state or solution paths. This was motivated in part by a desire to will give up. The Hint Factory has been applied successfully make the system work in many different educational con- in a number of domains including logic proofs [17], data texts where instructors have their own preferred methods structures [8], and programming [15, 10, 13]. Researchers [20]. The designers of Andes also consciously chose only to have also explored other related methods for providing data- provide advice upon demand when the students would be driven hints. These include alternative state representations most willing to accept it. For the students however, par- [13], path construction algorithms [16, 14], and example- ticularly those with poor problem-solving skills, this passive based model-construction [12]. guidance and comparative freedom can be problematic as it does not force them to adhere to a strategy. The primary goal of the Hint Factory is to leverage prior data to provide optimal state-specific advice. By calculating This problem motivated the development of Pyrenees. Pyre- advice on a per-state basis, the system is able to adapt to nees, like Andes acts as a homework helper and supports stu- students’ specific needs by taking into account both their dents with on-demand procedural and remediation help. It current state and the paths that they can take to reach the uses an isomorphic domain model with the same principles, goal. As a consequence the authors of the Hint Factory basic steps, problems, and solution paths. Unlike Andes, argue that this advice is more likely to be in the students’ however, Pyrenees forces students to applying the target- Zone of Proximal Development and thus more responsive to variable-strategy during problem solving. It also requires their needs than a less-sensitive algorithm. them to repair incorrect entries immediately before moving on. Students are guided through the solution process with 3. METHODS a menu-driven interface, shown in Figure 2. At each step, In order to investigate the application of data-driven meth- the system asks students what they want to work on next ods to model-based tutoring systems, we collected data from and permits them to make any valid step that is consistent two studies conducted with Andes and Pyrenees in the do- with the TVS. Chi and VanLehn [3] conducted a study of the main of probability. We then transformed these datasets two systems and found that scaffolding the TVS in Pyrenees into interaction networks, consisting of states linked with helped to eliminate the gap between high and low learners. actions. We used this representation to perform a variety of This effect was observed both in the original domain where quantitative and qualitative analyses with the goal of eval- it was taught (in their case probability) and it transferred to uating the differences between the two systems and the im- a new domain (physics), where students used Andes alone. pact of the specific design decisions that were made in each. 2.2 Data-Extraction and 3.1 The Andes and Pyrenees Datasets Data-Driven Tutoring. The Andes dataset was drawn from an experiment con- One of the longstanding goals of educational data-miners is ducted at the University of Pittsburgh [3]. This study was to support the development of data-driven tutoring systems. designed to assess the differential impact of instruction in Such systems use past student data to structure pedagogical Andes and Pyrenees on students’ meta-cognitive and problem- and domain knowledge, administer conceptual and pedagog- solving skills. Participants in this study were college under- ical advice, or evaluate student performance and needs. A graduates who were required to have taken high-school level number of attempts have been made to address these goals. algebra and physics but not to have taken a course in prob- One of the most successful data-driven systems is the Hint ability or statistics. The participants were volunteers and Factory [1, 2, 17]. The Hint Factory takes an MDP-based were paid by time not performance. approach to hint generation. It takes as input a set of prior student logs for a given problem, represented as a network of Forty-four students completed the entire study. However interactions [6, 7]. Each vertex in this network represents the for the purposes of the present analysis, we drew on all 66 students who completed at least one problem in Andes- tions, this representation uniquely identifies any equation Probability. This is consistent with prior uses of the Hint for a given problem. Because we used the same state rep- Factory which draw from all students including those who resentation for both tutors, we were able to compare states did not complete the problem. The Pyrenees-Probability directly across tutors. logs from this study were not used due to problems with the data format that prevented us from completing our analysis. Additionally, we opted to ignore incorrect entries. Pyrenees From this dataset we drew 394 problem attempts covering prevents students from applying the principles of probabil- 11 problems. The average number of steps required to solve ity improperly and forces them to correct any mistakes made the problems was 17.6. For each problem we analyzed be- immediately therefore any errors in the student logs are im- tween 25 and 72 problem attempts, with an average of 35.8 mediately removed making the paths uninformative. Andes, attempts per problem. Some attempts were from the same by contrast, gives students free reign when writing equations student, with at