=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1446/amadl_pap5 |storemode=property |title=La Mort du Chercheur: How well do students' subjective understandings of affective representations used in self- report align with one another's, and researchers'? |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1446/amadl_pap5.pdf |volume=Vol-1446 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/edm/WixonAOWBA15 }} ==La Mort du Chercheur: How well do students' subjective understandings of affective representations used in self- report align with one another's, and researchers'?== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1446/amadl_pap5.pdf
La Mort du Chercheur: How well do students’ subjective
 understandings of affective representations used in self-
   report align with one another’s, and researchers’?

Wixon1, Danielle Allessio2, Jaclyn Ocumpaugh3, Beverly Woolf2, Winslow Burleson4
                                  and Ivon Arroyo1
                   Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester Massachusetts
                              {mwixon, iarroyo}@wpi.edu
                       University of Massachusetts, Amherst Massachusetts
                        {allessio@educ, bev@cs}.umass.edu
                 Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York
                            New York University, New York, New York

       Abstract. We address empirical methods to assess the reliability and design of
       affective self-reports. Previous research has shown that students may have sub-
       jectively different understandings of the affective state they are reporting [18],
       particularly among younger students[10]. For example, what one student de-
       scribes as “extremely frustrating” another might see as only “mildly frustrat-
       ing.” Further, what students describe as “frustration” may differ between indi-
       viduals in terms of valence, and activation. In an effort to address these issues,
       we use an established visual representation of educationally relevant emotional
       differences [3, 8, 25]. Students were asked to rate various affective terms and
       facial expressions on a coordinate axis in terms of valence and activation. In so
       doing, we hope to begin to measure the variability of affective representations
       as a measurement tool. Quantifying the extent to which representations of affect
       may vary provides a measure of measurement error to improve reliability.

       Keywords: Affective States; Intelligent Tutoring Systems; Reasons for Affect

1      Introduction

The evaluation of students’ affective states remains an incredibly difficult challenge.
While recognized as a key indicator of student engagement [14, 17, 26], there remains
no clear gold-standard for identifying an affective state, leading to researchers such as
Graesser & D’Mello [13] to call for greater attention to the theoretical stances that
certain research methods entail. A full theoretical review is beyond the scope of this
paper; instead, the current work presents a pilot study designed to empirically evalu-
ate the reliability of two different types of affective self-reports in an educational
context. Reliability is measured both in terms of inter-rater reliability (the degree of
agreement between students), and “inter-method” reliability (i.e. given words or facial
expressions as representations of affective states, which representation produces more
consistent results).
   A considerable body of research has been devoted to affect computing, and in par-
ticular to affect detection in educational software [9]. Progress has been made with
methods that include self-report [8, 10], physiological sensors [1, 24], video-based
retrospective reports [5, 15], text-based [11, 19], and field observation [16, 23] data.
However, much of this research evaluates success based on the ability of a model to
predict when a training label is present or absent, without giving deeper consideration
to questions about the appropriateness of the training label itself.
   Even within limited to the body of research that relies on self-report research, there
are serious concerns about how methodological decisions might impact student re-
sponses. In addition to issues about the frequency and timing of surveys, one primary
area of concern is that students may have subjectively different understandings of the
state they are reporting [19], an effect that is likely to be even greater among younger
students [10]. For example, Graesser and D’Mello [13] have suggested that a stu-
dents’ tolerance of cognitive disequilibrium (e.g., confusion or frustration) is probably
conditioned by their knowledge and prior success with the topic they are interacting
with. Further, what students describe as “frustration” in itself may differ between
individuals in terms of dimensional component measures of affect: valence, activa-
tion, and dominance. The former two dimensions are typically used to differentiate
affective states [4], and the latter used in some cases [7].
   In this study, we explore these interpretative issues using three different types of
representations that have been employed in previous self-report studies: words, facial
expressions, and dimensional measures. In particular, we are interested in verifying
that students’ understanding of the meaning of these representations aligns with inter-
pretations of these labels that are present in the literature (as constructed by experts).
To this end, we use dimensional measures (valence & activation) to compare how
students respond to both linguistic representations and pictorial representations, fur-
ther testing hypotheses that the latter might be more appropriate for surveying stu-
dents [19, 21, 22]. Our goal is to determine the extent to which this student popula-
tion shows variance in the interpretation of these two different types of representa-
tions, since substantial variation in student perception should be accounted for in sub-
sequent research. Last, while we might achieve researcher agreement in terms of
methods and terminology for self-reported affects, that will do little good if there is a
large degree of variance in terms of our subject pool’s agreement on the meaning of
these constructs.

1.1    Methods

Students surveyed included eighty one 7th graders from two Californian middle
schools in a major city (among the 30 most populous cities in California), where a
majority of census respondents identified as Hispanic or Latino and median household
income was within one standard deviation of California’s overall median household
income. They were surveyed at the end of the academic year.