most two successful attempts per student. and making other entries. This freedom resulted in syntac- Over all problems, 81.7% of the attempts were successful, tic errors and improper rule application errors arising in our with the remainder being incomplete attempts. dataset. The meaning of these invalid equations is inherently ambiguous and therefore difficult to incorporate into a state The Pyrenees dataset was drawn from a study of 137 stu- definition. However such errors are immediately flagged by dents conducted in the 200-level Discrete Mathematics course the system and may be ignored by the student without con- in the Department of Computer Science at North Carolina sequence as they do not affect the answer validity therefore State University. This study used the same probability text- they may be safely ignored as well. book and pre-training materials as those used in the Andes study. The students used Pyrenees as part of a homework An edge, or action, in our network represents the correct assignment, in which they completed 12 problems using the application of a rule or a correct variable definition and leads tutoring system. One of these problems was not represented to a transition from one state to another. For the present in the Andes dataset. We therefore excluded it from our dataset and state representation, the possible actions were analysis, leaving 11 shared problems. the definition or deletion of variables or equations. Each of these actions was possible in both tutors. Unlike the Andes students, however, the Pyrenees students were not always required to solve every problem. In this 4. ANALYSIS study the system was configured to randomly select some In order to develop a broader understanding of our datasets, problems or problem steps to present as worked examples we first visualized the interaction network for each problem rather than as steps to be completed. In order to ensure as a weighted, directed graph. We included attempts from that the results were equivalent we excluded the problem- both Andes and Pyrenees in the network, and weighted the level worked examples and any attempt with a step-level edges and verticies by the frequency with which it appeared worked example from our analysis. As a consequence, each in the logs. We annotated each state and edge with the problem included a different subset of these students. For weight contributed by each tutor. Two examples of these each problem we analyzed between 83 and 102 problem at- graphs are given in Figure 3. tempts, with an average of 90.8 attempts per problem. Some attempts were from the same student, with at most one suc- Throughout this section, we will use these graphs to address cessful attempt per student. Over all problems, 83.4% of the points we outlined at the end of Section 1. We begin the attempts were successful. with a case study from one problem and will explore the student problem solving strategies using our graph repre- 3.2 State and Action Representations sentation. We will then compare the Andes and Pyrenees In order to compare the data from both tutors, we repre- Systems with a variety of metrics based on this represen- sented each problem as an interaction network, a represen- tation. We will relate our observations back to the design tation used originally in the Hint Factory [7]. In the net- decisions of each system and identify evidence that may sup- work a vertex, or state, represents the sum total of a stu- port or question these decisions. Finally, we will show how dents’ current problem solving steps at a given time during the analysis methods associated with data-driven hint gen- a problem-solving attempt. Because Andes permits flexible eration can be used to validate some of these findings. step ordering while Pyrenees does not, we chose to represent the problem solving state st as the set of valid variables and 4.1 Case Study: Problem Ex242 equations defined by the student at time t. The graphical representation of a problem is very helpful for giving a high-level overview of a problem and performing A variable is a probabilistic expression, such as P (A ∪ B), qualitative analysis. Problem Ex242, shown in Figure 3, that the student has identified as important to solving the presents an interesting scenario for a number of reasons. The problem, for which the probability is known or sought. An problem was the 10th in a series of 12 practice problems, and equation represents the application of a principle of proba- asked the following: bility, which relates the values of defined variables, such as the Complement Theorem, P (A) + P (¬A) = 1. Because such equations can be written in many algebraically equiv- Events A, B and C are mutually exclusive and alent ways, we represent each equation as a 2-tuple, con- exhaustive events with p(A) = 0.2 and p(B) = sisting of the set of variables included in the equation (e.g. 0.3. For an event D, we know p(D|A) = 0.04, {P (A), P (¬A)}) and the principle being applied (e.g. Com- p(D|B) = 0.03, and p(C|D) = 0.3. Determine plement Theorem). Because we only represent valid equa- p(B|D). clude them as they represent a fair proportion of the Andes data. For instance, 62 of the 126 Andes states for Ex242 were singleton states. Interestingly, while there were small variations among their solutions, all of the Andes students choose to apply Bayes’ Rule rather than relying solely on the Conditional Probabil- ity Theorem as suggested by Pyrenees. This, coupled with the strong proportion of Pyrenees students who also chose the Bayes’ Rule solution, indicates that the solution offered by Pyrenees may be unintuitive for students, especially if they have recently learned Bayes’ Rule. Again, this can be interpreted as evidence that Pyrenees’ strong guidance did have an impact on students’ problem solving strategies, but it also raises concerns about how reasonable this guidance will appear to the students. Regardless of one’s interpreta- tion, an awareness of a trend like this can help inform the evolution of model-based tutors like Andes and Pyrenees. 4.2 Comparing datasets Figure 3: A graph representation of problems We now turn to qualitatively comparing the datasets. While Ex252a, left, and Ex242, right. States and edges are it is not a common practice to directly compare data from colored on a gradient from blue to yellow, indicating different tutors, we argue that it is appropriate, especially the number of students who reached that state in the in this context. In longstanding tutoring projects it is com- Andes and Pyrenees tutors respectively. Rounded mon for developers and researchers to make many substan- edges indicate that at least one student from both tive changes. The Andes system itself has undergone sub- tutors is present in a state. A green border indicates stantial interface changes over the course of its development a solution state, and a pink border indicates that a [20]. These changes can alter student behavior in substan- state is contained in the pedagogically “ideal” solu- tial ways, and it is important for researchers to consider tion. Edge thickness corresponds to the natural log how they affect not just learning outcomes but also problem of the number of problem attempts which included solving strategies, as was investigated by Chi et al. [4]. the given edge. In many respects the close relationship between Andes and Pyrenees makes them analogous to different versions of the The problem is notable in the Pyrenees dataset because it same tutor and the presence of an isomorphic knowledge was the only one in which the students were split almost base and problem set makes it possible for us to draw mean- evenly among two solution paths. For most of the problems ingful comparisons between students. In this section we will in the dataset the vast majority of students followed the inspect how the scaffolding design decisions made when con- optimal solution path with only a few finding alternatives. structing the tutors affected the problem solving strategies The ideal solution path, as suggested by Pyrenees’ domain exhibited by the students. model, employed repeated applications of the Conditional Probability Theorem: P (A ∩ B) = P (A|B)P (B), which the A visual inspection of the state graphs for each problem problem was designed to teach. The students had been pre- revealed significant portions of each graph were shared be- viously exposed to Bayes’ Theorem however, and over half tween the two datasets and portions that were represented of them chose to apply it instead. This allowed them to in only one of the two. Despite the fact that students using circumvent one variable definition and two applications of Andes were capable of reaching any of the states available the Conditional Probability Theorem, achieving a slightly to students in Pyrenees, many Pyrenees states were never shorter solution path. We make no argument here which discovered by Andes students. As noted in Section 4.1, this path the tutor should encourage students to take, but it is suggests that guidance from the Pyrenees tutor is successful worth noting that the Hint Factory, when trained on the in leading students down solution paths that they would not Pyrenees data for this problem, recommends the shorter, otherwise have discovered, possibly applying skills that they more popular path. would otherwise not have used. The Andes dataset gives us a very different set of insights To quantify these findings, we calculated the relative sim- into this problem. Because Andes lacks the strong pro- ilarity of students in each tutor. For a given problem, we cess scaffolding of Pyrenees, students were able to make a defined the state-similarity between datasets A and B as the wider variety of choices, leading to a graph with many more, probability that a randomly selected state from a student in less populous states. While almost every state and edge in A will be passed through by a randomly selected student the Pyrenees graph represents multiple students, the An- in B. Recall from Section 3.2 that our state representation des graph contains a number of paths, including solutions, allows us to directly compare states across tutors. By this that were reached by only one student. In some state-based definition, the self-similarity of a dataset is a measure of analyses the authors choose to omit these singleton states, how closely its students overlap each other while the cross- for instance when generating hints. We have chosen to in- similarity is a measure of how closely its students overlap States Andes Pyrenees Solution States Andes Pyrenees Solution Andes 0.551 (0.134) 0.494 (0.153) 0.478 (0.186) Andes 0.419 (0.150) 0.327 (0.139) 0.253 (0.172) Pyrenees 0.460 (0.141) 0.688 (0.106) 0.669 (0.146) Pyrenees 0.372 (0.193) 0.709 (0.145) 0.601 (0.214) Actions Andes Pyrenees Solution Actions Andes Pyrenees Solution Andes 0.878 (0.085) 0.874 (0.118) 0.851 (0.140) Andes 0.818 (0.151) 0.582 (0.168) 0.636 (0.205) Pyrenees 0.828 (0.117) 0.936 (0.021) 0.923 (0.036) Pyrenees 0.678 (0.212) 0.899 (0.038) 0.879 (0.055) Table 1: Pairwise similarity across tutors and the Table 2: Pairwise