                Fig. 1. Blank Valence & Activation Sheet given to Students

   Students were asked to place both textual and facial representations of affect on an
XY axis of Activation=X Valence=Y. Textual representations of affect were selected
based on the affective states that have been used in the past [2, 12], that corresponded
to quite different levels of activation x valence according to us researchers, so that
words would theoretically cover all quadrants. These terms and their researcher-
hypothesized valence x arousal placements included: Angry (low valence x high acti-
vation), Anxious (low valence x high activation), Bored (low valence x low activa-
tion), Confident (high valence x low activation), Confused (med-low valence x med-
high activation), Enjoying (high valence x medium activation), Excited (high valence
x high activation), Frustrated (low valence x high activation), Interested (high valence
x medium activation) and Relieved (high valence x med-low activation). In general, it
was clear to the researchers which word corresponded to which face, with a few ex-
ceptions, such as the level of activation that should be associated to enjoying and
interest. An established set of emoticons were chosen from previous affective re-
search [8] that corresponded to extreme emoticon states of activation x valence x
dominance. While the emoticons possessed these three attributes, our participants
were asked only to orient them based on activation and valence.
   Each student was presented with a sheet of paper depicting a coordinate axis with
activation from “sleepy” to “hyper” on the x-axis and “bad” to “great” on the y-axis.
These terms were used to express what valence and activation mean experientially,
using language that children are familiar with and could relate to. Activation is then
expressed more as a physical experience of arousal, while Valence is expressed not as
much as a physical experience but as a judgment of the positive or negative nature of
the experience. Later, during coding, these axes were mapped discretized into a seven
point scale of -3 to 0 to +3 at either extreme of each axis, defining a grid of 7 x 7.
   Students were also given stickers for the 10 separate affective terms: Angry, Anx-
ious, Bored, Confident, Confused, Enjoying, Excited, Frustrated, Interested, & Re-
lieved, see Figure 2; as well as 8 stickers to depict each extreme emoticon expression
from the ends of each of the 3 axis coordinate systems including: pleasure, activation,
and dominance [8]. Students placed each of these stickers on their coordinate axes
according to where they felt each term or emoticon should be placed with respect to
valence and activation.

Fig. 2. Directly from Broekens, & Brinkman, 2013 [8]. Top left displays the affect button inter-
face. Students use the cursor to change the expression in the inter-face. Depending on their
actions, one of 40 affective expressions may be displayed; these expressions, shown across the
bottom of this figure, are designed to vary based on pleasure (valence), activation, and domi-
nance (PAD for brevity). From left to right first row: elated (PAD=1,1,1), afraid (-1,1,-1), sur-
prised (1,1,-1), sad (-1,-1,-1). From left to right second row: angry (-1,1,1), relaxed (1,-1,-1),
content(1,-1,1), frustrated (-1,-1,1). Top right displays PAD extremes, which serve as the basis
for this research.

2       Results

Mean positioning results are displayed visually in figure 3, corresponding to the posi-
tion that each word or emoticon sticker was placed averaged across all respondents.
Missing data occurred in which students may not have placed every sticker. On aver-
age any given term or emoticon was missing 16.6 reports, with a maximum of 23
students of 81 missing reports for boredom, frustration, and relief. The average stu-
dent was only missing 3.7 out of 18 terms and emoticons from their sheet, and there
were 5 students who turned in completely blank sheets.

               Fig. 3. Averaged Placement of Text and Emoticon Stickers
Interestingly, the placement of -PAD and -P-AD (negative sign indicating most ex-
treme negative activation, pleasure, dominance, lack of a negative indicating most
extreme positive, see figure 2 caption) match up with their respective terms “Angry”
and “Frustrated” very closely. However, while both seem to be at the extreme end of
negative valence, on average both seem to be viewed as fairly neutral in terms of
activation by students. Although all emoticons and terms fall under the expected half
of the coordinate axes in terms of valence (i.e. those we would expect to be pleasura-
ble are categorized as above the origin, those displeasurable below it), activation does
not follow this trend. For example anxiety is rated as neutral activation. One possible
explanation, consistent with the results, is that students may be grouping activation
and dominance together as a single measure. Emoticons with both negative activation
and dominance were rated most negatively in terms of activation, those with either
negative activation or dominance tended to fall in the middle, and the rating with all
positive PAD was the emoticon with the highest rated activation.



          Table 1. Means and Standard Deviations of Students’ placement of stickers.

   One key goal of this work was to determine the degree of variance between stu-
dents in terms of where they placed each term or emoticon. Given any affective term,
there was little difference between the standard deviation for terms (mean S.D for
terms = 1.20) and faces (mean S.D. for faces = 1.18). However, there was a larger
difference between the standard deviation in activation (mean S.D for activation of
terms or faces = 1.33) and valence (mean S.D for valence of terms or faces = 1.05),
suggesting that students may have a greater degree of agreement in regarding rating
the valence of affective representations than the activation it produces in them, which
is consistent with the finding that affective representations fall on the division be-
tween positive and negative valence as we would categorize them, but not necessarily
in terms of activation.