similarity across tutors and the ideal solution path. Similarities were calculated for ideal solution path calculated using a variable-free each problem, and each cell lists the mean (and stan- state representation. Rows and columns are the dard deviation) over all problems. The top half cov- same as in Table 1. ers the state similarity metrics while the bottom half of each table covers action similarity. Problem Andes Pyrenees ex132 26 (47.5%) 2 (98.7%) ex132a 13 (33.3%) 1 (100.0%) with the other dataset. Similarity measures for the datasets ex144 2 (96.6%) 1 (100.0%) can be found at the top of Table 1. ex152 11 (0.0%) 4 (0.0%) ex152a 8 (59.0%) 3 (97.4%) Predictably, both datasets have higher self-similarity than ex152b 12 (0.0%) 1 (100.0%) cross-similarity, with Pyrenees showing higher self-similarity ex212 8 (71.4%) 1 (100.0%) than Andes. This indicates that Pyrenees students chose ex242 9 (0.0%) 2 (49.38%) more homogeneous paths to the goal. This is reasonable ex252 7 (76.9%) 2 (98.4%) and consistent with the heavy scaffolding that is built into ex252a 4 (81.8%) 2 (98.6%) the system. It is important to note that our similarity met- exc137 19 (0.0%) 2 (98.75%) rics are not symmetric. The cross-similarity of Pyrenees with Andes is higher than the reverse. This indicates that Table 3: For each problem, the tables gives the num- the path taken by Pyrenees students are more likely to have ber of unique solution states represented in each tu- been observed by Andes students than vice-versa. This has tor’s dataset. Note that there may exist many solu- important implications for designers who are interested in tion paths which reach a given solution. The follow- collecting data from a system that is undergoing modifica- ing percent (in parentheses) represents the percent tions. If a system becomes increasingly scaffolded and re- solution paths that ended in the pedagogically ideal strictive over time, past data will remain more relevant than solution. in a system that is relaxed. In many ways this simply re- flects the intuition that allowing students to explore a state space more fully will produce more broadly useful data, and with the design goals of Pyrenees which was set up to guide restricting students will produce data that is more narrowly students along the otherwise unfamiliar path of the TVS. useful. Note that here we are only observing trends, and we make no claims of statistical significance. We also opted to examine the impact of the variable defini- tions on our evaluation. As noted above, variable definitions In our analysis, we found that, within both datasets, many are an atomic action. They do not depend upon any event solution paths or sub-paths differed only in the order that assertion and thus have no ordering constraints unlike the actions were performed. In our domain, many actions do principles. We did so with the hypothesis that this would not have ordering constraints. It is possible, for example, increase the similarity metrics for the datasets by eliminat- to define the variables A and B in either order, and the re- ing the least constrained decisions from consideration. Our sulting solution paths would deviate from one another. We results are shown in Table 2 below. Contrary to our ex- thus sought to determine how much of the observed differ- pectations, this actually reduced the similarity both within ence between our two datasets was due to these ordering and across the datasets, with the exception of Pyrenees’ self- effects. To that end we define the action-similarity between similarity. Thus the unconstrained variable definitions did datasets A and P as the probability that a randomly se- not substantially contribute to the dissimilarity. Rather, lected action performed by a student in A will have been most of the variation lay in the order of principle applica- performed by a by a randomly selected student in B. These tions. values are shown in the bottom of Table 1, and each of the trends observed for state-similarity hold, with predictably 4.3 Similarity to an “ideal" solution higher similarity values. We now turn to exploring how well the ideal solution was represented in the datasets. For both tutors the ideal solu- It is notable that the similarity between Pyrenees and Andes tion is the pedagogically-desirable path constructed via the is almost as high as Andes’ self-similarity, indicating that the TVS. Our measure of cross-similarity between two datasets actions taken by Pyrenees students are almost as likely to can also be applied between a single solution path and a be observed in Andes students as Pyrenees students. This dataset by treating the single solution as a set of one. We suggests that, for the most part, the Andes students per- can thus measure the average likelihood of an ideal solution formed a superset of the actions performed by the Pyrenees state appearing in a student’s solution from each dataset. students. Thus the impact of Pyrenees is most visible in the The results of this calculation are shown in tables 1 and 2, order of execution, not the actions chosen. This is consistent using both the state- and action-similarities explained ear- lier. Predictably, the solution has a high similarity with Pyrenees students, as these students are scaffolded tightly and offered few chances to deviate from the path. As Table 3 shows, Pyrenees students were funneled almost exclusively to the ideal solution on the majority of prob- lems, even if their paths to the solution were variable. We found only one problem, Ex152, where the Pyrenees stu- dents missed the ideal path. That was traced to a pro- gramming error that forced students along a similar path. Otherwise, there was only one problem, Ex242 (discussed in Section 4.1), where a meaningful percentage of students chose a different solution. The Andes students, by contrast, were much less likely to finish in the ideal solution state, but this was also problem-dependent. 