3      Discussion

The results presented in this article highlight a few different conclusions: a) students
did not necessarily match emoticons or affective terms to the quadrants where re-
searchers would have placed them, mostly in relation to activation; b) there is a large
variation across these middle-school students in terms of where they placed a specific
emotion within the axes of valence x arousal.
   Characterizing researcher common expectations for arousal or activation is diffi-
cult, as many researchers only tentatively suggest how emotional states may be char-
acterized in terms of activation. Pekrun found data to support boredom being some-
what deactivating, [18]. Russell [25] explores the components of affect and offers a
few hypotheses which are summarized in figure 1 of Baker et al 2010 [3] wherein
boredom is characterized as deactivating, while frustration, surprise, and delight are
characterized as activating. Broekens’ [8] emoticons follow the scheme outlined in
the figure 2 caption: elation, fear, surprise, and anger are seen as activating, while
sadness, relaxation, contentment, and frustration are seen as deactivating.
   Students seem to agree that delight or elation is highly activating along with ex-
citement, and boredom is deactivating along with sadness and relaxation. However,
we found that students viewed an emoticon of fear as deactivating, and other affective
states placed relatively close to neutral in terms of activation.
   There are a few points of methodological concern. Firstly, the order that the stu-
dents’ place their stickers may be important: beyond a simple priming effect of con-
sidering one term/emoticon before another, by placing one item first students are
changing the affordance of the coordinate axis itself by adding a milestone in the form
of a term or emoticon. In future research, we could consider including fewer stimuli
for placement or giving students a clean chart for each stimuli.
   A second point of concern is one of validity. The terms, emoticons, and even the
coordinate axis itself are abstract descriptors of affective states, which in this experi-
ment are divorced from the actual experiences students may be having.
   By placing our study outside the experimental environment we are likely reducing
the validity of this work in exchange for simplicity of study design (i.e. not requiring
students to respond with faces and words on the axis at various points in their experi-
   The work of Bieg et al. [6] tells a much larger story than recommending against
self-reports out of context. Out of context self-reports were found to bias in a con-
sistent direction as compared to in context self-reports. However we maintain this
method is “less valid” rather than “invalid”. Further, if we take into consideration the
savings in class time an out of context self-report may actually be a better study de-
sign choice in some cases. It is our position that establishing more quantitative com-
parisons of reliability will yield better relative comparisons of validity and allow for
improved study design.
   This argument can be extended to affective research in general in the distinction
between emotional experience and appraisal. We conceptualize the experience itself
as the construct, and the cognitive appraisal process as a means of communicating
that experience. The appraisal may be performed to send communication (e.g. having
an experience and generating a representation of that experience for others), or re-
ceive communication (e.g. identify a representation as signifying an emotional state).
   From this standpoint we suggest that the fewer steps of appraisal exist, the greater
the face validity of an appraisal is in terms of reflecting an emotional experience. This
is consistent with the findings of [6] wherein aggregate appraisal may differ from
immediate contextual appraisal and we tend to view immediate appraisal as having
greater face validity. This hypothesis also lends credence to the belief that external
appraisal of an unconsciously generated representation (which may still be uncon-
sciously meant to communicate an experience), in the form of facial expressions may
be more valid than self-report measures wherein experiences are appraised by both
subject and researcher. However, while passing through multiple appraisals may risk
loss of information, the quality and richness of the appraisal may also play a role.
   While validity remains very difficult to establish with regard to affect by testing
“inter-method” or “representational” reliability perhaps we can building convergent
and discriminant validity: multiple representations indicating the same construct
across multiple participants. We maintain that reliability and validity are continuous
rather than discrete traits of models. Therefore, we wish to reach consensus on meth-
ods of determining reliability and validity and then begin applying them to methods of
inferring the experience of emotion. This work is a means of determining reliability
between appraisals of representations of emotion rather than reliability of appraisals
of emotions themselves. This is to say that matching particular facial expression to
their personal lexicon of categorical affective terms, a high degree of agreement may
validate the relationship between depictions of affect textually and facially, but not
between either of those representations and the experience of an emotion.
   A potential way towards greater validity and reliability could be to cognitively in-
duce an emotional experience by asking students to respond to how they would feel
given a particular situation (e.g. “Report on how you’d feel if you failed a math
test.”). Of course there may be a distinction between induced affect and “organic”
affect, further there will be a broad degree of subjectivity based on how individual
students might feel about any given situation. Therefore the variance in responses
could be attributed at least to two types of factors: those pertaining to both how stu-
dents’ believe they would feel in a given context, and those pertaining to students’
ability to report that subjective experience through self-report measures. While there
isn’t a clear way to disambiguate between which type of factor is responsible for the
variance here, such an approach might be able to establish a conservative maximum
of error in self-report measurements, because two students might have very different
feelings about failing a math exam. In essence, we have measured variance in reliabil-
ity here, not validity.
   Finally, while reliability of self-report measures should inform their design, there
may be cases of diminishing returns where a slight improvement in reliability has
heavy costs for implementation workload, response time, or other practical concerns.
We need not pick the measure with the highest available reliability; however it would
be good to have some empirical handle on the relative reliabilities of different types
of self-report measures. Perhaps the greatest thing to come out of this work would be
future collaborations which might better address these concerns.

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