4.4 Applications of the Hint Factory Finally, having shown that the datasets differ, and that these Figure 4: The four Cold Start curves, averaged differences are consistent with the differing design choices of across all problems. The x-axis shows the number of the two tutors, we sought to determine what effect those students used to train the model, and the y-access differences would have on data-driven hint generation. Our shows the percentage of a new student’s path that goal was to determine how applicable a hint model of the has available hints. The curve labeled “XvY” indi- type produced by the Hint Factory would be for one dataset cates training on the X dataset and selecting a new if it was trained on another. To that end we performed a student from the Y dataset (A = Andes; P = Pyre- modified version of the Cold Start Experiment [1], which nees). is designed to measure the number of state-specific hints that Hint Factory can provide given a randomly selected dataset. The Cold Start experiment functions like leave- one-out cross-validation for state-based hint generation. In system in the same domain. Clearly a substantive interface the original Cold Start experiment, one student was selected and scaffolding change of the type made in Pyrenees can at random and removed from the dataset, to represent a change the state space sufficiently that we cannot trivially “new” student using the tutor. Each remaining student in rely on our prior data. On the other hand, while the cross- the dataset was then added, one at a time, in a random application of data does have upper limits, those limits are order to the Hint Factory’s model. On each iteration, the comparatively high. Clearly data from a prior system can be model is updated and the percentage of states on the ‘new’ reused and can serve as a reliable baseline for novel system, student’s path for which a hint is available is calculated. with the caveat that additional exploratory data is required. This is repeated a desired number of times with new students to account for ordering effects. 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION For the present study we calculated cold-start curves for Our goal in this paper was to evaluate the application of both the Pyrenees and Andes datasets. We also calculated data-driven methods such as the Hint Factory to model- curves using the opposing dataset to illustrate the growth based tutoring systems. To that end we analyzed and com- rate for cross-tutor hints. For these modified curves we se- pared datasets collected from two closely-related tutoring lected the hint-generating students from the opposing dataset. systems: Andes and Pyrenees. Through our analysis we All four curves are shown in Figure 4. Here AvA and PvP sought to: (1) evaluate the differences between closely-related designate the within tutor curves for Andes and Pyrenees systems; (2) assess the impact of specific design decisions respectively while PvA and AvP designate the cross-tutor made in those systems for user behaviors; and (3) evalu- curves for hints from Pyrenees provided to Andes users and ate the potential application of data-driven hint generation vice-versa. Figure 4 represents an average over all problems, across systems. and therefore the x-axis extends only as far as the minimum number of students to complete a problem. As the curves We found that, while the systems shared isomorphic domain illustrate, the within-tutor curves reach high rates of cov- models, problems, and ideal solutions, the observed user be- erage relatively quickly with PvP reaching a plateau above haviors differed substantially. Students using the Andes sys- 95% after 21 students and AvA reaching 85%. tem explored the space more widely, were more prone to identify novel solutions, and rarely followed the ideal solu- The cross-tutor curves, by contrast, reach much lower lim- tion path. Students in Pyrenees, by contrast, were far more its. AvP reaches a plateau of over 75% coverage, while PvA homogeneous in their solution process and were limited in reaches a plateau of 60% coverage. This reflects the same the alternative routes they explored. Contrary to our expec- trends observed in Tables 1 and 2, where Andes better ex- tations, we found that this variation was not due to simple plains the Pyrenees data than vice-versa; however, neither ordering variations in the simplest of steps but of alterna- dataset completely covers the other. On the one hand this tive strategy selection for the higher-level domain principles. result is somewhat problematic as it indicates that prior data This is largely consistent with the design decisions that mo- has a limited threshold for novel tutors or novel versions of a tivated both systems and with the results of prior studies. We also found that the state-based hint generation method Building Expert Systems. Addison-Wesley Publishing used in the Hint Factory can be applied to the Andes and Company Inc., Reading, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 1983. Pyrenees data given a suitable state representation. For this [10] A. Hicks, B. Peddycord III, and T. Barnes. 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